Friday, July 5, 2024

The Watchtower Study, "Article 17", Week 1 to July 7, 2024, Let us never abandon the spiritual paradise, Answers.

The Study Watchtower, "Article 17", June 1-7, 2024, Let us never abandon the spiritual paradise, Answers.

“Rejoice and be happy forever because of what I am going to create” (IS. 65:18).

1. What is spiritual paradise, and what should we be determined to do?

The spiritual paradise is a symbolic environment in which Jehovah's Witnesses worship God and enjoy a close relationship with him along with our brothers in faith.

This environment is characterized by peace, unity, and activity centered on worship and service to Jehovah. Unlike a physical paradise, spiritual paradise is a state of well-being and spiritual harmony where we find refuge and support. For this reason we must be determined not to abandon this spiritual paradise for anything in the world. 

Staying in this environment means continuing to strengthen our relationship with Jehovah and with our brothers in faith. 

2. Why is it so surprising that spiritual paradise exists?

It is surprising that spiritual paradise exists because despite living in a world dominated by hatred, evil, and danger, Jehovah has created a peaceful and safe spiritual environment for his servants.

The Bible tells us in 1 John chapter 5 verse 19 that the entire world is already in the power of the wicked and that the devil has descended on you with great fury, because he knows that his time is short. 

Jehovah in his love and care provides us with a safe haven where we can grow and flourish spiritually.

3. What was the first fulfillment of the words of Isaiah chapter 65?

The first fulfillment of the words of the 65th chapter of Isaiah occurred in 537 BC, in that year the Jews who had repented were freed from their exile in Babylon, and returned to their homeland. This event marked the beginning of a significant restoration under the blessing and direction of Jehovah. Jerusalem that had been in ruins was rebuilt and transformed into a beautiful city.

In addition, the temple was restored, a crucial action that allowed pure worship to be reestablished in Israel. Isaiah chapter 51 verse 11 highlights the joy of this return. This verse highlights the joy and relief experienced by the liberated Jews, reflecting the renewal and peace they felt. .

4. How have the words of Isaiah chapter 65 been fulfilled in modern times?

The fulfillment of Isaiah's words in modern times began in 1919, when Jehovah's servants were freed from the influence of Babylon the Great, since then the spiritual paradise has been expanding throughout the world. This movement has been driven by the enthusiasm of Kingdom proclaimers who have formed numerous congregations in various countries. 

This period has seen many people transform their lives significantly, men and women who previously led violent and immoral lives have experienced a profound change by adopting the new personality that was created according to the will of God. 


5. According to Isaiah 65:13, what blessing do we enjoy in spiritual paradise?

Isaiah Chapter 65 verse 13, highlights the contrast between life inside and outside this spiritual paradise. For Jehovah's servants, all of his spiritual needs are met. Jehovah provides his holy spirit, his word, and abundant spiritual food, allowing us to eat, drink, and rejoice spiritually. 

Revelation chapter 22 verse 17, complements this idea by saying that the spirit and the bride continue saying: Come and let everyone who hears say Come and let everyone who is thirsty come, and let everyone who wants take the water of life. free. This emphasizes the availability and abundance of spiritual food for those who seek Jehovah and those who live outside the spiritual paradise are hungry, thirsty, and ashamed. Therefore their spiritual needs are not covered.

6. What foods are mentioned in Joel 2:21-24, what do they represent, and how do they benefit us?

Essential foods such as grain, wine, and olive oil are mentioned in these verses. These foods represent Jehovah's complete provision to meet all the needs of his people, especially in spiritual terms. The grain, wine and oil symbolize the spiritual food that Jehovah provides to his servants to keep us strong and healthy in the faith. These foods represent the abundant spiritual provision that Jehovah gives to his people today.

Jehovah meets our spiritual needs through the Bible, publications, the website, and meetings and assemblies. Thanks to these provisions we can nourish ourselves spiritually every day, feeling increasingly healthier and renewed in our relationship with Jehovah.

