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“First the good news must be preached to all nations” (MAR. 13:10).
1. What did we learn at the 2023 annual meeting?
We learned new understandings, for example, it was explained that some people may have the opportunity to side with Jehovah even after the destruction of Babylon the Great. It was also announced that starting in November 2023, we would no longer have to report all of our preaching activity.
At this meeting there were clarifications of beliefs and also announcements regarding preaching. For example, there may be people who have the opportunity to take Jehovah's side even when they see that Babylon the Great has been destroyed, and they may still have a chance.
It was also said that starting in November 2023, we would no longer have to report all our activity, but what this article wants to make clear about all of these changes is that it is not because preaching is not as important or as urgent as before.
2. Why is preaching more urgent with each passing day? (Mark 13:10).
Because time is running out and the end is coming.
Preaching is more urgent every day because time is running out. According to Mark 13:10 and Matthew 24:14, the good news must be preached throughout the Earth before the end of Satan's system comes. Jehovah has decided the day and the hour, and with each passing day there is less time.
James says that first you have to do this so it is vital, other things depend on this, they are waiting for decisive events from Jehovah, you have to preach first.
As has been mentioned, Jehovah has a day, he has a defined schedule, time is running out and Matthew tells us that once the good news has been preached to the extent that Jehovah deems necessary, then the end will come.
And it is interesting because both Mark and Matthew show how important that preaching is, they say that Good News would come, it would be Good News, so if the end of this system that we are experiencing so difficult is going to end, how important it is that we think about These two ideas are good news for people and for us.
We have Romans 13:1, it says that we have to continue doing this, because we know the time we are living in and the prophecies are being fulfilled, so the paragraph says that each day that passes is one day less, so we have to continue preaching to the people, because they need it, so while the end is not coming, as the paragraph says, we have to continue preaching.
And as has been said before, that many people would even have the opportunity to decide during the great tribulation so that they can reach that decision, they must have received a message before, therefore, now we have to put all our efforts to reach to all people with our message, so that they can then make that decision.
3. Why do we preach?
We preach for love. because we love the good news that will come in the future, we love people and, above all, we love Jehovah and his name.
Yes, we are going to see how we preach for the love of the good news, also for the love of people and for the love of Jehovah, and we will see this throughout the article.
4. What do we usually do when we receive good news?
If the first thing is that we feel very happy, then we will share this News with our loved ones, relatives and friends, because that is the same way it happens to us when we listen to the News of the Kingdom of God.
So what first has to impact our feelings is our heart, that is what really motivates us to take action, so when something good happens to us as the paragraph says, the first thing that reaches our feelings is our heart so we want to tell them. to others, because we want the same thing to happen to us when we find the news of the Kingdom of God.
5. How did you feel when you were studying the Bible? (See also images).
Just as in the image, we all feel happy and content when we know what Jehovah promised: to free us from pain and suffering. What a joy to know that we will see our dying loved ones again. This drives us to continue talking about these promises to other people. Like a co-worker or family or friends.
Among other things, we learn that Jehovah loves us and that he wants us to be part of his family of worshipers who have promised to end pain and suffering and that in the new world Jehovah will resurrect our loved ones who have died.
And surely we all feel very happy when we discover what Romans 8:38,39 says, for example, for me, for example, one of the texts that I like the most in the Bible. Getting to know that moment in which we are aware that we can have a friendship, a friendly relationship with Jehovah, knowing that he loves us that there is nothing that can end that love that he has for us, well, surely that It touched our hearts and we wanted to share it with others.
Yes, precisely that love that develops in us towards Jehovah and towards these teachings motivates us to talk about them, the same thing happened to Jeremiah, who felt that his heart was burning, he did not want to speak, but his heart was burning so much that he could not. avoid and finally had to talk about it, because the same thing happens to us.
And this is what we can see in the true image, there we see this boy who is studying lesson four of enjoyment about the Name of Jehovah, and how later we see him preaching at work, preaching to his friends, perhaps also to his parents, then we see that what he knows about Jehovah encourages him to talk to other people.
And perhaps, like Jeremiah, many of us said, well even if I learn these truths I am not going to tell them to anyone, I am not going to preach, but just as we see in the image, it is impossible when you know these truths they will come out on their own. alone, they come out, you know it's good and the people you appreciate, the ones you love, the ones who relate to you, so you try to tell them, even if you initially thought of never preaching.
