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Spiritual Gems (10 min.)
Ps 69:30, 31. How do these verses help us improve our prayers? (w99 1/15 18 ¶11).
They help us because we should not do like people today, who only pray to ask for something, our prayers should be to give thanks and praise to our God Jehovah. If we think about everything God has done for us, we will want to thank Him first, whether privately or publicly.
Like the Psalmist, we should offer our prayers as a sacrifice of gratitude, praising Jehovah and bringing glory to his holy name. Hence, it is essential that we do it both in our private prayers and in public prayers.
The verses of Psalm 69:30 and 31 help us improve our prayers by teaching us the importance of including praise and thanksgiving to Jehovah God. Instead of praying just to ask for something, we must remember that our love for Jehovah should motivate us to give him grace. and praise, both in our private and public prayers.
These verses help us improve our prayers, because they emphasize the importance of giving thanks. First, we should not just repeat beautiful words, but rather express our gratitude and adoration to God, for who he is and for what he has done for us. we. Indeed, in addition to supplications and requests, we must give thanks to Jehovah for spiritual and material blessings.
As Paul mentions in Philippians 4:6 and 7, by combining our requests or our prayers with actions, we can experience the peace of God, the peace of God that guards our hearts and minds.
The Psalmist also reminds us in Psalm 50:14, the importance of offering acts of grace of kindness as a sacrifice to God. By following the example of the Psalmist and praising God with songs and thanksgiving, our prayers become more complex and will make Jehovah .
These verses teach us that our prayers can be improved through praise and gratitude. David expresses his intention to sing praises to Jehovah's name and magnify it with expressions of gratitude. This approach demonstrates that prayers should not only be requests, but also moments to recognize and thank Jehovah's greatness and goodness, by expressing gratitude and praise we recognize the divine character and align ourselves with an attitude of humility and reverence.
In these verses David expresses his intention to praise and thank Jehovah, highlighting that such acts of worship and gratitude are more pleasing to Jehovah than physical sacrifices. This highlights the importance of sincere and heartfelt devotion over external rituals.
Today these verses remind us that sincerity and a grateful heart in our prayers are more valuable to Jehovah than rituals and physical sacrifices. Instead of focusing only on our needs and desires we should also take time to thank God for his blessings and praise his name. This not only strengthens our relationship with Jehovah, but also helps us maintain a correct perspective by reminding us of the many ways in which Jehovah has been faithful and generous to us.
That is why Psalms talk about expressions of gratitude in our prayers, so it is not wrong to ask Jehovah for things, but when Jehovah fulfills those things that we ask of him, we thank him. It went well. We had a good day. We had something that we want to thank Jehovah. Well, let's get used to it first. thank Jehovah for what he gave us before asking him for new things.
It strikes me that the Psalmist, in verse 31, says that for Jehovah it would be better than a sacrifice. Even a sacrifice considered very important by the Israelites would be something very expensive, a bull, because well, the one who gave the sacrifice gave it with all his heart but he complied. with what the law said, but to be grateful you have to meditate, you have to think and Jehovah reads the heart, he knows if we are thanking him from the bottom of our hearts, it is very important that we thank him.
And how good it is to meditate, for example, on the day we do not wake up, we open our eyes, we see how sweet the day is, we have to thank Jehovah, and it is interesting that the slave mentions that it would be good for us to always seek gratitude, both in public and private prayers. To say, we must always take into account everything that Jehovah has given us when we go out to pray publicly, whether for preaching, whether in the classroom or also privately and personally, even in our personal study, let us not stop giving thanks to Jehovah. because that means part of how much we love him.
Of course, prayer and the requests that one can make are important, but like the psalmist David, when he offered prayer to Jehovah on one occasion he melodiously included sayings in the prayer like other words where he praised God with song and magnified Him, then of the In the same way we also do not have to give praise and magnify the name of Jehovah in our prayers.
What spiritual pearls have you found in this week's Bible reading?
Psalm 69:5. In this text the Psalmist recognizes his foolishness and sins, this text is a reminder that we are all fallible and make mistakes and it is important to be humble and admit it before Jehovah.
Psalm 69:1,2. These verses illustrate how sometimes problems can rush over us as if we were drowning in a great flood, or instead we feel the water slowly rising until we feel like we are about to drown. So no matter how serious the situation or how intense our fear, like David we must not lose our trust in Jehovah, nor stop seeing him as our point of support, our safe refuge and our salvation.
