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Spiritual Gems (10 min.)
Ps 78:24, 25. Why is manna called “the grain of heaven” and “the bread of the mighty”? (w06 7/15 11 para. 5).
The bread of the Angels because as it came from heaven the Angels also come there and it is possible that Jehovah will use the Angels to provide the food.
Yes, he says that in the note he explains to us that neither of the two expressions implies that it was the food of the Angels, said in a simple way it is called the grain of heaven since that is where it came from.
The expression "the grain of heaven and the bread of the mighty" highlights the heavenly origin of the manna that Jehovah sent to the Israelites from the heavens, although it does not suggest that the manna was truly food for the angels. This term emphasizes that it comes directly from God and also gives the phrase "the bread of the angels" itself, which could simply refer to the fact that the Manna was a divine gift and it was possible that Jehovah used the angels to provide this food to his people.
There in this version the word powerful is also used and in this case powerful can also refer to the fact that they came from the most powerful being.
Well, it is not because it was really the food of angels because we know that they are spiritual creatures and manna was something material, but because these expressions make it clear that it was food that came from heaven and that it is the abode of the angels or it could also mean that God provided it through the Angelic creatures.
The expression "grain from heaven and bread of the mighty" highlights the heavenly origin of the Manna that Jehovah sent to the Israelites from heaven, although it does not suggest that the Manna was food for the Angels; this term emphasizes that it comes directly from God. The phrase "bread of angels" could simply refer to the fact that the Manna was a Divine gift and it is possible that Jehovah used the Angels to provide this food to his people.
So the information gives us two meanings: the first is that this bread could be supplied by Jehovah, which is why it was called the grain of heaven and the bread of the powerful because possibly Jehovah used the angels to supply the Manna.
In Psalm 105:40 in the second part it says he always satisfied them with the bread of heaven, the Manna came from heaven and it also says in Psalm 11:4 it tells us that the powerful live in heaven and the almighty also then came from there.
Yes, because it actually came from heaven and since Angels or powerful people only live in heaven, it could mean that it came from God or it is possible that Jehovah used the Angels to supply Manna to the Israelites.
The expression "grain from heaven and bread of the mighty" highlights the heavenly origin of the Manna that Jehovah sent to the Israelites from heaven, although it does not suggest that the Manna was food for the Angels; this term emphasizes that it comes directly from God. The phrase "bread of angels" could simply refer to the fact that the Manna was a Divine gift and it is possible that Jehovah used the Angels to provide this food to his people.
These expressions are very interesting because when referring to where this food came from, they had to be grateful, it is like us, for example, we have so many things that Jehovah gives us: provisions, publications, meetings, assemblies, visits from the circuit overseer, our dear elders, our pioneer brothers, all of that is to thank Jehovah, they should have been grateful but as we have already heard in the first speech, they forgot about Jehovah, so we never want to forget where all the help comes from, it is from Jehovah and from his organization, we have to value that very much.
What spiritual pearls have you found in this week's Bible reading?
Psalm 78:3. In this text the Israelites were trapped between the sea and the Egyptian army in a moment of desperation. Jehovah showed them that they can trust in him, even when there is no apparent way out. This teaches us to trust in Jehovah, especially in the most difficult moments of our lives.
Psalm 78:2. It says that a proverb would have to present many enigmas, which shows us then that really our preaching has to be different, it has to be with illustrations just as Jesus did with simple things, not with complex things so that then the person understands and captures the meaning of what we are talking about.
Psalm 78:4. It speaks a little about telling the next generation the things that Jehovah did and today I can compare it to preaching, an important assignment that we were commanded to do. How nice it would be for the end to come and tell Jehovah I did everything to make your message known, so one could ask what adjustment can I make to be more involved in the activity.
Psalm 78:34-38. It makes me see how some Israelites abused Jehovah's mercy and after He forgave them they continued to disobey Him, this makes me reflect that just because Jehovah is merciful I am not going to abuse and fail Him as many times as I want, on the contrary I must repay Him for forgiveness by striving to never again commit a mistake that would make Him sad because of my disobedience.
Psalm 78:3,4. Mentions that the things we have heard and know about Jehovah we are not going to hide from our children and it is nice because if we talk over and over again with our children since they are small how Jehovah has always helped us we will have good fruit, but it occurred to me that it is not just about telling our children that Jehovah wants you to do this or Jehovah does not want you to do this, we must tell them the details because Jehovah has helped us with details and in this way these things that we tell our children will come to life and the result will be verse 7 says then they will put their trust in God, the works of God will not be forgotten but they will obey his commandments, how important it is that our children are aware of how many times Jehovah has blessed us and helped us.
