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“First the good news must be preached to all nations” (MAR. 13:10).
1. What did we learn at the 2023 annual meeting?
The 2023 annual meeting was an exciting event filled with new clarifications and announcements relevant to the preaching work. It was explained that some people might have the opportunity to side with Jehovah even after the destruction of Babylon the great.
In addition, it was announced that from November 2023, it would no longer be required to report all preaching activity. These changes do not imply that preaching is less important or urgent, but that although the methods and some logistical aspects of preaching may change their importance and urgency remain constant, reinforcing the commitment of the witnesses to continue spreading the message of the Kingdom of God.
2. Why is preaching more urgent with each passing day? (Mark 13:10).
It is more urgent with each passing day, because the time for the end of Satan's evil system to occur is running out. Therefore, each passing day brings us closer to this moment, making it imperative that we continue the work of preaching, reaching as many people as possible, thus fulfilling the text we have just read.
On the other hand, Jehovah has already decided the exact timing of this event, which adds a sense of urgency, reminding us that salvation is now closer to us than ever.
3. Why do we preach?
The work of preaching is an integral expression of the love we feel towards the Good News of the Kingdom, towards our neighbors and above all towards Jehovah. This love drives us to continue preaching with diligence and enthusiasm despite the challenges we may face.
4. What do we usually do when we receive good news?
In those moments we experience immense joy and a deep desire to communicate that happiness to our loved ones, this impulse to share reflects the importance and impact of the news in our lives, in a similar way when we hear the good news of the Kingdom of God, We feel a comparable enthusiasm, this enthusiasm is born from the joy and relief we feel when knowing Jehovah's purpose and the promise of a new world, this motivates us to want to share this message with others.
5. How did you feel when you were studying the Bible? (See also images).
Reflecting on how we feel when studying the Bible is a deep and moving experience. During the study, essential truths are discovered that transform life. These Biblical truths touch the heart deeply as described in Luke 24:32, where the disciples felt their hearts burning within them as they heard Jesus' words. Therefore, studying the Bible awakens a deep love for Jehovah and his promises and a fervent desire to share those wonderful teachings with others.
A brother uses the book Enjoy Life Forever in a Bible course. Images of the student talking with others about what he is learning. 1. With a co-worker. 2. With family. 3. With a friend. When we learned the truths of the Bible, we were so excited that we wanted to tell them to everyone. (See paragraph 5).
6. What does Ernest and Rose's experience teach you?
Ernest and Rose's experience teaches us several valuable lessons about searching for spiritual answers. After the death of his father at the age of 10, Ernest lived with questions about the fate of the dead. His anguish and despair led him to fervently seek answers, praying to God for clarity. This spiritual search persisted until at the age of 27 he agreed to study the Bible.
During his study Ernest discovered what we read in Ecclesiastes 9:5, and finally understood that the dead are unconscious. This knowledge brought him great relief and happiness. Shortly after, his wife Rose also began studying the Bible and together they were baptized in 1978.
7. What will happen if our hearts overflow with love for the teachings of the Bible? (Luke 6:45).
This verse teaches us that what fills our hearts will inevitably manifest itself in our words and actions. Therefore, if our hearts overflow with love for the teachings of the Bible, our mouths will want to talk about them. In Acts 4:20 we see how the first century disciples expressed their love and conviction for the teachings of Jesus.
Furthermore, when our hearts are filled with love for the teachings of the Bible, this love motivates us to be active in preaching and to follow the example of the first disciples by enthusiastically communicating the wonderful truths we have learned.
8. What drives us to bring good news to people? (See sidebar “Making Disciples: A Labor of Love”; also see image.)
Our greatest impulse is love and compassion, reflecting the same feelings that Jehovah and Jesus have for humanity, we feel deep empathy for those who live without hope and without God, as mentioned in Ephesians 2:12, these people in many Sometimes they feel overwhelmed by life's problems and we have the opportunity to offer them a lifeline, the good news of the Kingdom of God.
In addition, the booklet Being Disciples, A Work of Love highlights 12 qualities necessary to show love in preaching and to make disciples. These lessons teach us to focus on people's needs and interests more than on what we want to tell them.
A sister uses a tract to witness to a woman in a cafe. Love and compassion drive us to do everything we can to make people hear the message. (See paragraph 8).
9. What do we warn people about, and why? (Ezekiel 33:7, 8).
Love also prompts us to warn people that the end of this evil world is near.
In the text we have just read, Jehovah tells the prophet that he must warn people of the danger they face; if he does not do so, the responsibility will fall on the prophet.