Psalm 69:33. This verse illustrates how at times we may feel imprisoned in our anxieties and afflictions and believe that others do not understand what we are going through, but like David it will not be of great comfort to know that Jehovah perfectly understands our anguish and is willing to help us. to help us.
Psalm 69:23. This verse shows how David pleaded with Jehovah that his enemies would lose his strength and power. This teaches me that I can also ask in prayer, Something similar against those who are using their positions of privilege or power to harm us in an unjustified way.
Psalm 69:27,28. From these verses I learn that Jehovah will carry out a righteous judgment so that he will blot out those who oppose him from the book of life. This teaches us about Jehovah's justice and sovereignty and compels me to remain faithful and loyal so that my name may be written in this book, and never be blotted out.
Psalm 69:30 to 33. In these verses David shows that praise and gratitude are very pleasing to Jehovah, and that he hears and answers the prayers of those in need. This teaches me about prayer and motivates me to look for occasions to praise Him with all my heart.
Psalm 69:34-36. From these verses I learn that Jehovah will always take care of those who love and obey him. This teaching encourages me to strive to remain faithful and to persevere in my faith, in order to always have Jehovah's blessings.
Psalm 69:9. This verse highlights David's deep fervor for the house of Jehovah and how this has resulted in him himself suffering affronts directed toward God. This zeal is so intense that he consumes it reflecting his devotion and commitment to the holiness and honor of Jehovah's temple. Today this verse challenges us to examine our own zeal for the things of Jehovah, motivates us to have an ardent and genuine commitment to our faith, and to be willing to face opposition to maintain and defend our principles in a world where spiritual values can be challenged. This verse encourages us to remain firm and committed to our faith and our convictions.
Psalm Chapter 69. This Chapter of The Psalms teaches me to turn to Jehovah in times of affliction, as well as to place my absolute trust in him. David by his example shows us that Jehovah always listens to our prayers and is willing to help us at the right time. . These are enough reasons not to allow despair to break us or take us out of control.
Psalm Chapter 69. This chapter teaches me that we must place our trust in Jehovah, no matter the difficult circumstances we are facing, it also encourages me to express my feelings and concerns to him, knowing that he will listen to me.
Psalm 69:13. David expresses his trust in Jehovah through prayer, recognizing that there is a favorable time to be heard, and trusting in the abundance of God's goodness for an answer. The reference "The truth of your salvation" underscores his faith in the ability to save and redeem. Today this verse reminds us of the importance of persevering in prayer and trusting in God's timing and will encourages us to pray with faith knowing that Jehovah is kind and that he responds to our supplications at the right time.
Psalm chapter 69. This chapter also teaches me that, although we go through times where adversity overwhelms us, we must remember that Jehovah is our refuge and strength. Therefore, we must continue to trust in his goodness and faithfulness, convinced that he will sustain us and rescue us from any difficult or dangerous situation in which we find ourselves.
Psalm Chapter 69. It teaches me that in the midst of difficulties I must cry out to Jehovah as David did, to express my confidence in his power and Justice with the firm conviction that he will listen to me and provide me with the comfort and protection I need in the midst. of my affliction.
Psalm 69:8. We learn that suffering for love of God brings us closer to him and makes us trust in his goodness. This teaches us about the importance of remaining faithful to God in the midst of adversity, and inspires us to maintain our unwavering faith.
Psalm 69:19. This verse shows that Jehovah knows our afflictions and dishonors, but most movingly, he is willing to comfort and protect us when we face injustice.
Psalm 69:20. He shows how suffering and pain can overwhelm us, but he also teaches us that Jehovah is there to comfort us and give us strength in times of trouble.
Psalm 69:18. From this verse I learn that Jehovah is close to those who suffer and listens to their prayers, this show of Jehovah's compassion and attention towards us should motivate us to turn to him at all times in prayer.
Psalm 69:7. This verse shows that sometimes we as servants of Jehovah face afflictions and dishonor because of our faith, but if we trust in Jehovah and his power to deliver us, we will face trials with courage.
