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SPIRITUAL GEMS: August 12-18, 2024, Psalm 73 to 74, Answers.
Spiritual Gems (10 min.)
Ps 74:13, 14. In this case, what should the expression “Leviathan” refer to? (it-2 213).
When we think of Leviathan, the crocodile mentioned in Job comes to mind. Depending on the context, Leviathan can have different meanings. Taking into account what verses 13 and 14 say, it seems that in this case it refers to the salvation that God granted Israel from Pharaoh when they left Egypt. Therefore, the expression "Leviathan" could refer to the defeat suffered by Pharaoh and his army at the time of the Exodus.
In Isaiah 27:1, the Septuagint translates "Leviathan" as a symbol of an empire or an organization of international scope. Thus, in this case, as has been mentioned, it could refer to Babylon or also to Egypt. Therefore, when Leviathan is mentioned in this context, it is probably referring to an international organization or empire that opposes Jehovah and his worshipers.
The book insight clarifies this in a very understandable way in this regard when it says that it also refers to a sea monster. The expression in an inscription says that it is used as a parallel expression to leviathan and the breaking of leviathan's head may well allude to the crushing defeat. inflicted on Pharaoh and his armies at the time of the Exodus, then this gives us an understanding of precisely what governs an entire expanse of land as the ruler of the world.
In the context of Psalm 74:13,14. The expression Leviathan is used symbolically to refer to a powerful empire or force opposing Jehovah and his people. The term does not literally refer to a sea monster, but rather symbolizes a great adversary like Pharaoh and his army in Egypt who was decisively Defeated by God, thus Leviathan represents the international powers that oppose God and his worship such as also mentioned in other prophecies of Isaiah 27.1.
Yes, leviathan precisely describes a powerful creature such as Pharaoh and his army in the past who were defeated by Jehovah also in Isaiah 27:1 this symbolizes an empire an international organization and in the past the visible enemies of Israel were Assyria Egypt Babylon , but we know what their end was, today Jehovah's people also face powerful and cunning nations from a human point of view, but we know what their end will be very soon
We compare with Revelation 12:9, there it is called an organization dominated by a character who is a serpent and a dragon and here that monster is called leviathan, which should refer in this context to an international organization or empire that opposes Jehovah. and to your organization.
Furthermore, the Aramaic Targums confirm this interpretation, since instead of "the heads of Leviathan" they mention "the forts of Pharaoh." This can be compared to Ezekiel 29:3-5, where he also resembles Pharaoh with a great sea monster.
When we read in verse 14, where it is mentioned that he will break their heads, it is possibly referring to the crushing defeat that Pharaoh and his army suffered when Jehovah freed the Israelites from captivity.
And it is curious that this verse, which seems very easy to understand when we consult the insight information, impresses us because it gives a series of very interesting nuances, for example the fact that when it talks about the forts of Pharaoh it has also been translated as the heads of Leviathan means linking it with Egypt, but then in the final part, as has been mentioned, it links it to situations that have to do with Babylon, Assyria and Egypt and finally to an organization that is antagonistic to the people of God.
What spiritual pearls have you found in this week's Bible reading?
Psalm 73:2,3. In this Psalm it says that in my case my feet had almost gone astray, they were on the verge of slipping, because I became envious of the arrogant when I saw the peace of the wicked. So the lesson here is that being envious of the successes of the arrogant can cause us to lose our way. So this is a warning about how comparison with others can skew our thinking and values. Hence the importance of remaining faithful to biblical principles even when others seem to prosper without applying these same principles.
Psalm 73:12. It says: "Thus are the wicked for whom everything is easy." The fact that many people, brothers, find it easy to live well and succeed in everything they do is because they are almost always harming other people, they do not have God in their hearts. They live carefree, they have everything in their life, so it shouldn't bother me to have a feeling that he or she does have it and I don't, because I have my God Jehovah and if I have him, I have everything there.
Psalm 73:7. Something is mentioned about those people who were prospering: their eyes bulge from so much fat, this text caught my attention why it says their eyes bulge, obviously it was an exaggeration, but how is it that we can see those situations in that way? People who are so exaggerated are that they don't lack anything, it's that they are really happy, it's really not true, he was so focused on seeing their prosperity that he saw even that detail, that's how he saw it and he didn't realize it because he was so focused on those things. that he could have, until later with the help of Jehovah he reasons it out, but he teaches me that I must pay close attention to what I do have, which is what they do not have.
