Saturday, September 28, 2024

The Study Watchtower, “Article 29,” Week 23-29 September 2024, Let us be on guard against falling into temptation, Answers.

The Study Watchtower, “Article 29,” September 23-29, 2024, Be on Guard Against Temptation, Answers.

“Stay watchful and pray constantly so that you will not fall into temptation” (MAT. 26:41).

1, 2. (a) What warning did Jesus give? 

Jesus' warning in Matthew 26:41 highlights the need to be alert and pray to avoid temptation. Jesus recognized that although human beings may have good intentions and a desire to do what is right, our human nature is imperfect and can fail.

Jesus stressed the importance of prayer and constant vigilance in the Christian life. The concept of the flesh being weak is related to the need to depend on God to resist temptation. Proof of this is that even though the disciples had stated that they would never abandon Him, their self-confidence was not enough to resist temptation when they faced Jesus' arrest.

1, 2. b) Why did the disciples fall into temptation? (See also the images.)

The disciples fell into temptation because of their lack of vigilance and spiritual preparation. Despite their declarations of loyalty, they were not prepared to face the test that was presented to them with the arrest of Jesus.

The unforeseen situation and the pressure of the moment led him to act against his own promises, abandoning Jesus just as He had predicted. This episode shows the importance of spiritual preparation and constant vigilance to resist trials and temptations. Today this translates into the regular practice of prayer and Bible study to strengthen our spiritual resistance.


Images of Jesus and his apostles at night in the Garden of Gethsemane. 1. Jesus talks with his apostles. 2. The apostles sleep. 3. The apostles flee when Jesus is arrested. Jesus told his disciples to stay awake and on guard so as not to fall into temptation, but they abandoned him. (See paragraphs 1 and 2.)

3. a) If we want to be faithful to Jehovah, why can't we trust Him? 

If we want to be faithful to Jehovah, we cannot be complacent, because despite our good intentions, we are imperfect and prone to temptations.

Romans 5:12 points out that sin entered the world through one man, and Romans 7:21-23 describes the struggle between the desire to do good and the inclination toward sin. These texts demonstrate that our nature is vulnerable and that temptations can arise unexpectedly and be difficult to resist.

Therefore, it is essential to remain alert and not rely solely on our own strength, but to prepare ourselves spiritually to face the trials.

3. b) What will we see in this article?

In this article, three crucial aspects of remaining faithful to Jehovah will be examined. First, it will identify in which areas we must be especially careful to avoid falling into temptation. Then, strategies will be provided on how to protect ourselves against these temptations, including practical and spiritual advice. Finally, the importance of not letting our guard down and how to maintain constant vigilance to ensure our faithfulness to Jehovah and Jesus will be discussed.


4, 5. Why should we be on guard against committing sins that are less serious?

James 1:14 points out that temptations arise from our own desires, which implies that each of us has specific weak points. It is very important not to underestimate minor sins as they can be stepping stones to more serious sins. 

Therefore, paying attention to even minor sins is part of a conscious and disciplined Christian life that seeks to prevent the progressive deterioration of our relationship with Jehovah.

6. What should we recognize?

We must recognize our weaknesses, it is crucial to remain strong in the faith. The Bible warns us about the danger of ignoring our weaknesses and trusting in our own strength.

Paul in Galatians 6:1 emphasizes that even the spiritually strong must be aware of their weaknesses. Furthermore, 2 Corinthians 13:5 instructs us to examine our own faith and recognize our weaknesses.

Therefore, it is very important to do an honest self-evaluation and personal monitoring, to detect and recognize our weaknesses, which will make us better prepared to face temptations and strengthen our relationship with Jehovah.

7. What points should we protect the most? Give an example.

Protecting our vulnerable points is essential to maintaining our faithfulness to Jehovah; the similarity to the gates of a walled city underscores the need to be especially attentive to our areas of weakness.

