Monday, July 8, 2024

SPIRITUAL GEMS: Week 8 to July 14, 2024, Psalm 60 to 62, Answers.

SPIRITUAL GEMS: July 8-14, 2024, Psalm 60 to 62, Answers.

Spiritual Gems (10 min.)

Psa 62:11. Why can we say that “strength belongs to God”? (w06 6/1 11 para. 6).

As the text read clearly mentions, God does not have to depend on any external source of energy, he is the Source of power, the strength belongs to him.


Unlike human beings, due to their limited nature, they must depend on the power of God. This teaches us that in times of weakness or need, His servants can trust in the power and strength of God to sustain and help them.

We can say that the strength is from God, because he is the source of all power and energy, unlike any other entity, God does not need to depend on other sources for strength, all the strength belongs to him, which means that His power is innate and absolute.

Psalm 62:11 teaches us that Jehovah has no power but he himself is power. The dynamic energy and power of it are infinite, since the source of it is inexhaustible and does not depend on anything external. Hence he is called the almighty, because the strength belongs to him.

This reminds us that Jehovah is the strong one and just as he gave strength to his servants in the past, he will also give us strength in these difficult times to manage.

This text emphasizes the sovereignty and absolute power of God, we can say that the strength is from God, because in the scriptures God is constantly described as the omnipotent, creator and sustainer of everything that exists. From the creation of the world to the direction of human history, everything is under the control and authority of God the repetition of God has spoken, once twice I have heard. This underlines the certainty and importance of this message. It is not simply a casual observation, but a fundamental truth that must be deeply understood.

Jehovah has moral and spiritual strength, He is the one who establishes order, justice and purpose in the universe. God's strength is manifested in his ability to save, protect and sustain those who trust in him in times of weakness or adversity. We can find comfort and security knowing that God has supreme power and that nothing is beyond his control.

In our day the declaration the strength belongs to God reminds us that despite the changing circumstances and challenges we face, we can trust in the power and sovereignty of God. Therefore, we are encouraged to depend on God rather than our own strength or human solutions.

What spiritual pearls have you found in this week's Bible reading?

Psalm 60:1. This text shows us that when we commit a sin, we may receive discipline, but we can be sure that Jehovah can forgive us because his very word confirms to us that he is on our side and is willing to forgive us because he is a merciful God.

Psalm 61:8. We see how David promised Jehovah that he would sing praises to him forever and by fulfilling his promise day by day we can follow David's example when daily we strive to keep our promises and give the best to Jehovah and perhaps some of those promises that We have done it because we need time to be able to get them, but through prayer we can show them that we have them in mind and, just as we would do with a friend, we can express how we feel.

Psalm 60:11. He says that the salvation of those that comes from humans is useless, this confirms that we have to fully trust in Jehovah and that the only hope we have for a better future comes from Jehovah because what humans bring now is for something momentary and it will not help us to have a better life.

Psalm 60:1. It teaches us that when we commit a sin we can receive discipline but we have to be sure that Jehovah can forgive us because he says so and confirms that he is on our side and willing to forgive us because he is a merciful God.

Psalm 61:8. This verse teaches us the importance of being grateful for the help we receive from Jehovah, expressing our gratitude through acts of praise and fulfilling our commitments to Him. It inspires us to maintain an attitude of continuous worship and honor to God in all our actions.

Psalm 61:2. This passage reminds us that, no matter where we are or how difficult our situation is, we may be in prison or away from our brothers. Jehovah can always help us and come to our aid, offering us protection and strength beyond human capabilities.

Psalm 61:8. The promise to sing psalms “forever” indicates a commitment by the psalmist to be consistent in serving Jehovah. This inspires us to maintain an attitude of continuous praise, fulfilling our vows of dedication that we made to Jehovah when we were baptized and not only at specific times, but throughout our entire lives.

Psalm 60:1. The psalmist recognizes that God has allowed his people to suffer because of his disobedience. So this psalm teaches us servants of Jehovah to reflect on our actions and to seek forgiveness and guidance from God if we have committed a serious sin since there is nothing better than having a sincere relationship with Jehovah and enjoying his approval. .