Psalm Chapter 73:28. It reminded me of the importance of meditating on the good things that Jehovah does for us every day and not only that but also taking advantage of any opportunity we have to share with people those beautiful things that Jehovah is doing both now and those that will be in the future. a future.
Psalm 73:23,24. It says now I am with you always you hold my right hand you guide me with your advice and then you will take me to glory this text makes us or made me meditate on how it is that precisely outside of Jehovah's people they do not have that wealth that the servants of Jehovah has a close friendship with Jehovah, because he says that he is always with us and not only that he has a prize for the future and that prize says that he will take us to glory in the new world being his servants but as long as we continue Clinging to Jehovah and moving forward with him because in reality being with him is a great treasure that we have.
Psalm 73:14. It is mentioned how he remained nervous and stressed all the time, however we should not despair. Asaph was able to successfully face the iniquity of his time and equally we can achieve it but for this we must approach Jehovah and see Jehovah as our refuge.
Psalm 74:23. It reminds me that I must strive to refute the attacks of those who do not show love for Jehovah.
The conclusion of Psalm 73 is that we should not envy the apparent good life of the wicked, since their happiness is superficial and will not last. We must listen to Jehovah's advice, be close to those who serve him with joy, and thus we will be truly happy. In this way, we will follow the path that leads us to the life we hope for, the life that is truly life.
Psalm 73:9. Since in this text he talks about people who are arrogant and who do not respect anyone and do not respect Jehovah, then these are the type of people that we should not be envious of and should not associate with.
Psalm 73:17. From there, not only his way of thinking and seeing others changes, this teaches me how important it is not only to be present in the meetings but also to meditate on what Jehovah is teaching me in order to have the correct way of thinking, which is Jehovah's and have the right perspective if I am slipping.
Psalm 73. The psalmist says: "My feet had almost gone astray, they were about to slip." We can easily visualize this when we walk along a mountain path; If we go too close to the embankment, it is easy to step on gravel and fall. The same thing happens in this world: if we are witnesses but want to walk on the edge of what is right and what is not, we can step on gravel and end up committing some sin.
Psalm 73:12-14. The Psalmist expresses his frustration as he observed the prosperity of the wicked, coming to feel that remaining pure and righteous had not been worth it. This is something that can happen to us too. The lesson we can draw is that the apparent happiness of the wicked can lead us to question the value of our integrity. Therefore, it is very important to remain faithful to biblical principles and remember that the happiness of the wicked is superficial and does not lead to any good end.
Psalm 73:28. It highlights the importance of drawing closer to God, the personal benefits this brings us, and the safe haven it provides us. This verse also encourages us to seek a spiritual connection with Jehovah, reminding us that he should be a source of strength and well-being. Additionally, this connection will help us share our positive experiences with our brothers and in preaching, spiritually benefiting others.
Psalm 73:1. I really liked the expression pure heart and in the study guide it is mentioned that a pure heart is one that wants to give exclusive devotion to Jehovah.
Psalm Chapter 73. Asaf tells us that he goes through conditions that limit him from doing things and despite all that he does not say anything, he remains silent so as not to harm his companions, but the important thing is that he does not distance himself from God, so they also teach me this not to distance ourselves from God as Proverbs 18:1 says, accept God's help by being with the spiritual family as well as meetings and preaching and in this way Jehovah sustains us.
Psalm 73:28. There the Psalmist said that getting closer to God is good for me and when one continues reading one sees the advantages of getting closer to Jehovah, that makes me ask how my personal study is, I have to improve because the only way we can get closer to God is Jehovah is studying his word the Bible and using prayer.
Psalm Chapter 73. It teaches us that we should not envy the apparent good life of the wicked, since their happiness is superficial and will not last. We must listen to Jehovah's advice, be close to those who serve him with joy, and thus we will be truly happy. In this way, we will follow the path that leads us to the life we hope for, the life that is truly life.
