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Spiritual Gems (10 min.)
Psa 76:10. How can “the fury of man” praise Jehovah? (w06 7/15 11 para. 4).
The fury of man praises Jehovah when through the suffering of his servants, others witness his faithful endurance. Even if this suffering reaches the point of death, the endurance of God's servants can motivate others to glorify Jehovah, showing that his faith is unshakable and that God does not allow his servants to suffer beyond what they can. necessary.
In the reference article it mentions that sometimes hatred, rejection or mistreatment of people produces good results since Jehovah allows men to attack us with fury because of his name and these hardships that such attacks entail serve as training for us. That is why we can have confidence that Jehovah himself will finish this training, making us firm and strong and will not tolerate us suffering more than necessary, as mentioned in Peter's first letter.
On the other hand, the fury of man can result in praise of Jehovah not because it can result in being a testimony and an example of this was when Pharaoh persecuted the people of Israel, however it resulted in Jehovah's name being made known throughout the earth. .
We do know that Jehovah can always control the situation at any moment so that the wicked, even without realizing it, are collaborating with Jehovah's purpose.
And it is clear that Jehovah when we suffer he is there to help us and he is not going to allow us to suffer more than our strength can bear so how nice it is that we can trust in Jehovah because he is the only one who can help us.
And also the fury of man can praise Jehovah because those who witness our faithful endurance may glorify God.
There it is shown precisely in the reference that many times this fury is reflected with evident attacks against his people, so what this produces in us is the fact of having discipline or training as the Bible calls it, so we have to endure and demonstrate that discipline comes from Jehovah, training is precisely to give glory to him, that is where these words are fulfilled that this fury praises the name of Jehovah.
Many times it happens that he observes us how we react to that situation. It could be coworkers, our boss does some injustice to us or some issue at school, classmates or neighbors, then seeing how we are harmed and not doing anything, that gives glory to Jehovah. , shows that we put biblical principles into practice and it ends up being a praise to Jehovah even if we have a bad time but let us remember that Jehovah is not going to let us suffer beyond what we can.
Yes, when they demonstrate the fury of man when they attack the servants of Jehovah, there are also positive results, they serve as training, he says, well, many times cases were mentioned where persecution helped to increase the reach of the preaching, the message reaching more people and countries.
This persecution of the faithful servants of Jehovah can be a testimony for the people who are there and seeing how the people endure is a faithful testimony for them as First Peter 5:10 tells us.
And it is also made clear that perhaps this fury of man can even cause death, but in any case Jehovah would praise himself because they would be witnesses of our faithful endurance.
He says that it was man's fury that praises Jehovah when through the suffering of his servants others witness faithful endurance even if this suffering reaches the point of death, the endurance of Jehovah's servants can motivate others to glorify Jehovah.
It must be taken into account that the wrath of Jehovah is very different from the wrath of men. Jehovah does not act rashly, so to a certain extent, as has already been said, he allows his enemies to attack his servants, but without realizing it, they collaborate with his servants. purpose not because the time has come they can glorify Jehovah in that way they contribute to the vindication of his holy name.
Yes, we have an example, the case of the three Hebrews and Nebuchadnezzar was very angry with them, not because he became so furious that he gave the order to heat the oven seven times more than it was, but when he saw that Jehovah had protected them through an angel. His fury says that he disappeared and rather he praised Jehovah, he witnessed the faithfulness of these three young men and that has caused him to glorify Jehovah.
And now we can clearly see what is happening to our brothers from Russia, from Eritrea, our brothers from South Korea are a great example for us to show gloves if we get to that situation and they are already demonstrating and giving praise for those actions. to Jehovah not only to us but to the whole world.
Yes, many times we remember in history how that fury of men, nations, rulers has manifested itself or been directed against the people of Jehovah, but the final result has been precisely the opposite of what they intended because it has resulted in praise to Jehovah, we have, for example, the Nazi government, how much anger it directed against Jehovah's people, but nevertheless the way in which the circumstances developed ended up being the sanctification of Jehovah's name and their disappearance, so that always shows that it is Jehovah who knows how to give victory.
