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Spiritual Gems (10 min.)
Psa 68:18. What men were “as gifts” in ancient Israel? (w06 6/1 10 para. 4).
In ancient Israel, the men who were given as gifts were those who had been taken captive during the conquest of the promised land. Later, these captives were assigned to the Levites to help them in their work. According to Ezra 8:20, these men were appointed to serve in the temple.
The men who had been taken captive during the conquest of the promised land were eventually assigned to help the Levites in their labors. Jehovah gave this gift because he was very interested in the proper organization and care of the early congregation.
The prisoners and gifts represent God's authority over everyone, even the Rebels. In the history of Israel when God granted victories to his people, captured enemy leaders and warriors symbolized God's power and his ability to subjugate opponents, incorporating them as a testimony of his supremacy and control.
A practical lesson that these words remind us is in modern times there are brothers and there are sisters who are true gifts in the congregations, regardless of their age, older brothers older sisters younger sisters and brothers are a gift, they are spiritual gifts in the congregations and this It is because of the qualities they have, the faith, the spirituality that they display is something that is appreciated and appreciated that they are in the congregations, their mere presence, their zeal in the Ministry, their participation is something contagious that promotes unity and peace in the congregation.
Today this verse can be interpreted as a metaphor for God's spiritual triumph over sin and rebellion. Men as gifts can symbolize those who had been prisoners of sin, are freed and transformed by God to serve in his work. This reflects the idea that God can transform even the most rebellious into instruments of his will.
They were assigned to help the Levites and serve God in the temple. This act symbolizes the generosity and divine favor in selecting these men for a special purpose in the service of God.
The fact that God took his enemies prisoners and received them as gifts from men, including the rebels, shows us that he is a God of goodness and mercy, those men could repent and ask for forgiveness, because Jehovah never closes the door to them. no one and will always be willing to forgive.
And something interesting that we can ask ourselves is, Why would God take prisoners? It sounds strange, but let's remember that in Biblical times victory, war was considered a great honor, prisoners were taken as proof of military success, but God takes prisoners for a different reason, to demonstrate his power and to teach a lesson of justice and mercy to those who opposed him.
What spiritual pearls have you found in this week's Bible reading?
Psalm 66:3. The first part of the verse teaches us to recognize and praise the impressive works of Jehovah, it is a reminder that we must be attentive to the wonders of his creation, meditate on everything that Jehovah has created, it is also a way to extract valuable lessons that They can help us trust in their strength and their ability to handle any situation.
Psalm 66:2-4. We are taught and reminded that praise is directed only to Jehovah made blessed name, at no time would it occur to us to wash other brothers, since Jesus told his Anointed disciples not to seek praise, since they were slaves who were of no use. , they did what they had to do.
Psalm 66:1-4. These verses teach us to praise and glorify Jehovah for his wonderful works and the great power we can apply. This teaching in our daily lives by taking time to meditate, recognize and thank Jehovah for his blessings and care. As well as preaching on this topic to encourage other people to do the same.
Psalm 66:5:7. These verses highlight Jehovah's sovereignty and his control over the Nations. This encourages us to trust him and submit to his will, even when things seem out of control.
Psalm 66:16-20. These verses emphasize the importance of approaching God in prayer and being honest with him. We can apply this teaching by being transparent in our actions and always seeking Jehovah's guidance, even in the most everyday decisions.
Psalm chapter 66. It is an invitation to meditate on its passages and apply its lessons. If we do so, we will be able to strengthen our faith and friendship with Jehovah. We will also find a guide to help us face the challenges of life.
Psalm 67:1,2. These verses teach me to pray that Jehovah blesses us not only individually, but also as a people and also that he helps us preach salvation to as many people as possible.
Psalm 68:4-6. These verses teach us to rejoice in Jehovah who is the father of orphans and defender of widows, I can apply this teaching in my daily life by showing compassion for others and by helping the most vulnerable and needy inside and outside the world. congregation.
Psalm 67:6,7. These verses remind us that Jehovah blesses his people and that the land will bear its fruits. This teaches us to trust Jehovah as our provider and motivates us to be good stewards of the resources he gives us.
Psalm 67 verses 1:2. These verses teach me to pray that Jehovah blesses us not only individually, but also as a people and also that he helps us preach salvation to as many people as possible.