Psalm 78:1,2. Jehovah speaks to us to pay attention to everything he tells us in the meetings, it is precisely where Jehovah speaks to us all to prepare our hearts and be able to face any type of situation because in verse 2 he mentions that he will open his mouth, speak proverbs and show us everything that he did in the past for us to establish in this time, so this teaches me that paying attention in the meeting gives me the strength but mainly the spirituality to endure any situation that arises today.
Psalm 78:11,12. It also teaches me the importance of remembering the works of Jehovah and the psalmist also reminds us that it is easy to forget the things Jehovah does for us but he also reminds us of the importance of not losing faith and gratitude so as not to lose sight of the things that Jehovah has given us.
Psalm 78:22. It says because they did not put their faith in God they did not trust in him that he was able to save them, this teaches me how the Israelites although they saw the wonderful works that he had done precisely for them, they lacked faith and then this teaches me that today we also see the good things that Jehovah does for us and we must have faith, faith that everything that he has promised will be fulfilled in the future.
Psalm 78:8. I learn the importance of taking care of my heart. The text does not encourage us to prepare our hearts so that we are not stubborn or rebellious, and one way to prepare our hearts is to meditate on what Jehovah has done for us, to meditate on other reasons why we serve Jehovah. If we think about what our reasons are for serving Jehovah, it will help us see if we are really doing it with a sincere heart or just out of formality or to have certain friendships.
Psalm 78:40,41. I was able to learn how Jehovah has an intense affection for his servants and that he is not quick to give up on us. Knowing this is really comforting for us, however we have also seen that Jehovah is sensitive and that our behavior can affect his feelings. Something very important that we can give to Jehovah is a greater gift, which is to obey his principles precisely, and that will make Jehovah happy.
Psalm 78:2. According to Matthew 13:34 and 35. This was fulfilled by Jesus who always spoke to his disciples using comparisons or illustrations, that was what Jehovah prophesied through his prophet, it teaches us that our God greatly values that we continue using that style of teaching.
Psalm 78:37. It says their hearts were not steadfast to serve him and they were not faithful to their covenant it was not steadfast because sometimes they said yes you are our Almighty God and we are going to serve you and other times they did not when it was not convenient for them or they did not have what they wanted from that I also learn that I should not be confident because if I neglect the spirituality a little bit that sometimes I feel the desire to serve him can fall apart and then show some act of infidelity like them.
Psalm 78:22. This verse urges us to trust that Jehovah has the power to save us no matter what our situation is. This teaches me that we should not limit God in our minds but recognize that he is the almighty and is capable of doing more than we can imagine.
Psalm 78:42. It reminds me that as the trials progress, they can become more complicated for each one of us and if we do not take care of ourselves we can be like the Israelites who did not remember all the good that Jehovah had done for them in the past and then we can begin to lean towards the evil desire to trust in ourselves and blame Jehovah for the consequences of our mistakes.
Psalm Chapter 78. We see the attitude that the Israelites had, not perhaps as they rejected Jehovah as they sinned, how they did things to Jehovah that he himself mentions that saddened him, but how good is 38 when it says that he was merciful, he forgave their mistakes and did not exterminate them, then this makes us think about ourselves, perhaps we too sometimes are victims of maybe someone does something bad to us, we are victims of injustices, perhaps a brother does something to us that offends us or we have problems perhaps with the family, then how good it is that we have the same point of view of Jehovah and be merciful and forgiving of mistakes because if the Israelites did so many things to him and Jehovah still forgave them, we also have to forgive.
Psalm 78:7. In order for children to trust in Jehovah and obey his commandments, the example of parents is fundamental because children have to see that they have trusted and continue to trust in Jehovah that he has taken care of them in the moments of their life and that obeying the commandments has protected them, then this will help children to see that Jehovah is like a friend in whom they can always trust.
Yes, even though the Israelites sinned again and again, Jehovah showed them mercy and forgave them because as Psalm 78:39 says , because he remembered that they were simple humans, a wind that passes and returns, Jehovah takes into account our limitations, he knows how we are formed and that we make mistakes due to our imperfection, so he is ready to forgive whenever we repent from the heart.
