Tuesday, September 17, 2024

LIVING AS CHRISTIANS: Week of September 16-22, 2024, Don't Give Up, Video: Become Jehovah's Friend, Lesson 44: Don't Give Up. Analysis and Answers.

LIVING AS CHRISTIANS: September 16-22, 2024, Don't Give Up, Video: Become Jehovah's Friend, Lesson 44: Don't Give Up. Analysis and Answers.

Don't give up (5 mins.) Audience analysis.

Play the VIDEO. Then ask:

Why might we sometimes feel like giving up on preaching?

We may feel like giving up on preaching, because just like Caleb and Sofia, we sometimes face rejection from people, which can make us feel like our efforts are not yielding results. However, as Caleb and Sofia's parents reminded them, Jesus also faced similar situations. The key is not to get discouraged and keep trying, since we never know when we will find someone willing to listen, like Caleb's schoolmate who may have been interested in learning more.


Sometimes we may feel like giving up on preaching for various reasons. Firstly, because of rejection or lack of interest from some people, which can discourage us, making us feel like our efforts are not bearing fruit.

Physical or emotional fatigue can also affect, since preaching requires constant effort.

Personal circumstances can also be a factor in prompting us to give up on preaching. For example, health or family problems can add pressure and make it more difficult to continue.

Furthermore, not seeing immediate results can lead to frustration and the feeling that our work is not paying off.

Sometimes we may feel like we are not good enough to carry the message or that we do not have the skills necessary to help people in the best way. This insecurity can make us think about giving up.

We may sometimes feel alone in the work of preaching, if we do not have the support or company of others. This can increase the feeling of discouragement, making us think that our efforts are in vain or that we do not have the necessary support.

Why we should not give up?

Even if some people don't show interest in the message right away, there is always someone who can benefit from our words, as Caleb did. Even if several people closed the door, a classmate or neighbor may hear him. This example shows that persistence can pay off and is a reminder that the success of preaching is not based on how many people accept the message, but on our effort to give them the opportunity to listen.


We should not give up in the preaching work, for Jehovah appreciates our faithful efforts, even if we do not see immediate results. With perseverance we can overcome obstacles, and our work has an impact, even if it is not always visible at first. The message of the preaching work is vital and can touch hearts at the right time. Furthermore, our perseverance could help others in the future, and persevering in the preaching work also strengthens our own faith, drawing us closer to God.

Jesus and the prophets faced many difficulties and opposition, but they never gave up. Imitating their perseverance motivates us to continue forward, knowing that we are following a model worthy of faith and trust.

Every time we face a challenge and don't give up, we strengthen qualities like patience, resilience, and faith. These experiences help us grow spiritually and make us more capable of facing any situation in life.

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