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“My tent will be with them; I will be your God” (EZEQ. 37:27).
1, 2. What opportunity does Jehovah offer us?
Jehovah offers us the opportunity to be his guests, that is, his friends. This implies a close and special relationship similar to that a host has with his guests, which allows us to enjoy his company and his protection.
Jehovah offers us several opportunities, he even offers us eternal life, he offers us forgiveness of sins, but there is a very special one, which is the opportunity to be his friend, to have a close and personal relationship with him that can help us to be a guest of your store.
And the privilege we have is that at any time we want we can talk to him and we can ask him anything and he will always listen to us if we approach him.
And if we have visitors, we normally invite them for dinner or maybe spend a day together in the mountains or the beach or something, but Jehovah says in Psalm 15 1 residing in your holy mountain is not like living with me, it is a little different, Jehovah wants that we are always at your side.
3. Who was Jehovah's first guest, and how did they feel about each other?
Yes, he was his first creation, so he was his first guest and as Proverbs 8:30 mentions, he was happy before Jehovah and Jehovah also says that it was his greatest joy, so the result of residing with Jehovah is happiness.
Jehovah's first guest was his firstborn son. The Bible indicates that Jehovah's greatest joy was his son and that his first guest always felt happy in front of him.
According to Proverbs 8:30, Jehovah found his “greatest joy” in his Son, and the Son always felt “happy before him.” This close and joyful relationship reflects the deep connection and love between them.
4. Who did Jehovah invite to his tent?
He invited other spirits to his tent, the Angels whom he calls children of God, and later created human beings by inviting some of them such as Enoch, Noah, Abraham and Job. Of each of them, the Bible says that he was a friend of God or that he walked with the true god.
And we see that for the angels the result of being in that tent was the same as that of Jesus. Job 38:7 says that they were together for joy and that they shouted in praise.
And then later human beings were also able to enjoy that relationship, in Genesis 5:24 it tells us about Enoch how Jehovah took him and now he walks with the true God.
Another of those faithful servants that Jehovah chose and invited to be his friend and guest was what is recorded in Isaiah 41:8 when it says that he told Jacob that he had chosen him because he was the offspring of his friend Abraham.
Among his faithful servants who had that honor were Enoch Noah Abraham and Job, each of whom is said to have been a friend of the true God.
Yes, I think it stands out with respect to the issue of being a guest in Jehovah's tent, which is something important because we are seeing that both in the case of Jesus, in the case of the angels and the human servants that have been mentioned, it is That guest in Jehovah's tent is related to having the friendship of Jehovah, which is why, as the theme of this article says, it is a great honor and a privilege to be able to be there.
5. What does the prophecy of Ezekiel 37:26, 27 teach us?
Ezekiel 37 verses 26 and 27 teach us that Jehovah deeply desires that his faithful servants enjoy his friendship; he promised to make a covenant of peace with them, which implies a lasting relationship. This promise would be fulfilled when those hoping to live in heaven and those hoping to live on earth were United as one flock within their symbolic tent, as mentioned in John 10 verse 16. This prophecy is being fulfilled. fulfilling today, since his servants dwell in unity and peace.
Ezekiel's prophecy implies that many people would be moved to give Jehovah pure worship along with the Anointed Ones, and today the Anointed Ones and the great multitude make up one nation, Jehovah's people, enjoying his protection. , since he guarantees us that as long as we are obedient we will enjoy his peace.
The expressions that we see that Jehovah would make a pact of peace also says that he would make them many and that his tent would be with them, so this profession teaches us that Jehovah really wants his faithful servants to enjoy his friendship and this as We see this prophecy being fulfilled today.
What this prophecy also teaches us is that Jehovah wants to have a lasting relationship with those who worship him and fulfills his will.
And how beautiful the text is, this truth. Jehovah knows that if we are his guests we are going to have many benefits, we are going to be the beneficiaries and yet he is the one who does everything possible to make a pact so that it is forever so that it lasts with us and so that we can benefit.
6. When do we enter the tent of Jehovah, and where is that tent located?
When we dedicate our lives to her, as we begin to enjoy her hospitality of abundant spiritual food, rest, protection and the company of her other guests, as for this symbolic tent, she is not found in one place, rather she is in Any place where there are obedient servants of Jehovah, an example of this is the international assemblies.
