Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Watchtower Study, Week 17 to June 23, 2024, Strengthen our trust in the organization, Underlined Answers.

Watchtower Study, June 17-23, 2024, Let's strengthen our trust in the organization, Underlined Answers.

Yellow: Direct Response

Light Yellow: Additional Response

Light Blue: Additional Points

“Remember those who guide you, who have spoken to you about the word of God” (HEB. 13:7).

1. How were Jehovah's servants organized in the first century?

WHENEVER Jehovah assigns a task to his servants, he expects them to carry it out in an organized manner. (1 Cor. 14:33) For example, he desires that the good news be preached throughout the inhabited Earth (Matt. 24:14). And he has given Jesus the responsibility of directing that work. Jesus, in turn, has ensured that everything is well organized.  In the first century, in Jerusalem there was a group made up of the apostles and elders of that city who were responsible for making decisions and giving instructions to the congregations to follow (Acts 15:2; 16:4).  In all congregations, elders were appointed to direct them and transmit those instructions to the brothers (Acts 14:23).  As the brothers were obedient, “the congregations continued to become firm in the faith and grow” (Acts 16:5).

2. How has Jehovah guided and nourished his people since 1919?

2 In modern times, Jehovah has continued to organize his people. In 1919,  Jesus began using a small group of anointed men to organize preaching and provide spiritual nourishment to his disciples (Luke 12:42).  And it is evident that Jehovah is blessing the work that this group does (Isa. 60:22; 65:13, 14).

3, 4. a) Explain with an example how it benefits us to be well organized. b) What will we see in this article?

3 If we were not organized, we would not be able to fulfill the mission that Jesus gave us (Matt. 28:19, 20).  a). For example, if the territory of the congregation was not organized, everyone could preach wherever they wanted. And then perhaps we would go to the same places again and again, while in others we would never preach.  Can you think of any other advantages of being well organized?

4 Today, Jesus organizes God's people in much the same way he organized his disciples when he was on Earth.  b). In this article, we will analyze the example that Jesus set and see how our organization follows in his footsteps. We will also talk about what we can do to show our trust in Jehovah’s organization.


5. How does the organization imitate the example of Jesus? (John 8:28).

5 Jesus learned from his heavenly Father what he had to do and say.  Similarly, Jehovah's organization bases all of its counsel and teaching on God's Word (read John 8:28; 2 Tim. 3:16, 17).  Additionally, we are often reminded to read the Bible and put what we learn into practice.  How does following this advice benefit us?

6. What is an important benefit of us studying the Bible?

6 Studying the Bible with the help of our publications benefits us greatly.  For example, it allows us to compare what the Bible teaches with the instructions that the organization gives us.  When we see that these instructions are based on the Scriptures, our confidence in Jehovah’s organization is strengthened.​—Rom. 12:2.

7. What message did Jesus preach, and how does Jehovah's organization follow his example?

Jesus preached “the good news of the Kingdom of God”  (Luke 4:43, 44). Furthermore, he commanded his disciples to do the same (Luke 9:1, 2; 10:8, 9).  Today, everyone in Jehovah's organization preaches the Kingdom message regardless of where they live or how many responsibilities they have.

8. What privilege do we have?

Bringing the truth of the Kingdom of God to people is an immense privilege.  In fact, not everyone can do it.  For example, when Jesus was on Earth, he did not allow demons to testify about him (Luke 4:41).  In our times, in order for a person to go out and preach with Jehovah's Witnesses, he first has to meet some requirements.  How do we show that we value the privilege we have to preach? Taking advantage of every opportunity to bear witness.  Like Jesus, we aim to plant and water the seeds of truth in people's hearts (Matt. 13:3, 23; 1 Cor. 3:6).

9. What has the organization done to make God's name known?

Jesus made the name of God known. In a prayer he told his heavenly Father: “I have made your name known” (John 17:26).  Jehovah's organization imitates his example by doing everything possible to let people know what God is called.  One of the main tools to achieve this is the New World Translation, which is available—in whole or in part—in more than 270 languages.  This translation of the Bible has returned God's name to the places where it originally appeared when it was written.  Appendices A4 and A5 contain detailed information on the restitution of God's name. And Appendix C, which is in the Study Bible, offers plenty of evidence that God's name must appear in the Christian Greek Scriptures 237 times.

10. What does the experience of a Myanmar woman teach us?

10  Like Jesus, we want as many people as possible to know God's name.  In Myanmar, a Witness taught a 67-year-old woman  that God's name is Jehovah. The woman was so moved that tears came to her eyes and she said:  “This is the first time I have heard the name of God. […] You have taught me the most important thing I have learned in my life.”  This experience shows us that learning the name of God can mark a before and after in the lives of sincere people.


11. How can elders demonstrate their trust in God's organization? (See also photos).

11 How can elders demonstrate their trust in God's organization?  One way is to read very carefully the instructions they receive and then follow them as best they can.  For example, they receive instructions on how assignments and prayers should be done in the meeting, but also how they should care for Christ's sheep.  When the elders follow all the instructions given to them by the organization, the brothers feel that Jehovah loves them and is caring for them.


Series of images: 1. Three elders gather in a Kingdom Hall to discuss the congregation's territory. 2. Later, one of the elders is on the street with two sisters explaining to them where to put the strollers so that it is safe. The elders help us to trust the instructions given to us by Jehovah's organization. (See paragraph 11). 

12. a) Why should we follow the instructions of those who direct us? (Hebrews 13:7, 17). b) Why should we focus on the good things of those who lead us?

