Saturday, September 28, 2024

Watchtower Study, Be on Guard Against Temptation, Week 23 - September 29, 2024, Comments and Answers.

Watchtower Study, Be on Guard Against Temptation, September 23-29, 2024, Comments and Answers.

“Stay watchful and pray constantly so that you will not fall into temptation” (MAT. 26:41).

1, 2. (a) What warning did Jesus give? 

The warning Jesus gave was that we must be alert and pray constantly so that we do not fall into temptation. He recognized that although the spirit is willing, the flesh is weak, which means that humans are prone to make mistakes and give in to pressure in difficult times.

That is why Jesus reminded his disciples that, despite their good intentions, they must remain vigilant to avoid falling into temptation.

1, 2. b) Why did the disciples fall into temptation? (See also the images.)

The disciples fell into temptation because they did not stay awake and on guard, despite Jesus' warnings.

Although they had good intentions and claimed they would never abandon him, they didn't realize how easy it would be to cave in to pressure in difficult times. When the time came for Jesus' arrest, they found themselves caught off guard and ended up doing exactly what they had said they would never do: abandon him.


Images of Jesus and his apostles at night in the Garden of Gethsemane. 1. Jesus talks with his apostles. 2. The apostles sleep. 3. The apostles flee when Jesus is arrested. Jesus told his disciples to stay awake and on guard so as not to fall into temptation, but they abandoned him. (See paragraphs 1 and 2.)

3. a) If we want to be faithful to Jehovah, why can't we trust Him? 

We cannot be complacent because, although we all intend to be faithful to Jehovah, we are imperfect and exposed to temptations that can be difficult to resist. The warning is that by relying too much on our own strength, we could fall into temptation without realizing it. It is important to remain on guard and recognize that even those who have spiritual qualities must take care not to be tempted.

3. b) What will we see in this article?

We will analyze the areas in which we must be extremely careful, we will also talk about how to protect ourselves against temptations and we will analyze what to do to never let our guard down.


4, 5. Why should we be on guard against committing sins that are less serious?

We must be on guard against committing sins that are less serious because, although some sins may seem less serious, they can still harm our relationship with Jehovah and lead us to fall into more serious temptations. Furthermore, if we are not vigilant, we can fall into a pattern of behavior that leads us away from our convictions and obedience to Jehovah’s standards. Therefore, it is crucial to avoid any action that could lead us astray, even if it seems harmless at first.

6. What should we recognize?

We must recognize what our weaknesses are, as it is dangerous to act as if we do not have them or to think that we are so strong that we will never fall into temptation. Self-awareness is key, as even those who have spiritual qualities must watch themselves so that they are not tempted.

7. What points should we protect the most? Give an example.

We should especially protect those areas where we know we are most vulnerable. This includes acknowledging our weaknesses and being honest with ourselves about them. For example, if a person has a tendency to fall into the temptation of viewing inappropriate content online, they should put protective measures in place, such as installing filters on their device or avoiding situations where they might be exposed to such content.

Just as in biblical times, where the gates of a walled city were the most vulnerable points, we too must strengthen our defenses in the areas where we know we are most susceptible to temptation.


8, 9. What should the young man in Proverbs chapter 7 have done to avoid committing a serious sin? (Proverbs 7:8, 9, 13, 14, 21)

The young man in Proverbs chapter 7 should have avoided the immoral woman’s house from the start. Instead of walking near her street and exposing himself to temptation, he should have stayed away from the situation. Furthermore, upon seeing the woman, he should have turned around and walked away, rather than being carried away by the conversation and flattery that led him to fall into sin. This story illustrates the importance of avoiding steps that can lead us into compromising situations, reinforcing the idea that it is crucial to stay away from temptations from the start.

10. Like the young man in Proverbs, what mistake can someone make today?

Like the young man in Proverbs, a person today can make the mistake of underestimating small decisions that lead to temptation. For example, he or she might begin associating with people who engage in inappropriate behavior, choose entertainment that is not edifying, or surf the Internet without caution, which could lead to harmful content.

In addition, he or she may stop practicing spiritual habits such as prayer, Bible reading, and attending meetings, which weakens his or her resistance to temptation. So, like the young man who thought everything happened “suddenly,” this person may not realize that his or her previous choices led him or her to fall into temptation.