Well, we enter the tent of Jehovah when we dedicate our lives to him and that tent is not found in a single physical place but in any place where there are obedient servants of Jehovah, and we can verify this when we travel even abroad where we can enjoy it. spiritual and abundant food and also from the company of other guests of Jehovah in the same tent.
At the beginning of the paragraph there is a very nice illustration that says that in ancient times when a guest entered a tent, they also found hospitality and refuge there, and Psalm 61:4 is quoted where it talks about when we are a guest in Jehovah's tent, he tells me I will take refuge in the shelter of your wings, so as mentioned, if we serve Jehovah we have that refuge and he is the best host we can have.
Yes, we see that this tent is with all humanity and Jehovah tells us that we will be his people and that he will be with us, so that tent can extend throughout the earth.
7. Why can we say that Jehovah's servants who died faithful are still guests in his tent? (See also the image).
Because the Bible shows that they are alive in the memory of Jehovah. Jesus explained in Luke 20 verse 37 and 38 that the dead are resurrected and that Jehovah is not the God of the Dead, but of the living, which indicates that for him all of them are alive.
The Bible tells us this, we have the story of the burning bush with Moses, which Jesus mentioned in Luke 20:37 and 38 in which it is mentioned that Jehovah addressed Moses as the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob and who said that he is not the God of the dead but of the living because for him they are all alive, we know that he continues to remember these faithful servants of his.
Here in the image we have our sister and maybe she is remembering a situation from the past and reliving it in her mind or she has experienced something pleasant she was with friends and maybe she thinks that that would have been difficult for her today too and Jehovah is like that too maybe she remembers prayers from her faithful servants who have died or see things and think that the faithful servants would also like that now, they are alive in the memory of Jehovah.
If we do not all know many servants from the past and as Moses Abraham Isaac has said and we know that they are alive for Jehovah, we today also know many brothers who at one time were with us and today perhaps are not and just as For us, we feel the longing to be able to meet them one day. For Jehovah, they are alive, so that also makes us feel that for us, they are also as if they were alive.
And it is also nice to think that for Jehovah to be able to resurrect them he has to remember each of their details, thoughts and experiences, so up to that level Jehovah reminds people that in some way they are alive because they are frozen in time but what they They were everything is in the memory of Jehovah.
An older sister looks at the photos in an album with a big smile. We can say that Jehovah's servants who have died are still in her tent. (See paragraph 7).
8. What benefits do we receive by being in Jehovah's tent?
By staying in Jehovah's tent and remaining faithful, we receive his spiritual protection so that Satan cannot do us any permanent harm. We also have hope that in the new world he will continue to protect us from all spiritual harm and death.
Psalm 31:23 says that Jehovah will protect the faithful faithful, so when we are close to Jehovah Satan cannot do us any eternal harm because just like a tent we can rest and protect ourselves from bad weather in the same way Jehovah's tent protects us from any spiritual damage.
And also being inside the tent of Jehovah, the devil cannot do us any harm that has no remedy and that is what he explains first of John 3:8 when he says that the son of God, that is, Jesus has a purpose, a mission. of Jehovah, which is to undo the work of the devil, is already undoing some of those works by purifying pure worship and making us free from the lies that the devil has told about Jehovah and very soon when we live in the new world he will repair the rest of physical and emotional damage that the devil may have done to us.
And how beautiful is the hope that Revelation 21:4 gives us where it says that Jehovah will dry our tears from our eyes, death will disappear, we will not have pain and how beautiful it is that Jehovah, even in paradise, will continue to protect us from all this spiritual damage and in addition to Death will make disappear how beautiful and how grateful we are to God.
9. How should Jehovah's guests behave?
Jehovah's guests must behave in a way that pleases him in everything, so they must make every effort to show him deep respect, recognize him as God and father, be fearful and avoid any behavior that could offend him, and walk modestly with him. Just as we would take off our shoes when entering the house of someone who asks us to, we must be willing to do what Jehovah expects of us to continue being his guests and enjoy his friendship forever.