Yes, this makes me think about how, thanks to the opposition and persecution that many brothers have had, many people have come to know Jehovah, thanks to the fidelity that the brothers have shown, many people have learned about knowing Jehovah, what he is like, and that faithfulness that They have shown that it has helped them to continue to also know to remain loyal to Jehovah to get closer to him. So when he talks about discipline and training, he refers to the fact that if we are loyal, that will be a testimony so that many people will also be faithful. come closer to the truth.
Yes, first Peter 5:10 that is cited there guarantees that this suffering will be for a short time because Jehovah will not tolerate us suffering more than is necessary and as the same verse says at the end it says that this training Jehovah himself will stop it. and then in the end we will be stronger and we will stand firmer.
What spiritual pearls have you found in this week's Bible reading?
Psalm 75:1. In this text we can learn the following: declaring the works of Jehovah is a way of remembering what he has done for us, remembering past blessings strengthens our faith to face the present and the future with hope and trust in God.
Psalm 75:4. Where it says they do not exalt his power so much, that reminded me of when Jehovah reduced Gideon's army to 300 men so that it would be clear that Jehovah was the one who had given them the victory and well, that taught me that the power or privilege that I have must first Use it to praise Jehovah's name and also to help others.
Psalm 75:1. This teaches us that it is important to thank Jehovah for his goodness and the blessings that he gives us for our lives, rather we should be grateful and not reproach him for the things that perhaps have no use in our life, but rather be grateful for what that he has given us.
Psalm 75:8. We read that the cup from which all nations will drink in the near future contains the bitterest portion they will ever drink, the lessons we can draw from ancient and modern history indicate that all nations will be forced to drink a portion. so nauseating that it will leave no doubt that God the King of the nations judges them to be wicked.
Psalm 75:9. The Psalmist spoke about singing praises to the God of Jacob, praising Jehovah we can do it in many ways due to the way we act with our preaching and speaking about Jehovah, defending his name before the people of the territory is a very good way. also to praise him.
Psalm 75:7. It shows that Jehovah is a judge and that he knocks each one down and exalts the other. This text teaches me that we should not look for things to boast about in any service, as we saw in the 10-minute speech that we should not be boastful if we are not Both men and women must be submissive to those who take the lead and wait for Jehovah to give them any appointment or assignment of service since the appointment comes from him or from Jehovah and we must obey the men that Jehovah has appointed to lead his town.
Psalm 75:2. It says that in part B it says that Jehovah will very soon judge with justice while that day arrives, I must value the privilege of praying to Jehovah, study the Bible with determination and care, meditate on the blessings that that kingdom will bring, and if I do this, this will help me. It will help you keep the expectation of Jehovah's promises and wait on him.
In Psalm 75 the psalmist warns the wicked not to adopt an arrogant attitude in relation to their seemingly position of power, as Psalm 75:10 says, Jehovah will destroy all the power of the wicked but the power of the righteous will increase, as Knowing this encourages me to remain faithful to Jehovah despite the apparent prosperity of the wicked.
Psalm 75:1. This text teaches me to show gratitude since sincere gratitude is a virtue that pleases Jehovah.
Psalm 75:1. It says that we thank Jehovah and we can show gratitude to Jehovah through prayer thanking him for his creation for helping us get up every day for food for his gifts like the Bible his friendship the rescue the future he gives us and we can also Demonstrate gratitude through preaching by telling of His name, His purpose, and His wonderful works.
Psalm 75:7. Specifically, I liked it because it showed that appointments come from Jehovah and the psalm says that Jehovah is the one who exalts, yes, the importance of not only being submissive but also trusting the men that Jehovah has placed in their positions and who are ahead of them within your organization.
