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“My tent will be with them; I will be your God” (EZEQ. 37:27).
1, 2. What opportunity does Jehovah offer us?
Jehovah offers us the extraordinary opportunity to be his guests, that is, his friends. David in Psalm 151, compares friendship with Jehovah to the relationship between a host and his guests, being a guest in Jehovah's tent implies enjoying a close and personal relationship with him, based on fidelity and obedience to the principles of he. This opportunity allows us to experience an intimate relationship with God, where he guides, protects and blesses us as a close friend and generous host.
Furthermore, this invitation highlights the goodness and generosity of Jehovah who desires to have a close relationship with his faithful servants, providing them with spiritual refuge and companionship.
3. Who was Jehovah's first guest, and how did they feel about each other?
Jehovah's first guest in his symbolic tent was his firstborn son, Jesus Christ. According to Proverbs 88:30, Jehovah experienced greater joy when he had his daughter at his side. This verse describes how the son was happy before him, highlighting the deep satisfaction and joy they shared. This relationship between Jehovah and his son shows the happiness that God feels when welcoming someone into his closeness.
The Bible highlights that this connection was extremely intimate and full of joy, underscoring the love and companionship that both enjoyed from the beginning of creation.
4. Who did Jehovah invite to his tent?
After his firstborn son, Jehovah invited other Angels to his symbolic tent. The Bible refers to these Angels as children of God, and mentions that they felt very happy being at Jehovah's side as demonstrated in Daniel 7:10.
For a long time, the only people who could be friends of Jehovah were those who lived with him in the spirit world. However, with the creation of human beings, Jehovah extended his invitation to some of them. Among the humans who received this honor were Enoch, Noah, Abraham, and Job. These humans were described as friends of God. Thus Jehovah showed his desire to have a close relationship not only with spiritual beings, but also with faithful humans who lived according to his commandments.
5. What does the prophecy of Ezekiel 37:26, 27 teach us?
The prophecy of Ezekiel 37:26,27 teaches us that Jehovah deeply desires that his faithful servants enjoy his friendship. In this passage God promises to make a covenant of peace with them. This promise reflects Jehovah's desire to have a close and lasting relationship with his servants, bringing them peace and unity.
The prophecy is fulfilled by uniting those with heavenly and earthly hope into a single flock within their symbolic tent as mentioned in John 10:16.
6. When do we enter the tent of Jehovah, and where is that tent located?
We enter the tent of Jehovah when we dedicate our lives to him, as indicated in Psalm 61:4, this act of dedication allows us to enjoy abundant spiritual food and the company of other faithful servants of Jehovah.
Jehovah's symbolic tent is not located in any physical location, but is found wherever there are obedient servants of Jehovah. This is confirmed by the experience of those who have traveled abroad and found other servants of Jehovah feeling the same way. hospitality and spiritual unity than in their places of residence.
7. Why can we say that Jehovah's servants who died faithful are still guests in his tent? (See also the image).
We can say that Jehovah's servants who died faithful are still guests in his tent, because they are alive in Jehovah's memory. Jesus himself explained that the dead will be resurrected in Luke 20:38, Jesus highlighted that God is not the God of the Dead, but of the living, because for Jehovah all these faithful servants are alive.
This biblical passage teaches us that even though these faithful servants have died, they continue to be precious and remembered by Jehovah, which is equivalent to continuing to be guests in his symbolic tent. The relationship they had with Jehovah during his life does not end with his death since God has the power and intention to resurrect them in the future.
An older sister looks at the photos in an album with a big smile. We can say that Jehovah's servants who have died are still in her tent. (See paragraph 7).
8. What benefits do we receive by being in Jehovah's tent?
By being in Jehovah's tent, we receive several significant benefits, firstly, this symbolic tent protects us against spiritual harm, providing us with safety and refuge in difficult times, as we see in Psalm 31:23, it offers us hope and comfort, assuring us that by staying close to Jehovah, Satan cannot cause us irreparable harm.
Furthermore, in the new world, Jehovah will continue to protect his faithful servants, not only from spiritual harm, but also from death. This Divine protection assures us that even in adversity we have a safe refuge and a firm hope for eternal life in the future. Peaceful and free from suffering.
9. How should Jehovah's guests behave?
Jehovah's guests must behave in a way that deeply pleases and respects him as God and father. Just as a guest in a house would be expected to follow the host's rules, Jehovah's guests must strive to know and comply with what he wait for them.
Colossians 1:10 mentions that we must walk in a manner worthy of Jehovah to please Him fully. This involves living in a way that reflects our love and respect for Jehovah, avoiding any behavior that could offend him. Therefore, behaving as a guest of Jehovah involves striving to please him, maintaining a deep respect for his authority, and living in accordance with his teachings.
10, 11. What example do we have of Jehovah treating all his servants fairly?
