Monday, September 16, 2024

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of September 16-22, 2024, Start conversations: INFORMAL PREACHING. (Making disciples: a labor of love, Lesson 3 point 5). Prepared Assignment.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: September 16-22, 2024, Start conversations: INFORMAL PREACHING. (Making Disciples: A Labor of Love, Lesson 3 point 5). Prepared Assignment.

Start conversations (3 mins.) INFORMAL PREACHING. Offer a Bible course (lmd lesson 3 point 5).

Scenario: You are in a waiting room, and while waiting, you start a conversation with a person next to you.

You: “What a hot day! It seems like summer has lasted longer than usual, don’t you think?”

Person: “Yes, that’s true. And with work, it sometimes gets harder to cope with this weather. It’s been an exhausting week.” And yet we still have to wait to get through the line.

You: “I totally understand. Sometimes when the stress of work meets the heat, it can be overwhelming. If you’re short on time, you can stop by during my shift and I’ll come by later.

Person: Thank you for your understanding

You: In fact, a while back I learned a principle from the Bible that has helped me find some peace in the midst of all of that.

Person: “Really? How has it helped you?”

You: “Well, the Bible has a lot of practical advice for dealing with stress and worry. For example, in Matthew 6:34, Jesus said not to worry about tomorrow because each day has its own problems. That has reminded me that I can focus on what I can do today, without letting anxiety consume me. If you’re interested, I could share more principles like these. In fact, I offer a free Bible study course that might be helpful.”

Person: “Interesting, I never thought the Bible could help with those things. How does that course work?”

You: “It’s very simple. We meet at a time that suits you, and together we explore how the Bible offers useful and practical advice for everyday life. If you want, we can try it out and see if you like it.”

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