Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Congregational Book Study, Week 26 August - 1 September 2024, Chapter 15, paragraphs 1-7 and introduction to section 6, Answers.

Congregation Book Study, August 26-September 1, 2024, Chapter 15, paragraphs 1-7 and introduction to section 6, Answers.

Congregation Bible Study (30 mins.) bt ch. 15 pars. 1-7 and introduction to section 6.

1-3. a) Who is Paul’s new companion, and what do we know about him? 

Paul's new companion is Timothy. Timothy is mentioned as being around 20 years old and is described as a person full of vitality, and as he accompanies Paul on his second missionary journey, he moves away from his home and away from the region of Lystra and Iconium.

Paul trusts Timothy and recognizes the importance of having a good traveling companion, especially after Paul and Barnabas' recent separation due to an argument, so the relationship between Paul and Timothy is fundamental to strengthening the congregations they visit together.

1-3. b) What will we learn in this chapter?

In this chapter, we will learn several helpful lessons about the importance of unity and resolving differences of opinion. It will also highlight why Paul chose Timothy as his traveling companion, which underscores the importance of having a good companion in ministry.

Additionally, the crucial work of circuit overseers will be explored, as they visit congregations to strengthen their faith and provide support, following the model established by the apostles in the first century.

“Let us now go back and visit the brothers” (Acts 15:36)

4. Why did Paul decide to make a second missionary journey?

Paul decided to make a second missionary journey because he wanted to return to visit the brothers in all the cities where they had preached the word of Jehovah, with the aim of seeing how they were doing and strengthening their faith, and as we saw in the previous chapter, Paul and others had gone to the congregation of Antioch to report on the decision related to circumcision, and now he felt the need to continue that work of support and encouragement to the congregations they had established.

5. How does the Governing Body instruct and encourage congregations?

The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses provides instruction and encouragement to congregations through a variety of means, including letters, print and digital publications, meetings, and other resources. 

This group of anointed faithful strive to maintain close contact with each congregation, ensuring that they receive the necessary guidance. In addition, they have appointed thousands of trained elders as circuit overseers, who visit congregations around the world to provide support and strengthen the faith of the brothers.

6, 7. What are some of the responsibilities of circuit overseers?

Circuit overseers are responsible for providing personal attention to the brothers in the congregations they visit, preaching the word of God and patiently offering teaching and counsel. They also actively participate in preaching and give Bible-based talks, encouraging members to follow their example of dedication and sacrifice in their work.

What most characterizes circuit overseers is their love and spirit of dedication. They are willing to make sacrifices, such as traveling in difficult weather conditions or in dangerous areas, and their example of dedication and service encourages all the brothers in the congregation.

“Let us return now to visit the brothers”

SECTION 6: “Let us return now to visit the brothers”

What important work do circuit overseers perform? What blessings come from accepting the responsibilities assigned to us in the organization? How can we be more effective in reasoning from the Scriptures, and why do we need to adapt to our audiences? Let’s answer these and other questions as we follow Paul on his second missionary journey.

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