Monday, July 8, 2024

LIVING AS CHRISTIANS: Week 8 to July 14, 2024, Video: Become a friend of Jehovah: What do you have to do to get baptized?, Analysis and Answers.

LIVING AS CHRISTIANS:  July 8-14, 2024, Video: Become a friend of Jehovah: What do you have to do to get baptized?, Analysis and Answers.

Become a friend of Jehovah: What do you have to do to get baptized? (5 mins.) Analysis with the audience. Play the VIDEO. Then, if possible, invite some children you have chosen beforehand to the platform and ask them: 

To be baptized, what things are more important than your age? 

The most important thing is to love Jehovah and want to obey Jesus in everything. 


The fundamental motivation for being baptized must be a sincere love for God and a genuine desire to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Demonstrate a commitment to biblical principles through actions such as obeying parents and living in a way that pleases God. 

And what steps do you have to take to get baptized?

Obey my parents, read the Bible to learn from Jehovah, tell others what we learned from him, that is, preach when we go to meetings, look for friends who love Jehovah, the most important thing is to pray to Jehovah and tell him that I want to serve him forever. 


We can show that we want to be baptized by the things we do. For example, in the video it was mentioned that to obey our parents we can read the Bible and learn more about Jehovah, that will help us obey ourselves and not do the things that Jehovah hates. Then we will have the desire to tell others what we have learned from him, especially when we go out to preach.

Baptism is an event that changes our lives and opens the door to many blessings. For this reason, it is an honor to serve Jehovah wholeheartedly and show him day by day that we live for him.

Make a personal prayer where you dedicate your life to God, expressing the desire to serve Him forever 

Regular activity in preaching and constant attendance at Meetings are indicative of a serious commitment to spiritual commitments. 

Furthermore, when we go to meetings, the video encourages us to look for friends who also love Jehovah and most important of all, we must make a prayer to Jehovah and tell him that we want to serve him forever and that is the reason why we want to be baptized in front of him. others, since it shows that we are dedicating our lives to Jehovah.

Also at the end of the video, SofĂ­a's father encouraged her to research more about the steps to be baptized and then encouraged her to tell him about it in family worship.

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