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“Serve the Lord with joy” (PSA. 100:2).
1. What feelings do some have when going out to preach? (See also the image).
THE servants of Jehovah preach because we love our heavenly Father and we want people to know him. Many brothers love preaching, but others have a harder time enjoying it. Why the difference? Some are very shy and do not have much confidence in themselves. Others don't feel comfortable going to see people without being invited. There are those who are afraid of being rejected. And others have been taught to avoid confrontation. They all love Jehovah very much, but they find it very difficult to bring the good news to strangers. Of course, as they understand the importance of this work, they frequently participate in it. How happy Jehovah must be with them!
Two sisters preaching from house to house. One of them looks happy, but the other looks uncomfortable and nervous. Do you enjoy preaching? (See paragraph 1).
2. Why shouldn't you get discouraged if you have trouble feeling comfortable in ministry?
2 And you? Do you find it difficult to feel comfortable in ministry? If that happens to you sometimes, don't be discouraged. Your insecurity may be a sign of humility. Maybe it's because he doesn't want to attract attention or get into arguments. Plus, no one likes to be rejected, especially when all you want is to help. His heavenly Father understands very well the challenges he faces, and wants to give him a hand (Isa. 41:13). In this article we will review five suggestions for dealing with those feelings and enjoying preaching more.
3. Where did Jeremiah get the strength to preach?
3 Through the centuries, God's message has strengthened his servants when they had a difficult task ahead of them. Let's look at the prophet Jeremiah. When Jehovah commanded him to preach, he felt intimidated and said: “I don't know how to speak. I am only a boy” (Jer. 1:6). How did he manage to overcome his insecurities? He received strength from the word of God. He said, “His words from him became […] like a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was tired of containing them” (Jer. 20:8, 9). Jeremiah's territory was not easy, but the message he had to proclaim gave him the necessary strength to fulfill his mission.
4. What do we achieve when we read the Word of God and meditate on it? (Colossians 1:9, 10).
4 Christians are also strengthened by the message of the Word of God. Writing to the Christians in Colossae, the apostle Paul told them that accurate knowledge could motivate them to behave “in a manner worthy of Jehovah” and to “bear fruit in every good work” (read Colossians 1:9, 10). And, without a doubt, a good work is to preach the good news. As we see, when we read the Word of God and meditate on it, our faith in Jehovah is strengthened and we better understand why it is so important to carry the message of the Kingdom.
5. What will help us get the most out of the Bible?
5 To get the most out of the Word of God, we cannot read, study and meditate on the run. What can you do, for example, if you come across a Bible text that you don't understand? Instead of overlooking it, look for an explanation of the verse in the Watch Tower Publications Index or the Study Guide for Jehovah's Witnesses. If you spend enough time studying, your confidence in God's Word will grow (1 Thes. 5:21). And the more you trust the Bible, the more you will enjoy sharing what you have learned with others.
6. Why should we prepare well for the ministry?
6 If you prepare well for ministry, you will likely find yourself more comfortable talking to people. Jesus prepared his disciples before sending them out to preach (Luke 10:1-11). And as they put into practice what Jesus had taught them , they were very happy for all they accomplished (Luke 10:17).
7. How could we prepare for preaching? (See also the image).
7 How could we prepare for preaching? Let's think about how to express the message of truth in our own words. It would also be advisable to consider two or three common reactions in the territory and what we would say in each case. This way, when we talk, we can focus on being relaxed, smiling and being friendly.
The sister who was uncomfortable and nervous in the previous image is now at home reading the booklet “Making Disciples: A Labor of Love.” Prepare well for the preaching. (See paragraph 7).
8. How are Christians like clay pots?
8 The apostle Paul used a comparison that illustrates our role in preaching. He said, “We have this treasure in earthen vessels” (2 Cor. 4:7). But what is this treasure ? It is the preaching of the message of the Kingdom, a work that saves lives (2 Cor. 4:1). And what are clay pots? We are the servants of God, who bring the good news. In Paul's time, merchants transported valuable items such as food, wine, or money in clay vessels. Today Jehovah has also entrusted us with something very valuable: the message of good news. With his support, we will have the necessary strength to faithfully fulfill our mission of carrying the message.
9. How can we overcome the fear of men and the fear of rejection? (See also the image).
9 Sometimes we may feel fear of rejection or fear of man. How can we overcome it? Let's think about the prayer the apostles prayed when they were ordered to stop preaching. Instead of allowing fear to overcome them, they asked Jehovah to help them continue speaking his word “with great courage.” And he answered them immediately (Acts 4:18, 29, 31). When fear of man invades us, let us also ask Jehovah for help. That's right, let's ask Him to help us overcome the fear of man with love of neighbor.
The same sister is in a market praying silently. Ask God for courage. (See paragraph 9).
