Tuesday, August 6, 2024

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week 5 to August 11, 2024, Start conversations: FROM HOUSE TO HOUSE. (Making disciples: a work of love, Lesson 4 point 5). Prepared Assignment.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: August 5-11, 2024, Start conversations: FROM HOUSE TO HOUSE. (Making disciples: a work of love, Lesson 4 point 5). Prepared Assignment.

Start conversations (3 mins.) FROM HOUSE TO HOUSE. When the person starts arguing, end the conversation politely (lmd lesson 4 point 5).

Publisher: Hello, good afternoon, my name is María, how are you?

Helper: Hello María, I'm fine, thank you.

Publisher: I'm glad, I wanted to share with you something that has brought me a lot of hope. Have you heard about the resurrection of the dead?

Assistant: Yes, but I don't believe in that, it's an absurd idea.

Publisher: I understand that it may seem that way, but in John 5 verses 28 to 29, we are told that all those who are in the tombs will hear the voice of Jesus and come out. It is a message of Hope, Don't you think it is interesting? ? Let me show you here in the Bible.

Assistant: Don't show me anything, besides interesting isn't the word, it's ridiculous to think that people can come back to life.

Publisher: It is natural to have doubts about the resurrection, it is a deep and sometimes difficult topic to understand, but the Bible gives reasons to believe in this wonderful promise, I would like to show you some of them, if you allow me.

Assistant: But that doesn't make sense, science doesn't support those beliefs, why should I believe in something so irrational.

Publisher: I understand your point of view and respect your opinion. I appreciate you listening to me and sharing your opinion on the matter. If you ever want to talk again or explore more about this topic, don't hesitate to talk to a Jehovah's Witness. Have a nice day.

Assistant: Maybe on another occasion, but it would be on another topic. How crazy the dead man is.

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