Monday, September 9, 2024

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week 9-15, September 2024, Empathy: Imitate Jesus. Audience discussion based on the booklet A Labor of Love lesson 9 points 3-5 and “See Also.” Prepared Assignment.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: September 9-15, 2024, Empathy: Imitate Jesus. Audience discussion based on A Labor of Love booklet lesson 9 points 3-5 and “See Also.” Prepared Assignment.

Empathy: Imitate Jesus (8 mins.) Audience discussion based on the booklet A Labor of Love lesson 9 points 3-5 and “See Also.”

Imitate Jesus

3. Listen carefully. 

Let the person talk and don't interrupt. If they have any objections or express their feelings and concerns, don't ignore them. If you pay attention, the person will see that you really care about what they think.

It is important to listen carefully and not interrupt because it shows respect and empathy towards the person we are talking to. When we allow the person to express themselves freely and show genuine interest in their feelings and concerns, we are building a conversation where the person feels confident to express themselves and we are showing respect.

Not only does this facilitate more effective communication, but it also makes the person feel valued and understood. Plus, by paying attention to their objections or concerns, we can respond in a more appropriate and personalized way, increasing the likelihood that our conversation will be meaningful and productive.

4. Think about the person. 

Remember what you have talked about and ask yourself: Thinking about the person and reflecting on why they need to know the truth and how their life would improve if they studied the Bible helps us to show empathy by focusing on their individual needs and circumstances. By asking these questions, we move away from focusing solely on getting our message across and begin to consider how biblical truth can offer solutions and comfort to the specific challenges the person faces.

This approach allows us to tailor our words and actions to respond to their concerns and desires in a more meaningful way. Furthermore, by showing a genuine interest in their well-being and how their life could improve, we demonstrate that we really care about their happiness and future, which strengthens the relationship and makes the message more responsive and relevant.

“How would studying the Bible improve your life now and in the future?”

Thinking about the person and reflecting on why they need to know the truth and how their life would improve if they studied the Bible helps us to show empathy by focusing on their individual needs and circumstances. By asking these questions, we move away from focusing solely on getting our message across and begin to consider how biblical truth can offer solutions and comfort to the specific challenges the person faces.

This approach allows us to tailor our words and actions to respond to their concerns and desires in a more meaningful way. Furthermore, by showing a genuine interest in their well-being and how their life could improve, we demonstrate that we really care about their happiness and future, which strengthens the relationship and makes the message more responsive and relevant.

5. Use information that is helpful to the person. 

Show them as soon as possible how a Bible course can answer their questions and help them in many ways.

It is important to use information that is helpful to the person and show them as soon as possible how a Bible course can answer their questions and help them in many ways because this makes the conversation meaningful and engaging for them. By tailoring the information to their interests and needs, we are responding directly to their concerns, which shows that we understand and value what they are concerned about.

Showing the benefits of a Bible study right away helps her see the practical and emotional value she can gain, motivating her to seriously consider studying. This also reinforces the idea that the Bible has answers to her problems and can offer her guidance and hope in her everyday life, making her more likely to accept the invitation to study.


Rom. 10:13, 14;

We show empathy by recognizing that for someone to call on Jehovah's name and be saved, they first need to know Him and have faith in Him. We understand that many people have not yet had the opportunity to learn about Jehovah and His purpose. This motivates us to share the Bible's message with patience, love, and understanding, taking into account each person's individual needs, circumstances, and concerns.

Showing empathy in this context involves not just sharing the message, but doing so in a way that suits the person, understanding their situation and guiding them to the truth with sensitivity and care. In doing so, we show that we really care about their spiritual well-being and their relationship with Jehovah.

Phil. 2:3, 4;

We demonstrate empathy by following this advice by putting the needs and feelings of others before our own. By viewing others as superiors, we strive to understand their viewpoints, concerns, and emotions, which allows us to connect with them more deeply and authentically.

Taking an interest in the concerns of others, rather than focusing only on our own, shows that we value their experiences and are willing to support them in their challenges. This attitude helps us to be more sensitive to what others are going through and to offer help, comfort or guidance in a way that truly benefits them, thus strengthening our relationships and reflecting Christian love.

1 Pet. 3:8

We show empathy by putting these principles into practice. Being “like-minded” and “sharing the feelings of others” involves putting ourselves in the shoes of others, trying to understand their emotions and experiences. Compassion and humility lead us to act with kindness and consideration, recognizing the needs and concerns of others as important.

When we share in another's pain or joy and respond with love and understanding, we are showing empathy. This type of emotional connection strengthens our relationships and shows that we genuinely care about the well-being of the people around us.

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