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Let us examine the scriptures every day 2024
Friday August 2, 2024
They will hate the prostitute and leave her ruined and naked. They will eat her flesh and burn her completely with fire (Rev. 17:16).
God puts it in the heart of the 10 horns and the wild beast to carry out the destruction of Babylon the Great. Yes, Jehovah will cause the nations to use the scarlet-red wild beast, the United Nations, to attack the false religions of this world and completely destroy them.—Rev. 18:21-24. What is the lesson for us? It is important that we hold fast to “the form of worship” that God considers “pure and undefiled” (James 1:27). Let us never allow Babylon the Great to influence us with its false teachings, pagan celebrations, permissive moral standards, and spiritualistic practices. And let's keep telling people: “Get out of it.” If they do, God will not consider them complicit in the sins of Babylon the Great (Rev. 18:4). w22.05 11 para. 17; 14 para. 18.
What will happen to all the beasts?
What will happen to all the beasts? Revelation 19:20 gives the answer: “The wild beast was caught, and with it the false prophet who performed signs before it, with which he deceived those who received the mark of the wild beast and those who worship the image.” her. While they were still alive, the two were thrown into the lake of fire burning with sulfur.” So, while they are still ruling, God's political enemies will be destroyed forever.
What difficult situation do Christians face because of governments?
Lessons for us. Christians must be loyal to God and his Kingdom (John 18:36). To achieve this, we must be neutral and not get involved in the political affairs of this world. But this can be very difficult, as governments want us to give them our full support, both in words and actions. Those who give in to this pressure receive the mark of the wild beast (Rev. 13:16, 17). And those who have the mark lose Jehovah's approval and the opportunity to live forever.—Rev. 14:9, 10; 20:4. How important it is that we remain totally neutral, no matter how much governments pressure us to support them.
What does the apostle John see that leaves him totally amazed? (Revelation 17:3-5).
The apostle John says he saw something else that left him “totally amazed.” What was he? A woman who sat on one of these ferocious beasts (Rev. 17:1, 2, 6). She is represented as a “great prostitute,” and her name is “Babylon the Great.” She has “immoral sexual relations” with “the kings of the earth” (read Revelation 17:3-5).
What is “Babylon the Great,” and how do we know it?
What is “Babylon the Great”? This woman cannot represent a political organization because Revelation says that she has immoral sexual relations with the political leaders of the world (Rev. 18:9). The fact that she is sitting on the wild beast shows that she is trying to control them. She and she, too, cannot represent the greedy commercial organizations of Satan's world, for Revelation speaks of them later and calls them “the merchants of the earth” (Rev. 18:11, 15, 16).
In the Bible the ideas of prostitution and adultery are used many times in a spiritual sense. They may refer to someone who claims to serve God but practices some form of idolatry or otherwise befriends the world (1 Chron. 5:25; James 4:4). On the other hand, to talk about a person who is faithful to God, the words chaste or virgin are used (2 Cor. 11:2; Rev. 14:4). Ancient Babylon was a city where false religion abounded. So Babylon the Great has to represent false worship in all its forms. In fact, it is the collection of false religions in the world (Rev. 17:5, 18; see the jw.org article “What is Babylon the Great?”).
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