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“The Lord lives!” (Ps. 18:46).
1. What can help us to continue serving Jehovah despite so many problems?
The main help we have is to remember that Jehovah is the living God. Furthermore, perceiving Jehovah as the living God gives us comfort and strength. This recognition allows us to trust that Jehovah is not an inert God, but one who acts and cares for his servants and is active and present in our lives, helping us to overcome any difficulty. This understanding motivates us to pray constantly and to seek Divine guidance in the Bible, which helps us to face opposition and persecution.
Therefore, as the apostle Paul mentions in 2 Timothy 1:12, having faith that Jehovah will fulfill his promises gives us the courage to continue forward.
2. How does Jehovah prove that he is the living God?
In 2 Chronicles 16:99, we read that Jehovah’s eyes are running to and fro throughout the earth to show his strength on behalf of those who serve him with a complete heart. Therefore, Jehovah demonstrates that he is the living God by being a real person who supports us during difficulties and looks for opportunities to help us. Jehovah provides practical and emotional help to his worshipers. Seeing Jehovah as the living God motivates us to rely on his help and seek his guidance through prayer and scripture study.
Furthermore, we will see how King David's experience is a clear example of how Jehovah intervenes in the lives of his servants.
3. What did David mean when he exclaimed: “The Lord lives!”?
The expression Jehovah lives on the part of David is a powerful declaration of faith and trust in the continuous activity of Jehovah in the lives of his servants. During the moments of persecution by King David he asked Jehovah for help, seeing how Jehovah answered his prayer and rescued him, David enthusiastically proclaimed that Jehovah lives. This recognition was based on the multiple occasions in which he had experienced Divine support and salvation, seeing the hand of Jehovah in his life reinforced his conviction that Jehovah is a God who not only exists, but is present and active.
The reference work mentioned in the paragraph emphasizes that this exclamation reflected David's belief in a living God who repeatedly helps his people.
4. What are the benefits of seeing Jehovah as the living God?
Seeing Jehovah as the living God brings several significant benefits to our spiritual life. On the one hand, it infuses us with enthusiasm for our service. This conviction gives us the strength to endure any problem we face in this system. Knowing that Jehovah is active and present in our lives motivates us to work hard in his service.
Furthermore, this perspective strengthens our resolve to stay close to Jehovah, which in turn strengthens our relationship with him. Trusting that Jehovah is the living God not only provides us with encouragement and energy, but also helps us withstand opposition and trials.
5. What helps us face difficulties with confidence? (Philippians 4:13)
As we have read in the text, no problem is too big for Jehovah, since he is almighty and can give us the strength to endure any situation. The conviction that Jehovah is alive and active in our lives provides us with a continuous source of energy and courage.
Seeing how Jehovah helps us in everyday situations strengthens our faith in his ability to help us in the most critical moments of our lives. This divine support motivates us to continue forward full of security and confidence, knowing that we can count on the constant support and unlimited power of Jehovah, who will never leave us nor forsake us.
6. What experiences strengthened young David’s trust in Jehovah?
The experiences that strengthened young David's confidence in Jehovah include two specific events during his time as a shepherd: on one occasion, a lion took a sheep from his father's flock and on another a bear did the same. David showed great courage in pursuing and saving the sheep. Later, when he reflected on these events, he realized that his courage and strength came from Jehovah. Therefore, David did not take credit for his actions, acknowledging that it was Jehovah who strengthened him.
These experiences not only demonstrated Jehovah’s power in his life, but also reinforced his confidence that Jehovah would continue to help him in the future. David meditated on these experiences and became even more convinced that the living God would be at his side, providing him with the strength he needed to overcome any challenge.
7. What did David focus on, and why did that help him fight Goliath?
David focused on Jehovah and his power, rather than on Goliath's size or threats. David did not allow fear to dominate him, because he focused his attention on Jehovah, recognizing that Goliath's challenge was a direct affront to God. This spiritual perspective helped him remain calm and act boldly.