Well, just like if someone invites us to their house, we want to know what the rules, let's say, are that they have in that house. Perhaps the normal thing there is to take off their shoes when they enter, which are normal in many homes, well, we would do it with great pleasure since we are We are grateful for the invitation because the same thing happens with Jehovah. We want to know what the rules are or what he expects us to do to continue being in his store.
At the end of the paragraph Micah 6:8 is cited in which it tells us some aspects that we can take into account to be a guest in Jehovah's tent, such as practicing justice, loving loyalty, and walking modestly with Jehovah, and there is a note in the study Bible that explains that practicing justice and loving loyalty is exercised toward others, but walking modestly with Jehovah is done toward him when we put into practice what he tells us in the Bible and when we recognize that we need it in everything we do.
And a very important point that we are analyzing is that here we see Jehovah as our host but as you mention Psalm 25:14 there it mentions that if we want that intimate friendship with Jehovah we must fear him so we must not forget that before being our friend he is our God and our father.
Yes, the text of Colossians 1:10 is also cited where it mentions that we have to behave in a manner worthy of Jehovah's eyes and please him in every way we can and at the end of the paragraph it talks about increasing knowledge as has already been said if we know What are Jehovah's rules? If we want to be guests in his store, we have to comply with his rules.
10, 11. What example do we have of Jehovah treating all his servants fairly?
He demonstrated this in the way he cared for the Israelites camped in the Sinai Desert, after freeing them from slavery in Egypt. Jehovah appointed priests to serve in the tabernacle and assigned the Levites other tasks related to that Holy tent, despite These differences in roles and proximity to the tabernacle Jehovah cared for everyone equally without showing favoritism.
Well, the fact that although there were different people who performed different functions within the people, such as priests, Levites, etc., Jehovah did not make distinctions, he did not treat them better because they did their jobs, but rather he treated all people equally.
And for example, it is striking that everyone could hear the same announcement, for example the starting one, and without any type of privilege as to who would be the first, everyone heard it at the same time or, for example, when he says that it did not mean being best friends with God, whoever was closer to the smoke that came out in the morning or the fire at night, wherever they were, everyone saw the presence of Jehovah at the same time.
Well, there is the biblical basis that Jehovah has precisely made sure that we have that says that because God is not partial, that is to say, he treats all those who invite him to his store equally wherever they are.
12. How did Jehovah fairly treat the Israelites in the wilderness? (Exodus 40:38; see also images).
He dealt impartially with the Israelites in the wilderness by making sure that the entire nation could see the pillar of cloud and the pillar of fire that appeared over the tabernacle, when the cloud began to move everyone, even those camped further away, could see it. and thus gather their belongings and move with the rest of the nation, and the fact that the tabernacle was in the middle of the camp was also a demonstration of Jehovah's impartiality.
Furthermore, everyone could hear the announcement of the departure through the sound of two silver trumpets. This shows that living near the Tabernacle did not mean being a better friend of Jehovah, since all members of the nation could be his guests and enjoy his guidance and protection.
And number 10:2 explains that Jehovah also had two silver trumpets made and that with these trumpets the people would be gathered together and the camps would also be dismantled, so everyone had the opportunity to both come to that meeting to hear about Jehovah and to hear about Jehovah. follow the rest of the people and not be left behind and everyone had the same opportunity and no one was different or better.
Well, one way that occurs to me is that throughout the world, whether the country is underdeveloped or developed, where there are brothers who have the same information about us, the same meetings, we all see that there, Jehovah, we fully see that he is Impartial and That he loves us all equally.
Also lately some changes that the organization is making are announced directly in JW broadcasting the monthly reports that we have and they arrive on the same day at the same time to the entire planet, so we all have the opportunity to receive that information at the same time.
Yes at the beginning of the paragraph and but in the camp everyone had the same opportunity to be friends of Jehovah, now Jehovah also gives us all the same spiritual food wherever we are and wants us to draw closer to him and become his friends.
And we can see in the image the aerial view of that Israelite camp and how Jehovah showed his impartiality by placing the tabernacle in the center, we can see in the left image there the priest in the tabernacle but then we have in the other of the circle this family that was not very close to the tabernacle was far behind, but they could still observe that cloud and then it is shown how Jehovah cared for them and protected them all. Likewise today it does not matter where we live but we always remain loyal to Jehovah. He will take care of them and protect us.
