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“O Jehovah, who can be a guest in your tent?” (PSA. 15:1).
1. What does Psalm 15:1-5 help us?
Psalm 15:1-5, helps us understand the qualities we must cultivate to be guests in Jehovah's symbolic tent, this biblical passage describes the characteristics of those who can dwell in God's Holy place, underscoring the importance of integrity, justice and truth. Specifically, it mentions that we are to walk in integrity, practice justice, and speak the truth in our hearts.
It also highlights the importance of not slandering with the tongue, not harming others, and not receiving bribes. By developing these qualities we can get closer to Jehovah and cultivate an intimate friendship with him.
Furthermore, the organization in its publications has emphasized that these qualities are not only external actions, but reflections of a clean heart and sincere faith.
2. What might David have been thinking about when he mentioned Jehovah's tent?
David's mention of the tent and the holy mountain reflects his deep longing to be close to Jehovah. In Israelite tradition, these places were not only centers of worship but also symbols of divine favor and presence.
The preparation of a tent in Zion for the ark of the covenant shows David's zeal to provide a suitable place for the worship of Jehovah, anticipating the building of the temple by his son Solomon, this focus on pure worship and the desire to be in the presence of Jehovah, are valuable lessons for us today, as they highlight the importance of maintaining a close relationship with Jehovah through sincere worship and integrity.
3. Why should we be interested in Psalm 15? (See also the image).
The interest in Psalm 15 lies in the fact that it provides us with clear guidance on the qualities we must develop to maintain an intimate relationship with Jehovah. Although most of the Israelites did not have direct access to the tabernacle.
This Psalm offers hope that all faithful servants can be guests in God's symbolic tent by cultivating characteristics such as integrity, justice, and sincerity; these qualities are not only moral principles, but are fundamental to a close relationship with God. By following the teachings of Psalm 15, we can ensure that we are in Jehovah's presence and receive his blessing and protection.
Some Israelites walking along a road and entering a large tent or tent. For the Israelites of David's time, the idea of being guests in Jehovah's tent was an easy image to understand. (See paragraph 3).
4. How do we know that being baptized is not enough to have Jehovah's approval? (Isaiah 48:1)
Baptism is an important step in the life of a Christian, but according to Isaiah 48:1 it is not enough to ensure Jehovah's approval. Psalm 15:2 emphasizes the need for continuous action and sustained effort to live according to God's principles.
In Biblical times, although some Israelites called upon God, not all did so with sincerity and justice. Likewise today, Christians must go beyond baptism, striving to comply with Divine standards and live blamelessly, since Jehovah's approval requires a life of integrity and constant obedience, not just initial dedication.
5. What does it mean for Jehovah to walk blamelessly and do what is right?
Jehovah is not simply pleased with our regular attendance at meetings, but values comprehensive and consistent obedience in all areas of life. This approach to obedience highlights the importance of reflecting Biblical Principles in all our decisions and actions, even in what seems insignificant and when we are alone.
Therefore, as we read in 1 John 5:3, living blamelessly and doing what is right from Jehovah's perspective is an ongoing process that encompasses every aspect of our lives, strengthening our relationship with him by ensuring his approval and affection.
6. According to Hebrews 6:10-12, why is it not enough that we have been faithful in the past?
The texts we have just read highlight that fidelity to Jehovah is a continuous and persevering commitment. This passage shows that God deeply appreciates our good works and our love, demonstrated in our service to him, but it also emphasizes the need to remain diligent to the end. This means that our service to Jehovah should not be intermittent or limited to certain periods of our lives.
In Galatians 6:9, we are urged not to grow weary in doing good for we will be rewarded and persevere. Therefore, although our past actions are valuable and remembered by Jehovah, it is essential to maintain a constant and continuous effort in our devotion to Jehovah.
7. What does it mean to speak the truth from the heart?
The expression speak the truth in your heart goes beyond simply not lying, this expression implies deep sincerity and honesty in all aspects of our lives.
Hebrews 133:18 encourages us to act honestly, which reflects the importance of having pure motivations and sincere thoughts at all times.
Proverbs 3:32 indicates that Jehovah has a close friendship with righteous people, but detests crooked people, underscoring the need to be genuine and transparent in our relationship with Jehovah and with others.
