Monday, September 16, 2024

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of September 16-22, 2024, Make disciples: (Enjoy life forever! lesson 15 point 5). (Let's be better readers and teachers, lesson 10 point 4). Prepared Assignment.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: September 16-22, 2024, Make disciples: (Enjoy life forever! lesson 15 point 5). (Let's be better readers and teachers, lesson 10 point 4). Prepared Assignment.

Make Disciples (5 mins.) lff lesson 15 point 5. Tell your student that you will not be there next week and make plans so that he/she does not miss his/her Bible class (lmd lesson 10 point 4).

Publisher: Okay, let's start analyzing point number 5. Jesus turned out to be the Messiah. There are many prophecies in the Bible that would help people identify the Messiah, that is, the one whom God chose to save all of humanity. And something that will help us is the video that we will watch below. What did you think of the video?

Student: It is remarkable how the brother makes us realize that the prophecies were fulfilled by divine will since Jesus, even though he knew the prophecies, could not have intervened to fulfill them.

Publisher: Very good analysis of the video. Now let's read what Micah 5:2 says to learn where the Messiah would be born.

Student: Okay, the text says:  

Publisher: Related question from the text: Was this prophecy fulfilled when Jesus was born? (Matthew 2:1)

Student: As Matthew says, Jesus' birthplace agrees with what the text of Micah 5:2 says.

Publisher: Now let's read what Psalm 34:20 says and then you read what Zechariah 12:10 says to see some predicted details about the death of the Messiah.

Student: It's okay

Publisher: The question is how were these prophecies fulfilled? (John 19:33-37).

Student: As we see, it was fulfilled because the feet of the other people who were executed with Jesus were broken to speed up their death, but Jesus was already dead so they did not break him and thus the prophecy that his bones would not be broken was fulfilled.

Publisher: The other question is, do you think Jesus manipulated matters to fulfill any of these prophecies?

Student: I don't think so because it was the soldiers' way of acting and Jesus would not interfere with their way of thinking.

Publisher: And the last question: And to you, what does all this tell you about Jesus?

Student: That he was the one sent by God.

Publisher: Very well, next week it will not be possible for me to meet for the study, so we can change our study method, we can do it by video conference, or ask another brother to come and direct it.

Student: It could be that the brother who accompanied him last time could come.

Publisher: I think that's a good idea.

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