Psalm 69:1-4. Here it is shown that David is in a situation of danger and persecution, and that is why he cries out to Jehovah to save him from his enemies. He expresses his feelings of despair, anguish and pain, but also manifests a firm trust in goodness and faithfulness. of Jehovah. Therefore, he teaches me that when I go through difficult situations that are distressing or desperate, I must also cling to Jehovah because as long as he is faithful, Jehovah will also be faithful to me and he will not abandon me.
Psalm 69:1,2. These verses show how David feels overwhelmed by adversity and describes himself as a castaway in deep waters who finds no safe place to stop or rest. However, he continues to trust that Jehovah will hear him and rescue him. This teaches me that when problems are overwhelming or seem to have no solutions, when we should most trust that Jehovah will hear our prayers and give us a way out of the difficult situations in which we find ourselves.
Psalm 69:5,6. From these verses I learn that Jehovah knows our faults and sins, but still he loves us, forgives us, and encourages us to sincerely repent and seek forgiveness from him.
Psalm 69:4. In this verse David says that those who hate him without reason forced him to hand over even what he had not stolen. This teaches me that sometimes to keep the peace the most prudent thing is to let it go and even apologize, even if we haven't done anything wrong.
Psalm 69:1. This text can help us when we go through difficult situations and feel distressed, we can go to Jehovah, pray to him from the heart and study the Bible so that he can guide us and give us the comfort we need.
Psalm 69:22-28. These verses show how David cries out to Jehovah for judgment against his enemies, but they also show that it is not a call for personal revenge, but rather a show of confidence in divine justice. This teaches me that when we are hurt regardless of the severity of the offense, instead of wanting to take personal revenge, we must trust that Jehovah will give us justice in due time, which is why we must put both our concern and anguish, as well as those issues in your hands.
Psalm 69:1,2. In these verses David begs Jehovah to save him from the deep waters, mud, and currents that threaten him. From this I learn that Jehovah is our savior and helper in times of trouble, it also teaches me about Jehovah's goodness and love and motivates me to trust him in my difficult times.
Psalm 69:2. This verse shows how David trusted that Jehovah could rescue him from dangerous situations and keep him safe. Therefore, it teaches me about Jehovah's power and protection and encourages me to turn to him for help in times of distress.
Psalm 69:21. This verse is a direct prophecy of Jesus Christ's suffering during his sacrifice, where he was offered vinegar to drink. David describes his own extreme suffering and the cruelty of his enemies in offering him something bitter in his time of greatest need. This verse invites us to reflect on Christ's suffering and recognize how his sacrifice was foreshadowed. In the scriptures he reminds us of the cost of our redemption and motivates us to live a grateful life committed to Biblical principles. He also teaches us to be prepared to face the incomprehension and cruelty of others by maintaining our faith firm in the midst of trials.
Psalm 69:3. This verse shows how David cried out to Jehovah until he was exhausted, trusting that he would hear his prayers and come to his aid. This teaches me that like David I must trust that Jehovah will answer my prayers, so I must never lose the motivation to pray with faith and confidence.
Psalm 69 1:2. In the text we notice that David felt distressed, that is why he expresses his tiredness of waiting for God. He was so afflicted that he couldn't get answers, sometimes we can feel that way, but let's not forget that Jehovah gives us the way out at the right time, and instead of focusing on the problem we are going through, let's think about the faithfulness that our God has. and that will never abandon us.
Psalm 69:4. In this verse we observe that they hated Jesus for no reason or cause, which shows that as servants of God we will also suffer persecution for bringing the good news.
Psalm 69:7. In this text we note that there may be situations in which we are ridiculed or made to feel bad for our beliefs, sometimes this makes us feel afraid or ashamed of expressing our faith in public. However, we must remember the example of David who did not allow himself to be intimidated by the words of others and continued forward with his love for God. This teaches us that we must trust that God will guide us and protect us at all times, even in the most difficult situations.
Psalm 69:5. This text shows us that Jehovah knows our imperfections very well. We cannot hide anything, but Jehovah still offers us his forgiveness when we commit a mistake and if we repent he shows us mercy.
Psalm 69:2. Many times when we are fighting difficult situations, we feel that we are sunk, anguish can make us feel overwhelmed, sometimes the same desperation can make us believe that we are alone, but we are not. In those distressing times we can fully trust that Jehovah will be our strength and will help us face the adversities that come our way.
