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Spiritual Gems (10 min.)
Ps 102:6. Why did the psalmist say that he was like a pelican? (it-2 629).
In the Bible, the pelican also symbolizes desolation, due to its preference for living in uninhabited places far from populated areas. The psalmist uses this comparison to illustrate the feeling of desolation he felt in his life.
The lonely and secluded grounds that Pelicans frequent resemble the emotional state of the psalmist who felt that his life was empty and companionless, similar to a pelican in a desert or swamp. This imagery emphasizes not only his personal sadness, but also a sense of complete abandonment, comparing his anguish to the total destruction and desolation that prophets such as Isaiah and Zephaniah foretold for Edom, which Pelicans would come to avoid as a symbol of total ruin.
The psalmist compared himself to a pelican to illustrate his deep loneliness and sadness. The pelican seeks out desolate places where it remains motionless for long periods of time, reflecting a state of desolation and abandonment. The psalmist felt isolated and overwhelmed by grief, but by remembering that Jehovah is his creator, he also recognizes that as part of Jehovah's people, he can always count on his care and support, even if he feels alone. Jehovah is like a shepherd who never abandons his sheep.
This comparison is due to several characteristics of the pelican. The pelican prefers uninhabited and solitary places. After eating, it adopts a melancholic posture, motionless for hours. And it withdraws to remote places to nest, incubate and rest. In the Bible, the pelican symbolizes total desolation.
The psalmist felt abandoned and alone in his suffering, immobile and paralyzed by grief. Far from the presence of God. Immersed in a deep spiritual desolation. The pelican in the Bible represents loneliness, desolation, and separation from God. The psalmist uses this image to express his deep sorrow and feeling of abandonment.
Sometimes we feel like pelicans, isolated, sad, and powerless, perhaps due to personal or spiritual difficulties. This passage teaches me that it is normal to feel this way at times, but it also reminds me that we are not alone, Jehovah takes care of us as his own people, and even if emotions overwhelm us, we can always turn to him in prayer. Since our creator Jehovah knows our struggles, and is willing to give us the comfort and strength we need, I can take comfort in knowing that even if I feel isolated like a pelican in a desolate place, Jehovah is always near.
The example of the pelican also makes me think of the importance of finding refuge in Jehovah in the most difficult times. When I feel alone or desolate, instead of staying still in my sadness, I can seek Jehovah's help. He is a loving shepherd who not only cares for us, but also guides us toward spiritual comfort. This verse encourages me not to let myself be consumed by negative feelings, but to seek Jehovah's support through prayer and the study of his word, because that will help me overcome any feeling of desolation or sadness.
What spiritual pearls have you found in this week's Bible reading?
Psalms 100:5. This verse also teaches us that Jehovah does not change; just as he has been good, loving and faithful in the past, he will continue to be so in the future, which gives us deep security and confidence in our relationship with him.
Psalm 100:2. This verse teaches us the importance of serving God with joy, even though sometimes the circumstances in this system can make us sad, and remembering that He is real and is with us can give us Peace.
Psalm 100:3. This text speaks of God the maker or creator, contrary to what some present as theories that deny the existence of God, we believe that there is a creator who is interested in us.
Psalm 100:3. This text also motivates us to prepare ourselves to defend the truth of the Bible, for example, what would we say to an atheist, an agnostic, what arguments do we have to defend our belief in a creator? The organization has given us articles that make us reason even with scientific arguments.
Psalm 100:4 teaches us that it is important to always be grateful to Jehovah, instead of living complaining about what we cannot change, we give thanks for the blessings that he allows us to have, by being grateful we can enjoy and be happy with what we have.
Psalm 100:5. It teaches us that Jehovah is good, we bless God's name by always speaking of him, and his magnificent qualities move us to praise him.
Psalm 100:4,5. Our being thankful to God means we would be very different from most people today. They tend to overlook God and what He has done.
Psalm 101:2 teaches us that if Jehovah is real to us, we will take into account his feelings when making a decision. For example, we will not for a moment think about doing something wrong and then hiding it from the elders of the congregation or from our family. Instead, we will try to walk with God even when no human being is watching us.
Psalm 101:2. The psalmist showed that even inside his home, where others could not see him, he walked in integrity of his heart. While we are at home watching television or the computer, it is possible that our obedience is being tested right there. For this reason, it is important to ask ourselves the following questions: What will we do if something immoral appears to us? Will we continue watching it or will we change it?
Psalm 101:2 teaches us that it is important to act with problems, this applies to our life in general, we avoid speeding, we avoid exposing ourselves to danger when we preach, we even avoid going alone into dangerous territory.
Psalm 101:3. Anything that can harm our conscience and our friendship with Jehovah is a thing that does no good. Therefore, we should not fix our gaze on anything that sows evil desires in our hearts and tempts us to sin.
