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Congregation Bible study (30 mins.) bt chap. 13 paras. 8-16 and box on page. 105.
“Much discussion” (Acts 15:2)
8. Why did the governing body have to be consulted on the issue of circumcision?
The need to consult on the issue of circumcision arose due to the intensity of the debate among the Christians of Antioch. Luke describes that Paul and Barnabas disagreed with the men who came down from Judea and claimed that circumcision was necessary for salvation.
This led to much discussion which showed that both sides defended their positions with firmness and conviction. In the absence of consensus and in order to protect the peace and unity of the congregation, the wise decision was made to consult the Apostles and the elders of Jerusalem.
The Antioch congregation demonstrated an attitude of humility and wisdom by seeking the guidance, authority and experience of the Apostles and elders, understanding that a resolution based on the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the consensus of senior leaders would be crucial to maintaining cohesion and unity in the first century congregation, this fact demonstrates the importance of consultation and consensus in decision making within the congregation.
The elders of Antioch recognized that they needed the guidance of the apostles and elders in Jerusalem, who had the authority and experience to resolve complex doctrinal issues. Despite differences of opinion, the elders prioritized the unity of the congregation and sought a solution that would maintain peace among the brothers.
The Antioch elders teach us the importance of seeking appropriate spiritual guidance, valuing the unity of the congregation, and being humble in recognizing our own limitations.
9, 10. What do we learn from the brothers in Antioch as well as from Paul and Barnabas?
First, we learn the importance of trusting in Jehovah's organization. The brothers of Antioch, despite knowing that all the members of the Governing Body were of Jewish origin, were confident that they would resolve the issue of circumcision based on the scriptures. Jehovah's Witnesses today must imitate this example by trusting in Jehovah's organization and governing body when sensitive and challenging issues arise.
Secondly, we learn the importance of being humble and patient. Paul and Barnabas, despite having been appointed by the Holy Spirit to preach to the nations, did not consider themselves entitled to resolve the issue of circumcision on their own, instead of To impose their point of view they sought direction from the ruling body in Jerusalem.
The brothers at Antioch trusted that the governing body, composed of members of Jewish origin, would resolve the circumcision issue based on the Scriptures. This confidence was based on his faith that Jehovah would direct matters through his holy spirit and Jesus Christ, who is the head of the congregation.
We learn that when sensitive issues arise, we should imitate the Christians of Antioch by trusting in God's organization and the Governing Body for proper guidance and direction.
Paul and Barnabas, although appointed by holy spirit to preach to the nations, did not assume that they had the right to resolve the circumcision issue on their own. Instead, they recognized the need to go to the governing body in Jerusalem.
Paul mentioned that he went up to Jerusalem “because of a revelation,” which indicates that he was following God's direction, which teaches us to always follow Jehovah's direction in any decision we must make in life.
From Paul and Barnabas we learn the importance of being humble and patient, especially when facing difficult issues. Elders today should also strive to display these qualities as they seek God's direction and organization.
11, 12. Why is it important to wait for Jehovah to clarify things?
Jehovah always teaches us for our own good. Therefore, we should not allow pride to lead us to insist that our personal opinion is the best or to criticize changes or clarifications made by the organization.
The history of the Christian Congregation of the first century clearly shows that Jehovah has always helped his servants to understand the truth progressively. We too today adjust our beliefs as Jehovah helps us better understand the truth. Therefore, let us have patience and humility, as they are essential in waiting for Jehovah to clarify things for us so that we can advance in our understanding of the truth.
Delay in clarifying certain issues may be necessary to allow believers to adjust to significant changes. For example, although Cornelius was anointed in the year 36, the brothers had to wait until the year 49 for Jehovah to clarify whether Gentiles should be circumcised or not. This gave the sincere Jews time to adjust to this change, as they had been under the covenant of circumcision for 1,900 years.
Waiting shows that Jehovah guides and shapes us with patience and affection. He teaches us for our own good, and his guidance is always for our benefit as mentioned in Isaiah 48:17, and this patient process is an expression of Jehovah's love and wisdom.
Waiting for Jehovah to clarify things helps us avoid pride. It teaches us not to insist that our personal opinion is the best or to criticize changes or clarifications made by the organization. Humility and patience are essential to accept divine guidance.
Waiting also strengthens our trust in God's organization. We recognize that Jehovah, through his holy spirit and Jesus Christ, directs his people and that changes and clarifications are made under his direction and at the appropriate time.
13. How can we imitate Jehovah's patience in our ministry?
To imitate Jehovah's patience in our ministry, it is essential to show understanding and tolerance toward students who have difficulty abandoning unbiblical beliefs or customs rooted in a person's heart, which is the work of the Holy Spirit.
Therefore, it is crucial to allow the Holy Spirit to act in the heart of the student, which often requires time. We can also pray for wisdom and patience, this will help us know how to handle each specific situation and act in a loving and effective way. Jehovah in due time will tell us what we should do.