David's strength came from his relationship with Jehovah and his history of experiences in which he had seen God's hand working in his favor. By focusing on Jehovah and not on the immediate problem, David was able to confront and defeat Goliath, proving that true strength and victory come from trusting in the living God.
David saw beyond the physical giant and recognized the opportunity to defend Jehovah's honor. This vision teaches us the importance of seeing our problems through the prism of our faith in Jehovah, knowing that with his support no difficulty is insurmountable.
8. What will help us strengthen our trust in Jehovah during difficult times? (See also image.)
To strengthen our trust in Jehovah During difficult times, it is essential to remember that he is a living God and is always attentive to help us, as mentioned in Psalm 118:6 it is important to remember Jehovah's interventions in our lives and meditate on Jehovah's actions, both in biblical and modern times, doing this helps us see how Jehovah has acted in various circumstances, and provides us with a solid basis to trust in his continued support.
As we study Bible accounts and review contemporary experiences of brothers and sisters on jw.org, we can see a consistent pattern of divine care and help. Reflecting on our personal experiences also reminds us that Jehovah is actively involved in our lives.
9. How should we view problems? (Proverbs 27:11)
We must see the problems from Jehovah's perspective, he helps us understand that they are part of a larger issue between Jehovah and Satan, he assures us that we will abandon Jehovah when we face difficulties, as we see in Job 1:10,11, however, Proverbs 27:11 invites us to be wise and to rejoice Jehovah's heart, thus demonstrating that Satan is a liar, let us not forget that each test is an opportunity to demonstrate our loyalty to Jehovah and disprove Satan's accusations.
Therefore, difficulties not only test our faith, but they also strengthen our relationship with Jehovah. Knowing that Jehovah is attentive and gives us the strength to endure any adversity provides us with comfort and encouragement.
In a cell, two brothers are sitting on a bed talking. On the wall behind them are letters and a drawing. Our way of dealing with problems is part of a much bigger issue. (See paragraphs 8 and 9.)
10. What will the living God do for those who worship him?
The living God will reward those who worship him in various ways. First of all, Jehovah grants us peace and joy in the present, which transforms our daily lives, and in the future he promises to give us eternal life, assuring us that the final reward will be of incomparable magnitude.
Furthermore, Hebrews 11:6 confirms that Jehovah rewards those who seek him with faith and devotion. This conviction that Jehovah not only has the desire but also the power to reward us, motivates us to work hard in his service knowing that our work will be recognized and blessed by Jehovah.
11. What motivated Timothy to work hard in the congregation? (1 Timothy 4:10)
According to this text, Timothy was motivated to work hard in the congregation, because he placed his hope in the living God, he completely trusted that Jehovah would reward him, this confidence in Jehovah's promise gave him the energy and commitment necessary to carry out various responsibilities within the congregation.
Timothy followed Paul's advice to be a better teacher and speaker by showing patience and love in his dealings with others. Even when he needed to give difficult advice, Timothy demonstrated through his actions that his primary motivation was to please Jehovah, trusting that he would reward his efforts regardless of whether they were valued by others or not. This attitude of serving with an eye toward divine reward is an inspiring model for all Christians.
12. What can motivate the elderly to work hard? (See also the image.)
Timothy's example serves as a serious motivation for the congregation's elders, reminding them that Jehovah deeply appreciates their dedication and effort. It is important for the elders to view their service as a privilege and an opportunity to honor Jehovah.
Their work is not only crucial to the spiritual well-being of the congregation, but also to support construction projects, relief and medical care through patient visiting groups and hospital liaison committees.
By keeping in mind that the congregation belongs to Jehovah and not to them, the elders can work wholeheartedly knowing that Jehovah will reward them generously for their faithful service.
13. How does Jehovah feel when he sees our efforts to serve him?
Jehovah appreciates and values every effort we make to serve him, no matter how big or small. As we read Luke 21:1-4, we see that our love and devotion are manifested in everyday acts of service and sacrifice. Even small contributions are valuable in Jehovah’s eyes.
