Friday, June 7, 2024

Watchtower Study, Trust that You Have Jehovah's Approval, Week 3 to June 9, 2024, Comments and Responses.

Watchtower Study, Trust that You Have Jehovah's Approval, June 3-9-2024, Comments and Responses.

You have my approval” (LUK. 3:22).

1. What might some servants of Jehovah think?

The text with which paragraph one begins, Psalm 149:4, is beautiful, Jehovah is delighted with his people, we know that well, but some come to think that Jehovah is delighted or happy with all his servants as a group, in a general way. , but it is not individually, with our service.


And it may be difficult for us to believe that we have his approval, of course that is not new, if we see here the texts of 1 Samuel, Job and the psalm, servants of the past are mentioned there who also found it difficult to believe that they had his approval.

Well, some servants of Jehovah who had to believe that they had Jehovah's approval in their state of discouragement, for example Job, who is one of them found in Job 29:2, said in his depressive moment, I wish I could go back to the months that The days when God took care of me have passed, but we may also pass that stage where we become discouraged by some situation, thinking to see if we will have Jehovah's approval and never doubting the great love that he has given us, that is, that he has for us. .

Jehovah's love is so great Imagine that we are imperfect And who will we turn to if we have big problems? He is the greatest help as he also helped those of our ancestors and those of our ancestors also felt that Jehovah has abandoned them and we also feel the same but For that we have to fill ourselves with faith and believe that he is not a man to lie so we have to move on. 

2. Who has Jehovah's approval?

Those who have taken steps to become his friends, that is, they have had to demonstrate faith in Jesus Christ, repent of their sins, promise to do his will and be baptized, by doing our utmost to fulfill that vow of dedication. Jehovah gives us your approval and friendship.


Manifesting faith, as mentioned in the paragraph, goes beyond simply believing in Jehovah and his promises, it must be demonstrated as here he gives us a practical case by baptizing us.

After baptism we have to put in maximum effort to fulfill our vow of dedication.

The previous paragraph is good in the text that came from Psalm 51:11 David told him not to take his holy spirit from whom Acts 2:38 says that if we repent and are baptized in the name of Jesus Christ they will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, as well This is Jehovah's way of giving us his approval.

How important it is that we strive to trust in Jehovah and above all because what we have to do is fulfill our dedication that we once made when we were baptized and this gives us approval from Jehovah and is what helps us maintain a good friendship with Jehovah, an intimate friendship that is something that those of us who strive to maintain is what will help us remain faithful.

3. What questions will we answer in this article?

We have three questions: Why might some sometimes think that Jehovah does not approve of them? Another, in what ways does he show us that he is happy with us? and lastly, that he will help us to be sure that we have his approval? Each of these questions will be answered under each of the subheadings. 


4, 5. What can we be sure of even if we have self-esteem problems?

Many have had self-esteem problems due to their life history, but we must remember that Jehovah was the one who brought us to his people, because he saw good qualities in us and knows what we really are and how valuable we are to him.


A good reminder appears in paragraph 5, in the text of 1 Samuel 16:7 when Jehovah said to Samuel, “Do not notice his appearance or how tall he is,” because Jehovah does not notice that, he knows perfectly our heart.

Well, what we can be sure of is that if we are in Jehovah's people it is because Jehovah has brought us to him. As Jesus said, if someone wants to come after me, that is, it has to be attracted by my father, it has to be Jehovah who He has seen the conditions of our hearts, but it is true that many people, due to their childhood, have very low self-esteem, as this man Tony mentioned here, at home they never told him that he did things well, they never told him that he was up to the task, so this made him convince himself that he was worthless, but that is not the case with Jehovah with us.

We may think that we are worthless, but on the other hand, Jehovah sees what men do not see, as they say in Samuel 16:7. Sometimes we feel inferior to others, we compare ourselves to other people, and Jehovah, on the other hand, does not do that. In other words, he sees how we feel. see what we are in the heart.