11. If we do not want to commit a sin, what should we do?

If we do not want to commit sin, we must avoid not only the sin itself, but also the steps that can lead us to it. This means being proactive in our decisions and staying away from situations that may be tempting. We must set clear boundaries and protect our weak points, as advised in Proverbs.

12. What decision did Job make, and how would it help him stay on guard? (Job 31:1)

Job made a firm decision not to look inappropriately at other women, expressing this with the statement, “I have made a covenant with my eyes.” This decision would help him stay on guard by setting a clear boundary for himself, thus avoiding any situation that might lead him to the temptation of committing adultery.

13. Why should we be careful about what we think? (See also images.)

We must be careful about what we think because our thoughts can influence our actions. If we allow ourselves to imagine or reflect on bad things, we are more likely to develop desires for them and may eventually act on them. Negative thoughts can grow and become temptations that are difficult to resist. Therefore, it is important to reject bad thoughts immediately and focus on what is good and positive.


Series of images: 1. A brother watches television at night. 2. He looks lustfully at a female co-worker. 3. He and his wife are having a drink together at a bar. We must avoid anything that could lead us to fall into temptation. (See paragraph 13.)

14. What else will help us stay on guard against falling into temptation?

First, we must be fully convinced that obeying Jehovah's laws is in our best interest. This involves cultivating appropriate desires and learning to hate what is evil and love what is good.

15. How does cultivating appropriate desires help us?

By learning to hate what is evil and love what is good, we strengthen our resolve to do what is right and avoid situations that could lead us to sin. This allows us to have a clearer perspective on what is truly beneficial for our spiritual and emotional life.

16. Why do spiritual activities help us stay on guard? (See also images.)

Spiritual activities help us stay on guard because they allow us to strengthen our desire to please Jehovah and keep us focused on what is good. For example, participating in meetings, preaching, and studying God's Word helps us deepen our understanding of His teachings and strengthen our faith.


Following a good program of spiritual activities helps us to avoid temptations. (See paragraph 16.)


17. What bad tendency did Peter have to fight against more than once?

Peter had to struggle more than once with the evil tendency of fear of man. This fear led him to deny knowing Jesus on three occasions during the latter's trial. Although he later showed courage in testifying before the Sanhedrin, the fear manifested itself again when, out of fear of those in the circumcised group, he stopped eating with Christians of non-Jewish origin, and this shows that, although he could have overcome this weakness at certain times, the fear of man continued to be a recurring challenge in his life.

18. What can happen to us with some weaknesses?

With some weaknesses, we may think we have overcome them, only to later realize that they are still dormant and can resurface in moments of weakness or pressure. For example, a person may be free of an addiction for years and convince themselves that the problem is gone, but that weakness may reappear unexpectedly, like a “wild animal waiting for the right moment to strike again.”

19. What can we do if we have a weakness that we cannot get rid of?

If we have a weakness that we cannot shake off, it is essential to follow Jesus’ advice to “stay awake.” This means always being alert and aware of our vulnerabilities, even when we feel we are in control. It is important to avoid situations that could lead us to fall into temptation and to seek support from those around us, such as friends, family, or spiritual brothers, who can help us face our struggles.


20, 21. (a) What are some benefits of staying on guard? 

One benefit of staying on guard is that it helps us prevent sin and strengthen our relationship with Jehovah, giving us peace of mind and a clear conscience as we live by his standards.

20, 21. b) If we do our part, what will Jehovah do? (2 Corinthians 4:7).

If we do our part by staying on guard and resisting temptations, Jehovah will provide us with power beyond what is normal, helping us to overcome our weaknesses and remain strong in our faith. This means that even though the flesh may be weak, with divine help we will be able to face and overcome the difficulties that arise.


In what areas should we remain on guard?

We must remain on guard in several areas, including serious sins, such as sexual immorality, which can have devastating consequences on our spiritual and personal lives, as well as impure acts such as masturbation or pornography, which can affect our relationship with Jehovah and our mental health.

How can we protect ourselves from temptations?

We can protect ourselves from temptations by cultivating appropriate desires and actively participating in spiritual activities, such as prayer, Bible study, and meeting attendance, which strengthens our desire to please Jehovah and helps us resist temptations.

Why should we never let our guard down?

We must never let our guard down, because by doing so we risk giving in to temptations and committing sins that can harm our relationship with Jehovah. Human imperfection makes us vulnerable, and it is crucial to always be alert and aware of our weaknesses in order to resist negative influences and remain firm in our faith.

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