10. What help do we have to fulfill our commission as Jehovah's Witnesses? (Isaiah 43:10-12).
10 Jehovah has made us his Witnesses (read Isaiah 43:10-12). And he promises to help us be brave. Let's review four ways he helps us achieve this. First, Jesus is with us when we preach the good news (Matt. 28:18-20). Second, Jehovah has commissioned angels to help us (Rev. 14:6). Third, Jehovah gives us his holy spirit, a helper who reminds us of what we have learned (John 14:25, 26). And, fourth, Jehovah gives us brothers and sisters to accompany us. With the support of Jehovah and our loving brotherhood, we have everything we need to succeed in the fight against fear.
11. What can you do to reach more people with the message? (See also the image).
11 Do you get discouraged when there are few people in the houses? In that case, ask yourself: “Where are they right now? Are they working or shopping?” (Acts 16:13). Then consider preaching on the streets. A brother named Joshua explains: “It has worked for me to look for opportunities to preach while walking through markets, shopping centers, and public parking lots.” He and his wife, Bridget, have found more people in homes by visiting in the evening and on Sundays after noon. (Eph. 5:15, 16)
The same sister is at the market giving a jw.org contact card to a vendor. Be adaptable. (See paragraph 11).
12. How can we find out what people believe and the topics they are interested in?
12 If people don't show much interest in our message, let's try to find out what they believe and what they care about. Joshua and Bridget take the question that appears on the cover of the treatises as the basis for their introductions. For example, when they offer the tract What Does the Bible Mean to You?, they say: “Some people believe that the Bible comes from God, and others do not. And you, what do you think?” In this way, they often manage to start a conversation.
13. How is it possible to be successful in preaching even if no one listens to us? (Proverbs 27:11).
13 Success in preaching is not measured in results. Because? Because what counts is doing what Jehovah and his Son ask of us: bearing witness (Acts 10:42). So let's not worry too much if we can't talk to anyone or if they reject our message. We can always have the satisfaction of having pleased our heavenly Father (read Proverbs 27:11).
14. How do we feel when a publisher finds someone interested in the truth, and why?
14 We can also share the joy other publishers feel when they find someone who responds to the message. The Watchtower has compared our work to the search for a missing child. There are many who search for it, and they cover one section after another. When the child finally appears, not only is the person who finds him happy; everyone is happy. Likewise, making disciples is a team effort. We are all needed to cover the territory, and we are all happy when someone starts attending meetings.
15. What will help our enthusiasm grow? (Matthew 22:37-39; see also image).
15 Our enthusiasm for preaching will grow as we focus on love for Jehovah and our neighbor . (Read Matthew 22:37-39.) Imagine how happy Jehovah is to see us preach, and how happy people will be when they begin to study the Bible. And don't forget that those who accept the message will receive salvation (John 6:40; 1 Tim. 4:16).
Two sisters preaching from house to house. One of them is the same as in the previous images. He has a magazine in her hands and is confidently talking about her to a woman. Love for Jehovah and your neighbor will help you enjoy preaching more. (See paragraph 15).
16. How will we enjoy the ministry even if we can't leave the house? Include some example.
16 What if you can't leave the house? Then, focus on everything you can do to show love for Jehovah and your neighbors. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Samuel and Dania were confined to their home. Throughout this difficult period, they preached by phone, wrote letters, and led Bible courses on Zoom. Furthermore, Samuel gave testimony at the clinic where he was being treated for cancer. He says: “Problems exhaust you physically, mentally and spiritually. Therefore, we need the joy that comes from serving Jehovah.” In the midst of all this, Dania suffered a fall and had to stay in bed for three months. And then she had to use a wheelchair for six months. She explains: “I tried to do everything that the circumstances allowed me to do. I was able to preach to a nurse who visited me and talk to the delivery drivers who came to my house. I also managed to have good telephone conversations with a representative of a medical company.” It is true that Samuel and Dania were limited by circumstances; but, as they did everything they could, they felt very happy.
17. When will the suggestions in this article work best?
17 The suggestions in this article will work best if applied together. Each one of them is like the ingredient in a recipe. When all the ingredients are combined well, the result is delicious. If we put all these suggestions into practice, we will be able to deal with negative feelings and enjoy preaching more.
Prepare well.
Good preparation is the key, since we will find it more comfortable and relaxing to talk to people, if we prepare ourselves thoroughly and if we do not feel sufficiently prepared, we can ask our brothers for help, like Jesus helped the disciples, since Jesus prepared his disciples before sending them out to preach and as a result they returned very happy with the results of their preparation.
Ask God for courage.
They help us not to let ourselves be overcome by the fear of man, to do this we must think about the prayer that the apostles made when they ordered them to stop preaching. Instead of allowing fear to overcome them, they asked Jehovah to help them continue to speak his word with great courage. And Jehovah answered them immediately. They felt fear just like us, but they did not allow themselves to be overcome by that fear.
Focus on love for Jehovah and neighbor.
It will help us enjoy our ministry and find more interested people. Even if they are not interested, we will be able to give them a testimony or the opportunity to hear the message and that is our success, and if someone progresses it is a gift. Some change and adapt their schedule and presentations according to the circumstances of the territory.
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