Psalm 78:11-13. It is mentioning that the Israelites did not complain constantly and did not have in mind to cross what was the promised land that Jehovah had promised them, then that makes us think that we have our eyes set on the promises of Jehovah that are really going to be fulfilled, we have that faith.
Psalm 78:7 says that they have not forgotten the works of Jehovah, so we have to remember as many times as Jehovah helps us and comforts us in order to reinforce our hope that he will soon end all our suffering and help us.
Psalm 78:7. It speaks of people who had, especially the Ephraimites, a changing heart and an unfaithful spirit. It says that this tribe also had bows but when it came time to fight they backed down. This could happen to us if we do not take care of our hearts and our spirit in light of what the scriptures teach and apply it.
Psalm 78:18. It says to defy despite everything that Jehovah had provided for him, they defied God in their hearts when the food they so eagerly desired existed, but why? Because they did not put their faith in God and did not trust that he was able to save them, so let us be careful that we also do the same in some circumstances.
Psalm 78:70,71. We saw that the training David received in caring for his father's sheep prepared him for a more important role - shepherding Jacob and Israel his inheritance - before assuming power in the kingdom. David was a musician in Saul's court and was successful in playing the harp. He had a love for Jehovah, so he elevated his compositions far above mere entertainment and turned them into classical masterpieces dedicated to the worship and praise of Jehovah.
Psalm 78:8 speaks of the Israelites being a stubborn and rebellious generation, a generation of changing hearts and an unfaithful spirit, and this is very interesting because when it speaks of a changing generation it literally refers to a generation that had not prepared their hearts to serve Jehovah as they deserve and that they had seen how Jehovah had acted in their favor, that is why the verse ends by saying that they were unfaithful in spirit to Jehovah, this teaches us that to prevail over this system of things we must be faithful in preparing our hearts with all the spiritual tools that Jehovah puts at our disposal and never forget everything that Jehovah does for us.
Psalm 78:2. These words show that the prophet Asaph, inspired by the Holy Spirit, composed this psalm centuries before Jesus was born. This means that hundreds of years in advance, Jehovah had already determined that the Messiah would teach by example, so our God Jehovah must value this teaching method very much.
Psalm 78:70, 71,72. It mentions that David, being a shepherd, had been taken from there and turned into the shepherd of Jacob, that is, of Israel. This makes me see that Jehovah uses humble people and all those people when he offers himself, but he who makes them molds them to use them and that is what we also see in the congregation, brothers who are molded to be able to shepherd the congregation.
Psalm 78:53 tells us that the people of Israel had no fear when Jehovah led them into the desert, but they were in a desert and they knew that Egypt was coming behind them, so how do we feel about what lies ahead? Do we have some kind of fear or do we trust with certainty that Jehovah will know how to direct them through his organization?
Psalm 78:34. It speaks of how when Jehovah rebuked the Israelites they immediately sought Jehovah and that indicated the somewhat hypocritical attitude that when something happened they sought Jehovah and that is similar to what was happening today as well, people seek Jehovah out of interest and have a hypocritical attitude afterwards.
Psalm 78:3,4. Talks about telling the things we have heard and know and it is especially helpful to talk to young people about these things because real life experiences are very important to them. They are very good role models to imitate. Valuable lessons can be learned, for example, from the biographies published by the slave and these can inspire them to serve Jehovah full time.
Psalm 78:19 shows us that it was the Israelites' unbelief that prevented them from seeing and experiencing the fullness of Jehovah's blessings. This teaches me of the danger of allowing doubt and lack of faith to keep me from trusting in Jehovah.
Psalm 78:53. It also reminds us that today's world is a dangerous place for Christians, Satan's days are numbered and he is determined to devour us. That is why we must always take refuge here in Jehovah's organization because here we are safe and we find the protection we need.
Psalm 78:52. There we see how Jehovah, after leading his people out, guided them like a herd in the desert; he led them safely and did not feel any fear. This helps me today to fully trust in Jehovah because we will always feel safe with him and we will not have any fear.
Psalm 78:7. This text is teaching us the importance of putting our trust in Jehovah, which implies knowing that we depend on him in all of life's circumstances, recognizing that Jehovah is our source of help and protection.