Psalm 69:1. David felt like he was drowning, so he turned to Jehovah in prayer. In the same way we may feel as if we are drowning, other times we feel the water level slowly rising until we feel overwhelmed, but at that time it is essential that we turn to Jehovah, and we can be sure that he will give us the comfort that we need. need.
Psalm 69:20,33. Like David, at some point in our lives we have felt afflicted, but then he reflects and recognizes that Jehovah does not despise anyone, just like him we can be sure that Jehovah does not care about the adversities suffered by his people, he is attentive to the needs not only of his servants as a whole, but of every person who fears him.
Psalm 69:5. Knowing that Jehovah knows our faults and even more, if he loves us and is willing to forgive us, gives us confidence to approach him without fear or shame. Acknowledging our guilt is the first step toward repentance. This verse reminds us of the importance of repenting of our sins and making changes in our lives.
Psalm 69:9. The intensity of the Psalmist's devotion shows an unwavering commitment to Jehovah, and this text teaches us to remain firm in our faith and convictions, no matter the difficulties or criticisms we face.
Psalm 69:9. The Psalmist mentions that the insults directed at God have fallen on him. This indicates that the Psalmist identified himself so deeply with Jehovah that the suffering and offense towards God he felt personally. So this encourages us to cultivate this same love for Jehovah, feeling his pain as our own, and continuing to work to defend his name.
Psalm 69:14. The Psalmist recognizes his vulnerable situation and his need for help. This teaches us to be humble and recognize our limitations. On the other hand, having this faith that Jehovah will intervene on our behalf is essential to maintaining a relationship of trust and hope with him.
Psalm 69:16. We can see how the Psalmist trusts in the loyal love of Jehovah. This teaches us that we can also trust in Jehovah's unconditional and constant love, knowing that he always wants the best for us.
Psalm 69:16. This verse is part of a Psalm, where the Psalmist is in great distress and he says answer me, O Lord, for your loyal love is good. This teaches us to seek and trust fully in Jehovah, not only in good times, but also in times of difficulty, knowing that he is our faith, he is our source of comfort and salvation.
Psalm 69:19. Knowing that Jehovah sees all our opponents gives us peace of mind that Divine justice will prevail. We do not need to seek revenge, nor take justice into our own hands, because we trust that Jehovah will act at the right time.
Psalm 69:19. The sincerity and openness of the Psalmist in this verse encourages us to be transparent in our prayers, we can bring all our worries, pains and struggles before Jehovah, knowing that he already knows them and cares about us.
Psalm 69:30. Gratitude is fundamental in our relationship with Jehovah, giving thanks at all times, even in the midst of difficulties, strengthens our faith and helps us see his hand in every aspect of our lives.
Psalm 69:13. He mentions that Jehovah is listening to the poor and does not despise his people. These words make me see that Jehovah listens, he does not listen, he comforts us and understands our anguish. Furthermore, he can and wants to help us, whatever the problem we have or that we suffer, Jehovah always He is going to guide us and help us, so that is why we must always trust him.
Psalm 69:33. It shows that Jehovah listens to the poor and will not despise his captive people. Sometimes we may feel prisoners of our anxieties and afflictions and we may think that others do not understand us, but like David, it will be of great comfort to us to know that Jehovah perfectly understands our anguish, this taught me that we must be sure that Jehovah hears our prayers and those who in a certain sense are prisoners of their afflictions.
Psalm 69:14. It shows us how David felt like he was sinking in the mud and was very humble and asked Jehovah for help and asked Jehovah to rescue him. This makes me meditate on all the times that I was going through bad times and Jehovah helped me. It helped, this makes me have more confidence and love for God.
Psalm 69:4. It teaches me that if we want to maintain peace in the congregation when problems arise, sometimes the most prudent thing would be to apologize even if we are convinced that we have not done anything wrong.
Psalm 69:5. David told Jehovah that Jehovah knew his foolishness and that his feelings of guilt were in Jehovah's sight. This teaches me that many times because of our imperfection we can act foolishly and later repent and Jehovah sees that feeling and this story shows me that The more that Jehovah knows my mistakes and my feelings of guilt, I must do as David did, beg Jehovah's help to help me polish my Christian qualities.