Psalm 73:1. We have seen that Jehovah is very good to his people and that he is completely with the pure of heart, but we always want to remember this especially when we are going through bad things, perhaps we could come to think that the blame comes from Jehovah. and that is wrong, we do not want to think that our loving father is judging us or is testing us, if we do not want to remember precisely that he is good and that he is loving and even though we are going through problems and situations he will be with us to help us.
Psalm 73:28. It highlights the importance of drawing closer to God, the personal benefits this brings us, and the safe haven it provides us. This verse also encourages us to seek a spiritual connection with Jehovah, reminding us that he should be a source of strength and well-being. Additionally, this connection will help us share our positive experiences with our brothers and in preaching, spiritually benefiting others.
Psalm 73:26. He says: «My body and my heart may fail, but Jehovah is our rock and well the truth is, one can fail Jehovah, but not Jehovah. If one continues to support himself by striving for what he asks of us and if we have any weakness let us ask in prayer so that we can improve, he will never fail despite all the imperfection that one has.
Psalm 73:12-14. The psalmist expresses his frustration at observing the prosperity of the wicked, coming to feel that remaining pure and righteous had not been worth it. This is something that can happen to us too. The lesson we can draw is that the apparent happiness of the wicked can lead us to question the value of our integrity. Therefore, it is very important to remain faithful to biblical principles and remember that the happiness of the wicked is superficial and does not lead to any good end.
Psalm 73:25. Asaph says some beautiful and profound words that he mentions, who but you do I have in the heavens and on earth apart from you I do not desire anything, then Jehovah is the one who knows us perfectly well only Jehovah is our safe refuge our true comfort and our true hope, then we also make those words of the psalm of ourselves.
Psalm 73:22. He says: "I was unreasonable, I did not understand anything in front of you, I was like an unreasonable animal" and when one is heartbroken, depressed, discouraged, he can become blinded in such a way that he does not see the blessings that Jehovah brings us. However, if like Asaph we have those thoughts that are wrong, but that do not allow us to see beyond our noses, we can do like Asaph seek the advice of Jehovah and once we see a grain of sand on our side we will see the immense blessings and help from Jehovah.
Psalm 73:24. He says: "You guide me with your advice, and then you will lead me to glory." In what sense does Jehovah bring his servant to glory? In the sense that he blesses you by allowing you to know his will. Furthermore, if we listen to his word and obey, he honors us with his friendship and entrusts us with the care of his children, a valuable treasure that is the Christian ministry.
Psalm 73:27. He helps us eliminate it. This verse reminds us that those who turn away from Jehovah will die, and that he will put an end to all those who unfaithfully turn away from him. These words should make us see that the only good way is to be close to Jehovah.
Psalm 73:25. We see how Asaph leaned on Jehovah. Instead of coveting earthly riches, we should serve God and store up treasures in heaven, which neither moth nor thieves can steal. Therefore, if we have Jehovah's approval, that is the greatest joy we can have.
Psalm 73:1. He says that Jehovah is with the pure in heart, so whether we are going through an adverse situation or any other situation, let us speak well of Jehovah because he does not forget it and in due time he will reward us.
Psalm 73:26. The psalmist talks about what happens if we trust in ourselves, my body and my heart can fail, but then he says what happens if we trust in Jehovah. God is the rock of my heart and my part forever, and someone illustrated it with a stone. Just as a stone can prevent the wind from blowing away a sheet of paper, Jehovah can give stability to the heart and in life we are going to have situations that are going to affect us so he is going to try to make us fly away, but trust in Jehovah and making Jehovah the one we trust and the one who directs our actions in those moments will give us stability.
Psalm 73:13-16. He talks about negative thoughts. Even in 13 the psalmist goes so far as to say that he was clear that it had not been worth keeping a pure heart, but in 17 he changes a positive thought when he talks about the sanctuary of Jehovah, so when we have negative thoughts we could change that. loop of negativity with a positive thought because surely if we do it we will enjoy serving Jehovah more.
Psalm 73:26. He says, "My body and my heart may fail, but God is the rock of my heart and my part forever." This verse teaches me that in this system many difficult and painful things may happen to us but they are momentary, but God is our rock that gives us strength and stability, the part that corresponds to us not momentarily, but forever.