In Chapter 78 we see how Jehovah's quality of great patience is reflected, time and time again he gave the Israelites opportunities when they repented after making bad decisions, today with some new understandings that came out in the broadcasting and The Watchtower once again we see how Jehovah continues to reflect this quality because today we cannot be categorical in saying that Jehovah cannot resurrect those whom he eliminated at one time and perhaps these people in the new world will have the possibility of doing things right and this is due once again thanks to Jehovah's great patience.
Chapter 78. It starts strong, it says my people listen to my law pay attention to the words of my mouth, here we see how Jehovah invites us and that makes us reflect, are we doing Jehovah a favor by listening to him by following his commands, no, because in the end he does not need us but we, on the other hand, do need him, that is why the reference in Proverbs says he who is wise listens and receives more instruction, that is why if we are wise we are going to listen to the teachings of Jehovah, it is not a favor it is rather a gift from him.
Psalm 78:8. It says there, "So they would not be like their ancestors, a stubborn and rebellious generation, a generation of changing hearts." This teaches us that we must be careful with stubbornness since here the Bible clearly sees how it is associated with rebellion and an evil heart. Therefore, as a Christian and servant of Jehovah, we must avoid this at all costs.
Psalm 7813. This verse also emphasizes God's faithfulness in keeping His promises. God had promised to free the Israelites from slavery in Egypt and throughout their journey He kept every promise, including bringing them safely through the Red Sea.
Psalm 78:14. The Cloud not only served as a guide, but also as protection from the scorching heat of the desert, while the fire provided light and security during the darkness of the night. This teaches us how Jehovah cares for all the needs of his people, ensuring their physical and spiritual well-being.
Psalm 78:14. And we see how the Israelites depended completely on Jehovah's guidance to know when and where they should move. In the same way, we too must learn to trust Jehovah's guidance in our lives, seeking His direction in every decision we make.
Psalm 78:19. Although the Israelites doubted, Jehovah suddenly demonstrated his ability to provide in the most difficult situations. This teaches us that Jehovah has the power to care for us, even in the deserts of our lives, that is, in the most difficult moments of our days, whether in times of emotional, spiritual or physical difficulty.
Yes, speaking about the great power that Jehovah has and what he is capable of, Psalm 78:71 says that he took David, a shepherd boy who simply dedicated himself to caring for sheep and lambs, and made him a king, a leader for his people, who was also the one who brought much blessing to Jehovah's people.
Psalm 78:21. The verse begins by saying when Jehovah heard them. This shows that Jehovah is always attentive to what we do and say when the people of Israel sinned repeatedly God heard them and responded accordingly. We can learn from this in how Jehovah is a just God, who does not tolerate disobedience without consequence. The fury and fire mentioned in this verse represent his righteous indignation against sin. This teaches us the importance of living in harmony with Divine principles.
Psalm 78:4. It speaks about how when parents teach their children the laws and commandments of Jehovah they are extending and increasing the praises of Jehovah but of course we children also have to make his name known to others, that is why we must watch our behavior both at school, at home and in the congregation since by doing this we would magnify the glory of Jehovah, today they are making young people stop serving God but we must remember that Jehovah has been the one who has provided and supplied us and has given us that great privilege of praising him, that is why we must take advantage of it.
Psalm 78:2. It was said that a person was going to speak about Proverbs and many riddles, Matthew realized that it was Jesus himself who was being spoken of in this psalm, which teaches us this that in addition to the prophecy being fulfilled with Jesus, it teaches us that Jehovah greatly values this quality of using illustrations, the question that would be are we also using it in our way of teaching, whether on the platform or in our preaching, if we do so, we will surely be imitating the great teacher.
Psalm 78:21. The verse begins by saying when Jehovah heard them. This shows that Jehovah is always attentive to what we do and say when the people of Israel sinned repeatedly God heard them and responded accordingly. We can learn from this in how Jehovah is a just God, who does not tolerate disobedience without consequence. The fury and fire mentioned in this verse represent his righteous indignation against sin. This teaches us the importance of living in harmony with Divine principles.
Psalm 78:14. And we see how the Israelites depended completely on Jehovah's guidance to know when and where they should move. In the same way, we too must learn to trust Jehovah's guidance in our lives, seeking His direction in every decision we make.
Psalm 78:22. We see how they did not trust, they did not have faith in Jehovah God and they did not trust that he could save them, well that can be applied to us today that perhaps we can see ourselves cornered in such a way by our enemies that we do not trust that Jehovah can save us and succumb at that moment and fall into the great trap of being able to be destroyed not by the enemy but by Jehovah himself.