Psalm 75:5. It says do not exalt your power so much or speak with arrogance and the number seven complements because God is the judge who knocks one down and exalts another, so here he is warning us not to develop a proud or arrogant attitude because it is Jehovah who exalts and when we are Give opportunities for responsibilities within the congregation, we must see it as a gift that Jehovah gives us.
Psalm 75:10. He warns the wicked not to be arrogant because of his apparent security why Jehovah will cut off the horns of the wicked and as it was said in the speech as we see in Deuteronomy 33:17 the horn was a symbol of strength and power.
Psalm 75:3. What does it say when the earth's inhabitants trembled, it was I who kept its column firm, this makes me think of all the times that one went through difficulties through difficult times to enjoy different circumstances and how it is thanks to Jehovah that we can move forward because we have remembering that it is he who gives us the strength so that we can move forward and that he helps us through his brothers and comforts us through his word and his holy spirit, so thanking and appreciating everything he does for us is truly gratifying.
Psalm 75:5. He gives us a warning, he does not tell us not to exalt our power so much or to speak arrogantly, so he tells us about the danger of being proud, we have to remember that whatever assignment we have in Jehovah's organization is what he gives us, we must be deeply grateful because he is the one who teaches us.
Psalm 75:7. It reminds us of the beautiful words that the beautiful Anna wrote in the prayer in first Samuel 2:7 she also expressed similar words she said Jehovah is one who impoverishes and one who enriches one who brings down also one who exalts, so today both Humanity like us are privileged to have the historical biblical account and see different moments in history in which Jehovah has really executed this and well will do so in the future as well.
Psalm 75:2. This text emphasizes to us that Jehovah is a God who deals with justice. This teaches me that this justice does not make me afraid of him but rather brings us closer to him and in the Bible we clearly see that he does it with love and compassion, which is why he deserves all of our praise.
Psalm 75:1. It is that in the final part of this verse we read the following and people declare your wonderful works. This teaches us that we are responsible for sharing with others the wonders that Jehovah has done in our lives as we fulfill our duty to be faithful witnesses and help strengthen the faith of others.
Psalm 75:2. There it says when he set a time to judge together with justice and we see that this text highlights an outstanding quality of Jehovah out of many that he has, but in this case justice in this case does not make us afraid of that justice but rather brings us closer to him. We see clearly in the Bible how he exercises that justice with love and affection.
Psalm 75:2. This verse encourages us to trust that although injustices may temporarily prevail in this world, Jehovah will deliver justice in his time, he sees everything and will make the right decisions when necessary.
Psalm 77:1. Asaph precisely felt discouraged and said with my voice I will shout for help to God I will cry to God and he will open to me, so this text also encourages us since if we feel sad or perhaps depressed we also know that we can shout to Jehovah for help whoever He is the God of all comfort, he will hear us and give us the peace of God that is beyond what any human being can understand and that is something that reassures us since we know that Jehovah is always willing to listen and answer our prayers.
Psalm 77:2. There the Psalmist says that he was distressed and raised his arms without rest so that Jehovah would help him, so we can illustrate this when we fall and want someone to help us get up, we stretch our arms and until we are standing we do not stop lifting. the arm, because we can do the same with Jehovah, we want his help and how we raise our arms, because through attendance at meetings, personal study, preaching, in this way Jehovah helps us to rise.
Psalm 77:11. Here the psalmist says that you will remember the works of Jehovah, you will remember wonderful acts, what does this mean because we constantly have to learn from Jehovah, remembering how good he is for humanity, the result is that our faith and our faith are strengthened. trust in Jehovah and thus we can face the tests or challenges that come to us in life, but to achieve this we have to be good students of the word of God the Bible and meditate on what we study when we do it this way because we are remembering learning the acts of Jehovah and we know that he has not changed and that he will continue to do so for us as well.