In 1 Corinthians 9:27, Paul reminds us of the importance of maintaining self-control and monitoring our abilities to protect ourselves from temptations. By implementing preventive measures and being aware of our weaknesses, we will strengthen our ability to resist temptations and maintain our relationship with Jehovah. 


8, 9. What should the young man in Proverbs chapter 7 have done to avoid committing a serious sin? (Proverbs 7:8, 9, 13, 14, 21)

The young man in chapter 7 of Proverbs committed a serious sin because he took a series of steps that progressively led him toward temptation.

According to Proverbs 7:8-9, He passed by the woman's house and approached her, which was the first step toward temptation. 

In Proverbs 7:13,14 we see that when he met the woman, he did not turn away, but allowed her to kiss him and tell him about the peace offerings she had offered. Therefore, to protect himself he should have avoided approaching the woman's house from the beginning and if he found himself in her presence he should have immediately walked away instead of engaging in conversation. If the young man had avoided these initial steps he would have reduced the risk of falling into temptation and committing sin.

10. Like the young man in Proverbs, what mistake can someone make today?

The mistake someone can make today is similar to that of the young man in Proverbs, that mistake is not recognizing how previous decisions and behaviors contribute to a fall into temptation. 

This approach reflects the biblical teaching that temptations and serious sins do not occur suddenly, but are the result of a series of previous steps and choices. Therefore, we must be vigilant about the small concessions and oversights that can accumulate and lead us to serious sins. It is important to be vigilant and aware of how our decisions can affect our spirituality.

11. If we do not want to commit a sin, what should we do?

Sin requires a preventative approach beyond simply resisting sin when presented. Solomon in Proverbs 7:25 and 5:3 and 8 provides a clear strategy for staying away from situations that may lead us to sin. For example, if we know that certain environments or activities may lead us to temptation, it is wise to avoid them altogether.

Jesus in Matthew 5:29,30 also teaches the importance of eliminating what can make us sin, to preserve our spiritual integrity, we must be vigilant to avoid the steps that lead to sin, which helps us remain firm in faith and protect our relationship with Jehovah.

12. What decision did Job make, and how would it help him stay on guard? (Job 31:1)

In this text we read how Job demonstrated great determination by making a pact with his eyes not to look inappropriately at women. 

This internal pact not only reflected his firm decision to avoid adultery, but also his commitment to a righteous moral life. By making a pact with his eyes, Job made sure to keep his thoughts and actions aligned with his moral principles, avoiding situations that could lead to sin. 

Similarly, making firm decisions in our daily lives about what we will avoid can be an effective strategy to keep us vigilant and faithful to our spiritual values.

13. Why should we be careful about what we think? (See also images.)

Taking care of our thoughts is essential, because they influence our actions and can become intense desires that are difficult to control.

Exodus 20:17 teaches us to avoid coveting, which includes not only our actions, but also our thoughts. Bad thoughts, if allowed to grow, can intensify and lead us to commit serious sins.

Philippians 4:8 and Colossians 3:2 encourage us to focus on positive, virtuous thoughts, while James 1:3-15 explains how desires arise from thoughts and can lead to sin if left unchecked.


Series of images: 1. A brother watches television at night. 2. He looks lustfully at a female co-worker. 3. He and his wife are having a drink together at a bar. We must avoid anything that could lead us to fall into temptation. (See paragraph 13.)

14. What else will help us stay on guard against falling into temptation?

Staying on guard against temptation requires a deep conviction that following Jehovah's laws is always best for us. 

This conviction strengthens our ability to resist temptations. If we are convinced that obeying Jehovah is beneficial, even when our thoughts and desires seem to be in conflict, we can find the peace and satisfaction that comes from living according to his principles. This deep commitment helps us maintain spiritual discipline and avoid falling into temptation.

15. How does cultivating appropriate desires help us?

Cultivating appropriate desires is a crucial aspect of the Christian life that strengthens our ability to resist temptation and do what is right. 

