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Watchtower Study, What Do We Know About Jehovah's Future Judgments?, July 15-21, 2024, Comments and Responses.
1. Why can we say that we are living in an exciting time?
We are seeing how the prophecies of the Bible are fulfilled, for example we are seeing how the king of the North and the king of the South fight each other, because they want to control the world.
Because we see how biblical prophecies are being fulfilled. For example, the king of the North and the king of the south fight to control the world, referring to the predominant nations and those that are represented by these kings.
Another prophecy the good news of the Kingdom is being preached on an unprecedented scale and millions are responding to this message and another prophecy we receive abundant spiritual food at the appropriate time notice the abundant expression that is the fulfillment of a prophecy.
Yes Also, we are seeing the reach that the preaching of the good news is having on a global scale, an unprecedented scale and above all the great gathering that is occurring of millions of people who are turning to Jehovah's people.
As shown in Matthew 24 from 4 5 to 47, we see the enormous work that the faithful and prudent slave is doing, so that we can all know the truth about Jehovah and can benefit from the blessings he promises us.
And we have here the text Isaiah 60:22 that says that the little one will become a thousand and the insignificant one a mighty nation. We see how this prophecy is being fulfilled, because many people, people with sincere hearts, Jehovah is bringing to his people and we see the growth that has occurred in recent years.
Daniel 11:40 tells us a scene where the king of the South will become involved in a conflict with the king of the North. The King of the North knows that they are the countries of the Soviet part and he literally says how these governments are compared to beasts, they will clash their horns and they are clashing, but the horns are linked between them.
2. What can we be sure of, and what should we recognize?
What we can be sure of is that just as Jehovah is giving us understanding now of what is going to happen shortly, we will also have the necessary information to remain faithful and united when the difficult period that must arrive arrives.
We can be sure that Jehovah will have given us all the information necessary to remain faithful and united during the great tribulation. And these articles that we are reviewing from the previous week, this week and the next, have to do with information that Jehovah is already giving us about certain things that we did not expect to happen, but that Apparently will happen.
We must also recognize that there are some things we don't know about the future. So we cannot get ahead of ourselves and we must be patient as Daniel 2:28 says, Jehovah is revealing these secrets.
And of course, although we are sure that this will be the case, how are we going to receive that information that we are going to need, well through the organization, through the congregations and through the elders. So it is important that each of us remain very attached to the organization and the congregation in order to receive those detailed instructions that can present our life.
Proverbs 4:18 says that each time the light was brighter, so we can be sure that Jehovah will not leave us without knowledge and when we are in the great tribulation, we will have everything very clear. However, we must recognize that there are things we simply do not know.
In the next paragraphs we are going to focus on why we have changed our way of understanding some events, and we are also going to analyze what we do know about the future.
3. What were we saying before about what would happen to people once the great tribulation began, and why did we think this way?
Before we said that people would no longer have the opportunity to put their faith in Jehovah and go to Armageddon once the great tribulation broke out.
And we thought like this, because it was Jesus who compared the last days to the days of Noah. And so that's why we came to that conclusion, comparing it because he did it himself.
Jesus was mentioning that this would be the presence of the son of man, although at no point did he mention that it would be a prophetic degree of what was going to happen in the future, it was simply a comparison.
Before we said that once the great tribulation begins, no one else could put faith in Jehovah, and therefore, they could no longer survive Armageddon. That was said many times, why we did it, that this great tribulation or that period was compared to the time of the flood when the door of the ark was closed and no one else could enter and be saved, so we thought that the same thing was in the great tribulation. Once it started, it was as if the opportunity was closed for people and those who did not enter God's organization died, but why have we changed?
4. Why don't we no longer say that everything that happened in the days of Noah has a greater fulfillment today?
Something that had already been said previously in 2015 in the Watchtower of March 15 on pages 7 to 11, it was mentioned in that article that Jehovah likes to teach in a simple way and that not necessarily all biblical stories are prophetic models, That is to say, each thing in that story represents something, it was understood in that 2015 article, which was not the case now. It is true that Jesus compared the days of Noah with the time of his presence, but that does not imply that everything that has to do with the flood story applies to a greater fulfillment.