Psalm 73:1. It says: "God is really good to Israel with those with a pure heart." This shows that Jehovah was good to the people of Israel just as he is now good to us who are his people and if we have a pure heart Jehovah will see that and will be good to us. we.
Psalm 73:28. In this text where the importance of getting closer to God is highlighted, so getting closer to God brings personal benefits and provides us with a safe refuge, this verse encourages us to seek that spiritual connection with Jehovah and that connection should be a source of strength for well-being. that helps us share our positive experiences with our brothers or also in preaching for the spiritual benefit of other people.
Psalm 73:26. It says in part B God is the rock of my heart, what makes me see these words these words make me recognize that I must depend on Jehovah at all times of my life but how can he be the rock of my heart, for example as well as A stone can prevent the wind from blowing away a sheet of paper Jehovah can give stability to my life since every day there are situations that test our gauntlet but if I decide to please Jehovah he will be my safe rock that guides my path.
Psalm 73:4,5. In this text he says because without suffering pain his body is healthy, they do not live burdened like other humans nor suffer like other men. So this text teaches us that the appearance of a trouble-free life among the wicked can be deceptive. This verse reminds us that appearances can be superficial and that true well-being includes mental and spiritual peace, not just physical prosperity.
Asaph recognized that Jehovah was good to the nation of Israel as mentioned in Psalm 73:1, he was good to the pure in heart since they wanted to serve God with exclusive devotion and contribute to sanctify his sacred name, this teaches me that if I maintain this attitude exalt Jehovah's name by speaking well of him even if he goes through great temptation because of the wicked or because of any other situation.
Psalm 73:12-14. This text reflects someone's feeling of frustration, in this case the psalmist who observes the prosperity of the wicked and feels that his effort to remain pure and righteous has not been worth it. So the lesson is that the apparent ease with which the wicked prosper can lead us to question the value of our integrity. However, this feeling invites us to reflect on what we really value and to seek more lasting and meaningful rewards than material wealth.
In Psalm 73:15. Asaph was discreet and did not allow his negative thoughts to influence others; Instead, he unburdened himself to Jehovah.
Psalm 73:26. This text from this text because I learn that having Jehovah's approval should be our greatest joy, our greatest, our greatest privilege, no. Even if my body and my heart die, he will strengthen us and make us firm in our hearts so that adversity will not affect us. discourage
Psalm 73:2. Although Asaph knew that Jehovah is good, his feet had almost strayed from the path of righteousness. This teaches us that even if someone has knowledge of the Bible and the organization, it does not necessarily mean that he is spiritually well. Therefore, we must take care of our spiritual heart so as not to fall.
Psalm 73:21-24. We see that David felt like an irrational being, which can remind us how, when we are little, we sometimes don't understand why a God exists or why we believe in Him. However, as we grow, we understand things better and We come to do what verse 24 mentions: let ourselves be guided by their advice.
Psalm 73:26. We read: "My body and my heart may fail, but God is the rock of my heart and my portion forever." This teaches us that we cannot trust our hearts, because they are treacherous. Therefore, we must always be guided by Jehovah's orders, his word, the Bible, and his entire organization so as not to fail.
Psalm 74:9. Asaph was disturbed to see the prosperity of the wicked, who seemed to enjoy well-being despite their wrong conduct. This verse reminds us of the importance of always trusting in Jehovah, who sees everything and will act justly in his own time, since his purpose is eternal.
Psalm 73:28. Verse 28 mentions that “drawing near to God is good for me.” We should meditate on what the Bible explains about how Jehovah has treated the faithful in the past, because we will learn a lot about what Jehovah is like, which will help us draw closer to Him and achieve true inner peace and happiness.
Psalms 73:28. He tells us about King Asaph who lived in a very difficult time where evil flourished. It was not easy for him to see so much injustice. Today, even where we always go, our honesty is tested both at work in our study center. , the morally corrupt world tests our integrity but the most important thing is to strive to live in accordance with Jehovah's principles and that will help us maintain integrity and, above all, strengthen our friendship with him.
Psalm 73:21,22. This text expresses the deep bitterness and internal pain that the psalmist felt, recognizing his lack of understanding and his irrational behavior before God, comparing himself to an irrational animal, so this text leaves us as a lesson to recognize our moments of bitterness or irrationality. It is a step towards emotional and spiritual maturity. Admitting our faults and limitations does not allow us to grow spiritually instead of remaining in bitterness.