Psalm 77: 9. Asaph, the end of the question says, or could it be that his fury has annulled his mercy, as if implying that it is exhausted or as if Jehovah stopped using it, but it is interesting how the work helps us understand this point. insightful there under mercy mentions how he has a change of attitude in Jehovah's attitude due to the obstinacy of man's heart, so because of his refusal to respond to that mercy that he grants to human beings, then it is precisely because of that arrogance that hardness of heart that now Jehovah has to change his attitude towards the wicked.
Psalm 75:2. This text helps us recognize that Jehovah is supreme, it helps us stay humble knowing that our actions and decisions will be judged by him who knows our hearts and motives better than ourselves.
Psalm 75:10. It highlights the importance of being just if we are loyal to God despite the difficulties we may face, there it says that Jehovah himself will end all the power of the evil one but the power of the righteous will increase, so even if Satan and this world make us suffer so much and go through so many tests because we must continue to endure faithful ideals to Jehovah so that he can reward us.
Psalm 75. Contains a warning against pride when it says not to exalt its horn, we see how the horn was a symbol of strength or power and exalting the horn would demonstrate haughty behavior, here the psalmist warns the wicked not to adopt an arrogant attitude according to His apparent secure position of power since Jehovah said he will cut off the horns of the beginnings, knowing this encourages us to remain faithful to him despite the apparent prosperity of the wicked.
Psalm 75:10. The psalmist warns the wicked not to adopt an arrogant attitude toward his apparently secure position of power. Jehovah will put an end to the power of the wicked, and knowing this encourages us, Jehovah's servants, to remain faithful to him and despite the evil man's apparent prosperity. .
Psalm 75:12. And the pride of the leaders of the earth will be lowered now that they see themselves so powerful, when Armageddon comes they will be completely removed by Jehovah.
We have to be careful and if God gives us any charge, whether big or small, we have to pray a lot so that we do not reach arrogance, so I really like these words that Psalm 75:6 says, because exaltation does not come from either the east or the west nor south because God is the judge who knocks one down.
Yes, I really liked the text of Psalm 75:7, which talks about humility and mentions in the study guide that being humble takes time to develop humility in our hearts, what steps could we take, perhaps as the brothers said, meditate, give ourselves time to think For example, remembering that Paul said that it is good for us to think that others are greater than us in different qualities is a good step and there are many more.
Psalm 75:5-7. Verse 5 especially exhorts us not to exalt ourselves or speak arrogantly. This underscores the importance of humility, reminding us that we should not surround ourselves with our abilities or achievements since everything we have comes from Jehovah.
Psalm 76:4 to 9. It tells us about the mountains of the house. The report says that perhaps these mountains of the house represent aggressive kingdoms, like Assyria, and that helps us understand Revelation 8:8, which mentions a mountain that burns. with fire that is thrown into the sea implying a form of destructive government as the fire teaches us that Jehovah is more powerful than his governments and when the time appointed by him arrives they will be destroyed.
Psalm 76:8-10. It helps us meditate on how we should ask Jehovah to enable brothers who are suffering persecution to glorify his name and to help people who love justice to take the side of pure worship.
Psalm Chapter 76:11. It says that if we make our vows to Jehovah we must fulfill it. In some information it said that Jehovah does not force us to make a vow to him, so if we do it from the heart and we are having a hard time fulfilling that vow we can seek help from mature brothers or we can also Pray to Jehovah to open our hearts so that Jehovah himself helps us to be able to fulfill that vow we made to him.
Psalm 76:6. It helps me to trust in how Jehovah's protection is not going to leave us, although human beings trust in their weapons, but they do not know that God is much more superior than them and can simply make everyone fall asleep in death and then that weaponry is useless and this is a warning to the world kings who trust so much in weaponry that it is not really a reliable hope. What is a reliable thing is what Jehovah promises that he will fulfill without fail.