Psalm 101:3. This text also encourages us to use good judgment in dressing with decorum, modesty, and modesty. We will avoid provocative, revealing, and tight styles that could cause others to stumble in meetings and preaching. Failing to do so could cause those around us to stumble.
Psalm 101:5. This text teaches us that we must take care of ourselves from slander. First of all, we must avoid sinning with our words by slandering anyone or repeating information that we do not know, and we must take care of those who have this problem of slander.
Psalm 102:2-7. This text teaches us that we must take care of ourselves and support ourselves, especially when someone is going through grief or depression. The psalmist experienced this; he lost weight, did not want to eat, cried a lot, could not sleep. If we have experienced situations that have hit us so hard, we surely understand the psalmist; we only have to entrust ourselves to Jehovah.
Psalms 101:2. says I will act prudently, which means we should think carefully before we act, making wise decisions and reflecting on the possible consequences in daily life. This involves considering how our actions will affect others and how they align with biblical principles.
Psalm 101:3. This verse makes me think about how important it is to be careful with what we see and what we allow to influence our mind and heart. Nowadays it is easy to be surrounded by negative things, whether on television, social media or in our environment and we have to be selective. Jehovah wants us to avoid what can divert us from doing his will. For me, this verse encourages me to be more aware of what I see and hear and to make decisions that please Jehovah.
Psalm 101:6. This verse makes me think about the importance of loyalty and integrity. Jehovah notices those who strive to be faithful even when it is difficult. This text encourages me to be a person of integrity in all areas of my life, not only when someone is watching but also when I am alone. Jehovah appreciates those who are principled, and that motivates me to continue striving to do what is right, even in small daily decisions.
Psalm 101:7. This verse makes me think about the importance of honesty to Jehovah, he dislikes lies because he is the God of truth. This motivates me to be honest in all things. Even in situations where it might be easier or more convenient to lie, trust in our relationships with others, especially within the congregation and family, is built on truth and as Jehovah rejects liars, this verse reminds me that I must always be sincere and transparent.
Psalm 102:12. Here it is emphasized that Jehovah is eternal, while we are transient. This verse helps me remember that even though our lives are short and sometimes we face difficult problems, Jehovah will always be there, his purpose and sovereignty do not change. This gives me comfort because I know that no matter what happens we can always trust in Jehovah, he has a long-term plan that will bring eternal blessings to all who serve him faithfully.
Psalm 102:25-27. This passage reminds me of Jehovah's stability in the face of the changing world. Material things like the earth or the heavens are fleeting compared to Jehovah's eternity. This helps me not to get too attached to material things, because I know that only Jehovah and his purpose will remain forever. Even if the world we know changes, Jehovah remains the same, faithful and trustworthy. This thought gives me peace, because I can fully trust Jehovah knowing that he does not change.
Psalm 100:2. This verse reminds me that our worship of Jehovah should be full of joy. It is not just about fulfilling our responsibilities, such as attending meetings or preaching, but doing so with a happy heart. If I think about everything Jehovah has done for me, it motivates me to serve him with enthusiasm. When we are joyful in our service, that positive attitude can spread to others and also bring joy to Jehovah.
Psalms 101:3. The psalmist makes a firm commitment to put nothing despicable before his eyes, which can be applied to what we choose to see or expose ourselves to, whether in the media, entertainment, or relationships. Today, with so much information available, it is important to be selective and avoid content that may distance us from moral and spiritual principles. This verse reminds us of the importance of protecting our minds and hearts from harmful influences.
Psalm 100:4. This text shows us that we must show gratitude to our creator for all his blessings, it is important to praise him daily and recognize his greatness and power.
Psalm 102:6. In this text, the psalmist expressed his feelings of abandonment and loneliness. We can also feel alone and sad, but we must remember that God is always with us, loves us and cares for us. So when we feel this way, let's talk to him and express our feelings.
Psalm 102:7. This text shows us that at some point we may feel lonely like a bird without company, however, like the psalmist, we must seek comfort and refuge in our creator, since our God is always with us.
Psalm 102:15. This verse shows us that soon all the nations of the world will recognize that Jehovah is the true God, and they will have to bow before him as the Almighty God.
Psalm 102:20-21. This reading teaches us the great work that we have as servants of God. We must value the privilege of proclaiming the good news so that people can be friends of God.
Psalm 102:22. This verse reminds us of Jehovah's sovereignty and the purpose of humanity, which is to give honor and glory to our creator. Soon our God will be honored and worshiped universally.
Psalm 102:12. This verse teaches us that God's name will remain forever, since He is eternal and His name will last from generation to generation, this is something that urges us to proclaim Him throughout our lives.
Psalm 102:23. This text shows us the brevity of life, and how we should value every moment of this precious gift that our creator has given us, so we should strive to live our lives praising our creator, and let him be our priority and let our behavior show that we are grateful for such a beautiful gift.