Psalm 73:23,24. It shows that Jehovah has hold of our right hand and that he guides us with his advice, this text teaches me that we must allow Jehovah's advice to guide us with full confidence towards him Jehovah will give us his right hand and will support us, also as they say in the last part of the text Jehovah will lead us to glory, that is, we will have a close relationship with him, if we have wrong thoughts but we seek Jehovah's advice as Asaph did, God will take us by the hand to support and guide us. Only if we apply his advice will we be led to a happy future even if we are temporarily humiliated, Jehovah will reverse the situation and take us to glory to a position of honor.
Psalm 73:23,24. This text expresses: "But now I am always with you, You hold my right hand, you guide me with your advice and then you will take me to glory." So the lesson here is that when we are close to God, he provides us with constant guidance and support. This verse highlights the importance of trusting in a spiritual guide, in this case Jehovah to help us navigate difficulties and lead us to a full and meaningful life.
Psalm 73:27. This text talks about the fact that those who stay far from you, in this case far from Jehovah, will die, and then it says you will put an end to all those who unfaithfully abandon you. So turning away from God leads to destruction in terms, this term means turning away from our spiritual values and principles that we have learned. In the Bible they can have serious consequences and destabilize our lives. So staying true to our principles is crucial to a life of satisfaction.
Psalm 73:28. He says: "But in my case drawing near to God is good for me. I have made the sovereign Lord Jehovah my refuge." I like this text because Asaph comes to the conclusion after having had wrong thoughts about the wicked who had prosperity, then that can also happen to us, we can have in the place where we live people who have a supposed prosperity, those who live outside of the law that have illicit activities, then those things can cause us to have wrong thoughts like Asaph but we know that Jehovah in his word tells us that everything one sows he will reap, so that supposed prosperity is not indefinite and So this conclusion he reaches makes me think that we may unfairly have bad ideas about Jehovah's justice but the most important thing is to have his approval.
Psalm 73:18-24. Asaph, when comparing himself with the wicked, comes to the conclusion that they have a terrible end and that they are walking on unstable ground, but on the contrary he had the favor of Jehovah, so it also helps me a lot because if I do it and meditate on As Jehovah has sustained me until now, that will help me to continue serving him with all my heart and be certain that there is no better life.
Psalm 73:28. This text highlights the importance of getting closer to God, so getting closer to God brings personal benefits and provides us with a safe refuge. This verse encourages us to seek that spiritual connection with Jehovah and that connection should be a source of strength and well-being, which helps us share our positive experiences with our brothers or also in preaching for the spiritual benefit of other people.
Psalm 74:10,11. In this text, the psalmist cries out for Divine intervention, an intervention from Jehovah asking that God act justly and put an end to oppression. So we see that the lesson of this text is that impatience and the desire for justice are natural when we face injustice. This verse teaches us to be patient and trust that justice will eventually prevail, although not always at the time we desire.
Psalm 74:12,14. In this text will be the idea that God is the eternal king who exercises power and salvation having defeated insurmountable forces and provided care and sustenance for his people. So remembering the powerful acts of the past, the times we have experienced the strength of Jehovah, the strength of our faith in difficult times teaches us to look back at those difficult times we have come out of and remember the times we have overcome challenges. , using these experiences as a source of strength and hope.
Psalms 74:16. It teaches me that Jehovah our God is the owner of all the day and night of the light of the Sun and that gives me the security that he can help me at any moment and that he will soon judge all those who harm us today, knowing this It makes me live more calmly despite the injustices that could happen in this world.
Psalm Chapter 73. It mentions about arrogance and that arrogance can lead to being conceited. These human beings are very conceited. How good it is that Asaph realizes this situation and changes his way of seeing the thing. He appears more humble. He appears. more modest and this teaches me that currently the governing body shows us that we have to be humble, we have to let ourselves trust Jehovah and let ourselves be guided to where he really wants us to talk about the Kingdom.