Psalm 76:1. It is interesting that it says that God is known in Judah and if we look at the blown note it gives us more information about why Jehovah was known, in Psalm 48:3 remember that Jehovah was the one who had made them know that he was a refuge Sure, of course we know that Jehovah is a safe refuge in what sense because we can see how Satan's world today offers us, perhaps, the riches in following the life model of some famous people today, but it really is the refuge that Jehovah likes him because much less on the contrary, we have to run within his organization to follow the model that he gave us to his son and seek the advice that Jehovah gives us, trusting in his advice when choosing friends, entertainment, work, without a doubt that this It will be good for us that we have that security and are close to Jehovah and can be and feel safe.
Psalm 77:11. We see that in this text it helps us remember how Jehovah has acted in the past and can strengthen us in times of trial and difficulties and with this it also helps us to trust that he will continue acting in our lives.
Psalm 77:1. We see how important it is to have the habit of spending time with Jehovah praying and reading his word, so when we are in a tense situation the first thing we will think of will be to go to our heavenly father, so if we have the habit we go through any situation it will not scare us and We won't let ourselves be scared either.
Speaking about meekness today for many people this is a defect and a weakness and many are demanding, selfish and well one wants to get their rights at all costs, but Psalm 76:9. It says that Jehovah is going to save all the meek on earth, so we do not want to copy that attitude on the contrary we want to be humble submissives and always comply with Jehovah's will.
Psalm 76:7. In that text the psalmist begins by highlighting that only Jehovah is imposing or worthy of reverence. This reminds us that Jehovah is above everything and everyone and deserves our deepest admiration and respect.
Psalm 77:2. Although the Psalmist is in a moment of anguish and does not find comfort, his action of seeking Jehovah is a demonstration of faith and teaches us to trust that God will hear our prayers and give us the strength necessary to overcome our challenges Even if the answer is not It is immediate.
Psalm 77:11. The text helps us remember how Jehovah has acted in the past, it can strengthen us in times of trial and difficulty, it helps us trust that he will continue to act in our lives.
Psalm 77:11. It is that by reading this verse we can remember the works of Jehovah, we recognize his power and his love towards us, we realize that he has always been present performing wonderful acts on our behalf in favor of his people and by meditating on the powerful acts of Jehovah our faith is renewed and strengthened giving us the confidence that he can do the same today and in the future.
Psalm 77:11,12. Show what helped him to have positive thoughts there it says I will remember the works of Jehovah I will remember your wonderful acts I will meditate on all your activities and I will reflect on your way of acting, so in order to continue serving Jehovah with joy it is meditation is fundamental, a publication said that studying without meditating is like eating food and not digesting it, so when we study it is essential that we can meditate that we can reflect on what we study try to relate it with other things that we know ask ourselves how it affects our life what we teaches from Jehovah how we can apply it, so if we do it this way we will not only be able to progress spiritually but also our relationship with Jehovah will be greatly strengthened.
Psalm 77:5. It shows my thoughts go back to the days of a long time ago, this made me think about everything that Jehovah has done for me previously throughout my Christian life and that meditating on this can also help me today if I am going through difficult times, so considering everything Jehovah has done for me in the past also strengthens me.
Psalm 77:2. The psalmist mentions that on the day of trouble he sought Jehovah and that at night his hands were extended towards him without rest, this always makes me remember that when my strength fails or I feel overwhelmed I always turn to Jehovah because just as we saw Jehovah does not It tests us beyond what we can endure and we always saw the hand of Jehovah in the face of any difficulty we have and always remember that Jehovah is the only one who sustains us.
Psalm 77:20. We see that the column was a guarantee that God was with the Israelites, it represented Jehovah and also by the means that Moses identified as the one chosen by Jehovah since he was the one who gave the starting voice, so the success of the Israelites during The Exodus depended on them recognizing the visible means that God was using to direct them and following his guidance, so this teaches us that today we also have to recognize the means that Jehovah uses to guide us and as the end approaches whether we survive will depend on It is a good measure that we humbly accept Jehovah's direction.