And if we are struggling with that feeling of self-esteem or feel that we are inferior or that it is difficult for us to continue, it is very reassuring what it says in first John 3:19 and 20 that until our heart betrays us, Jehovah says that our heart is far superior to us. So that reassures us.

A very beautiful phrase that says in Second Chronicle 6:30 that Jehovah is bigger than our heart, so what sometimes even we do not know about ourselves because he sees how we really are because we do things with what intention So he has no doubt about what we really are and that's what we have to trust.

Yes, although our self-esteem makes us think that to the point of truly believing it, there is another text along the same lines that is being commented on in John 6:44. It is very beautiful because the text is saying that if we are here today it is not because What we have wanted is because Jehovah has brought us to him, so that should make us think about something. If we don't trust ourselves, at least we should trust Jehovah.

In the Text that we read first from John 3 in verse 19, part B says that Jehovah is greater than our heart and knows everything and it is true that sometimes we could feel like imperfect beings that we are worthless, but if we think about it coldly it is as if we were saying to Jehovah, you don't know how I feel or what I am worth, I know more than you in this sense, if Jehovah is our creator and knows us better than we know ourselves the paragraph At the end he says that if Jehovah says that we are valuable, it means that we are and our negative opinion in that sense has no place.

Remembering the words of John 6:44 can encourage us a lot because here we see that Jehovah is the only one who can attract us to his people, so if we are in the truth it is because Jehovah wanted us to be here and has seen something good in us and That is why we are here and we know that Jehovah is not wrong either.

Jehovah has the ability to see us as we really are in first Samuel 16:7 it says that Jehovah does not see things as we see them, we see the appearance what is before our eyes but Jehovah sees the heart, so he is the only one who really knows what we are like even better than ourselves.

Interesting second of Chronicles 6:30 that says that he will repay each person according to his behavior but then the very nice paragraph says that Jehovah sees the good qualities that we have that perhaps we ourselves do not know and as the text of Psalms says, he sees the qualities within us and will repay us according to them.

And here we have two cases of low esteem of two brothers, for example, Tony says that about growing up with his parents who never told him that they were proud of him and also never lived up to what they expected of him.

6. How did Paul feel when he thought about his sins?

For although Paul had repented of his sins, he had been baptized and considered himself the least of the Apostles and the worst of sinners.


It is interesting that the way he felt was written down in the letters, of course under the direction of Jehovah, so that we can see that other servants of God felt guilty for what they had done before knowing the truth. Therefore, he expressed that he felt unhappy when he remembered his imperfections, although he had repented of his sins and had been baptized, he considered himself the least of the Apostles, and the worst of sinners, it is possible that some of us feel this way. manner.

He also felt very unhappy as he says in Romans 24 and he says how unhappy I am who will free me from the body that is suffering this death, so Paul was suffering the anguish of times past and he felt even smaller before all of them.

Yes, Paul felt totally unhappy even though he had already repented of his sins, even though he had already dedicated himself to Jehovah, he had dedicated his entire life to him, but still when he wrote to the Corinthians in his first letter he said that he considered himself the least of the Apostles and even that he did not deserve to be called an apostle.

Yes, what he did before Jesus spoke to him was to persecute Christians and to see what things he participated in in such a way that made him feel guilty, his heart was wounded, and that was despite the time and all the privileges he had, well. I still had that feeling.

That is why it is possible that many brothers may feel guilty for the things they did before knowing the truth or possibly brothers who have been in the truth for a long time if we have to continue fighting with the same problems and that can make us feel bad because we see that we are not moving forward.

The text of 1 Timothy 1:15 is very beautiful in the sense that even knowing that Jehovah had forgiven his sins, even knowing that he had God's approval, how beautiful it was when he said that Christ came into the world to save sinners and all of them. I am the worst like him, even knowing that he was forgiven by Jehovah, that pain continued to torment him and it surely tormented him throughout his life.

7. What can we be sure of if we repent?

That Jehovah has forgiven us is indicated in Psalm 86:5. Jehovah is good and he is willing to forgive. So if we are still bothered by memories of what we have done in the past, we want to be sure that Jehovah has truly forgiven us.