Psalms 60:11. He reminds us that human capabilities are insufficient in the face of certain challenges. So to think that what this world offers us as a good economic position as a remedy to be free from difficulties is something vain, we must recognize that the only one who can give us true relief from difficulties is Jehovah.

Psalms 60:11. The verse teaches us to be humble and to resort to prayer, asking for God's intervention when making decisions and not to think that our wisdom is better than Jehovah's because, as the text says, the salvation that comes from humans is of no use.

Psalm 60:5. This text teaches us that Jehovah saves his servants, and that we must trust that he will provide the way out and help us endure while we find it.

Psalm 60:4. David recognizes that God has given a sign to those who fear him, providing a means of escape and protection from danger. This sign can be interpreted as divine direction or guidance in times of crisis, ensuring the safety of his followers. Today this verse reminds us that God provides guidance and protection to those who fear and respect Him. In times of crisis or uncertainty we can trust that God will give us signs and direction to avoid danger. He encourages us to maintain a reverent relationship with God and pay attention to signs from him.

Psalm 60:1,2. Here it is shown how David begins the Psalm expressing his anguish and crying out to God. Sometimes, we also face difficult times and feel distressed. The teaching here is that we must go to Jehovah in prayer and not stop praying even if it seems in vain, because Jehovah has many ways of answering our prayers, it's just that sometimes we fail to perceive it.

Psalm 60:11. In this verse David recognizes that human help is insufficient to guarantee true salvation and victory, he asks God to intervene against his enemies stating that only divine help can bring true rescue and success. Applying it to our days, this verse highlights the importance of depending on God instead of relying exclusively on human solutions. We face many situations in life where help and human resources are not enough to solve our problems, this verse reminds us that we must seek God's help and trust in his power to overcome challenges. 

Psalm 60:6. It reminds us that Jehovah is a holy God and he expects his servants to be holy as well, that is, clean in a moral, physical, and spiritual sense.

Psalm 60:5. This text reminds us of the words of Jesus Christ that we pray at all times, to be considered worthy of escaping the things that are coming. 

Psalm 60:12. Knowing that Jehovah is on our side and that he strengthens us gives us a sense of security and peace of mind, even in times of crisis. Recognizing that our strength comes from Jehovah teaches us to be humble and grateful.

Psalm 60:1,2. This verse expresses David's desperation and deep longing for Divine help. From a position of vulnerability David cries out to God to take him to a safe and elevated position represented by the highest rock. This Rock symbolizes the strength, protection and security that only God can provide. In modern life, this verse reminds us that in times of distress and weakness we must cry out to God and seek his protection. The tallest rock represents a place of safety and refuge that is above our adverse circumstances and encourages us to look to God for strength and stability when facing overwhelming situations.

Psalm 60:11. This same text teaches us that the true salvation of the soul comes from Jehovah, not from another human leader. Many people place their hope in their human leaders who have stood out in different fields. Such a procedure is deceptive, since God is the source of life. .

Psalm 60:8. This expression could have indicated something bad for Edom, since in the same text Moab is called: "The vessel in which I wash." Currently in the Middle East, throwing the sandal is a gesture of contempt.

Psalm 61:4. This verse expresses David's desire to remain in the presence of God forever. The tent symbolizes the place of divine presence and the shelter of its wings suggests a tender and close protection similar to that of a bird protecting its young under its wings. Currently this verse invites us to seek a continuous and close relationship with God, it reminds us of the importance of living in the presence of God and finding refuge in his loving protection by seeking to remain under the shelter of his wings we cultivate an intimate relationship with God where we find comfort security and peace. 

Psalm 60:2. Here David cries out from his heart for Jehovah's protection. This teaches me that only Jehovah can give us the inner confidence we need to face difficult situations, which is unattainable by our own strength.

Psalm 62:5,6. David repeats his declaration of trust, emphasizing that his soul waits silently in God alone. Here the word hope is added indicating that not only his salvation, but also his future expectation and trust are in God. The repetition emphasizes the firmness of his faith and trust in God as the only source of his security and stability. In modern life this verse encourages us to put our hope and expectations in God, it reminds us that although the world may be uncertain, we can wait patiently and with confidence in God by repeating our trust in Jehovah we strengthen our faith and prepare ourselves better to face the challenges of life.