Psalm 77:6. The psalmist says that at night he reflects in his heart and makes a careful examination, in the same way we should imitate his example and set aside time to study, meditate and do a self-examination and we become more like the people of the world or Jehovah every day. that could ask a question and without a doubt our objective should be the latter to make us act.
Psalm 77:2. We see that the Psalmist is in a moment of anguish, in fact he goes so far as to say that nothing consoles him, but we see that his action is clear: to seek Jehovah and this is a great demonstration of faith that teaches us to trust that he will go away. to listen to our prayers and will give us the necessary strength as long as we imitate the psalmist and seek Jehovah in these moments.
Psalm 77:6. The psalmist mentions that at night he reflected and made a careful examination. This passage is very beautiful because it reminds us of the importance of giving ourselves time to meditate. Of course, we always meditate on the work of Jehovah, but it is also very important to meditate on ourselves in our history. personal in how much we owe him for having known him and being his servants, which helps us to be more grateful.
Psalm 77:5,6. We see that Asaph in a moment of anguish meditated on Jehovah and on the things he had done for his people in the past and thus he was convinced that Jehovah would not abandon his people as we see in verse 15 and in our case we do have the custom By meditating on what Jehovah has done in the past for his people and for us in particular, our faith will become stronger.
Psalm 76:8. It says that Jehovah is the only true judge here it says from heaven you passed sentence the earth was afraid and remained silent and although human judges can pass unjust judgments to imprison brothers and sisters we can remember that Jehovah can always evoke them throughout of history he has proven his authority and in the end he will take away from the world and the human judicial system who really has the power.
Psalm 77:7. We can see the fact that Jehovah included these words shows the compassion and understanding that he has for us and he wants us to know that he knows what we go through and can feel, there we see the phrases and how this servant of Jehovah expressed: "He will reject us to Jehovah." forever, he will never again grant us his favor, his loyal love has ended forever, so Jehovah knows that sometimes things can happen that are not resolved once and for all and that can cause those types of feelings and Jehovah, instead of judging them, he has a lot compassion and wants to give us that security that we need so much.
The writer of Psalm 77 felt so distressed that he thought he had lost the approval of Jehovah, which is why in verse 2 he said in the day of my trouble I sought Jehovah, this encourages me to continue seeking him when I have any problem or difficulty. that he always allows himself to be found.
Psalm 77:2. It teaches me that there are good reasons for us to become familiar with God's past and present activities on behalf of His people as well as what they have done for His organization and to treasure them in our hearts so that they may be useful to us in times of trouble. needs.
Psalm 77:11,12. He says that it is possible to perceive Jehovah's great love by meditating on creation. The simple fact that he has created all things is an example of great love. Furthermore, he has created us with qualities that allow us to imitate his personality.
Psalm 77:12. He says I will meditate on all your activities and I will reflect on your way of acting. This text helps me, the truth is that when I see Jehovah's creation, it helps me to meditate, but it has also left me with the Bible and having that knowledge of Jehovah and acting on it. harmony with what we are reading.
Yes, also mentioning a point about Psalm 77:11,12, the meditation that we must do is necessary that when we have free time we can meditate on the works of Jehovah in his activities because surely if we do not do it we will meditate on other things that perhaps They may actually lead us to stumble when we think about meditating on the beneficial things as we read and meditate on the Bible accounts will increase our knowledge of Jehovah and his ways.
Psalm 77:13,14. He mentions the great things about Jehovah, the wonderful things he does and gives us strength and this makes us see that when we are in a tense situation we should not hesitate to go to him for help, tell him everything that worries us and we should let him help us through The Bible is what will give us comfort.
The faithful slave has always instructed us to reflect on our position before Jehovah and here in the Psalm in 77 he mentions about a reflection of his own that he makes with respect to the people and with respect to himself, so this urges me to me to reflect on how to improve and how my position is. If I have made mistakes, then it helps me so that I can reconsider and improve my service.
