APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of October 28 - November 3, 2024, Speech: The husband should love his wife “just as he loves himself,” Lesson 1, Prepared Assignment.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: October 28-November 3, 2024,  Talk: Husband Should Love His Wife “Just as He Loves Himself,” Lesson 1, Prepared Assignment.

Speech (5 mins.) lmd appendix A point 6. Title: The husband should love his wife “just as he loves himself” (th lesson 1).

Today in society, marriage suffers countless challenges. For many people, it is very difficult to continue with marriage as a union for life as mentioned in the Bible. Some even go so far as to say that it is difficult. Others give up and end up getting divorced.

As servants of Jehovah we want to continue to remain loyal to the principle that Jehovah mentioned in the Bible, but how can we do it when the problems of this world affect the marital relationship? Well, through this speech we are going to analyze some biblical texts that can help us and also we can help the people we meet in the territory, what is difficult for people in marriage?

Many say that love gradually cools off because as imperfect humans we have to deal with different problems both ours and those of our partner or companion and as we mentioned, people are going to have defects, there is no perfect person or as many people say in a saying there is no better half that complements another, they will always have defects, they will never fit perfectly and this will make love then weaken. But what does the text of Ephesians 5:33 urge us to do? I invite you to open your Bible to Ephesians chapter five verse 33... the text says the following, here is a very clear principle it mentions:


However, each of you must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must have deep respect for her husband.

When you make mistakes, have you made bad decisions? What do you do when you have made a mistake or made a bad decision, do you get angry with yourself or do you try to solve the problem since it was your fault? Well, many would not start yelling at themselves for how to act and that is the key to love with that love with which we love ourselves, to love our partner.

So from what we have analyzed, loving oneself also means or implies that the husband cares about his well-being, both emotionally and physically, and at the same level that he takes care of himself, in essence, there is this call to make his protector his support and to demonstrate empathy and understanding, always guided by the principles of the Bible.

We also find another text that we can use in the ministry that can help people. It is the text of Colossians chapter 3 verse 19. How does this help us to give good advice to the people we meet in preaching? Well, let's read it... as we see, the apostle Paul also exhorts us not to be harsh in our way of speaking.

This command is just as important today as it was in the first century. Sometimes the stress of everyday life, financial worries, and personal tensions can cause us to lose sight of this advice. That is why we must always be careful about how we speak.

Sometimes it may be easy to give free rein to our words when our partner has acted badly or sometimes perhaps just to let off steam after a bad day, that is why we must make an effort to see our way of treating others.

In summary, the Bible shows us a clear model for marriage, where the husband has the responsibility to love his wife “just as he loves himself.” This love involves more than just words; it is reflected in actions filled with respect, consideration, and empathy. By following this advice, husbands can create an environment of peace and security in their homes, where their wives feel valued and respected.

We have also seen that Colossians 3:19 reminds us to avoid being harsh. When husbands treat their wives with love and tenderness, they imitate the love that Christ showed for his congregation. Thus, they not only strengthen their marriage, but they also honor Jehovah by following his divine principles.

So, husbands, remember: Every day is a new opportunity to show your wives the love they deserve. In doing so, you will be reflecting the kind of love Jehovah wants to see in a marriage—a love based on mutual respect and loving guidance from the Bible.