Aerial view of the Israelite camp in the desert. The tabernacle is in the center of the camp. The pillar of cloud is seen above the tabernacle. Enlarged views: 1. A priest pours water into the copper laver, which is before the tabernacle and the pillar of cloud. An arrow comes out of the zoomed view and indicates where the tabernacle is. 2. A family standing outside their tent or tent looks at the column of cloud in the distance. An arrow pops out of the zoomed-in view, indicating that the family's tent is in the corner of the camp. The fact that the tabernacle was in the middle of the camp demonstrated Jehovah's impartiality. (See paragraph 12).
13. How does Jehovah demonstrate impartiality today?
He shows impartiality today by loving and accepting all his servants as guests regardless of whether they live near the Jehovah's Witnesses world headquarters or a branch office or if they serve in these facilities, the vast majority of us do not enjoy these blessings, but It also receives from Jehovah the spiritual food, direction and protection we need.
Yes, some of us live near where the world headquarters is or others are also allowed to learn about or be in the activities of the branch and so on, and this does not mean that the vast majority enjoy these blessings, but Jehovah can collaborate in this sense if they also agree. He remembers them and says that Jehovah accepts him as a guest and takes personal care of each one of them, all his servants receive, as we are seeing, the same spiritual food, the direction and protection that each one deserves.
As the first text of Peter 5:7 says, it says because he cares about you, but on the one hand we must cast all our concerns on him. As we have seen, the family must be aware of that cloud, we also have to be aware of everything. that is posted on our website.
1 Peter 5:7 It is also nice to know that he is impartial when it comes to listening to our prayers and understands each person's situation, he cares about us and is willing to listen to us at any time, that is a very great example of impartiality.
And we have to keep in mind that although the vast majority of us do not enjoy those blessings that had been mentioned above, it is true that we all have to see ourselves as a team because we all collaborate in the same work and Jehovah has us all equally. He loves us and always appreciates everything we do.
You might think that there are differences because those at Bethel have special programs or perhaps a visit and it is true, but for example the pioneers in the conference have school experiences in the ministry or the Parents can experience how Jehovah helps a child grow, it is something that others do not experience, then Jehovah's imperiality does not mean that we all experience the same thing but that we all have the assurance that Jehovah loves and cares for us personally.
14. What is another way that Jehovah demonstrates that he is an impartial host?
Making sure that the Bible is accessible to all people around the world.
One of the ways is by making sure that the Bible is accessible to people around the world, although the Holy Scriptures were written in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek. This does not mean that those who can read God's word in their original languages have a closer relationship with him. Jehovah makes sure that everyone, regardless of language, can access his word and have a close relationship with him.
And the fact that the Bible is available in thousands of languages shows the impartiality of Jehovah who wants everyone to have the opportunity to know him and draw closer to him.
Matthew 11:25 Jesus says that Jehovah had hidden these things from the intellectuals and the wise and had revealed himself to little children and of course the holy scriptures were written in Hebrew Aramaic and Greek and it would not have been fair if it had only been kept in these languages because very few would understand it today, however it is accessible to all people around the world.
15. Name one more proof of Jehovah's impartiality (see also the pictures).
A proof of Jehovah's impartiality is that his approval does not depend on academic training or knowledge of the Biblical languages. Jehovah offers his wisdom to everyone regardless of their education and his word, the Bible has been translated into thousands of languages so that people from all countries can benefit from his teachings and learn to be his friends. Additional in the images we can see two people with clear differences in age, sex, race, nationality, socioeconomic and academic level, yet both are reading the Bible.
This paragraph caught my attention and made me think that many religions are interested in having empowered and educated people, but on the other hand, Jehovah is so good that he wants all people in all countries to know him, regardless of their education. and its social level, a clear example as mentioned before of Jehovah's impartiality is that the Bible is translated into 1091 languages reachable throughout the world.
Thanks to Jehovah's impartiality, today the Bible is not only translated into thousands of languages, but it is also available in a wide variety of formats and can be accessed easily and free of charge.