Psalm 60:1. Here David begins by crying out to God in his distress. When we face difficulties, we must also turn to God in prayer. The practical application is to trust that Jehovah is near and will hear our supplications.

Psalm 60:9. In this verse David asks who will guide him to Edom, the besieged city. This teaches me that like David, we must seek guidance from Jehovah in our daily decisions. The practical application is to pray and ask for wisdom before making important decisions in our lives.

Psalm 60:6-7. Here David mentions that God will distribute lands and fortresses. This teaches me that Jehovah has absolute control over all circumstances. Hence, in our daily lives, we must recognize that Jehovah is the owner of everything and trust absolutely in his purpose even when things seem uncertain or we do not understand why he allows them to happen.

Psalm 60:1. This verse shows that sometimes we may face difficult times and situations that make us feel that Jehovah is angry with us. The teaching here is that even if we feel abandoned, we must turn to Jehovah in prayer, trusting that he is near and he will hear our supplications.

Psalm 60:11. Although help from other people can be valuable and necessary, this verse highlights that ultimately salvation and true relief come from God. Which reminds us that we should not put our absolute trust in human beings, since they also have their limitations.

Psalm 60:11-12. In these verses David declares that with God they will do mighty deeds and defeat their enemies. This teaches me that in our personal struggles and challenges, we must trust that Jehovah is with us. This conviction will help us, because it will protect our faith and make us strong and persevering.

Psalm 60:11. This verse shows us that all hope for a truly better future depends on Jehovah. Permanent peace and tranquility will come to Earth only through the Kingdom of God under the rule of his son Jesus Christ.

Psalm 60:12. Just as Jehovah gave David the strength he needed to overcome great obstacles, today Jehovah does the same with each of us. That is why we must have faith that God can strengthen us and save us.

Psalm 61:1, 2. This text teaches us that praying is very important, when we go through distressing situations we can cry out to God for help. Although it may seem in vain, Jehovah gives us his guidance and protection and his wisdom, if we turn to him at all times.

Psalm 61:3-4. Here David describes Jehovah as his refuge and his strong Tower and shows us that in our moments of weakness, we should seek refuge in him, trusting that he will protect us and give us security.

Psalm 61: 3,4. Many times we go through difficult situations, so much so that we have sometimes begged Jehovah to free us from a trial, despite that the problem did not disappear or even worsened, perhaps we came to think that we had lost Jehovah's approval. But let us remind you that God answers our prayers. Although he may not take away the problem, but through his spirit he will give us the strength to endure. We may be knocked down but Jehovah will not abandon us.

Psalm 61:3. In this text he shows us that we have nothing to fear, because we have a wonderful God who cares for us and protects us when we go through difficult situations.

Psalm 61:8. David's words in this verse show that he knew that making a vow was completely voluntary, but he also understood that if he made it, he had an obligation to fulfill it. So he praised Jehovah for the opportunity he had to fulfill his vows day after day, thereby setting an example for all of Jehovah's servants today.

Psalm 61:3. David was talking about Jehovah as a refuge and as a tower that protected him from the enemy. We know that towers in ancient times were made to defend strategic points. We know that Jehovah is like that tower that is willing to defend us from a world that is under the power of the evil one, but what happens is that we have to enter that tower, we cannot stay outside waiting for it to be done. Only if we place ourselves under the refuge of Jehovah within his tower will we be protected from all evil.

Psalm 61:5-8. Here David acknowledges that Jehovah has heard his wishes and given him an inheritance. In response, David promises to sing his name and fulfill his promises. The practical application is to be grateful and faithful in our worship and in the vows we make to Jehovah.

Psalm 61:8. In this same verse, it shows that David's words are not only a prayer, but also a reminder of his promises or vows to Jehovah. Therefore, he teaches me that praying to Jehovah about what I have promised strengthens my resolve to keep my promises.

Psalm 61:4. In biblical times, a tent made of cloth offered rest and protection from bad weather. And, when a guest entered a store, he could be sure that he would be treated with hospitality. Well, we enter Jehovah's tent when we dedicate our lives to him. There we enjoyed plenty of food and the company of other guests of Jehovah.