Psalm 102:25. This text teaches us to recognize the greatness and sovereignty of our God; we must meditate daily on His power and wisdom. In this way, we will always remember that our creator is an eternal God, creator of all things; this is something that fills us with gratitude.
Psalm 102:28. This verse tells us that our creator offers protection to his loyal servants and to future generations, this is something that fills us with hope and gratitude.
Psalm 102:26. This verse teaches us that Jehovah God is eternal, and while everything created is temporary and subject to change, Jehovah is the source of stability. This motivates us to live according to his eternal principles and to share with others the hope of eternal life.
Psalm 102:27. This text shows us that Jehovah is always the same, and He is an eternal God, without beginning or end. This guarantees us that all His promises will be fulfilled without fail, since He is a God who does not lie.
Psalm 100:1-2. These verses remind us that we must praise Jehovah with joy and enthusiasm; when we participate in the service we must do so with joy and happiness.
Psalm 101:2. This text reminds us that we must strive to live with integrity, with a clear conscience and to be Christians in these ways. In this way we will bring joy to our creator.
Psalm 102:1. This reading teaches us that Jehovah can hear the prayers of all who are overwhelmed, our Father can hear the cries for help and gives us his support and comfort.
Psalm 101: 2. This text teaches us the importance of keeping ourselves clean and maintaining an upright heart at all times. We must not let the influence of this system damage our spirituality. We must strive to be considered righteous before Jehovah.
Psalm 101:3. This verse teaches us how King David made a wise decision not to put anything that was worthless before his eyes. This teaches us that we too must live cleanly, be upright, and show fidelity to our father.
Psalm 101:4. This text shows us that we must not allow evil to come near us, that is, we must keep a clear conscience and protect our heart. We do this when we are very careful about the friendships we choose, the type of content we watch. If we do so, we will maintain our integrity.
Psalms 101:4. This verse highlights that Jehovah seeks people with an upright and honest heart; he distances himself from those who practice wickedness or have a corrupt spirit. To walk with God, it is not enough to pretend to be good; we must be good from the inside, with sincerity and purity.
Psalm 101:4. This verse invites us to reflect on the condition of our own hearts. There are attitudes or thoughts that we need to abandon. To be more in line with Jehovah's principles, it is important to do a self-examination and correct any behavior that deviates from righteousness.
Psalm 101:5. Through this Psalm, Jehovah shows his firm stance against those who harm others with their secret words. This teaches us that we must be careful with what we say about others and not participate in slander or encourage rumors.
Psalm 102:1. This psalm reminds us that we must approach Jehovah in prayer. Communication with him is essential and should be daily, just as we communicate with our best friends in times of need, in the same way we must be with Jehovah and present to him our concerns and afflictions.
Psalm 102:11. The comparison of the days as a fading shadow reminds us that life is fleeting and we must value each moment and take advantage of the opportunities we have. By mentioning that he is withering like the grass, the psalmist recognizes the vulnerability of our human condition. This teaches us to be humble and to recognize that we depend on Jehovah for our strength.
Psalm 102:12. The declaration that God remains forever reminds us that He is eternal. Throughout our lives, circumstances and people may change, but Jehovah is always the same, giving us a sense of stability and confidence.
Psalm 102:19. The idea that Jehovah watches over the earth implies that he is aware of our difficulties and sufferings. This gives us comfort, knowing that we are not alone and that he is aware of our needs.
Psalm 102:3. This text shows us that suffering and affliction can be overwhelming, so much so that it can weaken us, but we must remember that our beloved Father does not leave us alone, so we must go to Him and cast our burdens, confident that He will give us a way out.
Psalm 102:5. This verse shows us that suffering can affect our physical well-being; anguish is something that can affect us all. When it says that the bones are stuck to the skin, we imagine a great, wasting weakness that can be felt, it is as if we were consumed by pain, but in the midst of that despair there is an important truth, our God does not listen to us and sees our anguish and is willing to help us.
Psalm 102:17. This verse gives us hope and comfort, and reminds us that Jehovah is not far away, He cannot be heard, and He cares for all those who are suffering. Knowing that God cares for all people and does not look down on us gives us peace of mind and fills us with hope.
Psalm 101:8. From this text we learn that Jehovah, being a just God, will judge the wicked, so we can have full confidence that wickedness will not prevail forever.
Psalm 102:1. We notice that in times of anguish we can feel alone, but this verse reminds us that our Father Jehovah is always available for each one of us, he does not hide, nor does he ignore our cries, if we are going through a bad time, we can go to him with full confidence that he will be our refuge.
Psalm 101:5. This text shows us that Jehovah rejects those who speak deceitfully and falsely, so we have to value truth and integrity and always be honest, this is something fundamental in our relationship with our creator.
Psalm 101:6. This text shows us that he will look for people who are loyal and faithful. Jehovah is such a loving father that he does not expect perfection from his servants, he only expects us to serve him with a sincere heart and to do our best to do the right thing.
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