Psalm 73:15. It says: "But if I had said all this I would have betrayed your people", The Watchtower says that sometimes we may go through difficult times and perhaps our thoughts are negative, but we should not talk to everyone about this matter, the watchtower said that telling a story like that would only discourage us, therefore we are encouraged to calmly meditate on what concerns us and try or rely on the congregation.
Psalm 73:21. The psalmist said: "But my heart was bitter and deep within me I felt a stinging pain." A person's heart can become resentful if he meditates on the material prosperity of the wicked and the suffering of the righteous, Asaph felt great pain due to the unrest that this situation created in him but even so he was constantly with Jehovah, Jehovah had taken him by the right hand, if we also have wrong thoughts but we seek Jehovah's advice as Asaph did, God will take us by the hand, guide us and comfort us when we have problems.
Psalm 73:15. After having said the same reasoning how he felt how he envied and had all that in his heart, but then he says but if I had said all this I would have betrayed your people. He was faithful to Jehovah because he felt that if he infected others with His negative attitude towards the things of envy that he felt for others was going to be betrayal in the sight of Jehovah, hence one learns the importance or in my case the importance of taking care of what I talk about with other people.
Psalm 73:16. It helps me not to overthink things why because the risk is that I may have anxiety attacks and in any case he will not understand everything and I will become more distressed.
Psalm Chapter 73. It is to think like Asaph that the best and most good thing is to be close to Jehovah and not trust in a well-paid job or material wealth because, as already analyzed, this is temporary, but being in the refuge makes Jehovah ours. refuge is for eternal life.
Psalm 73:3-6. There we can learn not to send the good life that the wicked seem to lead, we know that their happiness is superficial and will not last, because they will not live forever and envying them will be like opening the door to discouragement and that could endanger our lives. spiritual senses.
Psalm 73;17. Mention until I entered the magnificent sanctuary of God and I realized the future that awaited them, this teaches us brother that Asaph did not understand many things until he understood and understood the future that awaited them and it is very true because their God is the money, material things, but they do not have a God who loves them like Jehovah loves us very much, which is why we are here in his town.
Psalm 73:21. It speaks of a bitter heart and that sometimes difficult circumstances could make our heart begin to become so bitter that it begins to cool or that we begin to have negative thoughts, however here the advice that Asaph gave us is that Let's get closer to Jehovah and let him support us and guide us. When we let Jehovah's guidance make sense in our lives, we apply this advice, our heart will feel happy and instead of seeing difficult situations as a punishment, we could see them as opportunities to get closer to Jehovah and make our hearts feel happy and thus also give glory to Jehovah.
Psalm 74:17. It makes me think about how he says there that he set all the limits of the earth and it makes me think, for example, how water is not thrown the other way because it ends up on the other side, but rather it is always within its limits even if it comes out. a lot of water and it falls all over the earth he is still at his limit.
Psalm 74:17. We see that Jehovah knows that we could not understand everything that his power implies, so he uses examples to help us understand that he has the right to rule and that he is also the only one who has the title of creator and by meditating on everything that Jehovah has created in all its power, the more respect and admiration I have for it and I feel compelled to speak of it and its purpose to all humanity.
Psalm 74:12. It teaches me to follow with joy and endurance my ever-serving God of salvation with a sincere heart because he knows my thoughts and since he is my just God, he will always do justice to the people who want to harm me.
Psalm 74:2. It says remember the people that you acquired a long time ago, the tribe that you rescued to be your inheritance, these words from the Bible remind me that I must pray to Jehovah constantly, always ask for his mercy to give us strength not only for me but for all my little brothers. .
Psalm 74:12-17. It speaks of the power of Jehovah of his acts of salvation and his creation, meditating on this makes me have more confidence and faith in him, although the tests seem like monsters, we have the advantage of having our most high and almighty God Jehovah as a friend, so We have to leave everything in his hands and in due time he will give us victory.
I liked Psalm 74:1, because there it talks about how Jehovah rejected his people because his people were disobedient and did evil things that were bad in his eyes. This teaches me how important it is to value the privilege we have today of being part of Jehovah's people, how important it is to strive every day to obey his principle, obey what he teaches us in order to continue having Jehovah's approval and to be able to please him and to have hope in the future.