We understand that some students may have difficulty letting go of unbiblical beliefs or customs to which they are attached. We must show patience and give them reasonable time for the holy spirit to work in their hearts.
Just as Jehovah shows patience and affection, we should strive to be empathetic and understanding toward those we are teaching. Acknowledging their struggles and supporting them in their process of change reflects Jehovah's love and patience.
We must continue to offer support and guidance consistently, without becoming discouraged. Just as a farmer waits patiently for the harvest, we too must wait patiently for students to grow spiritually.
The historical example that demonstrates that Jehovah helps his servants understand the truth is found in the history of the Christian Congregation of the first century, which is a clear example that Jehovah has always helped his servants to understand the truth. little by little.
We can compare the adjustment of beliefs of the first Christians with that of today's Jehovah's Witnesses, because like the first Christians, we adjust our beliefs as Jehovah helps us understand the truth.
The principle that the Christian congregation follows in relation to Biblical interpretation is that we never force the Bible to fit our opinions. The congregation follows the principle of not adapting the Bible to fit personal opinions. This approach seeks to maintain the integrity and purity of biblical teachings, avoiding interpretations that are not in accordance with the Bible.
An associate professor of religious studies at Northern Arizona University wrote that Jehovah's Witnesses analyze the Bible with a certain innocence and base their beliefs and practices on what the Bible really says and not on preconceived ideas about what it says. What do you think you should say?
According to Jason Beduhn, a religious studies scholar, Jehovah's Witnesses are seen as people who analyze the Bible sincerely and without preconceived ideas. This testimony highlights the objectivity and dedication of the Witnesses by basing their teachings directly on the Biblical text.
The biblical quotes that they mention to support the process of understanding the truth little by little are found in Proverbs 4:18, Daniel 12:4,9,10 and Acts 15:7-9, which are used to support the concept of that the understanding of Divine truth is progressive. These verses show how the light of truth becomes clearer with time and how knowledge increases as God's appointed time approaches.
They were “recounting in detail” encouraging experiences (Acts 15:3-5)
14, 15. (a) How did the Antioch congregation show consideration to Paul, Barnabas, and their companions?
The congregation of Antioch showed great consideration and affection towards Paul Barnabas and his companions when they accompanied them during part of the journey to Jerusalem. This act not only showed them support, but also that they wished them Jehovah's blessing on their mission. This action reflects deep brotherly love and solid spiritual unity the brothers of antioch left us an excellent example of how we should treat our spiritual brothers, especially those who work hard in the congregation.
The congregation accompanied them during part of the journey, demonstrating their support and affection. This act of accompaniment was a tangible expression of love and solidarity. By accompanying them, the congregation showed that they desired God's blessing for Paul, Barnabas, and his companions. This gesture reflected his deep desire for them to succeed in their mission and be protected by Jehovah.
The Antioch congregation left a good example of how to show care and consideration to those who are at the forefront of ministry. His attitude demonstrates the value of supporting and honoring those who work hard in preaching and teaching.
14, 15.b) How did Paul and his companions encourage the brothers in Phenicia and Samaria?
On their journey Paul and his companions took the opportunity to encourage the brothers in Phoenicia and Samaria by sharing in detail how Jehovah had safely blessed their preaching among the Gentiles.
These uplifting stories made the brothers very happy. Sharing positive experiences and testimonies of how Jehovah blesses the work of preaching can be a powerful source of encouragement, especially for those who are facing difficulties. Sharing these experiences strengthens our congregation and helps us maintain a spirit of joy and Hope, knowing that we are participating in a work that has Jehovah's blessing.
Paul and his companions encouraged the brothers in Phenicia and Samaria by telling them in detail how he had been preaching to the Gentiles. This encouraged them greatly, since among these Christians there were probably Jews who fled there after Stephen's death. Similarly, today we are encouraged by hearing stories about how Jehovah blesses the preaching work, especially if we are going through difficult situations.
16. What indicates that the issue of circumcision had become a serious problem?
When Paul Barnabas and his companions arrived in Jerusalem after traveling 550 km (350 miles) from Antioch, they were kindly received by the congregation, the Apostles and the elders.
The brothers who arrived were kindly received by the congregation, the apostles and the elders. However, tensions arose when some members of the sect of the Pharisees who had become believers rose up and claimed that Gentile converts needed to be circumcised and ordered to obey the Law of Moses.
However, despite the positive reports that some members of the sect of the Pharisees who had become believers insisted on the need to circumcise the Gentiles and order them to obey the law of Moses, this conflict shows that the issue of circumcision was not a minor disagreement, but rather a serious problem that threatened the unity and peace of the congregation.
The need to resolve this matter in the presence of the Apostles and elders underlines its importance and the urgency of maintaining unity in the growing Christian congregation.
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