Psalm 78:7. Says I will speak of the acts of loyal love of Jehovah, the praiseworthy acts of Jehovah, we have the privilege of proclaiming the good news that the kingdom will bring thanks to the loving kindness of Jehovah, he has provided salvation through the sacrifice of his son, the greatest display of love we have to be very grateful and how do we do it by sharing this good news.
Psalm 78:22. It speaks of servants of the past who did not put their faith in God and did not trust that He was able to save them. This teaches me that we should not doubt for a moment that Jehovah will fulfill His promise of a wonderful world for His loyal servants.
Psalm 78:2. Here it says I will open my mouth and utter a proverb, at the time that Jesus existed they realized that it was referring to this prophecy, he and the prophet spoken of here is the writer of this psalm was inspired by the Holy Spirit to compose this psalm and centuries before Jesus was born, that means that hundreds of years in advance Jehovah had already determined that the Messiah would teach by example.
Psalm 78:14 shows us that the cloud not only served as a guide but also as protection against the scorching heat of the desert and the fire on the other hand provided the light of safety during the darkness of the night, this teaches us that how Jehovah cares for every need of us especially of his people ensuring both physical and spiritual well-being.
Psalm 78:40,41. They speak of Jehovah that what they did hurt him, saddened him, and when we think of something that hurts us or saddens us, it is because we love that person, we value that person, and what they do hurts us. How nice to know that Jehovah loves us, values us, and that what we do can affect either making his heart happy or perhaps saddening it. Thinking about this can help us see it as very real and avoid bad behavior.
Psalm 78:8. It says changeable heart or as the note says literally not prepared, so since the Israelites had that heart we have seen the consequences of that so that this does not happen to us we have to prepare our heart now so that in a future temptation something bad does not happen to us and we can do that by thinking about the consequences and seeking the wisdom of Jehovah.
Psalm 78:22. We see that it says that the Israelites did not believe that Jehovah was able to save them, that can also happen to us because we can believe that Jehovah is not going to save us, he is not going to give us what we want, then what will happen is that we begin to look for ourselves to save ourselves, rather we want to trust in Jehovah.
Psalm 78:38, 39. Speaks of how he was merciful and forgave their mistakes and did not exterminate them and that he restrained himself from destroying them, then Jehovah does the same with us, he has mercy because sometimes the truth is we fail, we are imperfect, we say things we shouldn't or we think things we shouldn't, why do we think, why does this happen, but he is very merciful, rather we have to reflect that he is the only God, we cannot speak or think things that are not in his will.
Psalm 78:4,5. They emphasize the importance of teaching, putting Jehovah's mind in the little ones so that they see how Jehovah thinks and thus when they are with their parents or alone, their behavior reflects divine standards and one way to do this can be encouraging them to learn a text from the Bible by heart and also among all of us we can share with young children our favorite texts and how these have helped us as well.
Psalm 78:1. It says to pay attention to the deeds of Jehovah, it has value that he gained something by doing it, yes, because obeying means Jehovah's approval now, a life free of unnecessary problems and the future life with Jehovah's approval.
Psalm 78:36. It mentions how even though Jehovah had done many things for the Israelites, they tried to deceive him with their mouth and lied to him with their tongue. This teaches me personally that Jehovah God is such a loving God, he is like a loving father who is always reminding us. Sometimes we make mistakes, we can do it, but Jehovah remembers that we are simple human beings and that we can fail him but also serve him with all our hearts.
Psalm 78:13. It underlines Jehovah's faithfulness in fulfilling his promises since he had promised to free the Israelites from slavery in Egypt and well throughout their journey he fulfilled every promise including taking them safely through the Red Sea.
Psalm 78:18. It says they challenged God in their hearts by demanding the food they eagerly desired. I like this text because here it mentions the desire of the heart and says that the Israelites challenged or provoked God in their attitude because they demanded and the desire with eagerness says that it is a strong abnormal desire that a person or a group of people make when they desire something or an activity, in this case they desired something natural which is food, nourishment and Jehovah provides them but nevertheless they desired something that they longed for in the past, despite the fact that they had God's promise to take them to a promising land, then this also makes me think about what we can think if a situation similar to theirs happens to us perhaps we could have a catastrophic situation of an accident or a natural disaster, drought, that type of event, then how is our attitude towards Jehovah and they behaved in a disrespectful manner, speaking badly, acting in an irreverent, arrogant manner without thinking about everything that Jehovah had promised them and that could happen to us too because we hope for a wonderful future hope.
