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Start conversations (3 mins.) FROM HOUSE TO HOUSE. Offer a Bible course (lmd lesson 5 point 5).
Publisher: Hello! My name is [your name]. Today we are visiting people to offer a free Bible course. Would you like to learn more about what the Bible says about important topics such as happiness, peace, or the future?
Helper: Well, I already have my own beliefs. I believe in being a good person and that everything is based on the positive energy that one generates.
Publisher: Wow! You clearly care about being a good person and generating positive energy, which is admirable. The Bible also highlights the importance of kindness and love toward others. For example, it says that “he who sows bountifully will reap bountifully” (2 Corinthians 9:6), which can relate to your idea of positive energy.
Assistant: Yes, that makes sense. But how is what the Bible says different?
Publisher: I'm glad you asked. In addition to talking about goodness, the Bible offers principles and promises that can help you live a full and satisfying life. For example, in Proverbs 3:5, 6, we are encouraged to trust in God and not rely only on our own understanding. Rather than explain, I would love to show you how the Bible can complement what you already believe. We could study together and explore how these principles can apply to your life.
Helper: I've never thought about studying the Bible that way, but it sounds interesting.
Publisher: I'm glad you find it interesting. The course is very flexible and adapts to your pace. We can start with the topics that interest you most and you will discover that there is a lot in common between what you already believe and what the Bible teaches. Would you like us to start next week?
Assistant: Yes, that sounds good to me. We could try it.
Publisher: Perfect. I am sure you will enjoy discovering how the Bible can offer you more tools to live according to those values you already have. See you then, and if you have any questions before our first study, don't hesitate to let me know.
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