Psalm 69:3. David said that he was tired, exhausted from praying to Jehovah, waiting for him to respond. Sometimes it can happen to us that we are going through a situation and we see that he will never respond to us, but I like that David surely meditated on all the times that Jehovah helped him. and that's why he never gave up, he didn't give up, he continued praying and this teaches me to do the same to follow his example and even though I don't see that he answers me anymore to see that at the right moment Jehovah is going to give me the answer.
Psalm 69:1,2. The psalmist is talking about how his life felt threatened by the water that was in the deep mud that they had entered into deep waters and something very similar had also been said by Jonah when he was in the belly of the fish, what is worth highlighting is the fact that The first thing the psalmist says is save me, oh God, so the first thing he thought about when he was in this type of situation was Jehovah. He knew that Jehovah could help him, he could strengthen him, he could remove him from that place and it would be very good. Also that we have that same point of view, always think first of Jehovah when we are in negative situations to be able to get out of it.
Psalm 69:20. He was very distressed and bitter about his situation, his circumstances, however this did not mean that he had lost faith or hope because later he shows the trust he had in Jehovah, so do we too because we feel the same way that they do not understand us that we cannot expect empathy from others or that perhaps they are not giving us the help we need, however we can trust that Jehovah does understand perfectly all our anguish.
Psalm 69:16-17. It says, answer me, O Jehovah, because your loyal love is good, because my great mercy, turn to me and do not turn your back on your servant, answer me quickly because I am distressed, I like this text because here the psalmist highlights two superlative qualities of Jehovah, which is love. loyal and mercy and this makes me think about what I can say when I make my prayers not only ask for what I want but also give praise to Jehovah with words although it is a little difficult, very difficult because we do not have the ability that the psalmist and to be able to praise him with our words with our vocabulary and also highlight that in his anguish David was asking him to give him his favor so that also makes me see that Jehovah is always aware of what we are going through and what we need.
Psalm 69:16. This verse teaches me that the importance of asking God for help with confidence in his love and mercy and also in this verse it also reflects the goodness, humility and faithfulness of Jehovah, recognizing that through his great mercy we find answers and help in time of trouble. need.
Psalm 69:1. There it says David Jehovah save me from the waters and sometimes problems can drown us but having Jehovah in mind as my father as my friend gives me that strength that I need to move forward to have his approval and also to have the support of my family and friends It makes me feel loved and also calm.
Psalm 69:6. It says that those who put their hope in you should not be ashamed because of me, that those who seek you should not be humiliated because of me. This text makes me think a lot about all of us who bear the name of Jehovah, especially personally, trying to behave well, not cause guilt or besmirch the holy name of Jehovah.
Psalm 69:1. It reminds me that only Jehovah through his only begotten son can save us not only temporarily but forever from sin and death.
Psalm 69:29. It comforts me a lot to know that Jehovah is aware of all the suffering and pain that we experience for being loyal and for fulfilling our responsibility as family members and theocratics, how easy it would be to avoid them and say but what can I do, I'm tired. God will understand, but it's not So the scriptures say several times, stay alert, vigorously fight for the faith, do not give up doing what is right, and it also says, I am with you.
Psalm 69:33. This text says that Jehovah is listening, he does not despise his prisoners, so this text teaches me that there will be times when we may feel prisoners of our afflictions of our anxieties and we think that others do not understand us, but like David it serves us well. It is a consolation to know that Jehovah does understand our anxieties perfectly.
Psalm 69:18. It teaches me that constant prayer to my father Jehovah when I am going through difficult times of anguish I always have to tell him with great humility from the depths of my heart so that he rescues me and listens to my prayers and frees me from all bad people.
Psalm 69:18. In the final part it says deliver me from my enemies and it is true not who of us has had opposition and perhaps people who harm us for our beliefs. Remembering this text helps me because the one who is going to take justice is Jehovah, so what I will do is pray for my enemies and ask for help in due time.
Psalm 69:14 psalmist says rescue me from the mire do not let me sink, because we see that he recognized his situation how vulnerable it was also his need for help, this teaches me the importance of being humble and recognizing our limitations, also on the other hand the Having faith that Jehovah will intervene on our behalf is essential to having a relationship of trust and hope for him.
Psalm 69:29. It teaches us that today many of us go through some illness, ailments, advanced age but Jehovah God is the only one who knows our heart, he says but to me who am suffering and full of pain your power will save me, then Jehovah who knows our heart he is He who sees everything we go through and with constant prayer Jehovah God will help us.
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