Psalm 86:5 says it very clearly, he is willing to forgive since his loyal love for all who love him is immense, so thanks to this text we can also be sure that Jehovah will forgive us as long as we demonstrate sincere and heartfelt repentance. .

And that expression that says that he is willing to forgive lends itself to this because he commented on a Watchtower that means that Jehovah actively searches for any change in our way of thinking in our hearts in order to have a basis to be able to extend mercy to us and we can do that. See in examples from the past kings who intentionally did everything they could to offend him, such as Ahab or Manasseh, humiliated themselves and Jehovah at that moment extended mercy to him, he was waiting to show mercy as he does with us today.

Colossians 2:13 conveys an idea similar to the one they were commenting on and it does not end by saying that he reluctantly forgave us for all our offenses, it says that with kindness, as well as the attitude that Jehovah has towards when we make mistakes, that detail is also very nice.

We have to truly repent of our sins, not to say well, Jehovah already understands how I am and I cannot change, that's not the case. If we have committed some fault, we have to regret very much having done that, but we must not doubt that if Jehovah says that we forgive forgive us.

Psalm 86:5 is very beautiful and says that Jehovah is good and that he is willing to forgive, so there is Jehovah, even if we make mistakes, he forgives us if we repent from the heart.

8, 9. What will help us stop thinking that nothing we do is enough for Jehovah?

Here, in paragraph 8, the example of Sister Amanda is presented, where she says that she had to give Jehovah more and more and she demanded more of herself than necessary, but when she did not measure up, that is, she did not reach the point that she wanted, she felt that Jehovah was disappointed in her. However, we want to remember that Jehovah is not demanding, but reasonable and that we are going to give him little or a lot, depending on our circumstances, we are not going to do exactly the same as others, but even so, he values ​​us very much, he will never ask for more than we can give you.


And we return to the example of the apostle Paul and others, they did a lot while they could when Paul was free, but when he was in prison, he continued doing perhaps little, but he did it with quality, always for Jehovah, that is why what counts for Jehovah, It is not the amount we give, but the reason why we are doing it.

Personally, Pablo's example helps me because of course Pablo was because he was in prison and there was no other way, he couldn't do everything he had been doing, but it is a good example for those of us who have had to slow down, which is not easy because one also loves What he does and seeing that he cannot do it is difficult and you can even think and this will serve Jehovah what I do, but what a good example he sets for us and how kind how loving Jehovah is and his organization that gives us examples like Paul to encourage us.

And also the idea that paragraph 9 gives us about being reasonable and if we see what the word reasonable means it says that it is sufficient in quality or quantity and the idea of ​​the paragraph goes very clearly in that direction perhaps when we had the possibility we did a lot. quantity and that was reasonable but now we can also be reasonable because the quality may be less but it is still exactly as valid for Jehovah and how nice that Jehovah is a lot or a little, if we do it from the heart he really values ​​it very much.

The paragraph comments on this feeling that what one does is never enough is what this sister Amanda had. Her problem was that she said she didn't measure up. The problem is that the size is determined by oneself, not by Jehovah, and then sometimes even the longer When one is in the truth, one is more aware of the imperfections of one's failures and we would say that we enter a spiral of demanding more and more of ourselves, but this is simply a personal point of view. Jehovah does not think that way.

Yes, he did not concentrate on what he had done and could not do but on what he could do at that moment and it says here, for example, the text of Acts 28:30 and 31 that he stayed locked up in a rented house but preached to everyone. that he came to visit him and we also know that he wrote letters and we know that Jehovah blessed him for that.

It makes me think of siblings who are older or whose circumstances have changed even though they are not older, they make an effort, they don't have to get discouraged because for us, for example, it is an example for me to see siblings like MarĂ­a or my mother or other older siblings. They are giving you the piss so to speak so they do what they can so Jehovah must be proud of them.