Psalm 61:5,8. These texts show us that when we dedicated ourselves to Jehovah, we told him that we longed to serve him. We also promised Him that we would walk in His paths Day after day, all our lives, that is why we prioritize our sacred services, which includes studying the Bible, praying, attending Christian meetings and participating in the Ministry.

Psalm 61:2. It teaches us that there are times when we feel desperate and weak, in such situations it is important to cling to Jehovah, instead of turning away from him.

Psalm 61:8. It helps us see that David wanted to praise Jehovah in Ancient Israel while he was alive. And he realistically shows us what he will do in the new world. In other words, King David wanted to live either in this imperfect world or in the new world to praise the true God.

Psalm 61:8. It helps us see that David wanted to praise Jehovah in Ancient Israel while he was alive. And he realistically shows us what he will do in the new world. 

Psalm 61:1. This psalm makes us think about how important it is to express in prayer our confidence that Jehovah hears our prayers.

Psalm 61:8. David knew that making a vow was a completely voluntary matter. But he also understood that he did do it, he had the obligation to fulfill it. So he praised Jehovah for the opportunity he had to fulfill his vows day after day. When we dedicated ourselves to Jehovah we voluntarily made a vow to carry out his will. We disowned ourselves and put Jehovah's service first in life. Therefore, we also have to pay our vote day after day. The public declaration we made when we were baptized in water should be reflected in our entire way of life, including preaching the good news.

Psalm 61:8. From this same text we can draw another very valuable Pearl, since this text encourages us to take our promises seriously by praying often about them, perhaps every day, this would indicate to our heavenly father that we are sincere, and at the same time It would serve as a constant reminder.

Psalm 62:1. In this same text we can find another very valuable lesson, since waiting in silence can also symbolize an internal peace that comes from trusting in Jehovah. When we trust Him fully, we can find peace and tranquility in the midst of difficulties and adversities.

Psalms 62:6,7. We see that Jehovah is stable just like a huge rock, a mountain. Jehovah is firm, his personality and his purpose never change. This means that no matter what happens or what others do, he will never change his way of being, his purpose or his standards, knowing All this makes us trust that he will always help us when we suffer adversity and that he will fulfill everything he has promised us.

Psalm 61:1,2. David prays there to Jehovah and begs him to hear his prayerful cry when his heart becomes weak, David came to feel weak and feeble that is why he begs Jehovah to hear him, today many servants of Jehovah can also feel that way. fall into depression and it is what makes one feel weak in those moments and as if our strength is abandoning us, then prayer can be a means for us to overcome this fatal situation that can happen to us, even the ministry and meetings. regular reading the family brothers here in the congregation who can help us get out of that depressive state and let us not hesitate to seek help because Jehovah does not leave us alone at that moment. 

Psalm 61:8. This text also teaches us that remembering our vow of dedication to Jehovah can help us every day, especially when difficult days arrive, days of discouragement, of disappointment. Instead of getting angry with Jehovah, we will remain faithful to him at all times.

Psalm 62:6-9. This reading shows us that the servants of God, on the contrary, We have a reliable refuge to take refuge in this great rock, we must cling to Jehovah when we faithfully follow his word even though this often goes against the wisdom of man.

Psalm 62:1. Waiting in silence can be seen as an act of faith. Instead of worrying or complaining, we focus on the certainty that Jehovah will save us. This silence is not passivity, but an expression of deep confidence in Jehovah's sovereignty and power.

Psalm 62:8. He says trust him all the time people, pour out your heart before the God of refuge, that does not show that when we pray to Jehovah we should do it as if we were speaking to a father who loves us instead of reading prayers from a book or reciting from memory we have to speak to God with respect and from the heart.

Psalm 62:9. There he compares the children of men with a sigh or with a false illusion and speaking in a symbolic way he indicates that when placed together on a scale to think less than a simple sigh, what does it mean because in ancient times scales were used above all to measure weight, especially weights of food, and as we see in this case, talking about currency in general, it weighs much less than air and this means that we should not trust human organizations or political reflections since they do not They can offer us nothing safe but the only one we can trust is Jehovah, who is the one who will give us security.

Psalm 62:1. We see that David, having submitted to the will of Jehovah, felt safe and silently had confidence in God, so we do have that same confidence, we know that he will guard our hearts and our mental faculties while we wait for the end to come.