Simply because the Bible does not say it that way, in the reference cited, it reminds us how, unless the Bible says it clearly and forcefully, the slave who is faithful and prudent, because he refrains from saying that any story had a prophetic model, we no longer use the type, antitype, etc., but rather we focus on what the Bible clearly says in this case that we are analyzing, since Jesus did not say that all the characters, elements, actions that happened in the flood had a prophetic model, and we therefore do not do it.
How accurate it is that indeed when there is something that has a prophetic meaning the Bible says it, in this it quotes what Jesus said about his death and resurrection that spoke of the sign of Jonah or for example what Hagar has to do with and represents and Sara, the Bible says it and the slave says as it says it is so, but the rest is not, no, we have to investigate to see if it is fulfilled now in another way.
Yes, that is why sometimes when we were aware of the types and antitypes, we lost a lot of information about it, so now what the organization does is for us to draw simple lessons about the qualities of faith, endurance, our love and obedience to Jehovah. the stories and not Search for an antitype.
Well, what we considered last week was that at first it was thought to have been a divine judgment, and none of those who died in the flood were resurrected, but now it is not known if it really could not be preached to everyone or if anyone will be resurrected, only Jehovah knows.
5. a) What did Noah do before the Flood? (Hebrews 11:7; 1 Peter 3:20).
Well, his faith led him to take action and then he began to build the ark, but he was also a preacher of Justice.
As we saw in Hebrews, he showed faith by building the ark and in the 1 letter of Peter he is spoken of as a preacher of Justice, that is why when hearing the good news one must show faith with actions like Noah did.
He also tried to warn people about the flood, although of course, we cannot say or assure that it reached everyone who lived on earth at that time. Because they did not live only in that sector, but they had already spread.
Thinking that it had never rained, he showed great faith, that is what the people we preach to must have faith in Jehovah's promises, we show them, but they need to have faith that this will happen.
We do not know, as has already been mentioned, whether Noah materially had the possibility of preaching to all the inhabitants of the earth at that time, but he would do so to a reasonable degree, since he was called a preacher of Justice.
5. b) How is our preaching similar to that of Noah?
It seems that no matter how much effort we put into this work, it will be impossible for us to reach all the people before the end comes. Let us note that he is referring here to reaching the people, not to reaching the territory, the land, the houses, but the people.
Well, we also try to preach all over the world and we are committed to it, but we have to be realistic, even if we try very hard, it will be impossible for us to preach to all the people one by one throughout the world.
My attention has been drawn to the idea that what the paragraph mentions does not say that Noah tried to preach to the people he could do, not because he had other tasks to do, but that does not mean that he preached that he would reach all the people. people, that is our case, we try to reach all kinds of people, but that does not mean that some are not left without preaching.
6, 7. Why can't we bring the good news to everyone before the end comes?
So although we strive to announce the good news to every nation, tribe, language and people, we will not be able to reach all the people of the world before the end comes.
Well, here there are two key texts, the first is Matthew 24:14, which is already being fulfilled and the text said throughout the inhabited earth, referring to territories, not places, countries, islands, etc. This is being fulfilled, the message is carried in more than 1,000 languages and thanks to the jw.org site, the majority, not all, the majority of people, have the good news within their reach.
Now let's also think about people who do not even know or have not heard of the existence of this website, or who do not have access to the internet, but also in Matthew 10:23 Jesus implied that one could not preach to all people because He said there is no way they are going to finish going through the entire city of Israel before the Son of Man arrives prophetically of course. So indicating that not all people in the world will hear the message.
Even if we reach those places where they live, there are countries where there is no freedom to preach and children are born every minute and we will not be able to preach to them or expect them to grow up, etc., or who knows where the people are living.