So we must begin by being balanced ourselves when it comes to not demanding more from ourselves and keeping in mind that, like the apostle Paul, our circumstances change throughout our lives and we will not always be able to give Jehovah the same. Therefore, if we do what we can with all our soul, we can be sure that Jehovah is happy with us because what he takes into account is the reasons why we do it.

Well, he spent two years in his house and there he did what he could, because the story also says that he kindly received everyone who visited him and preached to them about the Kingdom of God, so within his circumstances he continued to do his best. 


10. How does Jehovah “tell” us that he is happy with us? (John 16:27).

The first way is through his word in the Bible. We know that Jesus perfectly imitates his father, so when we read his words that were affectionately addressed to his servants, it is as if Jehovah was saying them to us.


And if we look at what John 16 27 said, the father himself loves them. That is a clear demonstration of how Jehovah sends his contentment towards us, and that is why in this image where this sister is, this staging says Jehovah shows us in many ways that we have his approval, and one of them is by reading the word, there it comforts us to know what Jehovah tells us personally.

Well, we have to read the Bible, then there we find the passages where Jesus, as he treated his disciples, also told them that Jehovah had loved him and therefore, as he copied his example, he loved us. In that case, he spoke to the disciples but he spoke in general of all humanity, therefore when we read the Bible we feel Jehovah's affection for us.

Jehovah personally told Jesus that he loved him that he loved him that he had his approval and in that way Jesus transmitted to his disciples the affection that his father had transmitted to him, now Jesus transmitting to his disciples today in broadcasting we can see that Brothers always say, brothers, we love you and that is the way of transmitting the affection that Jehovah has for his servants.

John 15:15 there we see Jesus who, despite the imperfections of the Apostles, says that he called them friends, that is, Jesus saw them as friends, we can think that Jehovah sees us as his friends.

Both Jehovah as a father and Jesus also imitating his likeness as he takes care of us because we have seen at the beginning that there were brothers who had no self-esteem because their parents had never told them I love you, but it is a big difference in Jehovah in Jesus and they tell it to us. us through the Bible.

And the truth is that it is a nice reminder time after time to be able to have access to the Bible and be able to read these words because in many contexts of circumstances in which Jesus tells or shows them the affection that his disciples had, we can identify with them because They were not the best moments that the disciples were going through and so that reminds us that even in those moments Jehovah continues to love us.


Well here we can see a sister who is reading the Bible calmly at home and we see that she is enjoying them and of course this sister may have her own opinion of herself, perhaps she has things in which she wants to improve or mistakes from the past that can discourage but now reading the Bible and meditating on it can see things as Jehovah sees them correct her point of view and this makes her feel calm and it can be seen from her face that she is happy.

A sister at home reading the Bible. Jehovah shows us in many ways that we have his approval. (See paragraph 10).

11. Why should we not see trials as a sign that we have lost God's approval? (James 1:12).

Well, we should not see tests as a demonstration that we have lost God's approval because it is not. Jehovah sometimes allows his servants to go through tests even though they are doing things well, on the contrary what they are is an opportunity to continue demonstrating to others. Jehovah, we love it, if we get discouraged there we could end up falling.


In this paragraph 11 the account of what happened to his servant Job is given. So Jehovah sometimes allows us to go through difficulties, but rather than seeing trials as Jehovah's disapproval, we should see them as an opportunity to show him that we love him deeply and trust him, because we know that he will help us or get us through. of the trial that Jehovah takes away or having the necessary energy to endure it. In such difficult moments is when we best perceive his support and affection. If we do not have proof we would lose this, although the situation is not pleasant, we would lose from perceiving Jehovah's love in different ways.

Sometimes he allows us to go through difficulties like he did with Job where Satan was testing him and challenging Jehovah, so what we can do is see those trials and difficulties as opportunities to show that we love Jehovah and how beautiful it is as We have seen in the speech that Jehovah will use our names to demonstrate that we serve him out of love.