Psalm 61:8. In which David happily remembered how he wanted to fulfill his vows once he remembered that it had been done to Jehovah, well we can do it too, we can reflect on our vows and what is the best way to accompany the information in this verse Well, doing so by preaching the good news with enthusiasm will achieve in us, so that our faith will be strengthened every day, so that we can also spread that enthusiasm to our neighbors and thus dedicate our vote in a good way.

Psalm 62:10. It reminds us that we should not give our hearts to riches and this advice is very useful for us because it helps us be balanced in the way we see money or material possessions, and why we can say that it is good advice Well, because the better idea of ​​accumulating material possessions could be attractive, because this world is what instills in us that the only security we can have is to accumulate more and more. However, Jehovah warns us to be careful with this way of thinking because these things are not what will guarantee us eternal life, the only one who can do it is him, so if we want to receive the blessings that Jehovah promises us, then We must strive to invest all our time and energy in the interests of the kingdom and not allow anything to distract us from our spiritual activities.

Psalm 61:5. It says because you, O God, have heard my vows, you have given me the inheritance of those who fear your name, we made a vow when we dedicated ourselves and were baptized, we are fulfilling our vows by vindicating the holy name of Jehovah through preaching, meetings, and we are very grateful to be part of your people and enjoy a spiritual paradise. 

Psalm 62:1-5. In these verses David teaches us to trust in Jehovah. This is essential because sometimes we face difficult situations and many anxieties, but if we have absolute trust in Jehovah, we will see him as our salvation and safe refuge.

Psalm 62:8. Trust in Jehovah and open communication with him help us develop spiritual resilience. They teach us to face life's challenges with a perspective based on faith and hope in Jehovah.

Psalm 62:10. Here we are urged not to delude ourselves into thinking that the group can bring genuine or lasting benefits. Although it may seem like a quick fix for wealth, it actually leads to negative consequences and Jehovah's displeasure.

Psalm 62:9. This text encourages us to recognize that we are just a breath, as this teaches us the importance of humility, which helps us avoid pride and seek Jehovah and trust in him instead of relying on our own strength and achievements. It motivates us to consider the difference between the temporal and the eternal. The things of the world may seem important, but in the grand scheme of things, it is our relationship with Jehovah and spiritual values ​​that really counts.

Psalm 62:10. This verse warns us about the temptation to make profits dishonestly or unjustly. Extortion involves obtaining something through threats, which goes against the principles of honesty and justice.

Psalm 62:5. This verse says "I wait for God in silence because my hope comes from him." This teaches me that all of us who trust in Jehovah while patiently enduring trials can be sure that he will help us at the right time.

Psalm 62:3. There are numerous historical examples of governments that have attempted to wipe out Jehovah's Witnesses, only to see their efforts fail. Since the banning and persecution in several countries, the organization has proven to be resilient, with the help of Jehovah and these governments that seemed strong, but as the text says, they are like a leaning wall that sooner or later falls.

Psalm 62:8. This verse says pour out into his heart before him, referring to Jehovah. Therefore, I can use this text in the Ministry to teach people that instead of reading prayers from a book, a card or a catechism and reciting by heart, it is best to speak to God with respect and from the heart. .

Psalm 62:10. The psalmist also warns us against the illusion that material wealth can create. He teaches us that wealth, although it may increase, should not become the basis of our security and confidence and he reminds us that our priority should be spiritual, not material. Earthly riches are temporary and should not take the place of trust in Jehovah. This approach helps us maintain a balanced perspective on the true value of material possessions.

Psalm 62:8. This passage teaches us to trust in Jehovah at all times, demonstrating that our dependence on Him should not fluctuate with life's circumstances. At all times, good or bad, we must pour out our hearts before God, knowing that He is our refuge and safe place.

Psalm 62:10. This verse teaches me that although material possessions may seem secure, they are not. Therefore, we should not put our trust in them. Rather, we must trust in Jehovah as our true source of security.

Psalm 62:3. This verse compares God's enemies to a leaning wall or a ruined fence, underscoring that their efforts to cause harm are doomed to failure. It teaches us that any attack against Jehovah's organization is doomed to fall, like a weak structure that cannot stand.

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