Active participation in meetings, efforts to overcome shyness in speaking, and willingness to forgive others are concrete examples of how we demonstrate our love for Jehovah. He understands our struggles and appreciates every sincere effort we make to serve him, which encourages us to move forward with confidence and joy in our service to Jehovah.
In the evening, two elders pay a sister a pastoral visit via video call. One of the elders is reading a Bible text. On the wall in front of him are a hard hat, a high-visibility vest, and a calendar with many things written on it. The living God will reward him for his hard work in the congregation. (See paragraphs 12 and 13.)
14. Why do we say that staying close to Jehovah helps us to be faithful to him? (See also image.)
Staying close to Jehovah helps us to be faithful to him, because when he is real to us our desire to please him is strengthened. As we see in Genesis 39:9, Joseph, by refusing to commit an immoral act with Potiphar's wife, demonstrated that his loyalty to Jehovah was unbreakable due to his close relationship with him. For Jehovah to be just as real to us, it is crucial to set aside time to pray and study his word. This dedication helps us to cultivate a deep friendship with him.
In James 4:8 we see that as we draw near to Jehovah, he will draw near to us, which strengthens our determination to remain faithful, just like Joseph. If we develop a close relationship with Jehovah, our loyalty and desire to avoid any action that displeases him will become stronger.
15. What does the bad example of the Israelites who were in the desert teach us? (Hebrews 3:12)
This biblical text underlines the importance of cultivating a solid faith and an unwavering trust in Jehovah. The bad example of the Israelites in the desert teaches us the importance of maintaining a strong faith in Jehovah as the living God. Despite having witnessed numerous miracles, they began to doubt that Jehovah would provide them with what they needed, and they even questioned whether Jehovah was really with them.
Therefore, remaining firm in faith and remembering that Jehovah is always present and willing to help us is essential to avoid falling into the same trap as the Israelites.
A young brother walks away from his classmates, who are gaping at something on a phone. Drawing closer to the living God will help him remain faithful. (See paragraphs 14 and 15.)
16. What could test our faith?
The world we live in can present significant challenges to our faith. The prevailing unbelief and the apparent prosperity of those who do not follow Jehovah's will are factors that can challenge our trust in him. Even if we do not stop believing in his existence, we may begin to doubt whether he will really help us in our difficulties.
This feeling is clearly described in Psalm 73. The psalmist faced a deep crisis of faith when he saw how the wicked prospered while he, who was trying to live righteously, suffered difficulties. He came to question whether his effort to maintain purity and serve God had any meaning. However, when he entered the Sanctuary of God and meditated on the fate of the wicked, he understood that his apparent prosperity was temporary and that true blessing and security come from a close relationship with Jehovah.
17. What will help us stay close to Jehovah?
Staying close to Jehovah requires meditating on his promises and blessings. The Psalmist of Psalm 73 corrected his perspective by considering the consequences for those who forget Jehovah, reflected on the benefits of serving God, and realized that true happiness and security come from staying close to Jehovah.
Likewise, we can stay close to Jehovah by meditating on the blessings we have received and comparing our current life with what it would be like if we had not served him. Remembering these blessings and Jehovah's promises will strengthen our desire to be faithful to him.
18. Why can we look to the future with confidence?
The certainty that we serve Jehovah, a living and true God, enables us to face the future with confidence, even in these last days plagued with adversity. Jehovah has repeatedly demonstrated throughout Bible history that he is a real God, attentive to the needs of his servants.
Jehovah's constant support gives us the security and courage necessary to face any challenge, knowing that we are not alone and that he will always be by our side to help us.
How does remembering that Jehovah is “the living God” strengthen you?
Remembering that Jehovah is the living God gives us strength to face any adversity, since we know that he is a real person who constantly supports us and looks for opportunities to help us.
What will help you be convinced that “the living God” will reward you?
Meditate on how Jehovah has rewarded his faithful servants, such as Timothy, in the past and remember that God values and rewards our efforts, even if they are not visible to others.
What will help you stay close to the “living God”?
Reflect on the blessings we have received from Jehovah and compare them with a life without serving Him, as well as meditate on the biblical accounts of salvation and modern experiences of Divine support.
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