However, if they are warned and they do not listen, then they will make their own destiny. We are concerned for those who do not currently heed our warnings, including our beloved family members, so we ask Jehovah to as many people as possible listen to us and agree to serve you along with us.
10. Why is it urgent that we continue to warn people?
It is urgent that we continue to warn people, because as mentioned in the previous article, Jehovah could decide to save those who change their minds after witnessing the destruction of Babylon the Great. This possibility increases the importance of continuing our warning work, since what we say now could be remembered by those people in the future.
In Acts 16 from 25 to 34, we see the example of the Philippian jailer who accepted the truth only after a great earthquake. Similarly there may be people who do not respond now, but they may reconsider and accept the message when the earthquake of the destruction of Babylon the Great shakes the world.
11. How do we give Jehovah “glory, honor, and power”? (Revelation 4:11; see also images).
When we share with others the wonders of Jehovah's creation and purpose, we are giving him the glory and recognition he deserves as a creator. And we empower it by using our time, energy, and resources to engage in preaching, as much as our circumstances allow.
The most important reason we preach the good news is because of our love for Jehovah and his name. We see preaching as a way to praise the God we love, give Him glory and honor by explaining to people the compelling evidence of that Jehovah created all things and gave us life.
By dedicating our efforts and resources to the work of preaching, we are demonstrating that we put the Kingdom of God first in our lives.
Images of ways to preach to people. 1. In Africa, a couple preaches to a woman and her children at the door of her house. 2. A sister preaches to a woman at the bus stop. 3. When he is on vacation, a brother talks to a man sitting next to him. We give Jehovah our power when we use our time, energy, and resources to participate in the preaching work as much as our circumstances allow. (See paragraph 11).
12. How do we sanctify Jehovah's name when preaching?
Because we love Jehovah, we want to sanctify his name, we want to participate in cleansing his name from all the lies that Satan has launched against him.
In our preaching we are eager to defend Jehovah and tell the truth about him to all who will listen, we want everyone to know that his main quality is love, that he is a just ruler and that his Kingdom will soon end suffering and bring peace and happiness to humanity.
On the other hand, we have the satisfaction of knowing that we are fulfilling our role as his witnesses. We say this because being called Jehovah's Witnesses we have the responsibility to testify about his name and character.
13. Why are we proud to call ourselves Jehovah's Witnesses? (Isaiah 43:10-12).
In Isaiah 43 from 10 to 12, Jehovah declares you are my witnesses, which assigns us the important mission of bearing witness to his identity as the only true God.
This honor and pride motivates us to take advantage of every opportunity to make his name known and deny the lies that are told about him, we fulfill our role by proclaiming that Jehovah is the only true god and by sharing the good news of the Kingdom, this mission Not only does it fill us with satisfaction, but it also strengthens our faith and brings us closer to Jehovah.
14. What exciting times await us?
We hope that many people will still accept the truth before the great tribulation begins. Our hope is that the message of the good news will reach as many as possible and that more people will come to know Jehovah and his purpose for humanity.
This fills us with enthusiasm and motivation to continue preaching with diligence and love, and we are also excited by the possibility that even during the great tribulation that will be the darkest period in human history there will be people who abandon the old world of Satan. This hope compels us to move forward, trusting that Jehovah will continue to draw sincere-hearted people to him, even in the most critical moments.
15, 16. What will we continue doing, and until when?
We have the privilege of participating in a unique work in history, preaching the good News of the Kingdom of God throughout the earth, this work not only involves sharing the message of the Kingdom, but also warning people that the end of this evil system is approaching quickly.
So, driven by the love we feel for the good news for the people and above all for Jehovah and his name, we will continue preaching with urgency and enthusiasm until Jehovah says enough is enough.
The end can come at any time and our job is to make sure that as many people as possible hear the saving message before it is too late.
Why does it drive us to preach the love of good news?
Because we love what we have learned from the scriptures, we love the God we serve and our King Jesus Christ, also the promises they make to us in the scriptures, and we want to share this good news, the best news with people who are like sheep.
Why does it drive us to preach love to people?
Because like Jehovah, we do not want anyone to be destroyed, but rather, that they reach repentance, that they reach an exact knowledge of the truth. We know that in a certain way it will happen, But we know that there are humble, honest and spiritually hungry people, who long to know about God and his word.
Why does it drive us to preach love for Jehovah and his name?
The most important reason we preach the good news is because of our love for Jehovah and his holy name. We have the satisfaction of knowing that we are fulfilling our role as his Witnesses, since there is no greater honor than being called Jehovah's Witnesses.
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