Tuesday, September 17, 2024

LIVING AS CHRISTIANS: Week of September 16-22, 2024, Don't stop offering Bible courses!, Video: "We recommend ourselves as ministers of God […] being patient" in preaching. Analysis and Answers.

LIVING AS CHRISTIANS: September 16-22, 2024, Don't stop offering Bible courses!, Video: "We commend ourselves as ministers of God […] being patient" in preaching. Analysis and Answers.

Don't Stop Offering Bible Courses! (10 mins.) Audience discussion.

Play the VIDEO “We Recommend Ourselves as Ministers of God […] Being Patient” when Preaching. Then ask:

If we feel like we are preaching into a “black hole,” how can 2 Corinthians 6:4, 6 help us?

When we feel like we are preaching into a black hole, that is, that our efforts seem to disappear without giving visible results, this text reminds us of the importance of perseverance and patience.


The verse teaches us that, as ministers of God, we must continue to recommend ourselves to God through our perseverance in the midst of tribulations, difficulties or discouragement. This passage also mentions that we must show sincere love, patience and knowledge, qualities that help us to move forward, trusting that God sees our efforts and values ​​them, even when the results are not immediate or visible.

Patience is essential because we will not always see the impact of our work immediately, but the Bible encourages us to trust that our efforts are not in vain, since God is aware of our dedication. Trusting in Jehovah and displaying these qualities will give us the strength to continue, knowing that every seed planted in the preaching work can germinate at the right time.

2 Corinthians 6:4,6 teaches us that preaching is not measured only by immediate results, but by our perseverance and faithfulness in serving God, even if we feel that we are not getting answers. This verse encourages us to remember that our work is for Jehovah, who sees and appreciates our efforts, even when we do not see it reflected externally.

The verse also mentions sincere love as part of our work. This helps us to reflect that, even if we do not receive the response we expect, what matters is to show genuine love for the people and for the work. This love motivates us to continue, knowing that, even if we do not see results immediately, we are fulfilling our responsibility with the right heart, which pleases God.

What changes could you make if you feel like your efforts to get a Bible course have not been worth it?

Sometimes small adjustments in the way we present the message can make a big difference. Maybe we could try using thought-provoking questions or sharing topics that are more relevant to people's current needs. We can also try new ways of starting conversations, such as using personal experiences or practical examples that better capture interest.


It may be helpful to try different areas or methods of preaching. If we have been focused on a specific area and have not just used one technique, such as door-to-door, we might try public witness, letters, or video calls. Broadening our reach can increase the chances of finding people interested in a Bible study.

If we've had success with a certain group of people, perhaps we could try targeting other groups. We could, for example, target people at different stages of life or with different interests, which could open up new opportunities to connect with someone who is looking for a Bible study.

Sometimes we feel that our efforts are not worth it because we expect quick or visible results. A change in attitude could be to focus more on the process than on the result. Focusing on each conversation as an opportunity to sow a spiritual seed, without worrying too much about the immediate results, can help us feel satisfaction in the effort itself and trust that the fruits will come in due time.

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