Being sincere at heart means that our actions and words are a true reflection of our intentions and internal values.
8. What bad behavior do we have to avoid?
The bad behavior we must avoid is hypocrisy, that is, pretending to obey God's laws in public and disobeying them in private.
According to Isaiah 29:13, acting with duplicity, obeying God's laws only in appearance, is detestable to Jehovah. This behavior is twisted and dangerous, since it begins with small disobediences and can lead to worse actions. Hypocrisy not only damages our relationship with Jehovah, but it can also negatively affect our relationships with others, even leading us to lead a double life full of stress and internal conflict.
Therefore, let us remember that staying firm in our principles at all times allows us to live a full and satisfying life, in harmony with Jehovah's values.
9. What does what happened when Jesus met Nathanael teach us? (See also the image).
The account in John 1:47 of Jesus meeting Nathanael highlights the importance of sincerity of heart in the Christian life. Seeing Nathanael, Jesus praised him for being an Israelite in whom there was no deception, which shows that Jesus deeply valued authenticity and transparency. This admiration of Jesus for Nathanael is based on his genuine sincerity and his integrity despite being imperfect.
Sincerity of heart involves not only being honest in our words and actions, but also maintaining an authentic character free from deception in our relationship with Jehovah. Jesus' recognition of Nathanael underscores the value of being sincere in all aspects of our lives that honor us and bring us closer to Jehovah.
Philip speaking and pointing with his hand towards Jesus. When Philip presented him, Jesus said that there was no deception in Nathanael. Could he say the same about us? (See paragraph 9).
10. Why should we control the tongue? (James 1:26).
Control of the tongue is crucial, because inappropriate use of our words can have harmful consequences for others, and for our relationship with Jehovah.
Psalm 15:3, mentions that whoever is welcomed into the tent of Jehovah avoids slander, harm to his neighbor and defamation of the reputation of his friends, the way we use our language is important, since it reflects our character and our respect towards others. Therefore, by controlling our words we show a genuinely devout and honest heart, thus fulfilling Jehovah's requirements and keeping us in his favor.
11. What is slander, and what action is taken when a slanderer does not repent?
Slander is a false and malicious accusation that damages a person's reputation without any true basis. In the Christian sphere, slander is especially serious, because it attacks the principles of truth and justice that Jehovah values.
Slander not only harms the person directly attacked, but can also destabilize harmony and morale in the congregation. Therefore, in the event that a slanderer does not repent, the measure taken is expulsion from the Christian congregation, as indicated in Jeremiah 17:10.
12 Psalm 15:3 also reminds us that Jehovah’s guest “does no evil to his neighbor and does not tarnish the reputation of his friends.” How could we tarnish the reputation of our friends?
In situations like the ones we have seen in the paragraph, it is easy to fall into the temptation of speculating about the reasons behind these changes, but making negative comments or spreading rumors without knowing all the details can tarnish the reputation of these people and cause them harm, as we Followers of Jehovah must be careful with our words, to avoid defaming others or damaging their reputation, although it may be natural to want to understand the reasons behind such changes.
It is important to remember that we do not always know the whole story, and that speculation can be harmful. Respect for privacy and care with our words are essential to maintain the integrity and good reputation of our friends and brothers.
Two brothers talking during a meeting at the Kingdom Hall. One of them is frowning and points to a brother who is presenting a speech at the meeting.
It is easy to make negative comments about others and even border on slander. (See paragraphs 12 and 13).
14. How does Jehovah's guest know if someone is “despicable” and should be rejected?
In determining whether someone is despicable and should be rejected, Jehovah's guest must rely on Divine criteria rather than personal judgments. The decision to reject someone should not be taken lightly, as our emotions and personal preferences can influence our judgment, making it crucial to follow biblical guidelines.
1 Corinthians 5:11. It provides specific guidelines, indicating that we should avoid those who practice serious sins if they do not show repentance, as well as those who show disrespect for our beliefs or attempt to harm our relationship with Jehovah, by following these criteria we can ensure that we make decisions that reflect justice. and the integrity that Jehovah expects of us.
15. What is one way to honor “those who fear Jehovah”?
To honor those who fear Jehovah we must show kindness and respect toward them, as indicated in Psalm 15:4, one concrete way to do this is by keeping our promises Even if this results in personal loss.
