Tuesday, July 2, 2024

TREASURES FROM GOD'S WORD: Week 1 to July 7, 2024, Jehovah causes those who attack his people to fail, Prepared Speech.

TREASURES FROM GOD'S WORD: July 1-7, 2024, Jehovah causes those who attack his people to fail, Prepared Speech.

Jehovah causes those who attack his people to fail (10 mins.)

How many times have we asked ourselves why Jehovah allows situations that are sometimes a little delicate or even extremely strong to happen to his people and his servants in particular? 

This has to do with three reasons. First, to demonstrate that Jehovah is the sovereign, and the one who will make known, and to know all the power that he has towards those who oppose the truth. Second, he has what happened or what happens so that his will, or his purpose, may be fulfilled. And third, so that our trust in him increases considerably.

Let's analyze these three points in what we are going to discuss in this section of treasures of the Bible, and with the theme: "Jehovah causes those who attack his people to fail." And for this we are going to analyze both the book of Psalms 57, as well as part of the first of Samuel 24.

What are we referring to? If we saw the heading of Psalm 57, that is, where this Psalm begins, he says, to the director with the melody of Do not destroy. From David. Miktan. When, fleeing from Saul, he entered the cave. 

We have there, the framework of circumstances, Saul was once again looking for David to kill him, his son-in-law, solely out of hatred. For not recognizing that David was the future ruler. I wanted to finish him off once and for all.

This cave, which the heading is referring to here, was probably the site of a cave in the Engedi Desert, a place that was difficult to access, but which contained several of these caves where goats normally sought shelter at night or when it rained. very strong.

David hid there. When they were chasing him, they found one of these caves and came to be inside along with his men. And King Saul arrived at that precise cave. If we see in 1 Samuel 24:3 it describes the situation.


Then Saul came to the stone sheep pens by the road. There was a cave there, and he entered it to relieve himself. And it turns out that David and his men were sitting at the back of the cave.

Can you see the dire situation that David and the men there were in? Saul goes right to that cave to relieve himself. What tension must have existed at that moment. If one of them said something, sneezed or made a noise that they shouldn't have, they were discovered, and of course they were killed.

They had no other escape, they were at the bottom of the cave, there was nowhere to run. They waited patiently for Saul to relieve himself and then come out. Have you ever been in one of these situations in your life where there seems to be no way out of your problem, and perhaps Jehovah's people seem to have been cornered to the point of being exterminated forever?

Many times, without a doubt, we have read enough stories that demonstrate that. But what else happened? Returning to the text of 1 Samuel chapter 24 verses 7 to 10 it says: 

LET'S READ 1 SAMUEL 24:7-10. 

With these words, David stopped* his men and did not let them attack Saul. Saul, on his part, left the cave and continued on his way. Then David got up and came out of the cave and shouted to Saul, “My lord the king!” When Saul looked back, David bowed with his face to the ground and prostrated himself. 9 David asked Saul, “Why do you listen to those who say, 'David wants to harm you'? 10 Today you can see with your own eyes that Jehovah gave you into my hands in the cave. They told me to kill you, but I felt compassion for you and said to myself, 'I will not lay a hand on my lord, for he is Jehovah's anointed.'

At the beginning, verse 10 says, “Today you can see with your own eyes that the Lord gave you into my hands in the cave.” How could she see with his eyes what had happened? If we see in the first image of this week's Bible Treasures activity guide, there is King Saul in the center with this brighter colored suit and you see that in his hand he has part of his clothing. 

In 1 Samuel 24:4 we see that when the weak men told him to kill him, he had him there doing his business and he only had to use a sword to finish him off, but he always remembered that his loyalty was first to Jehovah and of course to the anointed one. that God had chosen.

But returning to the image in Our Activities Guide, Saul had part of his clothing in his hand, because David had cut the edge of Saul's sleeveless tunic that verse 4 of 1 Samuel 24 says, he was so close to Saul that He managed to cut off a piece of that tunic. How did Saul feel when he heard that? He could have killed him if he had wanted, but David did not want to take revenge into his own hands or seek the solution into his own hands in Psalm 57:3 it says.


He will send help from heaven and save me. He will make the one who attacks me fail. (Selah). God will send his loyal love and his faithfulness.

Remember that Jehovah maintains certain situations so that you can see how powerful he is and that what you do is related to his purpose. And so it was fulfilled, on this occasion Saul realized the situation that was on the verge of death, in 1 Samuel 24:19 it says.

LET'S READ 1 SAMUEL 24:19, 20.

Who finds his enemy and lets him go without doing anything to him? Jehovah will reward you for what you have done for me today.

20 Look, now I know very well that you are going to be king and that the kingdom of Israel will remain in your hands.

Would Jehovah's purpose be fulfilled? Let us never lose sight of this, Jehovah will do everything possible so that, even if we find ourselves in a situation that seems like we have no way out, Jehovah is allowing it for a very strong reason that he knows. Then David in Psalm 57 6 said. 


They have prepared a net to catch my feet; I am bent over with anguish. They dug a hole in front of me, but they themselves fell into it.

David, referring to the cave, where he arrived, realized that he had no escape, the king entered, but the king also left there. He entered the same hole or gap that could have meant death for David. We can be sure that many times the plans of our enemies have the opposite effect. 

We can see again in our activity guide a photograph of several of our brothers who are very warm, and that is because they were deported to Siberia, a very cold place that according to records you can reach according to the records that Siberia has for up to 67.8 degrees Celsius.

Why were our brothers sent there? Because their opponents, the enemies of Jehovah, banished them, as if to say, let's see if they survive. The government possibly thought that this would end the lives of these people, they would die of grief, with no reason to live and it was also a very distant place. But these brothers got there and what they did was preach to the people of that place who would not have been able to do it on their own, because it was a 10,000 km trip and it was a huge amount of money to be able to travel there. So the government covered all the expenses and sent them there so they could teach the truth to the people in such an extreme part of the country.

Yes, Jehovah allows such hard things to happen to a servant or to all of God's people today, with the purpose of showing his power, for his purpose to be fulfilled or for us to have more trust in him. Therefore, let us ask ourselves: How can I show that I trust in Jehovah when I suffer opposition? 

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