And this relates to what we have in our hearts and the truths of the Bible.
Love is what motivates us, so the person who is studying and thinks about preaching, thinks when he thinks he will not be able to, no, it is to strangers, to people he does not love, but those he loves he does, which is What is seen in the images, he does not preach to those he loves, then he learns to love the neighbor he does not know, and that is what motivates him to preach as well.
As we saw at the beginning in the introduction, the heart is directly involved in speaking truths to people we know, because since we love them so much, when one loves something, one cannot help but talk about it. So that's what we do, we talk about them.
Of course this is a constant, one learns the truth and when you learn the truth, how does it feel? When you learn the truth you feel happy and joyful, and all you want to do is teach other people, whether they are family members or whoever, because you want to talk about it.
We tell people because the love we have for that person drives us to do it and so does love.
A brother uses the book Enjoy Life Forever in a Bible course. Images of the student talking with others about what he is learning. 1. With a co-worker. 2. With family. 3. With a friend. When we learned the truths of the Bible, we were so excited that we wanted to tell them to everyone. (See paragraph 5).
6. What does Ernest and Rose's experience teach you?
Ernest and Rose's experience teaches us that finding answers to deep questions can bring great happiness. Ernest, seeking to understand the fate of his deceased father, found solace in discovering biblical truths about the unconsciousness of the dead and the promise of the resurrection. This revelation not only made him happy, but also moved him and his wife, Rose, to share these truths with others, helping more than 70 people come to know Jehovah and be baptized.
It teaches me that people need to know the truth, because many times people live deceived and tormented by false teachings that do not give them any hope and also stain the name of Jehovah, because they do not know anything else.
The enthusiasm he conveyed for what he had learned, he was so happy. He had seen a logic. He had seen that what he was learning from the Bible was reasonable because he wanted to share it and the first person who benefited was someone he loved more, his wife, but The thing is that this enthusiasm continued to spread to the point of having helped more than 70 people come to know Jehovah and be baptized.
And this was due to a trauma that he had when he was 10 years old, which says that his father died and of course he wondered if he had gone to heaven, if he had ceased to exist, then of course when he was already an adult, when it says here that He was 27 years old and they offered him a Bible study, he says he accepted it immediately, because something that struck him was that the dead are unconscious and that the Bible promises that there will be a resurrection, so with this Bible study he He was able to find the answer to the questions that had tormented him throughout his life until he learned the truth.
This is showing what we are studying, because Ernest says that he felt very happy, that means that his heart was in truth, because he felt very happy and his heart was showing it and the Sister also says that she was delighted with what she was learning, which showed that it touched his heart, and the result, out of love for that good news that he liked so much, touched his heart. More than 70 people say they have dedicated themselves to being baptized because of his preaching.
Another thing I learn is that a different truth reaches our hearts, of course in Ernest's case it was the truth of death and resurrection, we imagine when he read Acts 24:15, he knew he could see again. It had to reach his father directly to his heart, so what I think is why not be observant and adapt to people and thus know what truth can reach his heart the most, surely this way our preaching will be much more effective .
And another thing that also caught his attention was the affection that the brothers had, he had traveled to Germany, he was reading different philosophy books, none of them touched his heart, the biblical truth touched his heart, but now That when he went to the Meetings and saw the love that exists between the brothers that is fulfilled, that this is a sign that the truth is there, that finally convinced him.
When we have known these truths and we have been baptized, we immediately take action through enthusiasm, as we go to make known the new things we have learned to our friends, also to our family members above all and to all the people who can listen to us.
We also do not know the impression that hearing the Name of God may have on people, he said that when they showed him the name of God in his Bible in Hungarian he could not believe it, he says that he had been going to mass for 27 years and not once had he heard that name Jehovah, and was impressed by the clear and logical answers of the Bible.
The detail I also liked about his experience is that he says he had lost his father and that was the beginning of the need to seek God, and he mentioned that I also found the best father that exists, Jehovah, and I also liked how grateful he was, because he did not keep that teaching for himself, but shared it with many people.
Yes, and continuing with the sister's comment, it also reminds us that we have had a spiritual need since we were children, that is, if something like this happens to us and something big happens in life, when we are small, we also need to know the truths of the Bible. , so it is also important to keep an eye on the little ones.