Psalm 67:3-5. These verses exhort all nations and peoples to praise Jehovah and rejoice in him. I can apply this teaching in my daily life by cultivating an attitude of gratitude and praise and by sharing that joy with those around me so that they too feel motivated to praise Jehovah.
Psalm 66:5. It speaks of God's actions for humanity, this reminds us of the words of Jesus in Matthew 5, where it is mentioned that God makes the sun rise on the good and the bad, as well as the rain, the practical principle that Jesus taught is to imitate Jehovah , being Kind, not only with those who treat us well, but even with those who have hurt us.
Psalm 66:4. This text makes us aware of the fact of being in the congregation praising Jehovah, many people are not interested in praising God, they prefer to praise creation, that is, famous people from entertainment, sports, influencers, etc. It is certainly a privilege to understand and appreciate being here praising Jehovah.
Psalm 66:5. This text encourages us to contemplate the works of God and recognize his greatness, the verse suggests that by observing the wonders that God has performed we can better understand his character and his love for us. So surely his ability to perform amazing acts and his willingness to act on behalf of his people are expressions of his love.
Psalm 66:9. It reminds us of Jehovah's constant protection and care for those who trust in him, inviting us to have faith and a close relationship with him.
Psalm 66:10. It teaches us that Jehovah has the power to test and refine his people like silver. So this shows us that thanks to Jehovah that many of us who previously lived lives contrary to what he says, today we can proudly say that we are refined and belong to God's people and many more can do the same. So let's continue with the work of the Kingdom.
Psalm 66:17-20. He teaches us about the importance of prayer and gratitude towards God, the Psalmist expresses that in moments of anguish he cried out to Jehovah and was heard. So this highlights God's faithfulness in responding to the pleas of those who trust in him. Furthermore, the passage emphasizes that thanksgiving and praise are appropriate responses to all the wonderful things we have received from God.
Psalm 66:16. It teaches us that by sharing our stories of faith and how God has intervened in our lives we not only strengthen our own faith, but we also inspire and encourage others to seek God, in this verse of Psalms it teaches us that the proclamation of the good new is essential to understand the message of the Kingdom of God to those who do not yet know it.
Psalm 66:17-20. He teaches us about the importance of prayer and gratitude towards God, the Psalmist expresses that in moments of anguish he cried out to Jehovah and was heard. So this highlights God's faithfulness in responding to the pleas of those who trust in him. Furthermore, the passage emphasizes that thanksgiving and praise are appropriate responses to all the wonderful things we have received from God.
Psalm 66:7. It teaches us that Jehovah is a sovereign God who reigns with power and authority over all nations. So the verse highlights that he maintains control of the world and that his gaze is attentive to humanity, which reflects his interest in human affairs. It is also mentioned that he does not allow rebels to rise up against his people, which underlines his role as protector and defender of those who are loyal to him.
Psalm 66:2,4. It invites us to praise Jehovah and proclaim his glory among the nations. The Psalms begins with a call to sing and offer praise to God for his great works. In verse 4 it is mentioned that the entire earth bows down before him and will pay homage to him. recognizing his power and majesty. This passage teaches us the importance of worship and recognition of God's sovereignty, as well as the impact that his greatness has on all creation, and reminds us that praise to God should be a natural response to goodness and power. of the.
Psalm 66:4. It is a call to action for all inhabitants of the planet, here we are invited to praise Jehovah. Unfortunately, very few recognize this individual responsibility, so those of us who worship Jehovah never forget the importance of thanking and recognizing God for his actions in favor of humanity.
Psalm 66:13. It reminds us of many people who often make promises to God perhaps saying if you help me I will obey you for the rest of my life. However, as soon as they improve they often forget the vow, so let us imitate the example of this Psalmist who made a promise to God, remembered it and paid his vow to God.
Psalm 66:10. It teaches us that in the same way that fire refines silver in the smelting process, trials refine our character, provide us with new wisdom and help us discern truth from falsehood, and equip us with the discipline necessary to carry out what we know is good.
Psalm 66:1,2. These verses are a universal invitation to the entire earth to praise God with joy, the call to sing and exalt the glorious name of God, highlights the greatness and divine glory that deserves recognition and worship. This command is not limited only to the people of Israel, but is extended to all nations, underlining the desire for all creation to participate in the praise of God. Today in a world full of divisions, this call to unity in worship can serve as a powerful reminder that despite our differences we can all unite in the celebration of divine glory, thus strengthening our relationship with Jehovah and with each other. others.