Keeping our promises is essential in all aspects of life, including the marriage vow and the promises made to our children. This reflects a deep respect for Jehovah's principles and ensures that our actions are in harmony with our words.
By keeping our commitments we honor those who fear Jehovah and also demonstrate an integrity and faithfulness that Jehovah values.
16. How else do we honor Jehovah's friends?
To honor Jehovah's friends, it is essential to be hospitable and generous, as mentioned in Romans 12:13. Hospitality includes receiving our brothers and sisters in our homes and sharing moments of leisure with them, which strengthens our relationship with our brothers and sisters. Jehovah.
Generosity is not only manifested in being willing to offer material help, but also in the affection we show when interacting with them. Let us remember that by being hospitable we imitate Jehovah, who is the supreme model of generosity.
17. Why is money talked about in Psalm 15?
Psalm 15 mentions money to underscore the importance of maintaining the integrity of our financial transactions and avoiding the love of money that can lead to injustice and harm to others.
In Exodus 22:25 the Bible prohibits charging interest to brothers in need, as this could exploit their vulnerability. Furthermore, accepting bribes to pervert justice was a practice detested by Jehovah. These warnings not only apply to biblical times, but are relevant today where the love of money can corrupt integrity and lead to dishonest practices.
By staying away from these practices, being fair and generous in our financial transactions, we imitate Jehovah's justice and goodness by protecting our relationship with him.
18. What questions should we ask ourselves? (Hebrews 13:5).
To be guests of Jehovah, we must examine our attitude toward money regularly and honestly. The love of money can erode our spirituality and negatively affect our relationships with others and with Jehovah.
Let's ask ourselves: “Am I always thinking about money and what I want to buy? If someone lends me money, do I delay paying it back to them thinking they don't need it? Do I feel important because I have money? Is it difficult for me to be generous? Do I consider that all brothers who have money are materialistic? "Do I like to be friends with the rich and leave aside the poor?"
In the paragraph, we have seen a series of questions that we should meditate on, doing so allows us to detect incorrect attitudes and rectify our approach. By keeping these questions in mind, we can ensure that our actions and thoughts regarding money reflect Christian values and help us maintain a strong and sincere relationship with Jehovah.
19. Why has Jehovah given us the requirements found in Psalm 15?
Jehovah has given us the requirements of Psalm 15, with the purpose of guaranteeing us happiness, stability and protection, the final verse of the Psalm assures that whoever acts in accordance with these principles, nothing will ever shake him.
In Isaiah 48:17 Jehovah describes himself as the one who teaches us for our own good, and guides us in the path we should follow. By applying principles such as integrity, sincerity, and a balanced attitude toward money, we not only please Jehovah, but also foster an atmosphere of peace and harmony in our personal relationships.
By living according to these standards we not only enjoy a close relationship with God, but we also experience a fuller and more satisfying life.
20. What wonderful future awaits Jehovah's guests?
Guests of Jehovah who remain faithful to him have hope for a glorious future; anointed Christians who have been promised a heavenly inheritance will join Jesus in heaven. This heavenly future is a reward for his faithfulness and devotion.
On the other hand, most Christians will enjoy blessings on earth, as described in Revelation 21:3, this verse promises that God will be with human beings eliminating all pain, suffering and death and renewing creation to be a paradise. eternal.
This Divine promise motivates us to remain faithful and live according to Jehovah's principles so that we can enjoy his friendship and protection forever.
What does it mean to walk blamelessly and do what is right?
It means striving to obey Jehovah in every aspect of our lives, not only in public, but also in private it means being sincere, honest, and following Jehovah's standards at all times.
What should we do and what should we avoid to honor “those who fear Jehovah”?
To honor those who fear Jehovah we must show them kindness and respect by keeping our promises, even if this involves personal harm. On the other hand, we must avoid speculating about the circumstances of other brothers and not slander or tarnish their reputation.
Why is it important to have a balanced attitude towards money?
It is important to be balanced to avoid falling into the love of money, which can damage our relationship with God and with others. Maintaining an attitude free from the love of money ensures that we do not harm others and that we maintain our friendship with Jehovah.
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