Learning to hate evil and love good, as mentioned in Amos 5:15, helps us develop a solid perspective consistent with Jehovah's principles. By focusing our desires on what is good and right, we strengthen our determination to avoid situations that could lead us to sin.

This approach not only improves our ability to cope with unexpected temptations, but also provides us with a solid foundation for making correct decisions at critical moments.

16. Why do spiritual activities help us stay on guard? (See also images.)

Spiritual activities are vital to keep us on guard against temptations, as they help us cultivate and strengthen our desires to obey Jehovah by actively participating in meetings and the Ministry.

As mentioned in Matthew 28:19,20, reading and meditating on the Bible keeps us focused on our purpose and provides us with support and encouragement, as we see in Joshua 18, it not only reinforces our love for what is good, but also keeps us away from evil.

Furthermore, the constant prayer recommended in Matthew 26:41 allows us to receive Jehovah's help and strengthen our desire to live according to his principles.


Following a good program of spiritual activities helps us to avoid temptations. (See paragraph 16.)


17. What bad tendency did Peter have to fight against more than once?

Peter had to face his fear of the man on several occasions, despite his efforts to overcome it. In Matthew 26:69-75 Peter denied knowing Jesus three times due to fear, demonstrating significant weakness at the time. However, his courage was evidenced when he preached before the Sanhedrin, which seemed to indicate an overcoming of his fear.

However, according to Galatians 2:11,12, Peter again showed weakness by distancing himself from non-Jewish Christians for fear of the circumcised group. This continuous struggle shows that despite spiritual progress and the courage shown in certain situations, Peter continued to battle with his fears and weaknesses.

18. What can happen to us with some weaknesses?

Weaknesses can be persistent and reappear even after we think we have overcome them.

The experience of the brother who struggled with pornography addiction illustrates how a weakness can lie dormant and reappear unexpectedly, even though he thought his problem had been resolved, the addiction remained waiting and then emerged.

This underscores the need for continued vigilance and a constant effort to stay away from temptations, recognizing that the struggle may be prolonged and that the support of family, elders and congregation is essential to maintaining spiritual integrity.

19. What can we do if we have a weakness that we cannot get rid of?

When dealing with persistent weakness, it is essential to follow Jesus' advice to stay awake and vigilant. 

Even when we think we have the situation under control, it is essential to avoid circumstances that can trigger temptation as indicated in 1 Corinthians 10:12. Continuing to use the methods that have been useful to us in the past can help us manage weakness effectively.

Proverbs 28:14 reminds us that constant vigilance is a sign of happiness and success in our spiritual life.


20, 21. (a) What are some benefits of staying on guard? 

Staying on guard offers lasting and significant benefits, even though the temporary pleasures of sin may seem attractive.

Psalm 19:8 highlights that true joy comes from obeying Jehovah. This obedience allows us to live according to the purpose for which we were created and assures us of a clear conscience and the promise of eternal life. The efforts we make to avoid temptation and follow Jehovah's standards enrich our spiritual life and bring us closer to the reward of eternal life.

20, 21. b) If we do our part, what will Jehovah do? (2 Corinthians 4:7).

Thanks to Jehovah's help, human weakness is not an insurmountable obstacle. In 2 Corinthians 4:7, Jehovah offers us power beyond what is normal to face our weaknesses. However, we must contribute with our daily effort to avoid temptation.

As we do our part, we can count on the additional strength that Jehovah offers us through our prayers, allowing us to stand firm in the face of temptation and live according to his will.


In what areas should we remain on guard?

We must remain on guard in the areas where we know we are most vulnerable to temptation, such as our personal areas and situations that can lead us to sin.

How can we protect ourselves from temptations?

We can protect ourselves from temptations by avoiding steps that lead to evil, staying away from situations and activities that might lead us to sin, and strengthening our defenses.

Why should we never let our guard down?

We can protect ourselves from temptations by avoiding steps that lead to evil, staying away from situations and activities that might lead us to sin, and strengthening our defenses.

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