Tuesday, July 2, 2024

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week from July 1 to 7, 2024, Constancia: Analysis with the audience. Play the VIDEO and then analyze the booklet A Labor of Love, Lesson 7, Points 1, 2. Analysis and Answers.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: July 1-7-2024, Lesson 7, Points 1, 2. Analysis and Answers.

What Pablo did (7 mins.) Analysis with the audience. Play the VIDEO and then analyze the brochure A labor of love lesson 7 points 1, 2.

Although there were some who did not hear his message, how do we know that Paul did not give up?

We know that Paul did not give up because, as the text mentions, for three months he continued preaching in the synagogue, despite opposition. Furthermore, he changed his strategy and began teaching daily at Tirano's school. His perseverance bore fruit, since after two years, everyone who lived in Asia, both Jews and Greeks, heard the word of God.

How often did Paul talk to those who were interested, and for how long did he do so?

Paul spoke daily with those who were interested, and he did so over a period of two years. This is mentioned in Acts 19:9-10, where it is said that Paul departed from them and separated the disciples, speaking every day in the school about one who bore the name of Tyrant. Thus he continued for two years. 

What do we learn from Paul's example?

From Paul's example we learn that to be good visitors and start Bible courses, it takes time and effort. Paul spent three months preaching in the Synagogue and then two years teaching daily in the tyrant's school. His perseverance and commitment demonstrated that reaching and teaching people requires continued dedication and sustained effort.


Despite opposition and difficulties Paul continued with his mission showing endurance and unwavering faith in his purpose. We, too, can show unwavering loyalty if we continue to strive to declare the Kingdom message. 

Paul did not give up in the face of opposition, he continued to preach and teach despite the challenges and initial resistance. And maybe our territory, well maybe they don't listen to us, but just by seeing us, it already constitutes a testimony for them.

When Paul encountered resistance in the Synagogue, he changed his teaching strategy and location, moving to the school of Tyrannus. We may not be able to move to other places, but what we can do is change our preaching times so we can find other family members who are attracted to the message.

Their effort and dedication resulted in many people, both Jews and Greeks throughout Asia, hearing the word of Jesus. This shows that perseverance and commitment can have a significant and lasting impact if we don't give up.

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