Monday, October 14, 2024

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week 14-20 October 2024, Sense of Commitment: What Jesus did. VIDEO: Jesus teaches Nicodemus. Audience discussion based on the booklet A Work of Love lesson 10 points 1-2 and “See Also”. Prepared Assignment.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: 10/14/2024, Sense of Commitment: What Jesus Did. VIDEO: Jesus teaches Nicodemus. Audience discussion based on the booklet A Work of Love lesson 10 points 1-2 and “See Also.” Prepared Assignment.

1. Sense of commitment: What Jesus did (7 mins.) Audience discussion. Play the VIDEO and then discuss the booklet A Work of Love lesson 10 points 1,2.

What could have been the reason Nicodemus came to Jesus at night? (See John 12:42, 43).

Nicodemus came at night because he did not want to be observed, because he was not ready to declare or be seen by the public that he was interested in the teachings of Jesus because of fear. For example in John 12:42,43, it is mentioned that the rulers some believed in Jesus knew that what Jesus said was true, but they were afraid of being expelled from the synagogue because they preferred the glory of men instead of that of God.

Nicodemus being a Pharisee of the Sanhedrin probably feared being rejected or removed from his position, so approaching Jesus at night allowed him to understand the truth, learn from Jesus without compromising his social status, although perhaps many saw that in a bad light, but it shows us the commitment to want to know the truth, over time we see that this paid off, his faith grew and finally he even took Jesus' side when he helped at his burial.

How did Jesus show that he was committed to the work of making disciples?

The answer is that Nicodemus was a Pharisee and many of the Pharisees were against Jesus, so he came at night, but Jesus did not care to see that, because regardless of the circumstances, he did not reject him, he did not ask him why he came at night, he was not perhaps telling him that what he was hiding was wrong. Instead of doing so, he received him, dedicated time to him, taught him very important spiritual truths, and this shows us then that what Jesus wanted was to take advantage of every opportunity to speak or instruct people, regardless of the personal inconveniences that the person had.

Nicodemus was a Pharisee, part of the group that was in opposition to Jesus, yet Jesus taught him and he received him, which was what was important, and this example teaches us that Jesus was committed to being a disciple, without prejudice, preaching to all kinds of people, even those who belonged to groups that generally rejected him.

Jesus' encounter with Nicodemus reflects his deep commitment to the work of making disciples. Jesus took advantage of every opportunity to teach, showed patience and empathy, and was not limited by social or religious barriers. This shows that his dedication was not only to the crowds but also to people who sought the truth in private and did not want it to be declared or for people to know.

What do we learn from Jesus' example?

2. Because we love people, we feel it is our responsibility to help them become disciples.

Availability and empathy: 

Jesus was always willing to help people, as he demonstrated with Nicodemus. He did not impose barriers or restrictions based on time or circumstances. This teaches us to be willing to talk to people in any situation and to adapt our way of teaching to their needs.

Patience and understanding: 

Throughout his interactions, Jesus showed patience with those who did not immediately understand his teachings. He teaches us that in helping others, we must be patient, knowing that their understanding and progress may be gradual.


Jesus did not discriminate against people based on their background or social position. This reminds us that everyone is worthy of hearing the message, regardless of their status or preconceptions.

Long-term focus: 

Jesus knew that the fruit of his teaching would not always be immediate, but he still planted the seed of truth, trusting that over time it would grow. This teaches us not to be discouraged if we do not see immediate results.

See your spiritual potential: 

Just as Jesus saw potential in Nicodemus, love for people makes us see beyond their current situation. We understand that, although they may have doubts or fears now, they can become faithful disciples if we guide them with love and patience.

Act with empathy: 

Love compels us to put ourselves in the shoes of others, to understand their struggles, and to offer help when and how they need it most. In doing so, we follow the example of Jesus, who cared about the individual needs of people.

Lead with patience and perseverance: 

Love leads us to be persistent in our work of making disciples, knowing that not all people react or understand immediately. But we trust that, with time and dedication, our teaching and example can have a positive impact on their lives.

Spiritual responsibility: 

If we truly love people, we feel that helping them find the truth and become disciples is an essential part of our service to God. It is a way of showing them the greatest act of love, which is to bring them closer to the source of eternal life.

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