So although it is true that the prophecy of Matthew 24:14 could be said to be being fulfilled almost in its entirety, because the vast majority of people around the world are being brought the news of the Kingdom, it is impossible to reach 100%. % of the world's population, because our work is prohibited in many places on earth and because then, as the paragraph says, hundreds of babies are born every minute.
So although we strive to announce the good news to every nation, tribe, language and people, we will not be able to reach all the people of the world before the end comes.
Although Noah knew that he would not be able to reach all the people, he tried, he had to do two works and he accomplished them, we still had the premise that perhaps we will not be able to reach all the people due to different circumstances. We are going to see the following paragraphs, and the ones we have already seen now, but that does not mean that we get discouraged and say well, we are not going to get there because what does it matter if I preach or not on occasions, Jehovah expects us to give the most of our circumstances.
This determination to fulfill the preaching completely is reflected in the slave class, because we see that there has always been a great effort to spread the good news through publications, but the latest effort with the website is incredible. and it is true that we are reaching places where we would never have reached before, but even today people even in our country, sometimes preachers say that they have never spoken with a Jehovah's Witness, so there are areas that will be even more complicated to reach, let's imagine the faithful slave saying well, in the end we are not going to reach everyone, well, Jehovah will know, we are going to take this calmly, it really doesn't fit.
8. What might we ask ourselves? (See also images).
The questions would be: What is going to happen to the people who do not have the opportunity to hear the good news? Before the great tribulation breaks out, what are Jehovah and his son to whom he has entrusted the task of judging going to do with them? and 2 Peter 3:9 indicates that Jehovah does not want people to be destroyed, but rather wants them to repent. Therefore, we do not know how Jehovah will act toward such people when the great tribulation comes.
So to say that we have preached to all the people in the world is not possible, perhaps we have preached in all the territories or countries, both clandestinely and possibly freely, but not to all the people. So how will Jehovah act with them when the end comes? We don't know that, but we are seeing some details that are very interesting in this study.
When I studied this article I remember one thing, my grandmother told me, look, we used to be Muslims and of course because they worshiped other things, so when I read this text I started to think, because it says that Jehovah does not want anyone be destroyed, then those people did not know Jehovah, they did not have the opportunity for him to preach to them, so what is going to happen to them, we do not know, but we know that Jehovah wants and will judge with justice, because he wants that no one be destroyed if he repents.
And it is true that as seen in the image there are hundreds of millions of people who live in countries where they have another religion, for example Islam, it is a majority religion in many countries, and apart from that it is prohibited to preach to Eastern countries, also or the number of tribes that exist in the Amazon, and other places that some of them have not even been discovered. So hundreds and hundreds of millions of people. Well, it will not be possible to reach them anyway, so Jehovah is the one who knows when the time comes what decision he will make regarding the future of these people.
I also admire the confidence that the slave has when he places here. However, we recognize that Jehovah has not yet revealed to us what he will do with those people, that is, it may be that Jehovah reveals it to them because to say Jehovah has not revealed it, we are still seeing that throughout these watchtowers. For example, that this information that we are studying, Jehovah has revealed many things, the slave hopes that some things that Jehovah does not know may still be revealed.
And the images we have here say what Jehovah will do with people who do not have the opportunity to hear the good news before the great tribulation comes. And in the description of the images it mentions three scenes that show why we are not going to be able to preach to each and every one of the people, first a woman lives in a place where the majority religion is not Christian, and it is dangerous to preach, second a couple lives in a place where it is illegal to preach and dangerous to preach, due to the political system, third a man lives in an extremely isolated and inaccessible place.
What will Jehovah do with people who do not have the opportunity to hear the good news before the great tribulation comes? (See paragraph 8).
9. What has Jehovah revealed to us in his Word?
In Acts 24:15, it is said that the unrighteous will be resurrected, that is, those who did not have the opportunity to learn about the good news and change their behavior will be resurrected, the Bible says that and in Luke 23:42 and 23, it is also interesting When it refers to the man condemned to death who was at Jesus' side and at that moment apparently changed his way of thinking, repented and was assured of a resurrection, there may be changes from one moment to the next, enough to be judged as unjust.