7. What will happen if our hearts overflow with love for the teachings of the Bible? (Luke 6:45).
If our hearts overflow with love for the teachings of the Bible, our mouths will want to talk about them. We will feel so much love for the truth that we will want to share it with as many people as possible. As Luke 6:45 says, we want to speak the good things we know.
Well, the mouth speaks out of the abundance of the heart, so as we have read in Luke 6:45, if the truth has penetrated our hearts, if the promises and hopes that Jehovah has given us have become part of us, then we feel We are so grateful to Jehovah and we feel so much love that it overflows, that is, it is impossible to hold it within ourselves and we want to share it with as many people as possible.
Without a doubt we have the same feeling as the Christians of the first century that is recorded in Acts chapter 4 verse 20, those said: We cannot stop talking about the things we have seen and heard, since we love the truth, we also cannot remain silent. We want Share it with everyone possible.
8. What drives us to bring good news to people? (See sidebar “Making Disciples: A Labor of Love”; also see image.)
We are driven to bring the good news to people by our love for them because many of them suffer so we feel compelled to tell them about the kingdom of God and the hope they can have for a better life.
Furthermore, this is how we imitate Jehovah and Jesus in showing love to people, which is why we do everything possible so that they hear the message of the kingdom since it is a treasure that can change their lives.
We are driven by our love and compassion to do everything in our power to let you hear the good news through us, through preaching.
And we see a very good illustration here in the paragraph because it says that people are drowning in life's problems, and we have the lifeline they need, which is the Good News of the Kingdom, so thinking about this is going to greatly encourage us to help them. . Sometimes we can ask ourselves: What would happen to us if we had to face the loss of a loved one? without knowing Jehovah or what would happen to us if we have to face other problems in life, because in the same way people need this lifeline.
Also thinking about the sacrifice that Jehovah made is much greater than any sacrifice we can make. John 3:16 says that he loved the world so much that he gave his son and we know how much Jehovah loves his son. Therefore, if Jehovah has made such a great sacrifice in favor of humanity and those who want to exercise faith in him and in his son, we can at least be able to share the message of the good news with people, we can help them and thus also showing our love to them.
Yes, there are also certain people who are born with innate qualities, who can show more affection and kindness, but we have a very good help, which is the disciple-making pamphlet, which focuses on how to cultivate the qualities to help us love. to the people of the territory, start conversations that interest them and focus on them, showing them love and that brings them the truth.
What the pamphlet does is forget about ourselves and focus on preaching, that is, sometimes when we go out to preach we are worried about how I will say it, how I will do it, I will do it better, I will do it worse, the pamphlet rather says what worries it. to people what they need, that is, if we forget about ourselves and think of people as an act of love, Jehovah will surely bless that activity and we will be able to be much more effective.
Yes, that is why what the brochure mentions is that it is not so much the method or technique that is used, but truly love and also that it helps us achieve the objective which is to make disciples, to talk and between bringing out qualities, it does not brings out qualities. How many? Well, it's interesting because it says it highlights 12 qualities that we all need to show love in preaching. It is true that love is important, but there are qualities like compassion. patience. perseverance, which help us highlight the love that we need when preaching these qualities, the truth is that every day we work on one and we turn it around wonderfully because love will come out, how it will come out if we work on these qualities or where it will come from, naturally and from the heart.
Yes, in the image you see a sister who is taking advantage of the opportunity she has in a cafeteria to witness to another person, and that teaches us that at any moment we have to be prepared to be able to look for the opportunity to start conversations with people .
A sister uses a tract to witness to a woman in a cafe. Love and compassion drive us to do everything we can to make people hear the message. (See paragraph 8).
9. What do we warn people about, and why? (Ezekiel 33:7, 8).
We warn people that this world has little time left, as the end of this evil world is near. It saddens us that people do not realize that in the future this evil system is going to be destroyed.
Well, the end of this system is approaching, as Ezekiel says, we have to do it because we can save many people, but so can we, so people live today without realizing that a world event is coming, which will directly affect them. , that is why we have the obligation to notify them.
Well, first, as it says, there are two things here, first that all false religions will disappear, you have to know that, and then in Armageddon, this entire evil system and those two things together have been destroyed. Hence the importance of why we have to warn everyone.
When we go out to preach we ask Jehovah that the greatest number of people hear the message we share with them, and accept to serve Jehovah alongside us.
