Tuesday, August 6, 2024

SPIRITUAL GEMS: Week 5 to 11 August 2024, Psalm 70 to 72, Answers.

SPIRITUAL GEMS: August 5-11, 2024, Psalm 70 to 72, Answers.

Spiritual Gems (10 min.)

Psa 72:8. During Solomon's reign, how was Jehovah's promise to Abraham fulfilled in Genesis 15:18? (it-1 883).

During the period of Solomon's reign, the promise made by Jehovah to Abraham in Genesis 15:18 was partially fulfilled as the territory of Israel expanded northward, reaching the Euphrates River. Although the territory assigned to Israel did not fully encompass the promised extension from the Euphrates River under the reign of Solomon, the kingdom of Israel approached this border by incorporating the Aramaic kingdom of Sobah, which bordered the Euphrates. This territorial development reflected the gradual fulfillment of the promise made to Abraham.

What spiritual pearls have you found in this week's Bible reading?

Psalm 70:4. This text shows that to seek God, we must do so with a heart full of joy. The search for God should not be a burden, but a source of joy and light in our lives.

Psalm 70:5. Partly in this text it is mentioned, but I am defenseless and I am poor, here King David teaches us the importance of recognizing our limitations and weaknesses. We cannot always face all challenges on our own, we must admit that we always need Jehovah in our lives.

Psalm 71:1. When we read the phrase never be ashamed, this reflects hope. This phrase reflects complete hope and trust in Jehovah and encourages us to maintain our faith and hope in him at all times, regardless of the circumstances.

Psalm 71:6. The last part of the verse mentions, I praise you constantly. And this teaches us the importance of maintaining an attitude of praise and gratitude toward Jehovah, maintaining it at all times regardless of the circumstances.

Psalm 71:7. Despite being admired by others, the psalmist maintains humility by giving all credit to Jehovah. This teaches us to remain humble and grateful for the blessings and talents we have, and recognize that all of this comes from Jehovah. 

Psalm 71:8. The psalmist teaches us the importance of praising God constantly, it is not about doing it only at specific times, but about having an attitude of praise throughout the day. This reflects a grateful heart and aware of the presence of God in our lives.

Psalm 71:8. This verse can serve as a reminder that even in difficult times we must maintain our praise to God, the psalmist often in situations of distress, shows us that praise can be a source of strength and Hope. 

Psalm 71:9. This text shows us that we can trust that Jehovah will be with us every moment of our lives, even when we face physical or emotional challenges. This is very comforting, because we can see Jehovah's love and how he values ​​the service we give him, even though we no longer have the same energy as when we were young. 

Psalm 71:9. One lesson that this text teaches us is to cultivate a deep relationship with Jehovah, and we can do this from an early age because this can help us in old age with faith and Hope.

Psalm 71:19. As you read this rhetorical question in this text that says: You have done great things oh God Who is like you. This phrase or expression highlights the fact that Jehovah is unique, there is no one who can compare to him, he is incomparable in his power, wisdom and Justice.

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