Tuesday, October 15, 2024

SPIRITUAL GEMS: Week of October 14-20, 2024, Psalm 96-99, Answers.

SPIRITUAL GEMS: 14-20-October-2024, Psalm 96-99, Answers.

Spiritual Gems (10 min.)

Ps 96:1. What does the expression “a new song” usually refer to? (it-1 412).

We see that the expression a new song that appears in Psalm 96:1 and other passages of the scriptures such as Isaiah and Revelation, usually refers to a proclamation of praise due to new and notable events related to the exercise of Jehovah's sovereignty.

In the context of Psalm 96, the announcement that Jehovah himself has become king stands out, which indicates a change or advance in Jehovah's government, a government that deserves to be celebrated with a new expression of praise. This new song highlights the importance of events related to the earth.

What spiritual pearls have you found in this week's Bible reading?

Psalm 96:2. The third part of the verse reminds us of our responsibility to proclaim the message of salvation day after day. This implies being active in preaching and teaching others about Jehovah's wonderful purpose for humanity.

Psalm 96:5. This verse is a call to reject idolatry and propose our trust only in Jehovah to remember that he is the creator and the true God, we are encouraged not to depend on things made by man, but to trust in the power of the one who made the heavens and the earth.

Psalm 96:8. The text says: Bring a gift. This suggests that our worship to Jehovah should be accompanied by offerings. Although today we do not bring physical sacrifices as in the time of Ancient Israel, we can offer our time, our energy, talent and everything that demonstrates our gratitude and devotion.

Psalm 96:12,13. This text gives us the image of the fields and trees shouting for joy when Jehovah comes to judge, and this teaches us that God's judgment is not something we should fear if we are faithful, but something that should be a cause for joy. Creation itself anticipates this judgment with rejoicing, because it will be just.

Psalm 97:2. The phrase, “The foundations of his throne are righteousness and justice,” highlights that God rules as the equity of Justice. This encourages us to trust that God is just in all his decisions and actions and that his government is perfect.

Psalm 97:1. The exhortation to make Jehovah your joy reminds us that our happiness and satisfaction must come from a close relationship with God. This implies trusting in Him and recognizing His sovereignty and seeking His guidance in our lives.

Psalm 99:4. This text teaches us that since Jehovah is a just king, we as his subjects are also expected to live in accordance with his will, this included acting justly and being honest in all aspects of our lives.

Psalms 99:4. Seeing that Jehovah loves justice, we must strive to cultivate a heart that also loves what is just and right. This involves developing qualities such as integrity, fairness, and compassion. In this way, we imitate Jehovah.

Psalm 99:8. The part that mentions the castle highlights that our actions have consequences, this will help us reflect on our decisions and how they can affect our relationship with Jehovah.

Psalm 99:8. The fact that Jehovah is mentioned as answering shows that he is attentive to our prayers and needs. We can trust that he will listen to our supplications, our prayers, and offer us guidance and support even in difficult times.

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