Psalm 66:16,17. These verses are a personal testimony from the Psalmist about divine intervention in his life, he invites all who fear God to listen to his account of how God answered his prayers and helped him, this testimony emphasizes the importance of sharing the personal experiences of faith and faithfulness of God, as well as the practice of crying out and praising God sincerely. Today these verses encourage us to share our personal experiences of faith and the answers to our prayers with others. The testimony of what God has done in our lives can strengthen and build the faith of those around us.
Psalm 66:1,2. With these words the psalmist addresses us so that we praise our creator, he deserves the praise of all his creation unlike the inanimate creation that gives him glory in silence, human beings are endowed with the ability to reason, understand, thank and worship.
Psalm 66:3,4. Jehovah is an Almighty God who is interested in exercising complete sovereign command over his intelligent creatures in heaven and on earth, and in seeing that they obtain happiness by ruling over intelligent and living creatures that they willingly and knowingly submit to. his sovereignty and to God and to the splendor of his government. For this reason we must give glory and honor to our great creator.
Psalm 66:5. This text shows us that Jehovah's Witnesses invite people from all over the world with absolute confidence to come and see the activities of God. Jehovah's activities are palpable not only in his creation, but in the work of his people, which is why We strive to seek all people to know our creator.
Psalm 66:18. As the Psalmist said, if we want Jehovah to hear our prayers, we must not do things that offend our creator. Let us keep in mind that Jehovah rejects the prayers of those who lead a double life.
Psalm 66:5. By observing the impressive works of Jehovah our faith is strengthened, seeing how God has acted in the past and in the lives of others gives us confidence in his ability to help us in our own circumstances, appreciating what God has done for us, helps us to maintain an attitude of gratitude and adoration.
Psalm 66:18. It talks about something that makes God not hear our prayers, keeping something bad in our hearts, if we are leading a double life, for example, immorality, adultery etc. Even if we treat others as if they were worthless, this is ours, which motivates us to be right with God.
Psalm 66:6. This verse highlights Jehovah's power to control and alter nature, as he did by parting the Red Sea so the Israelites could cross, this reminds us that he has control over all things and can make the impossible possible.
Psalm 66:7. The mention of Jehovah's eternal power teaches us to depend on his strength and not our own. Recognizing his power helps us trust him in times of difficulty and seek his guidance and protection.
Psalm 66:8. Praising Jehovah is an expression of joy and gratitude. This verse reminds us that the worship we give to Jehovah should be an act of joy and celebration, a precious privilege that allows us to express that happiness.
Psalm 66:10. Just as silver is refined by fire to remove impurity, Jehovah allows us to go through trials and difficulties to purify and strengthen us spiritually.
Psalm 66:16. This text encourages us to share our faith with those who show interest in Jehovah, this shows that we can strengthen the faith of others.
Psalm 66:17-19. Specifically, verse 18 teaches us that for our prayers to be heard by Jehovah, we must have a clean heart. If we keep evil or sin in our heart, that can interfere with our communication with Jehovah. Therefore, sincerity and purity and our relationship with him are of vital importance.
Psalm 66:10. It teaches us that it is important to let Jehovah refine us, lately the organization has been giving us specific advice on Christian living, which would make us wonder if we are applying it, or if we just hear it, but we continue the same as always.
Psalm 66:16,17. These verses are a personal testimony from the Psalmist about divine intervention in his life, he invites all who fear God to listen to his account of how God answered his prayers and helped him, this testimony emphasizes the importance of sharing the personal experiences of faith and faithfulness of God, as well as the practice of crying out and praising God sincerely. Today these verses encourage us to share our personal experiences of faith and the answers to our prayers with others. The testimony of what God has done in our lives can strengthen and build the faith of those around us.
Psalm 66:7. Another lesson from this text is that the stubborn do not exalt themselves, which is what this text mentions. This verse warns against arrogance and self-sufficiency, it teaches us the importance of humility and not exalting oneself, stubbornness and pride can lead us to fall while humility and submission to God are virtues that we must cultivate. .
Psalm 67:2. This verse reveals the purpose behind the request for Divine blessing that God's ways and His salvation be known throughout the Earth and among all nations. The idea is that by blessing his people God will be glorified and his fame will spread throughout the world, currently this verse underlines our responsibility to be witnesses of God's goodness and salvation. As we receive God's blessings, we should share them with others, so that His name may be known and glorified globally.