Jehovah has revealed to us some of the things he will do, for example he tells us that he will resurrect the unrighteous who did not have the opportunity to learn about the good news and change their behavior.
We see an example in Luke 23:42,43 when this man showed repentance, we even see how in previous verses he told the other criminal who was next to him, if he did not show fear of God and Jesus then as he says in verse 43, He told him, I assure you today that you will be with me in paradise.
10. What else might we ask ourselves?
We may wonder: What will happen to all the people who die during the great tribulation? Will they be destroyed forever? And therefore, won't they have the opportunity to resurrect?
Another question and what to say about those who die during the great tribulation due to natural causes, accidents or at the hands of other people? and one more question at the end of the paragraph said: Could it be that some of them are among the unjust who will resurrect the new world? The answer is we don't know, Jehovah knows that, remember that in Daniel it is mentioned that he gradually reveals the secrets, until now we do not have those details, but we are seeing some very interesting ones that indicate that Jehovah is making some assertions through biblical knowledge.
But what we do know because the Bible says it is that the people whom Jehovah and his armies destroyed at Armageddon will not be resurrected, nor will they live forever, because they have openly opposed him.
Verse 9 says that these will suffer the judicial punishment of eternal destruction, thus being eliminated from the presence of the Lord and his glory and his strength and why? Because as it says in the previous verse, it says because Jehovah is going to execute vengeance against those who do not know God and those who do not obey the good news, that is, those people who are stubborn in their behavior and do not want to change, because Jehovah in Armageddon For it will destroy them without hope of life.
Here we have an example of what the slave is doing, that is, if the Bible says so, here the Bible directly relates eternal destruction with verse 7, when it speaks of the revelation of the Lord Jesus from heaven with his powerful Angels, that is the moment in which those have eternal destruction, other texts do not, or rather if there are no texts that support it, nothing is said.
Well, there will be people who will fight among themselves, says Zechariah, and then some of them will not be executioners, but perhaps victims of those who attack them. And Ecclesiastes 9 also indicates that things happen that one does not plan, so there is a group of people who in the great tribulation are going to die, perhaps from the disaster of false religion, but from natural causes, accidents at the hands of other people, modestly. The slave recognizes that we do not know what will happen to them.
11. What will the judgment that each person receives during Armageddon depend on?
And here we are talking about the final part of the Great Tribulation, in Armageddon people will be treated according to how they have treated Christ's brothers, the Anointed Ones. If they have given their support to them and to Christ, they will be treated like sheep, surely some anointed ones will be alive during the great tribulation, but they will be taken to heaven shortly before Armageddon, that is, in the final part, already of the great tribulation that is. We know from what the Bible says.
Well, all people will be treated according to how we have treated the brothers of Christ, if we have supported them in Matthew, the words of Jesus, I assure you that everything they did to one of these least of my brothers they did to me , then it is very important that we support the Anointed Ones.
And this is the opportunity for humanity right until the last moment, because the Bible says that there will be Anointed Ones on earth until immediately the moment of Armageddon. So there will be people who have that opportunity to minister to the Anointed Ones. And therefore receive, let's say, a positive judgment by being sheep.
And we are also seeing here verifying what we said at the beginning, the slave said that the door would be closed, and here we are seeing that it is very open, because he is talking about people who are going to be judged according to their works. So the door is not closed.
Matthew 5:31 and 32 talks about the judgment that Jesus will carry out during the great tribulation and how during this period it will be time to separate people like the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.
12, 13. What might some people do when they see the destruction of “Babylon the Great”? (See also images).
It is possible that some of us, when we see the destruction of Babylon the Great, remember that the Jehovah's Witnesses had been announcing for many years that this would happen and as a backup is Ezekiel 33:33, where it mentions that when they come true they will have to know that there was a prophet among them. . So some may relate what they see to what they heard from the Witnesses.
