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Congregation Bible study (30 mins.) bt chap. 14 paras. 1-6 and box on p. 112.
A decision was made “unanimously”
Based on Acts 15:13-35
1, 2. a) What important questions did the first-century governing body need to answer?
The atmosphere full of expectation reflected the importance of the moment. The Apostles and Elders gathered in Jerusalem, faced a historic decision that would affect the future of the Christian community. The first question they had to resolve was: Do Christians have to obey the Mosaic law? This question was fundamental because it directly affected the religious and cultural practice of Gentile Christians who did not have the same Jewish background.
And the second question to resolve was: Should there be any difference between Christians of Jewish origin and those of Gentile origin? This question was about equality and inclusion within the Christian congregation, determining whether all believers regardless of their origin should be treated the same in terms of the demands of Jewish law and traditions.
The first century governing body faced two important questions that must be answered clearly. The first was whether it was necessary for Christians, both Jews and Gentiles, to obey the Mosaic law, especially in relation to circumcision. There were differences in the standards for Christians depending on their ethnic origin, that is, whether Gentiles had to meet additional requirements, compared to Jewish Christians.
1, 2. b) What help did you have to make the right decision?
The governing body of the first century had the help of Jehovah's holy spirit to make the right decision. This divine support provided them with the necessary guidance to interpret the scriptures and understand God's will regarding the inclusion of Gentiles in the congregation. Christian.
Furthermore, they had at their disposal the experiences and testimony of the brothers who demonstrated and demonstrated that Jehovah accepted the Gentile Christians, without the need to impose the Mosaic law on them.
The Apostles and elders had several sources of help to make a correct decision, these sources of help were the word of God, they examined the scriptures to understand the will of God and see how the prophecies applied to the current situation, this It provided a solid and authoritative basis for their decisions.
Another help was the experiences of some brothers. The experiences shared by Peter Paul and Barnabas clearly demonstrated that Jehovah accepted Gentiles as Christians, without the need for them to be circumcised or follow the entire Mosaic law. Jehovah had granted the Holy Spirit to the Gentiles confirming Divine acceptance of him.
Finally, the Holy Spirit, the spirit of Jehovah, was guiding the process, clearly indicating the direction to follow. This is evident in the peace and unity they felt when reaching a conclusion, the presence and guidance of the Holy Spirit were essential to make decisions in harmony with the will of God.
3. How can analyzing chapter 15 of Acts help us?
When analyzing chapter 15 of Acts, we see that the Apostles and Elders needed a lot of courage and faith to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit, this was due to several significant challenges, firstly they ran the risk of stoking the hatred of the Jewish religious leaders. , since if they decided not to impose the law of Moses on the Gentiles, it could increase the hostility of the Jewish religious leaders towards Christians.
Secondly, they faced internal resistance in the congregation, as there were men who insisted that Christians must continue to obey the law of Moses.
Today analyzing facts 15 shows us how the Governing Body of the first century faced significant challenges with courage and faith, following the guidance of the Holy Spirit, this story serves as a model for the Governing Body of today and for all Christians reminding us, the importance of dependence on Jehovah, maintaining open communication with him and unity in the congregation. By applying these lessons, we can make wise and fair decisions by facing problems with courage and faith.
Analyzing chapter 15 of Acts helps us understand how the first century Governing Body handled complex and challenging situations with courage and faith. We can learn how they faced the position of the religious leaders and the internal dispute over the Mosaic law and how they made decisions guided by the Holy Spirit.
This analysis serves as a model for us to face our own decisions and problems, teaching us to seek divine guidance and to remain firm in the truth, even when we face difficulties or resistance.
“This agrees with the words of the Prophets” (Acts 15:13-21)
4, 5. What prophecy did James cite to help clarify the issue?
The disciple James, half brother of Jesus, began to speak during the meeting of the governing body in Jerusalem James began by acknowledging the testimony of Peter Barnabas and Paul who had detailed how Jehovah had shown his favor to the Gentiles James pointed out that this coincided with the words of the Prophets.
Specifically in Acts 15:14 and 15 what Peter Barnabas and Paul said probably reminded James of some relevant biblical texts, which helped clarify the issue.
James explained that their testimonies coincided with the words of the Prophets. He specifically cited Amos 9:11 and 12. This passage is part of the section of the Hebrew scriptures known as the prophets. And although James' exact words did not match those of Ö this is because James was quoting from the Septuagint the Greek translation of the Hebrew scriptures.
James cited the prophecy of Amos 9:11,12 to help clarify the issue at the meeting. This prophecy spoke of the future reestablishment of the tabernacle of David and the inclusion of the Nations in the people of God, confirming that the decision to accept the Gentiles, was not in conflict with the Hebrew scriptures. By using this prophecy, James showed that the inclusion of the Gentiles was in accordance with God's will.
By quoting the prophecy of Amos, James helped the Apostles and elders see that the acceptance of the Gentiles without the need for circumcision or observance of the Mosaic law was in harmony with Jehovah's will, as expressed In the scriptures, this provided a solid biblical basis for the decision that the Governing Body was to make demonstrating that the inclusion of the Gentiles was part of Jehovah's Redemptive plan.
As revealed in the scriptures Acts 14:14,15, in this regard, it tells us that the first time God focused, he focused on the Gentile Nations, it was for the purpose of forming a people for his name. This shows that the inclusion of Gentiles in the Christian community was part of the divine plan from the beginning.
6. How did the Scriptures help clarify the issue of circumcision?
The scriptures clarified the issue of circumcision, showing that Jehovah's relationship with his people was not based on the Mosaic law, nor on circumcision, but was based on faith in Jesus Christ. The prophecy of Amos and the testimony of Peter highlighted that Jehovah made no distinctions between Jews and Gentiles, but rather accepted all who exercised faith, this provided a solid basis for the Governing Body of the first century to make the decision not to impose circumcision to Gentile Christians, maintaining unity and inclusion in the Christian congregation.
The scriptures helped clarify the issue of circumcision by showing that the prophecy of Amos 9:11 and 12 did not refer to Jehovah returning to an exclusive relationship with the nation of Israel, but included the people of all nations. as people of God.
The significant change in James' life was his acceptance of Jesus as the Messiah. Before Jesus' resurrection, James and his brothers showed no faith in him, and may even have thought that Jesus was crazy, as expressed in Mark 3:21. However, after Jesus' resurrection, he appeared to James, which likely led him to recognize Jesus as the Messiah, marking a crucial change in his faith and his role within the Congregation. Christian.
James played a prominent role in the Jerusalem congregation, he was considered a highly respected leader and possibly an apostle or envoy of the congregation, he led the meeting of the Apostles and elders when the matter of circumcision was discussed and was recognized as a of the pillars of the Jerusalem congregation together with Peter and John. Furthermore, Paul gave him reports of his third day as a missionary when he returned to Jerusalem.
In the letter that bears his name, James humbly presents himself as a slave of God and the Lord Jesus Christ, instead of highlighting his relationship as a brother of Jesus or an apostle.
His teaching style is practical and observant, using simple examples from nature and everyday life, such as the rough sea, starry skies, and fragile flowers, to explain spiritual truths. His advice, attitudes and behaviors are useful to maintain good relationships with others.
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