In Psalm 77. We see how reflecting on the acts of mercy and compassion that Jehovah has shown in the past toward his people convinces me that Jehovah will not abandon us and that he will also be merciful to us, so as we meditate on it our faith becomes stronger. strong and is one more benefit of spending time with Jehovah reading his word and reflecting on it.
Psalm 77:14. It says You are the true one, you are the true God who does wonderful things You have shown your strength to the people, this last part is being fulfilled because thanks to the power of Jehovah our organization is growing more every day and that shows it to the people of the world that the power of Jehovah is greater than theirs.
Psalm 77:12. It also talks about meditating and reflecting on how Jehovah acts but we want to be spiritual people to be able to realize how Jehovah blesses us, yes then we reflect and think about how Jehovah has been taking care of us or how he has answered a prayer then our faith grows. If we don't realize it, it's because we need to meditate.
Psalm 77:6. It shows that we must be interested in the truths contained in the Bible above all to be able to scrutinize them carefully and for this we have to dedicate time and meditation, it is important to have moments or time so that we are alone scrutinizing and meditating on it.
Psalm 77:5 . It speaks of the thoughts that have returned to us for a long time. This teaches us that we must remove our especially bad thoughts from our minds since they would be like tenants living for free in our minds. The solution then is to remove them so that we do not weaken spiritually.
Psalm 77:11,12. He shows us what is the key to developing trust with Jehovah and we have to read his word and meditate on the biblical stories and the things he has already done in the past for other servants, in this way we will trust in him more every day. him Even in the harshest circumstances.
Psalm 77:14. It shows that it says that Jehovah has done wonderful things, so he not only gave man a land that gives him everything he needs to live but also that he gave him moral guidance and counsel in the word of God and experience shows that those who They followed this moral guide and the law of God fares much better.
Psalm 77:9. Part B says it will be that fury has nullified his mercy referring to Jehovah and one reference said that it is the hardness of heart of the people, their obstinacy and refusal to respond to his benevolence and mercy that forces Jehovah to adopt a different course, How nice it is to know that Jehovah will always choose to show mercy but when he has no other choice it is as if he had closed this option.
Psalm 77:12. Where Asaph mentioned these words, I will meditate on all your activities and reflect on your way of acting, this makes me think of Jehovah's loyalty to each of us, reflect on the way Jehovah has shown us his love, his comfort, especially in difficult times. It makes us keep our hope alive in him and in his promises, knowing that whatever our situation, Jehovah is always willing to help us, he will never get tired of helping us.
Psalm 77.6. The psalmist says that he remembered his song with longing, reflected on it in his heart and made a careful examination that teaches us this for us, because we must dedicate time alone as the psalmist says to scrutinize what worries us to draw closer to Jehovah, if We have a concern because we can rely on many sources, but what better way than to take advantage of that moment alone and do it searching for Jehovah, it will surely help us to have more faith in him and his teachings.
Psalm 77:12. It shows how important it is to meditate, not only to read the word of Jehovah, but also to meditate on the stories shown because this increases our knowledge of Jehovah and we appreciate more how trustworthy he is and our faith is strengthened especially in times of trial.
Psalm 77:20. Where it says that Jehovah gave his people like a flock to very special care, they give us the certainty and guarantee that when the key moment arrives in Armageddon, Jehovah will guide us as a people, so we will be very calm.
Psalm 75:8. We read that the cup from which all nations will drink in the near future contains the bitterest portion they will ever drink, the lessons we can draw from ancient and modern history indicate that all nations will be forced to drink a portion. so nauseating that it will leave no doubt that God the King of the nations judges them to be wicked.
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ReplyDeletePsalm 77:13, we can learn that Jehovah is unique in His holiness and power. This emphasizes that Jehovah has no equal among other gods or powers. His ways are holy, meaning that everything He does is just and pure.
ReplyDeleteThis passage reminds us that we can trust in Jehovah's guidance and protection because He is holy in all His ways.