10. Why is it urgent that we continue to warn people?
It is urgent that we continue warning them because what we tell them now may be something they can remember in the future and, as we said in the previous study, they may take Jehovah's side when they see that the prophecies that we told them about previously are fulfilled and our effort will have resulted in save lifes.
The paragraph tells us to think about this, what we tell them now will be what they may remember in the future and tells us to compare it with Ezekiel 33:33 which says that they will have to know that there was a prophet among them. So now we are giving a message that they will surely remember when they see that Babylon the Great has been destroyed, they will remember that we were saying it that God would put that desire in their hearts. The Nations will destroy it, and then now they will They will remember our words and some may want to worship Jehovah in their hearts.
Yes, they will have to know that there was a prophet among them, it was mentioned in the previous paragraph that sometimes our relatives or some of our neighbors, people from the territory, even some close friends, it would really be a shame if they did not know about the truth. , because we haven't told them. I remember as a child that it made me sad because these were things that affect you a lot. When we went to town my family was the only one who had accepted the truth, at that time and I remember that we were remembered as those who were never going to die, those who said that the world was going to end one day, it was in It was a mocking tone, but surely some of them had this recorded in perpetuity and at some point perhaps that series of messages that have reached them could make a dent in them.
And the paragraph cites the example of the jailer from Paul and Silas in related in Acts 16 from 25 to 34, probably the jailer had knowledge about Christianity, but only when he witnessed that great earthquake of how the chains were released, how The prison doors opened and they were able to escape, that is when they paid attention to the warning, perhaps the same thing will not happen with some people when they see the destruction of all false religions, and the beginning of the great tribulation.
11. How do we give Jehovah “glory, honor, and power”? (Revelation 4:11; see also images).
We give Jehovah “the glory, the honor by explaining to people the convincing evidence that Jehovah created all things and gave us life. And we do the power when we use our time, energy and resources to participate in the preaching as much as our circumstances allow us.
Well, we give it to them when we go to preach and explain to people that Jehovah is who, what he has done and what he will do in the future, it is a way of giving glory to Jehovah so that people can also glorify him at some point. .
Yes, we also demonstrate our power when we make our lifestyle, our strength, our energies, go in relation to the Kingdom, as Matthew 6:33 says, we demonstrate it by seeking the Kingdom first.
Well, we have the opportunity not only to talk about the Good News, but to see the things created by Jehovah, that Jehovah has given us life, which is the most important thing we have, all this in exchange for nothing, so what? It is important that we think about this great love that we have to have for Jehovah for everything he gives us, for his love too.
Therefore, it is implicit that we talk about Jehovah and his name, what it means because the name of Jehovah is what guarantees that those promises are fulfilled.
As Colossians 3:23 indicates, we take advantage of every opportunity so that people really know how Jehovah is our creator and who gave us life, whether we are on vacation or serving another country.
Images of ways to preach to people. 1. In Africa, a couple preaches to a woman and her children at the door of her house. 2. A sister preaches to a woman at the bus stop. 3. When he is on vacation, a brother talks to a man sitting next to him. We give Jehovah our power when we use our time, energy, and resources to participate in the preaching work as much as our circumstances allow. (See paragraph 11).
12. How do we sanctify Jehovah's name when preaching?
We sanctify his name when we defend Jehovah, for example by telling the truth about him, such as that his main quality is love and that he is a just ruler and that he will also end suffering and bring happiness to humanity. In this way we sanctify his name. and at the same time we fulfill the commission that has been entrusted to us.
We do it when we are willing to cleanse God's name of all the lies that Satan has launched against him, people believe it, because Satan is enveloping them, but, because the circumstances of life have led them to think that way. , but we want to inform you through the Bible, the logic, the reasonableness, what kind of God Jehovah is, as he is not a God as many paint him, but rather he is a God whose main characteristic is love and that because of that characteristic There are promises and there is a hopeful future that we want to share with them.
We do want people to know that Jehovah is a just ruler and that he will soon end suffering, and we will have peace and happiness, and to do that, we have to prepare ourselves as we have seen before. For example, we have the pamphlet a labor of love, because we have to prepare those lessons for when we go out into the territory, so that people see that we are really talking about Jehovah.
And a truth that I really liked, and very important, is in 1 John 4:8 that God is love, many people think that God is cruel, that God is the cause of suffering, so when we preach and explain to them why we suffer and since God is not to blame, but what he wants is to give us happiness and take away this suffering, then we are sanctifying his Name.
