Monday, July 8, 2024

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week 8 to July 14, 2024, Make return visits: FROM HOUSE TO HOUSE. (Making disciples: a work of love, Lesson 7 point 4). Prepared Assignment.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: July 8-14, 2024, Make return visits: FROM HOUSE TO HOUSE. (Making disciples: a work of love, Lesson 7 point 4). Prepared Assignment.

Make return visits (4 mins.) FROM HOUSE TO HOUSE. Tell the person about the JW Library® application and show them how to install it (lmd lesson 7 point 4).

Publisher: Hello, good morning. How has she been doing? How good to meet again.

Assistant: Hello, if it's a pleasure, it reminds me that last week we saw each other in the supermarket and now he is in my home. It's good to see him again.

Publisher: True, how did it go? How are your children, you had told me that they were a little sick. 

Assistant: They are fine now, but a few days ago when I told you, They were very sick with flu and fever, but with rest and care they improved quickly, illnesses do not warn, it is something we have to deal with

Publisher: Yes, yes, we all get sick, sooner or later, we all go through some difficult situation, in this case due to an illness, but did you know that the day will come when there will be no more illnesses?

Helper: Yes, when we go to heaven. 

Publisher: Well, the hope that the Bible offers for humanity in general is to live on earth as a paradise. 

Helper: On earth?

Publisher: Yes, Let me show you a Biblical text, it is Psalms 37:11 it says like this………………….As you noticed, on earth we are going to enjoy perfect health, happiness and eternal life, which was what that God intended from the beginning. 

Helper: That's interesting. I would like to know more and get more information about that topic.

Publisher: Jehovah's Witnesses We have an application such as the JW library, which you can download to your phone. There I can find a lot of important information. If you allow me, I can show you how to install it, it is very easy. 

Assistant: It looks very interesting, I'm going to look at it more calmly later. 

Publisher: Okay, what do you think if I come back to continue talking next week, and thus answer the following question: Why do we die? What do you think? Next week, what day would you like me to come back? 

Assistant: Yes, of course, I would like to know the answer to that question, you can come on Friday at 3 in the afternoon.  

Publisher: Of course, then I'll see you on Friday afternoon. Have a great day.

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