Now an excellent example is given of an excellent discernment of the faithful slave, in paragraph 13 the time of the great tribulation is compared to what happened at the time when the Israelites left Egypt. It is indicated in Exodus 12:38 that many joined the Israelites being a multitude of all kinds of other people who were not Israelites joined the Israelites to leave once they realized the power of Jehovah through the 10 plagues. So possibly some who see the power of Jehovah during the great tribulation will decide to act.
The biblical reasoning is undoubtedly impressive and also what is being indicated here, some who have strayed from the truth may at that moment decide to make adjustments immediately, beautiful without a doubt, demonstrating the mercy of Jehovah.
And there is a note at the end of paragraph 13, where it indicates after the destruction of Babylon the Great the attack of Gog of Magog will test all of God's servants whoever decides to side with him after the destruction of Babylon The Great, he will also be put to the test, that is, even if he acts trying to change and get closer to the people of God, it will not be easy for him, he will have to pass the same tests as those who serve Jehovah.
It is possible that it happens like when the Israelites left Egypt, we see that the text of Exodus 12:38 says there that a multitude of all kinds of people left, so perhaps those people put faith in Jehovah when they saw the 10 plagues that were fulfilled. So we should not be surprised when perhaps this happens just as Jehovah was merciful and compassionate because we should be so too.
The words of Ezekiel 33:33 and they tell us they will have to know that there was a prophet among them, so perhaps many people remember when the Jehovah's Witnesses visited them and had been announcing that just that was going to happen and so they decided to take their side. of Jehovah at that time.
So we see the importance of now telling people what is going to happen, so that when it happens they can remember it and take Jehovah's side, but if we have not told them they cannot remember it.
Well, even though we always make the effort to preach more strongly with all our hearts, it will seem unfair to us if at the last moment someone enters Jehovah's people, right? If we are making an effort so that all people can enter, it will not seem unfair to us. , if at the last moment there are people who enter the town.
People who have been studying the Bible for years, whether they are people from our family or children of Witnesses who have studied for a long time, know about the great tribulation of Babylon the Great, but due to circumstances they have left the truth. So when you see that Babylon the Great has really fallen and the great tribulation begins, well, what you see in the image. How nice that they remember the time in which they learned those truths. And now this young woman goes to her parents' house and it is seen that it is already during the great tribulation because the father is watching for safety because the police may have seen her, because the mercy of Jehovah is there, it is true that they enter at the last moment but it seems that they could still be open.
Well, logically it comes to these people's minds that the Witnesses have actually been announcing that and it has come to my mind what has happened during the pandemic, there have been many people who had studied or without studying, they started when they saw that indeed there were things like the pandemic that the Witnesses showed that this was part of the times in which we live, and we were very happy. So the same with these who enter at the last minute, well fantastic. Yes, that will be the moment in which we must imitate our father Jehovah, since he has been merciful and compassionate with us, well, much more so with the rest of the people.
Yes, that will be the moment in which we must imitate our father Jehovah, since he has been merciful and compassionate with us, much more so with other people.
For these people it will also be a challenge to do that, it will not be easy for them and we must recognize it and in any case they will also be tested after the destruction of Babylon the Great.
And here we have in the image it says some will see the destruction of Babylon the great, and perhaps you remember that Jehovah's Witnesses had been announcing for many years that this would happen. And the description of the image we have a young woman who walked away from the truth, remembers what she learned about the destruction of Babylon the Great and decides to take Jehovah's side and return to her witness parents, if something like this happens, We will want to be merciful and compassionate like our heavenly father and be glad that a sinner decides to return.
Series of images: 1. A young woman sees the news on television that religious activities are prohibited. She holds a photo in her hand and reflects on the time she served Jehovah with her parents. 2. Later she goes to her parents' house, who welcome her with affection. There are riots in the street. Some will see the destruction of “Babylon the Great” and may remember that Jehovah's Witnesses had been announcing that this would happen for many years. (See paragraphs 12 and 13).