The example of how Jehovah treated the Israelites in the wilderness demonstrates his impartiality toward all of his servants. After freeing his people from slavery in Egypt, Jehovah appointed priests and Levites to serve in the tabernacle and perform sacred tasks. Despite these special responsibilities, Jehovah did not show favoritism toward them, nor did he provide them with better care than the rest of the Israelites.
Romans 2:11, underlines this point by stating that God does not show favoritism, this example teaches us that in Jehovah's tent all his servants are treated with justice and impartiality.
12. How did Jehovah fairly treat the Israelites in the wilderness? (Exodus 40:38; see also images).
Jehovah dealt fairly with the Israelites in the wilderness, ensuring that everyone had an equal opportunity to be his friend, regardless of their position in the camp or their appointment. As a sign of his impartiality, Jehovah made the entire nation see the pillar of cloud and the pillar of fire that appeared over the tabernacle. In this way, when the miraculous cloud began to move, all the Israelites, even those who were camped further from the Tabernacle, could see it and follow it.
Furthermore, Jehovah established that a clear signal be given by the sound of two trumpets, which allowed everyone to know when to move. Therefore, living near the Tabernacle did not mean having a privilege, especially in friendship with Jehovah.
Aerial view of the Israelite camp in the desert. The tabernacle is in the center of the camp. The pillar of cloud is seen above the tabernacle. Enlarged views: 1. A priest pours water into the copper laver, which is before the tabernacle and the pillar of cloud. An arrow comes out of the zoomed view and indicates where the tabernacle is. 2. A family standing outside their tent or tent looks at the column of cloud in the distance. An arrow pops out of the zoomed-in view, indicating that the family's tent is in the corner of the camp. The fact that the tabernacle was in the middle of the camp demonstrated Jehovah's impartiality. (See paragraph 12).
13. How does Jehovah demonstrate impartiality today?
Jehovah demonstrates his impartiality today by providing love, acceptance, and personal care to all his servants, regardless of their location or role in the organization. Some brothers live near world headquarters or a branch office, some serve at those facilities by participating in organizational activities and personally knowing the brothers who direct the work, others serve as circuit overseers or in other facets of special service.
However, the majority of Jehovah's Witnesses do not have these opportunities, despite this Jehovah assures all his servants that he loves them and accepts them as guests in his symbolic store.
14. What is another way that Jehovah demonstrates that he is an impartial host?
Jehovah demonstrates his impartiality by ensuring that the Bible is accessible to people around the world, regardless of the languages they speak, even though the Holy Scriptures were originally written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. Jehovah does not favor those who can read the Bible in these original languages.
15. Name one more proof of Jehovah's impartiality (see also the pictures).
Another proof of Jehovah's impartiality is that his approval does not depend on academic training or knowledge of biblical languages. Jehovah offers his wisdom to all people regardless of their educational level. The Bible has been translated into thousands of languages, which allows people around the world to benefit from its teachings and learn to be friends of Jehovah
2 Timothy 3:16 and 17 reminds us that the scriptures are intended for everyone and are intended to train and guide anyone who reads them regardless of their educational background.
As we read in Matthew 11:25, understanding and relationship with God do not depend on academic or linguistic knowledge, but on humility and the disposition of the heart. Jehovah ensures that his message is available in many languages, allowing people from diverse cultures and backgrounds to access his word.
Series of images: 1. A man uses a tablet to view the Bible in sign language. 2. An older woman living in a rural area reads the paper Bible in her language. The Bible is translated into thousands of languages, demonstrating Jehovah's impartiality. (See paragraph 15).
16. Whom does Jehovah accept into his tent? (Acts 10:34, 35).
The text we have just read emphasizes that Jehovah makes no distinction between people and that his acceptance is based on justice and reverent fear of him, this impartiality guarantees that all who seek to live according to his principles and standards can enjoy the honor to be guests in his symbolic tent, thus receiving his guidance, protection and love.
17. What will we see in the next article?
The following article will address the requirements that we must meet to continue being guests of Jehovah.
Psalm 15:1 in which David asks, O Lord who can be a guest in your tent who can reside in your Holy Mountain. It will be the starting point inspired by Jehovah David provides answers to these questions indicating that there are certain behaviors and attitudes that are necessary to maintain our position as guests in Jehovah's tent.
How do we know that Jehovah really wants to be our friend?
Because he has made a covenant of peace and has promised to unite his faithful servants as one flock in his symbolic tent.
How does Jehovah expect people he has invited to his tent to behave?
Jehovah expects the people he has invited to his tent to respect his rules and strive to please him in every way. This includes behaving with deep respect and walking modestly alongside him.
What benefits do we gain from Jehovah's impartiality?
Thanks to Jehovah's impartiality, all his servants receive spiritual nourishment, direction and protection, regardless of their origin, education or position. Furthermore, the translation of the Bible into thousands of languages allows people around the world to learn and benefit from divine teachings.
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