Psalm 78:41. Shows that the Israelites tested Jehovah and that they were saddened, this psalm shows how Jehovah reacted to certain acts of the ancient Israelites, this teaches me that the person who wants to do things wrong or disappoints hurts their feelings, that is, Jehovah cares about what we do and that he has feelings and that Jehovah has an intense affection for his servants and that he is not quick to give them up for lost, knowing this is really comforting and also that Jehovah is sensitive and that our behavior can affect his feelings.
Psalm 78:56. And several more verses show that Jehovah has feelings because he says that Israel came to cause him pain and irritate him, so well this makes me think about my attitude towards what Jehovah is asking me to obey, then how do I do this by always examining myself and seeing if I have to improve something good to change in order to have Jehovah's approval.
Psalm 78:57. It is shown that the Israelites says that Jehovah of them were also unreliable like a weak bow, and it is something very essential in a friendship either with Jehovah or with others to be a trustworthy person because one cannot trust someone who tells lies, one seeks to be friends with someone who tells the truth, then how can I become a trustworthy person? Well first, not to go around divulging things that someone tells us in confidence and also not to reveal things that could hurt or embarrass someone and of course not to spread lies about another person.
Psalm 78:4. It shows Jehovah's thought that he wanted his people to tell their generation about the things that Jehovah did for them and that strengthened the faith of his children. This teaches me how important it is for me to do the same, to always be able to speak to my daughter as well as to others about the things that Jehovah did with me, such as teaching me the truth of his purpose and giving me hope.
Psalm 78:13-16. I liked it because it helps me meditate on how extraordinary Jehovah is, the power that He has to do things that one cannot imagine. Meditating on this and on all the times that Jehovah also helped me in ways that one cannot imagine will help me in the future to trust in all His promises that are also extraordinary.
Psalm 78:12 says, He did wonderful things, and 17 says, But they kept on sinning. This text, 12 in particular, makes me think about everything that Jehovah did for the Israelites and the attitude that they had, and it makes me think about how I see Jehovah's hand today, how I see what He promises us, how I see what is happening currently, how I see His promises, if I see them as wonderful or if I really see them as something that I have and they lose value, so it is really important to see them as what they are wonderful in order to have and avoid the attitude that the Israelites had completely.
Psalm Chapter 78. It also said among other things that time after time the Israelites put Jehovah to the test and when they repented Jehovah forgave them, but always the same, and here in James 4:8 it says draw near to God and he will draw near to you and how we draw near is precisely by studying the word of Jehovah every day. Of course it is an effort but we have to be obedient.
Psalm 78:7. It teaches me that I must always trust in my Father God Jehovah and that I must never forget his wonderful works, always serving him with loyalty and obedience.
Psalm 78:5. It is mentioned that apart from meditating on what Jehovah has done, we must also instill that in other generations, that is why verse 7 says that if we tell this to our children, they will trust in Jehovah and will never forget his commandments, which teaches us that we must also instill in our children from a young age so that they do not stray from the path of serving Jehovah.
Psalm 78:38. Tells us about Jehovah's mercy, this quality is related to his compassion, his patience and above all with his love but it also has limits, the chapter mentions that the Israelites continued to defy God, they continued to rebel against him, finally Jehovah abandoned them giving them punishment, what is the lesson that we should not take advantage of Jehovah's mercy, we should not be foolish like the Israelites, on the contrary every day we should remember the things that Jehovah does for us and show gratitude with actions.
Psalm 78:37. It teaches me that a firm heart is crucial to maintaining a relationship with Jehovah. I also learn that it is not enough to make promises; we must live according to them, maintaining integrity and our faith in our actions and decisions.
Psalms 78:40-41. They mention to us about the disrespectful attitude that the Israelites had, they made Jehovah become sad, so what I learn is that instead of choosing the wrong path and causing pain to our father Jehovah, I must behave properly and make his heart happy, because that is what it mentions in Proverbs 27:11.
Psalm 78:11. Talks about how these Israelites had forgotten what Jehovah had done for them and there were many wonderful things that Jehovah did for them, but they were ungrateful, we could also take for granted everything that Jehovah does for us or some privilege and unfortunately we do not want to be ungrateful in the eyes of Jehovah, that is why it is nice to remember everything that Jehovah has done for us during our service and what he continues to do until now.