13. Why are we proud to call ourselves Jehovah's Witnesses? (Isaiah 43:10-12).
We are proud to call ourselves Jehovah's Witnesses because He has chosen us to bear witness that he is the only true God. Jehovah entrusts us with this task because he knows us well, and for us it is a great honor to be his Witnesses and take advantage of every opportunity to give to know his name and deny false accusations about him.
To understand it, the paragraph mentions an example of a court trial When we need someone to testify on our behalf, we look for someone trustworthy with a good reputation. Likewise, Jehovah has chosen us as his witnesses because he knows us well and trusts us. This shows that he values our loyalty and commitment.
Because Jehovah has chosen us to speak well about him, an example is given: if in a trial someone accuses us of having done something wrong, someone tarnishes our reputation, we will choose someone trustworthy who really does not doubt us, who knows us well. , who trusts in us, because we know that he will defend us, because this pride, this privilege, has been given to us by Jehovah, he trusts in us and has delegated this responsibility and this privilege of clearing his name.
Romans 10:13-15, says that everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved, but now, a responsibility falls on us, how are they going to call on him if no one tells them, how are they going to trust him, if no one tells them. It says what kind of God he is. So it is a privilege, but at the same time a great responsibility.
And also how beautiful the words at the end, there Jehovah tells us what he thinks of us, he thinks that our feet, the feet of those who declare good news of good things, which are beautiful, very good, this is how Jehovah classifies us, our God loves us very much.
14. What exciting times await us?
We are looking forward to very exciting times because we trust that many people will accept the truth before the great tribulation begins. This period will be the darkest in human history, but we are also happy to think that, even in the midst of this great tribulation, there will be those who will choose to leave Satan's old world and join us in the worship of Jehovah.
They are truly exciting, because perhaps there are still many people who can accept the truth, and now we know that even during the great tribulation there can be people who take Jehovah's side, so being able to see all of this is very exciting, it is wonderful to see. that.
And we can say and how do we know that that is true, if they have not changed now, because in the future they will change. Acts 13:48 shows the attitude that the people of the other nations had when they were preached and when they discovered what Jehovah had prepared for their salvation, their condition of reason was correct and they accepted the message. That's why we don't have to question ourselves because it can also happen with people today.
And it's exciting because we are going to be part of this, it is in our hands thanks to everything we are learning about this new approach of talking to people, of showing them love, it is nice that we are going to be the ones who can Speak to these people before the great tribulation, and how nice to know that also after.
15, 16. What will we continue doing, and until when?
Well, we will continue doing what we are doing, preaching until Jehovah says.
In the meantime, our commitment is to continue preaching the good news of the Kingdom of God throughout the world and alert people to the soon end of this evil system. Our work is vital because, when the time of judgment arrives, it will be revealed that the message we have shared came from Jehovah. This work is essential so that everyone recognizes the truth and source of our message at the decisive moment.
And we will continue to do so with a sense of urgency and enthusiasm, because as we have seen in this article we love the truths we share with people, we love people and above all we love Jehovah and his name.
Why does it drive us to preach the love of good news?
We find great joy in the truths we have learned and we want to share that happiness with others. We want to show our love and loyalty to Jehovah, who has given us this good news and entrusted us with the responsibility of sharing it.
Because at one point in our lives those truths have reached our hearts, they have made us very happy and that happiness and that love has caused us to want people to be happy and to tell them those truths.
Why does it drive us to preach love to people?
It hurts us to see people without hope or suffering, and we want to offer them a message that can change their lives for the better. Also in preaching to them we want everyone to have the opportunity to know the truth that will bring them peace and happiness, and to experience the love and justice of Jehovah.
Yes, because people need that message to turn to Jehovah and also because until the last minute until Jehovah says enough, they will have the opportunity to turn to Jehovah.
And we must also preach now because when the great tribulation comes those people will be able to remember what we have told them, but if we do not preach to them now how will they remember it.
Why does it drive us to preach love for Jehovah and his name?
We want to honor and glorify Jehovah by making His name and His principles known, demonstrating our loyalty and gratitude to Him. And out of love we feel the desire to protect and defend Jehovah's reputation against falsehoods and misunderstandings that may be had about Him. .
First, because we want to thank him for everything he has done for us, and out of love for him we want to make him known to other people and dedicate our time and efforts to him, but also because we know that many lies have been told about him his reputation and his name and we want to defend it and let other people know the truth.
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