Monday, September 16, 2024

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY:, Week of September 16-22, 2024, Make return visits: INFORMAL PREACHING. (Making disciples: a labor of love, Lesson 7 point 4). Prepared Assignment.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: September 16-22, 2024, Make return visits: INFORMAL PREACHING. (Making disciples: a labor of love, Lesson 7 point 4). Prepared Assignment.

Make return visits (4 mins.) INFORMAL PREACHING. Offer a Bible study to a person who previously told you that he was worried about something he saw on the news (lmd lesson 7 point 4).

Scenario: You meet again with the person who in a previous conversation expressed concern about the news.

You: «Hi, nice to meet you again.

Person: Hi how have you been?

You: Well, thank you. I remember that last time we talked you were worried about some things you saw on the news. I've been thinking about that, and there's something in the Bible that might give you peace or perspective on what's going on. Would you be interested in talking about it?

Person: “Yeah, sure. It’s still something that worries me, actually.”

You: “I understand. The Bible has advice that can help us see these events from another point of view. And it is a message of hope, for example, look at how Isaiah 65:17 describes it. You see that better times are described. In fact, I have been sharing a simple and practical course on how the Bible can be useful in these difficult times. If you are interested, we can meet and look at it together.”

Person: “That sounds good. What exactly is it about?”

You: “The course shows you biblical principles that can give you hope and peace of mind. It’s flexible, we do it whenever it’s best for you. How about we set a time to start? When would be a good time to talk about this in more depth?”

Person: “Tuesday afternoon might be fine.”

You: “Perfect, Tuesday afternoon then. I won’t miss the appointment, and then we can see how the Bible offers answers to the concerns we all face.”

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