14, 15. Why do we know that someone's chance of living forever does not depend on when they die or where they live? (Psalm 33:4, 5).
Some have said that it is better for a family member, friend, or acquaintance to die before the great tribulation, so that they have hope of being resurrected, that does not guarantee anything.
Others consider millions of people goats or people who oppose the truth for living in places where there has not been the opportunity to teach the message of the Kingdom more freely as totalitarian countries. However, that does not guarantee that the person will live or die forever, we once again highlight the main text of the previous week's study of Genesis 18:25, the judge of the whole Earth will do what is precisely right, he cares a lot the human life. So he is the one who will judge or act in the way he believes is appropriate and to make this very interesting point very clear, it is put in different letters of the paragraph. at the end of paragraph 15.
After the great tribulation begins, some may decide to take Jehovah's side, seeing what happens as it happened in the days of Israel's departure from Egypt after the 10 plagues.
Because if for us it would not be fair for Jehovah to give people the opportunity to live eternally regardless of where they live or the way in which they might die, then for Jehovah, as we have read in the Psalm, it is not something that is fair or right either, and Since it is not like that, I will not apply it that way.
Yes, for example, the factor when a person dies, as indicated in the comment that we have sometimes made, not how good it is if this person dies before the great tribulation, because then he will have the hope of being resurrected, but when we think about it well, the factor when one dies, because it depends on things that one does not control, such as whether one has good or bad health, which is not the main factor, the spiritual factor seems much more logical. Jehovah is the judge of the entire Earth and will make which is fair regardless of when a person dies due to factors. Besides, he does not control that, that is what Abraham came to understand as Genesis 18:25 shows us on this matter.
Yes, it is clear that Genesis said that it would be impossible for him to do that, that is, to treat the Unjust as the wicked, the righteous as the wicked, it is impossible. Then they cannot end up the same, so Jehovah is he, the judge of the entire Earth and he will not do what is right, and he will do what is right, that is what we have understood.
It would also be unfair not simply because of something random, like not knowing where one is going to be born or the place in which one lives, because that will determine whether one is going to live or not, if one is going to be judged as fair. And precisely because there are places where, as we talked about before, we do not know how much access they have to the message of truth. So if Jehovah is just and upright as we have read in Psalm 33, it is clear that he will also take that into account.
Furthermore, if we are worried about that, about whether a family member, how is Jehovah going to judge him? If we are worried about that, how can Jehovah not worry, that's why Jehovah will. For him, people are all important, so he will do what is right and then the paragraph says here that Jehovah will give the opportunity, for example in the great tribulation, for people to know him.
Well, for me the idea is that it does not matter when a person dies, or where they lived when they die, but it depends on the just judgment of Jehovah.
And now with this new understanding, we must understand that once the great tribulation has begun, the door will not have been closed to anyone, but perhaps some will decide to take Jehovah's side when they see that everything we have been preaching is being fulfilled. during decades.
16. What things do we know about Jehovah? (See also the image).
In this paragraph 16 we come to realize that Jehovah values human life very much, and that is why he gave his son to give us the opportunity to live forever, he knows us very well, because he is interested in his creation, that is why we can Be sure that Jehovah will judge each person in the best way, because he is wise, just and merciful.
And in the image we see we can be sure that Jehovah will judge each person in the best way, because he is wise, just and merciful, and he puts in the foreground the young woman who returned to her home, to the home of her parents, who had distanced himself from Jehovah, but upon seeing the situation that arose during the great tribulation, he decided to return and it appears that he has been given the opportunity to be saved.
For example, how John 3:16 was fulfilled, To what degree Jehovah loves humanity that he gives his only son to give us the possibility of living forever.
Isaiah 49:15 says that Jehovah will never forget us. Just as a mother cannot forget her children, so in this way Jehovah can actually experience the tenderness and care with which Jehovah gives us every day. treats.