And here too there is impartiality on the part of Jehovah, we also play an important role, we can also contribute or collaborate to make this happen when we participate fully precisely in bringing the message of the kingdom to other people and we do not make any distinction between them. the time to preach in the territories.
Yes, in the series of images you see precisely that, you see a man who is using his tablet to see the Bible in sign language and you also see an elderly person who lives in a rural area and reads the Bible in this case in paper in their own community language.
Well, perhaps the academic training because in the photo of the little sister here are those countries because she does not have the academic training that the other brother has who has his tablet, not everything but she has the Bible, therefore she has the word of Jehovah and gives It doesn't matter where she is and in what part of the world, if she has the Bible she already has Jehovah's approval, it means that she can get Jehovah's approval.
Series of images: 1. A man uses a tablet to view the Bible in sign language. 2. An older woman living in a rural area reads the paper Bible in her language. The Bible is translated into thousands of languages, demonstrating Jehovah's impartiality. (See paragraph 15).
16. Whom does Jehovah accept into his tent? (Acts 10:34, 35).
He accepts everyone in his store regardless of origin, nationality, culture, education, race, age or sex, the only thing he asks of his guests is that they respect his rules.
According to Acts 10 verses 34 and 35, Jehovah makes no distinction between people and accepts those who fear him and do what is right. This reinforces the idea that his hospitality is truly Impartial and is based on respect for his standards, rather than on personal, social or other characteristics.
Good to those who fear him and also accepts those who fear him and do good, regardless of the nation. Jehovah is not looking to see if you are rich or poor or what nationality, what he wants is for us to serve him faithfully.
He accepts us all impartially, no matter what our nation, our culture, education, race, age or sex, as we have seen in reality, the only condition he sets is that we respect his rules, which in this case would mean fearing him and doing what is right.
Well, we feel very grateful because we are in the best town you can be in. We see the difference between what we are seeing in the world: hatred and discrimination for being of a particular race or perhaps being more economically inferior, and here there is no that distinction.
17. What will we see in the next article?
In the following article we will see some requirements that we must meet to continue being guests of Jehovah.
How do we know that Jehovah really wants to be our friend?
Well he has always been an excellent host, his first guest was his son, then Los Angeles. And finally, faithful human beings, the prophecy of Ezekiel 37, 26 and 27, which is what we have analyzed now, will be fulfilled when those who have hope of living in heaven and those who have hope of living on earth will be United within your symbolic store.
Well, he wants to give us his friendship by inviting us to be his guests in his store and he already started in the past with other creatures like his first-born son Jesús Los Ángeles and then us human beings.
We analyzed the quote from Ezekiel 37 where Jehovah was going to make a covenant with all humanity, he was going to give people the opportunity to enter that tent and be guests of Jehovah.
How does Jehovah expect people he has invited to his tent to behave?
As it is logical that a homeowner sets rules for everyone who is welcomed into his home, so Jehovah expects us to have good behavior and not do anything that offends him.
Yes, just like when a friend invites us to his house, we have to behave, we have to have a minimum of education and respect because he is going to wait exactly the same, it is true that he is our friend but he doesn't want us to forget who he is and everything is can be summarized in what Micah 6:6-8 tells us to practice justice, love loyalty, and walk modestly.
Also in Colossians 1:10 he is telling us that he likes us to behave in a dignified manner and to please him and the way we can do that is by studying the Bible well and knowing what he requires of us.
What benefits do we gain from Jehovah's impartiality?
We have remembered that he provides all his servants with the spiritual food, the same direction and the protection they need. Furthermore, it has been ensured that anyone who wishes can enjoy the words contained in the Holy Scriptures.
Well, we have seen that all his servants receive the same spiritual food, the same direction, the same protection that we all need, no matter where we live, whether we live very close to where it is, let's say the branch, or we are far away, in any place, any race, any culture, Jehovah treats us all equally.
And it is available to everyone, even people who may not have had any education, and Jehovah says that it is for all people because what is taught there is not a way of life.
It also makes us belong to a brotherhood that wherever you are here or in another country or in another place you visit you will find friends who are also in Jehovah's tent.
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