7. Why does our heart feel so good? (Isaiah 65:14).

The hearts of Christians feel so good, because they find in the word of God truths and promises that fill them with encouragement and hope. These truths include the solid hope that is based on the sacrifice of Jesus, hope that gives them security and peace. mental. Furthermore, sharing and talking about these truths with their fellow believers brings them additional joy.

Psalm chapter 34 verse 8 says try and see that Jehovah is good, happy is the man who takes refuge in him. This verse emphasizes that those who trust in Jehovah and follow his ways find true happiness and well-being.

8. What are two main characteristics of spiritual paradise?

Two of the main characteristics of spiritual paradise are the unity and love that Jehovah's servants enjoy are so strong that even new people in the congregation are surprised and feel a positive impact.

For example, one sister related that before meeting Jehovah's Witnesses, she did not know how to be happy even with her family. Therefore, this love acts as a bond that strengthens the congregation and gives us a preview of what life will be like in the new world, in that future we will experience even greater love and unity.

9. What will happen to the things that cause us pain? (Isaiah 65:16, 17).

In these verses, Jehovah promises that the things that have caused us pain will be forgotten and hidden from our eyes, guaranteeing that problems and distress will disappear over time. This promise gives us deep peace and tranquility, ensuring a future without suffering. 

On the contrary, in Isaiah chapter 65 verse 14, the situation of those who decide to remain outside the spiritual paradise is described, who will scream for the pain in their hearts and cry because their spirit is broken. Those who do not follow Jehovah's way will experience deep pain and suffering.

10. Why would you say it is a blessing to be with the brothers? (See also photo).

Christian Meetings provide us with an atmosphere of tranquility and relaxation, distancing us from the concerns of the human world. In these meetings we enjoy the company of people who demonstrate the qualities of the fruit of the spirit, such as love, happiness, peace, kindness and mildness. 

Furthermore, being part of God's Organization allows us to see how he fulfills his promises. If we remain in this spiritual paradise, we will have the opportunity to observe the fulfillment of Jehovah's promise to create new heavens and a new earth.


Many brothers and sisters chatting before the meeting. There is one who is sitting alone and looks at his phone. It is a blessing to be part of God's family and to be in spiritual paradise. (See paragraph 10). 

11. How should we feel about living in spiritual paradise? (Isaiah 65:18, 19).

These verses highlight the joy and joy that God's servants experience when living in a spiritual environment created by him. 

We live in a spiritual Oasis, in contrast to the outside world which is a spiritual desert. This spiritual paradise fills us with gratitude and enthusiasm, provides us with plenty of reasons to rejoice and be happy, we feel privileged to be in the truth and we want to share these blessings with others, encouraging them to leave the organizations of this old world and join the Christian congregation where you will find true happiness and peace.

12. How do you feel as you read the promises of Isaiah 65:20-24, and why?

Reading these promises fills us with gratitude and excitement for our hope. These promises give us a clear and encouraging vision of the new world that Jehovah has prepared for us. Our labors will have meaning and we will be able to enjoy the fruit of our work in a safe environment. and stable. 

Furthermore, we will not strive in vain, because Jehovah will have blessed his people by ensuring that our lives will be full of purpose and satisfaction. Therefore, Isaiah's promises fill us with gratitude and excitement as they assure us of a future full of life, purpose, and security under Jehovah's loving care.

13. How are the changes that must be made to serve Jehovah depicted in Isaiah 65:25?

This text represents the changes necessary to serve Jehovah through the image of peace and harmony between creatures that were previously ferocious. This image symbolizes how people who previously had aggressive and destructive behaviors have experienced a radical change in their character thanks to the influence Holy Spirit.

With the help of the Holy Spirit, these people have tamed their character, leaving behind harmful behaviors and adopting peaceful and loving qualities as we see in Titus chapter 2 verse 11.

Although we remain imperfect and make mistakes, Jehovah has achieved a true miracle by uniting all kinds of people in love and peace.

14. How was Isaiah 65:25 fulfilled in the case of a brother?

Isaiah chapter 65 verse 25 was fulfilled in a remarkable way in the life of a brother who experienced a significant transformation. 

