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Start conversations (3 mins.) FROM HOUSE TO HOUSE. Use a treatise to start a conversation. Offer a Bible course (lmd lesson 5 point 4).
Publisher: Hello! My name is [your name]. Today we are talking to people about their vision of the future. Would you like to share your perspective? How do you see the future? Do you think the world will stay the same, get worse, or get better?
Assistant: Well, the truth is, I'm worried about the future. It seems like things are getting worse and worse. There is so much violence, disease, and natural disasters. I don't see how it could improve.
Publisher: I understand what you feel. Many people have the same concern. It is a topic that worries many. However, the Bible offers a different perspective that you may find interesting. For example, in Revelation 21:3, 4, it says: “God […] will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, nor will there be sadness or crying or pain anymore. The previous things have disappeared.”
Helper: That sounds nice, but is it really possible?
Publisher: That's an excellent question. According to the Bible, this is not only possible, but it is a sure promise from God. Additionally, there are other scriptures that help us imagine what that future would be like. For example, Isaiah 65:21-23 mentions that we will have productive and satisfying work. Isaiah 25:8 says that God will eliminate sickness and death. And Psalm 37:11, 29 talks about living happily with our family and friends forever.
Assistant: That would be a radical change. But what evidence is there that this will actually happen?
Publisher: It's a key question, and it's natural to want proof or reasons to believe. The Bible has proven to be a reliable book throughout history, not only for its fulfilled prophecies, but also for its practical wisdom. But, instead of giving you all the answers now, would you like us to study this together in a Bible course? So we could explore in more detail what the Bible teaches about the future.
Assistant: It could be interesting. I have never studied the Bible that way.
Publisher: I'm glad you find it interesting. We can start when it suits you best. The course is flexible and you can do it at your own pace. In the meantime, feel free to express any doubts or questions you may have. The most important thing is that it is an open conversation where we can both learn.
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