12  When the elders give us an instruction, the best we can do is follow it willingly. This way we make it easier for them to fulfill their responsibility.  The Bible tells us to be obedient and submissive to those who lead us (read Hebrews 13:7, 17).  That is not always easy, because the elderly are imperfect. But let's remember that, if instead of focusing on its good things we obsess over its defects, we would be doing just what our enemies want. Why do we say this?  Because, if we think badly of the elderly, we can end up distrusting God's organization,  which is precisely their objective.  Now, what concrete things can we do to identify and reject the lies of our enemies?


13. How do our enemies present God's organization?

13  Our enemies present God's organization in such a way that its good things appear bad.  For example, the Bible teaches that Jehovah wants his servants to be clean physically, morally, and spiritually.  It also says that anyone who leads an unclean life and does not repent should be expelled from the congregation (1 Cor. 5:11-13; 6:9, 10).  Because we follow that command, enemies accuse us of being intolerant and cruel, and of believing we are better than others.

14. What is the origin of the false stories told about our organization?

14 Let us remember what the true origin of the attacks is.  Satan, “the father of lies,” is behind the false stories told about our organization (John 8:44; Gen. 3:1-5).  He doesn't surprise us that he uses certain people to spread those lies. After all, he already did it in the first century.

15. What did the religious leaders do to Jesus and his disciples?

15  Although Jesus, the Son of God, was perfect and performed wonderful miracles, Satan used certain people to tell all kinds of lies about him.  For example, religious leaders told people that Jesus cast out demons “by the ruler of demons” (Mark 3:22).  Then,  during Jesus' trial, religious leaders accused him of blasphemy and convinced the crowds to demand that he be sentenced to death (Matt. 27:20).  Later, when Christ's disciples began to preach, their enemies “rioted the people” and “turned them against” them so that they would persecute them (Acts 14:2, 19). Speaking of Acts 14:2,  The Watchtower of December 1, 1998, explained that it was not enough for Jewish opponents to reject the message, but they “undertook a campaign of smears” to turn the people of other nations against the Jews. Christians.

16. What should we remember if we receive false stories?

16  Satan has never stopped lying, and today he continues to “deceive the entire inhabited earth” (Rev. 12:9).  Therefore, if we hear negative stories about the organization or about the brothers who lead it,  let us remember what the enemies of God did with Jesus and with the disciples of the first century.  Enemies will not be able to deceive us if we are very clear about where their lies come from and we immediately protect ourselves.  What should we do to protect ourselves?

17. What should we do if we receive false stories? (2 Timothy 1:13; see also the sidebar “Has a False Story Reached You? What Should You Do?”)

17  Let's reject false stories.  The apostle Paul explained very clearly what we should do if such stories reach us.  In 1 Timothy 1:3, 4 he gave this command: “Neither pay attention to false stories.” And to Timothy he gave this advice: “Reject false stories that are irreverent” (1 Tim. 4:7).  To give an example: if a small child finds an object on the floor, he or she may grab it and put it in his or her mouth; but a mature person would never do that, because he knows where he is coming from and understands that he can hurt him.  For that same reason,  we reject false stories and only listen to the “sound words” of truth (read 2 Timothy 1:13).

Did you get a false story? What should you do

These types of stories can reach us in several ways.  For example, maybe a brother shares something with us because he finds it encouraging but hasn't checked to see if it's true.  Maybe someone will email us one of those stories. Or, while we are preaching, an apostate may pretend to be someone who is interested in the Bible.

1. If it comes from a friend with good intentions:

We may ask you if what you sent us came from a trustworthy source.  If you haven't checked, it is best to delete the message and not forward it to anyone (Prov. 14:15).

2. If we receive an unsolicited email with extraordinary stories about Jehovah's Witnesses:

Sometimes we can receive messages that seem to come from a friend's email account.  Let's talk to him to make sure that he was the one who sent it and that he verified that the information came from a reliable source.  If he didn't send it or if he hasn't checked it, let's delete the email (Prov. 27:12).

3. If we talk to someone who seems to be interested in the Bible but is actually an apostate:

If he begins to make increasingly negative comments about the organization or tries to give us apostate information,  let's respectfully end the conversation (2 John 10).


Series of images: Various ways in which false stories can reach us. 1. A man recording a podcast. 2. A woman whispering. 3. Unsolicited emails. 4. Advertising pamphlets in the physical mailbox. A sister who receives these pamphlets in her mailbox tears them up.

18. How can we demonstrate our trust in Jehovah's organization?

18 In conclusion, we have seen three ways in which God's organization imitates Jesus, but they are not the only ones.  As you study the Bible, you are sure to find many more.  Be sure to help your siblings strengthen their confidence in the organization. And continue to serve Jehovah loyally, letting nothing separate you from the organization he uses to accomplish his will.​—Ps. 37:28.  Isn't it an honor to serve Jehovah in an organization where love and loyalty reign? Let us always value that privilege!


In what ways do God's people imitate Jesus?

Jehovah's organization goes to all its teaching counsels. as we are often reminded to read the Bible and put into practice what we learn.

The Organization has been doing everything possible to let people know What God is called. One of the main tools to achieve this is the New World Translation, it is available in whole or in part in more than 270 languages.

How can we always demonstrate our trust in Jehovah's organization?

One way is to read very carefully the instructions we receive and then follow them as best we can. 

We must always read the Bible, know what the biblical principles are, the commandments of God, and not allow anything or anyone to make us disobey Jehovah. 

What should we do if we receive false stories?

In 1 Timothy 1:3,4 He gives us the command that we should not pay attention to false stories and Timothy gave the advice to reject false stories that are irreverent. As mentioned in 1 Timothy 4:7. 

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