Monday, September 23, 2024

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of September 23-29, 2024, Explain your beliefs: Speech. Topic: What does the Bible talk about?, Lesson 2. Prepared Assignment.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: September 23-29, 2024, Explain your beliefs: Speech. Topic: What does the Bible talk about?, Lesson 2. Prepared Assignment.

Explain your beliefs (5 mins.) Speech. ijwbq 181. Title: What does the Bible talk about? (th lesson 2).

Today we are going to talk about our most used book in preaching. The Bible. It is an old book, but very modern. Doesn't that seem impressive to you? And the first thing I want to tell you is that the Bible is not complicated, it is clear. It speaks to us about fundamental issues for our lives. That is why many people ask themselves, What does the Bible speak about? And in some cases people have asked us that question.

In its first pages, the Bible tells us how the almighty God created the heavens and the Earth. It also reveals something precious: the name of that God is Jehovah. He himself invites us to get to know him, as he says in Psalm 83:18… 

Let people know that your name is Jehovah, that you alone are the Most High over all the earth.

This is not a distant or mysterious God, but one who wants us to understand Him and draw closer to Him. That is one of the main things about the Bible and it should also be our goal in preaching.

Now, throughout history, many lies have been told about God. Perhaps you have heard things that have made you doubt his love or his justice. But the Bible assures us that Jehovah will not allow these lies to stand. He will clear his reputation by showing who he really is. This brings us to one of the most important points: the Bible reveals God's purpose for the Earth and for humanity.

What is that purpose? Jehovah wants us to live in peace and happiness on earth. But how can that be achieved in a world full of problems? Well, the Bible also explains what God will do to end everything that causes us to suffer, such as injustice, illness, and death. This future is secure because it is in Jehovah's hands.

But the Bible doesn't just tell us about what will happen in the future. It also offers us practical advice for our daily lives. And that's something that interests us all. Let's look at some examples.

First, how to get along with others. Jesus taught us a golden rule in Matthew 7:12: It's simple, isn't it? If we all followed this principle, the world would be a much better place. We should treat others the way we want to be treated. It's so basic, but we often forget it. If we apply it, our relationships can improve dramatically.

Another very helpful tip is how to manage stress. In Matthew 6:34, Jesus gives us some very wise advice. What does this mean? It is better to focus on today's problems and not worry so much about the future. Haven't you ever been overwhelmed by the thought of what might happen tomorrow? The Bible invites us to trust in Jehovah and handle problems one day at a time.

Finally, a topic that surely interests many: how to have a happy marriage. In Ephesians 5:33 , the Bible says:…

However, each of you must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must have deep respect for her husband.

What can we learn from this? That love and respect are key to a happy marriage. If both partners treat each other with love and respect, the marriage flourishes. It is not a secret, it is a divine principle.

In short, the Bible talks about many things: about creation, about who God is, about his purpose for us, and about the future that awaits us. But it also teaches us how to live better now, how to get along with others, manage our worries, and have strong, happy marriages.

The invitation is open: Jehovah wants us to get to know him and benefit from his wisdom. Don't you think it's worth seeing what else he has in store for us? If we have a Bible study.

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