Monday, July 8, 2024

LIVING AS CHRISTIANS: Week 8 to July 14, 2024, Video: Baston Nyirenda: Nothing can “separate us from the love of God”, Analysis and Answers.

LIVING AS CHRISTIANS:  8-14-July-2024, Video: Baston Nyirenda: Nothing can “separate us from the love of God”, Analysis and Responses.

Nothing can “separate us from the love of God” (10 mins.) Analysis with the audience.

Play the VIDEO. Then ask:

What did Jehovah do to care for Brother Nyirenda in times of persecution?

On several occasions it is mentioned how Jehovah helped Brother Nyirenda escape from life-threatening situations, for example after being severely beaten and left tied up, a guard out of compassion untied him and allowed him to escape, suggesting an act of divine intervention by touching the heart. of the guard.


Brother Nyirenda found refuge and care in the homes of other brothers who welcomed him and cared for him in critical moments. This shows how Jehovah used the Christian brotherhood to provide support and physical protection.

Despite adverse circumstances and constant danger, the brother found comfort and strength in the scriptures and in his relationship with God he specifically cited Romans 8:38 to 39, a passage that expresses the conviction that nothing can separate us from the love of God, indicating how faith provided him with peace and emotional and spiritual help.

During the time he spent in the refugee camp and later in prison Brother Nyirenda had the ability to remember and recite the scriptures this provided strength and comfort to him and others this memorization of Biblical texts and spiritual songs seems to have been a great It helps because it prepared you to face challenges in the future.

Later in Nyirenda he was released, although he faced the threat of further persecution in Malawi. Jehovah helped him find refuge in Mozambique where he could practice his faith with some freedom, during his time in the refugee camp the texts and songs of the Kingdom that he had memorized. strengthened and prepared for future tests. This spiritual preparation was crucial when he had to return to Malawi and once again face persecution and imprisonment, throughout this time Jehovah was present providing a means of escape, peace of mind and spiritual strength. 

He also protected him and gave him peace, the brother remembered the words of Romans chapter 8 verses 38 and 39, where he mentions that nothing can separate us from the love of Jehovah, he values ​​​​everything he did to serve him in those difficult times and helped him not surrender. Jehovah also cared for him through his word the Bible, he renewed his strength by remembering biblical texts and gave him the wisdom he needed to remain faithful in the face of trials. 

This experience teaches us that unlike the love of human beings that can change or disappear, the love that God feels for those who trust in him is unalterable and eternal. Without a doubt, always keeping this fact in mind will motivate us to always be faithful to him and show him our love. 


In the mid-60s when I was a pioneer, it was difficult for the brothers to remain neutral, because the political situation in Malawi began to change rapidly, the brothers were beaten and their Bibles and literature burned for refusing to buy the party card, where I lived, they burned the houses of the brothers and the Kingdom Hall.

On one occasion they arrested me for not having the match card, they tied my hands and beat me tremendously. When they went to dinner, one of them stayed watching me, I felt very sorry for him and he told me when they come back they are going to kill you. , then he told me: "If you think you can crawl, I will untie your hands and let you go." I managed to crawl out and in complete darkness I arrived as best I could to the house of a brother who was very good to me and helped me.

Jehovah gave me a way out so that I could endure, in the end it was officially announced that the work of Jehovah's Witnesses was prohibited. To avoid being discovered we had to hold meetings from 9 at night to 1 in the morning more or less.

We couldn't sing at the Meetings and we couldn't applaud either, because otherwise they would discover us. So when we wanted to express our gratitude or when we really liked something we rubbed our hands together. 

At my work it was found out that I was a Jehovah's Witness and then the police arrested me, they took me to Chichiri prison and then Somba prison, which was where they put those sentenced to death, my cell was next to the execution room. . I thought they were going to kill me too.

Jehovah gave me Peace, I couldn't stop thinking about Romans 8:38 and 39, I was convinced that not even death could separate me from the love of God, when they released me I was very happy to be back with my wife and my children, but like staying in Malawi and it was very dangerous, we had to flee to Mozambique, we spent three years in the De Blanquemi refugee camp, there they let us have Bibles, songbooks and other publications.

When we think about the things that happened in the field, we realize that Jehovah was preparing us for what was coming. We had to learn texts and songs of the Kingdom, one of those texts was Habakkuk 3:17 and 18, which was the text of the year. 1974, verse 18 says even so I will be very happy, thanks to Jehovah I will be happy, thanks to the God of my salvation, we did not even imagine how much that text was going to help us later 

In 1975 we had to return to Malawi due to the civil war in Mozambique, they arrested me and took me to Chaleca prison, we had to work from morning until night without eating or resting, the cells were full and most of us had to sleep in soil.

At that time, what we learned in the refugee camp in Mozambique was very useful to us. All the texts and songs that we memorized strengthened us a lot and it was at that moment that that text of the year that we received in Mozambique helped us so much, one brother said habakkuk and another said chapter 3 verses 17 and 18, then everyone else said those verses From memory, that greatly strengthened our faith.

The publications were distributed clandestinely in the country thanks to brothers who traveled hundreds of kilometers by bicycle. The magazines were printed on Bible paper, which is much lighter than normal paper and so the brothers could carry twice as many publications on their bicycle. We also received mini magazines that could be folded and stored easily in our pockets.

Once they managed to give us a copy of the yearbook, which then included the daily texts for the entire year. So what we did was copy all the daily texts onto toilet paper, then we sent some of those texts to our sisters who were in another part of the prison. All of these things were wonderful gifts from Jehovah that helped us a lot to stay strong spiritually. 

In 2002 I was sent to Somba prison again, but this time not as a prisoner, but as a district superintendent to attend a mini circuit assembly. When I entered there my mind went back 33 years, when I was in that same prison next to the execution rooms. Without a doubt I have seen that the words of Isaiah 54:17 are true, what does it say, no weapon they make against you will work. 

My wife and I endured persecution from governments many times, we lived without shelter and food, in refugee camps, prisons, we suffered beatings and the death of loved ones and sometimes we even thought we were going to die. Even so, we have always seen that Jehovah has cared for us with love. During all those trials we were convinced and we remain totally convinced that there is nothing that can separate us from the love of God. 

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