Psalm 74:10-11. The psalmist asks questions such as: "How long will the adversary continue to insult him?" and "Why do you hold back your right hand?" We could find ourselves in a similar situation of injustice and ask ourselves something similar. However, something that helped the psalmist, and that can help us as well, is to reflect, as he did in verses 16 and 17, on the power and wisdom of Jehovah's creation. This will give us more confidence in Jehovah's power to care for and protect his servants.
Psalm Chapter 74. We see how the Israelites cry out to Jehovah to deliver them from Egypt. In verse 9, they express how they feel: "There are no signs that we see, there is no longer a prophet, and none of us knows how long this will last." If we find ourselves in a situation similar to that of the Israelites, without knowing how long this system of things will last, we know that the only way to save ourselves, like them, is to trust in Jehovah and demonstrate it with our actions.
Psalm 74:10. There the text tells us how long the adversary will continue with his insults, the enemy will always treat your name with lack of respect and there the information already studied gives us a very good idea and that is that sometimes many times we can be tired of being They insult us for our beliefs or reject us too, but in reality they have nothing personal against us but against Jehovah, so something we can do is delve into how we can defend him and also pray to Jehovah to give us courage to do so.
Psalm 74:10,11. It makes us think about impatience and our natural desire for justice when we want things to be solved now and when we want, but we must still strive to remain calm and trust in justice that eventually good will prevail although not always in the moment we want.
Psalm 74:11. It was already mentioned in part that it seems that the psalmist is impatient for Jehovah to act against the enemies, but immediately in verse 12 he says that Jehovah has been my king for a long time, the one who performs an act of salvation on earth and makes mention of some acts on Jehovah's part like the one we saw how he acted against Pharaoh, then remembering those times of things made him trust Jehovah more and in our case we should do the same, if we feel a little impatient to continue trusting in Jehovah, we are sure that He is going to save us.
Psalm 73:24. He says: "You guide me with your advice, and then you will lead me to glory." In what sense does Jehovah bring his servant to glory? In the sense that he blesses you by allowing you to know his will. Furthermore, if we listen to his word and obey, he honors us with his friendship and entrusts us with the care of his children, a valuable treasure that is the Christian ministry.
Psalm 73:25. We see how Asaph leaned on Jehovah. Instead of coveting earthly riches, we should serve God and store up treasures in heaven, which neither moth nor thieves can steal. Therefore, if we have Jehovah's approval, that is the greatest joy we can have.
If at any time we have felt envy, as the psalmist mentions regarding the wicked, Psalm 73:27 helps us eliminate it. This verse reminds us that those who turn away from Jehovah will die, and that he will put an end to all those who unfaithfully turn away from him. These words should make us see that the only good way is to be close to Jehovah.
Psalm Chapter 74. We see how the Israelites cry out to Jehovah to deliver them from Egypt. In verse 9, they express how they feel: "There are no signs that we see, there is no longer a prophet, and none of us knows how long this will last." If we find ourselves in a situation similar to that of the Israelites, without knowing how long this system of things will last, we know that the only way to save ourselves, like them, is to trust in Jehovah and demonstrate it with our actions.
Psalm 74:23. It gives us help so that we can continue to come to think that Jehovah continues to see the opponents of all those who are becoming against him those who are imprisoning his ministers continually he is seeing, so this It makes us see that even when we are being persecuted, Jehovah will give us the strength we need.
Psalm 74:16. He mentions that Jehovah has made the light and the sun and this makes me think about how powerful Jehovah is and to reflect if he is so powerful, maybe he won't use that power to help us deal with everyday problems.
Psalm 74:10. From then on, Asaph asks: “How long will the adversary continue with his insults or disrespect for Jehovah's name? Why do you hold back your right hand? Sometimes we too wonder why Jehovah has not acted already. However, we then reflect that Jehovah is our King, who opened springs, divided the sea, and performed great miracles in Egypt. He has immense power and will act in due time and in his time.
Psalm 74:10-11. The Psalmist asks questions like: "How long will the adversary continue to insult him?" and "Why do you hold back your right hand?" We could find ourselves in a similar situation of injustice and ask ourselves something similar. However, something that helped the psalmist, and that can help us as well, is to reflect, as he did in verses 16 and 17, on the power and wisdom of Jehovah's creation. This will give us more confidence in Jehovah's power to care for and protect his servants.
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