Psalm 67:6. This text ends with a picture of the land producing in abundance so that God's justice and favor are not only expressed in promises, but are also reflected in actions of prosperity in the land, just as God blessed Israel in the future he will bless the whole earth with prosperity.
Psalm 67:4. This verse celebrates justice and Divine guidance over all nations. The joy of the Nations is based on the fact that God judges fairly, which ensures a just and upright government for all people. Today, this verse is a reminder that God's justice and leadership are reasons for joy for all, and it also inspires us to advocate for justice and righteousness in our communities, reflecting God's character in our actions and decisions. It also encourages us to trust in divine guidance in all aspects of our lives.
Psalm 67:2. It shows us the Psalmist as if he were looking into the future, observing how the preaching of the Kingdom of God spreads throughout the earth. Jesus also predicted this, so let us also continue to participate in the preaching of the Kingdom of God and be part of the fulfillment of this prophecy.
Psalm 67:6. This text ends with a picture of the land producing in abundance so that God's justice and favor are not only expressed in promises, but are also reflected in actions of prosperity in the land, just as God blessed Israel in the future he will bless the whole earth with prosperity.
Psalm 68:5,6. These verses highlight the protective and just nature of God, he is described as a father to orphans and a defender to widows. The most vulnerable members of society. Furthermore, God provides a place for the lonely and frees the captives, granting them happiness today. These verses remind us of the importance of social justice and caring for the most vulnerable, inspiring us to reflect the character of God by protecting and supporting orphans, widows, and those who feel alone or captive due to various circumstances.
Psalm 68:19. This verse is an expression of praise and gratitude to God, for his constant help and salvation, the image of God carrying our burdens daily transmits a deep sense of his care and willingness to help us in our daily difficulties, this verse invites us to a pause to reflect on this truth. Today this verse is a comforting reminder that we are not alone in our daily struggles, we can trust that God is with us willing to carry our burdens and provide us with the salvation we need in times of stress and challenges.
Psalm 68:4. This reading teaches us the importance of praising Jehovah with our voices, when we sing to Jehovah in our meetings we magnify his name, so we must give him due respect.
Psalm 68:6. David praised God for his protection and sustenance, this was a song of faith, since many of these benefits had not yet come in David's time and like David, we too must continue to trust in God, because in his time He will keep all his promises.
Psalm 68:34. It teaches us that when we consider all that God does for us, we can feel a sense of awe, all around us, there are many signs of his wonderful power, the unlimited power he has leaves us surprised, that is why we are very lucky to have a God who takes care of us.
Psalm 68:6. David praised God for his protection and sustenance, this was a song of faith, since many of these benefits had not yet come in David's time and like David, we too must continue to trust in God, because in his time He will keep all his promises.
Psalm 68:34. It teaches us that when we consider all that God does for us, we can feel a sense of awe, all around us, there are many signs of his wonderful power, the unlimited power he has leaves us surprised, that is why we are very lucky to have a God who takes care of us.
Psalm 68:5. This verse makes us think about how important it is to invite Jehovah, helping widows and orphans we meet on our way. James 1:27 says that it is true worship, unlike this, the world and people with religion do the opposite, they take advantage of them.
Psalm 68:11. It teaches us that our sisters are very important, in fact the organization is made up mostly of sisters rather than men, without a doubt, we respect and value their service in the congregation.
Psalm 68:35. It helps us see that the strong one and the source of strength is Jehovah, and we depend on him. If we learn to depend on Jehovah we will receive strength, and when these are gone, we can ask for strength again and continue forward.
Psalm 68:35. This same text reminds us of the words of the apostle Paul who said that I have strength for all things by virtue of him who gives me power. Therefore, Jehovah gives strength and power to his people and to his servants individually. Let us not tire of asking for his active strength, that is, his Holy Spirit and above all, the Holy Spirit of He bears fruit in us.
Psalm 68:19,20. These verses highlight that Jehovah is our salvation and strength, this reminds me that I must trust Jehovah and depend on him especially in the midst of life's difficulties.
Psalm 68:30. This verse shows how David asks Jehovah not to allow the enemies of his people to use his power to cause harm. This teaches me that I can also ask Jehovah in prayer to protect us from our enemies, and from all those who seek to attack his people and prevent the preaching of the message of the good news of the Kingdom from reaching the entire inhabited earth.
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