We also know that Jehovah knows each one of us by name, he knows us perfectly to the point that if we die he will be able to bring us back to life, just as we were with the smallest detail recreated not and therefore , we have every reason to trust that Jehovah will judge each person in the best way, and always in the just way he is, because he is wise, merciful and totally fair, well we have every reason for our heavenly father to do so. each person in a better way because he is wise, just and merciful.
When he says mercy triumphs over judgment, we have seen that Jehovah is a merciful God, but that we in the congregation and in families also have to be merciful, if the brothers turn back even at the last moment or people who have left to talk about preaching.
Yes, taking into account the image, by using the imagination as Jehovah does, we can clearly visualize that they are leaving Armageddon, and we see in the image in the center how this family, the father and mother have the daughter, by the way they You have to look at them, I don't know if the brother on the right could even be their grandfather or could be a brother from the congregation, but it seems that that little sister was not with them together making the trip, but she did leave with them from Armageddon or The family that is on the far left, because how the brothers around them look at them as if they had not been with them, but they are very happy that they are leaving Armageddon together, thus the way that Jehovah will have to judge people judging each of us will undoubtedly show the mercy that Jehovah exercises for each of us.
Well, it is likely that she is the one who went to the house of this family of Witnesses for Refuge during the great tribulation.
The young woman comes out of the great tribulation together with her parents and other people. We can be sure that Jehovah will judge each person in the best way, because he is wise, just, and merciful. (See paragraph 16).
17. What will we see in the next article?
In the following article we will understand that preaching is more urgent than ever, and we will remember what should motivate us to continue preaching the good news without stopping.
So we see that now in our time the preaching of the good news is more necessary and urgent, so we cannot relax in this task.
This world tries to trap us and Satan wants us to lose motivation, that is why the following article will help us see how we can continue with that motivation, and if perhaps we notice that lack, then renew it.
What don't we know about Jehovah's future judgments?
We do not know what Jehovah will see in people during the period of the great tribulation and if some of them will have the opportunity to survive or if some of them who have died, for reasons other than Jehovah's judgment, will be able to be resurrected.
Well, on the one hand, we do not know, they were talking about before the great tribulation that there would no longer be the possibility of repentance, so we do not know if there will be people because now they will be able to repent and support the brothers of Christ, the Anointed brothers, and we do not know if In those countries perhaps because of ironclad political regimes that cannot be preached on religious topics either or that they live in distant tribes, what will Jehovah do with them?
Yes, an upheaval may also occur and there may be revolts, looting, etc., and in this case, people may perish, they may die, and what will happen, whether they will be resurrected or not, because we do not know.
What do we know?
We do know that those who have supported the Anointed Ones and Christ will be treated like sheep, and that the Anointed Ones who are alive at the time of the great tribulation will be taken to heaven shortly before Armageddon, perhaps some who will repent when they see what that happens in the great tribulation have the opportunity to be saved.
We know that people will be treated according to how they have treated the Anointed Ones and that as long as the Anointed Ones remain on earth, it is possible that people will change, repent and be saved.
Yes, we also know that the possibility of someone living forever will not depend on when they die, or where they live, that is very good and something that is clear, and we know we knew it, and we have remembered it as 2 Peter 3 said :9, What is the feeling of Jehovah.
What we know is that Jehovah does not want anyone to be destroyed. So Jehovah will always put those words of his into practice so that in this way the entire possibility of all humanity is saved.
What can we be sure of?
That Jehovah greatly values human life and that is why he gave his son to have the opportunity to live forever that he is wise, just and merciful and will act in the appropriate way, judging people in the best way.
What we can be sure of is that just as Jehovah is giving us understanding now of what is going to happen shortly, we will also have the necessary information to remain faithful and united when the difficult period that must arrive arrives.
Proverbs 4:18 says that each time the light was brighter, so we can be sure that Jehovah will not leave us without knowledge and when we are in the great tribulation, we will have everything very clear. However, we must recognize that there are things we simply do not know.
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