Psalm 78:2. It says that Jehovah as the prophecy says I will open my mouth using comparisons and this prophecy was fulfilled hundreds of years ago Jehovah determined that Jesus would teach by example and when Jesus was on earth he used examples to capture people's attention, this without a doubt Jehovah values this teaching method very much, so I will continue to strive to follow Jesus' example by teaching biblical truths to students with simple examples.
Psalm 7813. This verse also emphasizes God's faithfulness in keeping His promises. God had promised to free the Israelites from slavery in Egypt and throughout their journey He kept every promise, including bringing them safely through the Red Sea.
Psalm 78:4. It makes me notice how Jehovah cares about families, that is why he gave that mandate to the heads, first they had to love Jehovah then as the text mentions they had to pass it on to their children in that way Jehovah demonstrated his love for his creation and there Christian parents fulfill that mandate by teaching their children from a very young age to love Jehovah, that is why I thank Jehovah for giving us parents who fulfill that mandate since I was little.
Psalm 78:67. It is a reminder of what Jehovah had already told his people Israel when he addressed the parents and asked them to teach their children everything that Jehovah had done for them and thus they would trust in him. We parents keep this mandate in mind since there is no better inheritance that a father or mother can leave to their children than the spiritual inheritance.
Psalm 7814. The Cloud not only served as a guide, but also as protection from the scorching heat of the desert, while fire provided light and security during the darkness of the night. This teaches us how Jehovah cares for all the needs of his people, ensuring their physical and spiritual well-being.
Yes, when the Israelites crossed the desert after leaving Egypt, Jehovah satisfied their needs and it is so because Psalm 78:15 says that and this gives me confidence, therefore I must ask myself, I must ask myself this question, my actions show that I put my trust in Jehovah when I think about the future, I doubt that Jehovah will be able to satisfy my needs and those of my family, these records give me full confidence that if Jehovah did it in the past, he will also do it now in the present.
Psalm 78:14. And we see how the Israelites depended completely on Jehovah's guidance to know when and where they should move. In the same way, we too must learn to trust Jehovah's guidance in our lives, seeking His direction in every decision we make.
Psalm 78:12. This psalm actually shows that Jehovah does or did surprising things to the people of Israel, so much so that he ended up taking them out of Egypt, this teaches me and gives me confidence above all that Jehovah will do surprising things for his servants.
Psalm 78:41. The final part mentions and saddened the leap of Israel 42 begins by saying they did not remember his power, this text teaches me that I should not copy the attitudes of the Israelites of the past that with my actions I can sadden the heart of Jehovah and also being ungrateful, on the contrary I should be humble and recognize that everything I have, including life, comes from Jehovah and strive to rejoice the heart of Jehovah.
Psalms 78:3. In this text the Israelites were trapped between the sea and the Egyptian army in a moment of desperation, Jehovah showed that they can trust in him even when there is no apparent way out. This teaches us to trust in Jehovah especially in the most difficult moments of our lives.
Psalm 78:19. Although the Israelites doubted, Jehovah suddenly demonstrated his ability to provide in the most difficult situations. This teaches us that Jehovah has the power to care for us, even in the deserts of our lives, that is, in the most difficult moments of our days, whether in times of emotional, spiritual or physical difficulty.
Psalm 78:21. The verse begins by saying when Jehovah heard them. This shows that Jehovah is always attentive to what we do and say when the people of Israel sinned repeatedly God heard them and responded accordingly. We can learn from this in how Jehovah is a just God, who does not tolerate disobedience without consequence. The fury and fire mentioned in this verse represent his righteous indignation against sin. This teaches us the importance of living in harmony with Divine principles.
Psalm 78:21. This account serves as a warning to us, reminding us not to take Jehovah's standards lightly. Although He is loving and patient, He also expects us to live according to His will.
Psalm 78:24. The manna described as grain from heaven was a miraculous provision from Jehovah to meet the physical needs of his people. This reminds us that Jehovah cares about our needs and is able to provide what we need even in unexpected ways.
Psalm 7824. The grain of heaven can also symbolize the spiritual nourishment that Jehovah provides us through his word. Just as manna sustained the Israelites, Jehovah's teaching and spiritual guidance are essential to our daily lives.
