Monday, July 8, 2024

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week 8 to July 14, 2024, Speech: Let us trust in Jehovah when we receive instructions, Lesson 18, Prepared Assignment.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY:  July 8-14, 2024, Speech: Let us trust in Jehovah when we receive instructions, Lesson 18, Prepared Assignment.

Speech (5 mins.) w22.02 4, 5 paras. 7-10. Title: Let us trust in Jehovah when we receive instructions (th lesson 20).

Let's think about this scene: A loving father lovingly instructs his children to be successful in life, and a good son loves, respects and willingly accepts the parents' instructions, and what is the reason for the children? children to obey their parents? Well, the reason is that they know it is for their well-being. 

In a similar way, our loving heavenly father, Jehovah, provides all faithful servants with the direction that brings success and joy in life. For this reason, it is important that we follow the instructions that God gives us through the inspired word of the Bible and his earthly organization. 

Speaking of instructions, we are convinced that Jehovah always does what is right. But we may find it difficult to trust his representatives here on earth. We may wonder if they are doing things God's way or their own, that could have happened to some people in Biblical times.

As we read the Bible we may wonder why Jehovah treated some people in certain ways. For example, in the book of Numbers we read that Jehovah sentenced an Israelite to death for gathering firewood on the Sabbath, but in the second book of Samuel we read that centuries later Jehovah forgave King David even though he had committed adultery and murder. 

This may make us wonder: Why did Jehovah forgive David such serious sins, but condemn other men for an offense that was not so serious? And the reality is this, we cannot say that we trust in Jehovah, if we do not trust in his representatives on earth, you understand He trusts. Today he uses the faithful and prudent slave to give us wise instructions. Please read the book of Acts, chapter 16 and verses 4 and 5. If he found it, please accompany me with the reading, it says like this.


As they traveled from city to city, they passed on to the brothers the decisions made by the apostles and elders who were in Jerusalem so that they would obey them. 5 As a result, the congregations continued to become firm in the faith and grow day by day.

The faithful slave directs the world work and gives instructions to the congregations, and the elders ensure that they follow the instructions so that the congregations go well. So if we follow the organization's instructions we show that we trust Jehovah's way of doing things, even if sometimes we find it difficult to support the elders' decisions.

Currently we have noticed the changes that have been made to reorganize many congregations and circuits. The elders have asked some publishers to change congregations. If that were to happen to us, it would be difficult for us to leave our family and friends. It may be difficult, but Jehovah trusts his decisions and we must do the same. 

Now why should we trust the instructions that Jehovah gives us, because when we follow them we maintain unity in the congregation, the congregation benefits, and if we accept them we show that we are humble and at the same time we recognize Jehovah as the great instructor who guide. So let us be determined to obey Jehovah's instructions willingly and be convinced that Jehovah's way of doing things is always right.

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