This man previously known for his violent and immoral behavior that led to multiple arrests for serious crimes such as car theft and frequent fights found a radical change, when he began studying the Bible with the Jehovah's Witnesses and attending their meetings, as As he learned more about Biblical Principles and immersed himself in the congregation, this man became convinced that he had found true purpose in the spiritual paradise that the Bible promises. He went from being a fierce and conflictive person similar to a lion to being peaceful and meek as a Lamb.

15. Why do we want to help others enter spiritual paradise, and how do we achieve it?

Each of us has experienced in our own lives the peace and security that comes from our relationship with Jehovah, we are part of a unique and safe brotherhood, an Oasis in the midst of a world full of violence and chaos. 

This experience drives us to want to share these blessings with others. We wish that more people can experience the same spiritual security and hope that we find in worshiping Jehovah, so we focus on following Jesus' command to make disciples, this implies teach others about the teachings of the Bible and share our personal testimony of how Jehovah has transformed our lives. 


16. What makes people attracted to spiritual paradise?

People are drawn to the spiritual paradise primarily because of the kindness and love that Jehovah shows toward them.

In Jeremiah chapter 31 verse 3 and John chapter 6 verse 44, it is highlighted how Jehovah attracts people to him with kindness and Genuine love, in the same way those who learn about Jehovah and have a receptive heart cannot help but be attracted to his beautiful personality and his teachings.

To help more people be attracted to the spiritual paradise, we can show kindness, love, and understanding toward others, thereby reflecting the beauty of Jehovah’s personality in our interactions. 

17. What can we do to attract people to spiritual paradise?

To attract people to spiritual paradise, it is essential that we show love and kindness towards our brothers and those around us. 

As mentioned in first Corinthians chapter 14 verses 24 and 25, we hope that those who visit us can feel the presence of God among us, just as the non-believers experienced it in the meetings of ancient Corinth. 

A practical way to attract others to spiritual paradise is to demonstrate genuine love in our daily interactions. This includes being understanding, patient and generous, and being willing to help without expecting anything in return.

18. What can attract people to our organization?

What can attract people to our organization is our ability to see our brothers with the eyes of Jehovah by focusing on their positive qualities, rather than their temporary imperfections that will eventually disappear.

By following the advice of Ephesians chapter 4 verse 32 to be kind, compassionate and forgiving we can resolve misunderstandings and strengthen the bonds of love within our community. 


19. a) What have some who returned to spiritual paradise said? (See the box “They left, but they came back.”) b) What should be our determination? (See also the image).

Some who returned to spiritual paradise have expressed deep gratitude and happiness at returning.


June, who stopped attending meetings, said it was wonderful to be among Jehovah's people again, and she learned that she should not isolate herself and that she needed the help of the brothers.

Kimberly, after spending almost 40 years apart and feeling alone, now recognizes the importance of congregation and spiritual food.

John, after more than 20 years of absence, describes his return as a transformative experience, since he understood that in life there is nothing better than being part of Jehovah's family and being in spiritual paradise.

19. b) What should be our determination? (See also the image).

Our determination must be firm and constant to remain in spiritual paradise and never leave it. This spiritual environment full of peace and security is a gift from God that we must value and diligently protect. 

But as the Bible warns, we must be alert against the deceptions of Satan who tries to distance us from this blessing. Therefore let us maintain our determination to strengthen the beauty, purity and peace of the spiritual paradise with our brothers and regular feeding with the word of God. 


The same brothers, minus the one who had preferred to sit alone, enjoying a meal in Paradise. A child gives food to a bear. Those who stay in the spiritual paradise will be able to enjoy a literal paradise in the future. (See paragraph 19).


What is spiritual paradise?

The spiritual paradise is an environment of peace and security, where Jehovah is worshiped, it is a place where friendship with God and those who serve him is enjoyed. 

What are the blessings of being in spiritual paradise?

Being in spiritual paradise means enjoying peace, happiness and spiritual protection in the midst of a world full of evil, where all spiritual needs are covered with the support of the word of God and the holy spirit. 

How can we attract people to spiritual paradise?

We can attract others to the spiritual paradise by showing love and kindness by imitating Jehovah's beautiful personality. This gentle and kind approach can spark others' interest and desire to be part of this spiritual community. 

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