Psalm 7837. This verse teaches us that a firm heart is crucial to maintaining a stable and constant relationship with Jehovah, we can also learn that it is not enough to make promises, we must live according to them, maintaining integrity in our actions and decisions, above all being wholehearted with Jehovah.
Psalm 78:14. It says that Jehovah guided them with a cloud and all night long with the light of a fire, so the Israelites depended completely on Jehovah's life to know when and where to move in the same way we must also learn to trust in Jehovah's guidance in our lives by seeking His direction in every decision we make.
Psalm 78:3,4. They say that they would tell the next generation of Jehovah's praiseworthy actions, and a week ago at the meeting there was an assignment that talked about speaking about the power of Jehovah to the next generation, and in the article it gave ideas for those brothers with more experience on how they can pass on their wisdom, as it mentioned, for example, inviting younger brothers to your home to enjoy their company or asking them to accompany you to the ministry in order to exchange encouragement, because if we do this it doesn't matter if we are young or old because we will all be encouraging each other and also continuing our spiritual legacy.
Psalm 78:1. It says that the Israelites had to listen to the law and pay attention and this could be a little difficult because they could not take notes, they could not read the Bible but what they could do was concentrate and meditate in order to teach it to other people and that is what we can do too, we have many more technological advances than they do so we have to use the tools that the organization gives us to pay attention to what Jehovah tells us.
Psalm Chapter 78. We can learn two things: on the one hand, that Jehovah has an intense affection for his servants; he never gives up on them, which is comforting for us; and on the other hand, we can also learn how Jehovah is sensitive; we can hurt his feelings; what we do can affect him, and that is why he encourages us in what is right.
And we can also use this psalm, for example, Psalm 78:42,43, to show people who think they cannot believe unless they see certain things that faith does not depend on one seeing miracles because the Israelites saw a lot of things that Jehovah did for them and yet they did not remember and constantly disobeyed.
Psalm 70:72. We see that Jehovah chooses humble people for different assignments. He does not care about our origin, our economic position. He says that life began as a shepherd of sheep to end up being the one who led the people of God, so this teaches me the fact that whether we do well in an assignment depends solely on qualities such as humility and that we let ourselves be guided by Jehovah, who is the one who guides us and also the one who enables us to fulfill the assignments.
Psalm 78:5. We read how since ancient times rules or reminders were established to not deviate from the law of Jehovah, so useful in ancient times that they are also for us today and the word reminder comes from the root that means to repeat and how many times things are repeated to us and we are reminded are many times that they are repeated to us so let us keep this in mind so as not to take them for granted and thus not deviate from the law of Jehovah.
Psalm 78:52,53. It says that Jehovah brought the people of Israel out like a flock, followed them like a herd, led them safely, and what did Jehovah do? Well, on the one hand, he guided them, he brought them out in battle formation, and of course this was important, not because more than 3 million people in battle formation meant that he gave them security, and on the other hand, Jehovah with the cloud was present all day and at night too.
Psalm 78:7. The verse underlines the importance of obeying Jehovah's commandments. Obedience is not only a demonstration of our faith but also a way of showing our love and gratitude toward Jehovah and Jesus.
One of the reasons why many lost their lives was because of their lack of faith, Psalm 78:22 shows that they had no faith that Jehovah could save them. The curious thing is that two texts above, for example, Jehovah showed them that he could save them when he made water and streams gush forth from rocks. So it is an example for us that we have to strive to cultivate faith and realize how Jehovah helps us because our life depends on it.
Psalm 78:38. It teaches me that Jehovah loves us despite our mistakes and that he cares a lot about us. It is true that we have never seen or heard him, but we know that he speaks to us through his word, guides us, and wants us to be protected because we are his people and he also wants us to know him and be at his side.
Psalm Chapter 78. Highlights the lack of appreciation of gratitude of the Israelites, we could ask this important question to be grateful because we all know that gratitude is so important that it makes us happy whether we give it or receive it.
Psalm 78:61. Shows that because of the unfaithfulness of the Israelites, it says that Jehovah allowed the symbol of his strength and splendor to fall into enemy hands. Here he is referring to the occasion when the Philistines seized the ark of the covenant and if we think about it carefully, the ark represented the presence of Jehovah and had to be treated with the utmost respect and because of the unfaithfulness of the royalists it spent seven months passing from one Philistine city to another. This makes me think that I should never allow that by any act of my conduct I could stain even a little bit the sanctity of the name of Jehovah.
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