Monday, September 9, 2024

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week 9 - September 15, 2024, Empathy: What Jesus did, Video Analysis: Jesus is moved when he sees a crowd, Lesson 9, Points 1-2 and “See also”, Answers.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: September 9-15, 2024, Empathy: What Jesus Did, Video Analysis: Jesus is Moved When He Sees a Crowd, Lesson 9, Points 1-2 and “See Also,” Answers.

Empathy: What Jesus Did (7 mins.) Audience discussion. Play the VIDEO and then discuss the booklet A Work of Love lesson 9 points 1, 2.

Why did Jesus and his apostles want to go to a place “where they could be alone”?

In Mark 6:30-34, Jesus and his apostles wanted to go to a place “where they could be alone” because they were exhausted from the intense work of their ministry. The apostles had just returned from a mission where they had preached, cast out demons, and healed many sick people. When they met with Jesus, they told him everything they had done and taught. Jesus, seeing their exhaustion and noticing that they “did not even have time to eat” because of the crowd following them, suggested that they go off to a lonely place to rest a while.

This desire to step away shows the human need for physical and emotional rest, even in the context of spiritual service. Jesus cared about the well-being of his apostles and wanted them to have time to regain their strength. Furthermore, this passage reflects the balance Jesus maintained between service to others and care for himself and his disciples.

What motivated Jesus to preach to a crowd?

Jesus was motivated to preach to the crowds because of his deep compassion for them. Mark 6:34 says that when Jesus saw the crowds, “He had compassion for them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd.” This comparison indicates that Jesus sensed that the people were disoriented and in need of spiritual guidance. His love and empathy for the people prompted him to devote time and effort to teaching them, even though he and his apostles were looking for a moment of rest.

What do we learn from Jesus' example?

From Jesus' example we learn that showing empathy is fundamental in our dealings with others. Jesus was not only focused on getting his message across, but he also cared deeply about people and their needs.

In doing so, he demonstrated that true teaching and effective ministry is not based on teaching alone, but also on genuine care and attention to people’s individual circumstances. When we follow his example, we ensure that our message is conveyed with love and understanding, making it more meaningful and effective.

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