Sometimes we see trials as a sign that we have lost God's approval, but another very interesting detail about Job's case is that when Jehovah allowed Satan to test him he said that there is no one like him on earth, he is a man. upright and upright who fears God and avoids all evil, so he had not lost his approval on the contrary Jehovah loved him very much.

And this same idea that is mentioned about Job is not only in chapter 1 but later in chapter 2 when he sees that after taking away all his possessions he even gets sick and but first he rebukes God that it is your turn. to its very bones and there are two more texts in the Bible that harmonize with this one, Proverbs gives an answer that mockingly challenges Jehovah and then Jesus also said that Satan has demanded to sift us like wheat, so the conclusion is that we see each test as an opportunity to give an answer to Satan that we are really going to be faithful to Jehovah.

How comforting are the words of James 1:2 because the first word tells us that we can be happy even through these types of trials and for the simple fact that Jehovah will never leave us alone just as he did not do with Job and in this way. way it will help us overcome them.

12. What does Dimitri's experience teach us?

This brother lost his job, many months passed and he couldn't find another one, so he decided to preach more to show Jehovah that he trusted him, until of course a job appeared. But after a long time he was still out of work. Now came the complication, his health forced him to be in bed, for this reason, he thought that Jehovah was disappointed with him, as a father, as a husband, but he noticed what his little daughter did, he printed a paper for him Isaiah 30:15, where He says his strength will depend on him remaining calm and showing confidence. Jehovah used his girl to encourage her father, and of course he realized that thanks to Jehovah even though his health was not good, nor did he have a job, but Jehovah was helping his family to have clothes, food and a roof.


He understood that with that text what he had to do was stay calm and continue trusting in my God, he said. And here we have a staging of what may have happened to this brother, it is a demonstration in many ways that we have his approval, with a biblical text that a girl, in this case her daughter, helped him remember.

Here we see how he helps people who are humble and turn to him that in order to overcome and face the test we have to trust in Jehovah, let's not get nervous and lose our cool. Jehovah is the one who will help us endure.

Many times, brothers have lost their jobs, they have increased their spiritual activity and a wonderful job has come out, but the same does not happen here and sometimes we could confuse whether things end well or, as I believe, they do well, I have Jehovah's blessing, if not, no, How beautiful the paragraph and the experience because Jehovah's blessing is what gives us the strength to endure. The answer may or may not be what we expected, but we will always have the strength to endure.

Yes, it also shows us that the fact that we serve Jehovah does not automatically make us a protective barrier from problems. This brother not only had one, he had a lot, but where can we find the strength he received and where was the problem, that perhaps he thought a lot? in his own strength to overcome all those problems and perhaps he was forgetting that Jehovah was in control of the situation, so when he thought that the best thing to do was, as his little girl said in this text, leave everything in Jehovah's hands, that's when he felt good. .

Maybe we could think about how to stay calm in such a desperate situation. Sometimes it is very difficult to put yourself in the situation when someone does not have a job and on top of that comes a totally terrible health, so these are situations in which even humanly it is difficult but this part where he says what It is what we have to do to trust, then he knows and he will give us the strength to endure, probably this brother has not gotten the job however Jehovah God will give him the strength and through the brothers he will receive the corresponding help.

Then we see that he started to think, of course, he didn't have a job, but he thanked Jehovah that his family still had clothes, food and a roof over his head and he said that what he had to do was stay calm and continue trusting in Jehovah God and he would surely do it. I was going to get the job.


A sick brother who is in bed holds a paper in one hand, and his little daughter holds his other hand. Jehovah shows us in many ways that we have his approval. (See paragraph 12). to

13. How else can Jehovah express his approval to us?

Well, many times he uses his brothers, many times when we need words of encouragement most, the brother or sister arrives at the appropriate moment to encourage us and this is reflected that Jehovah cares about us and that we have his approval.


Through his servants, our brothers, Jehovah may use them to give us words of encouragement just when we need it most. And here we have the case of a sister who lost her job, became seriously ill and also her husband committed a serious sin and had to stop being an elder. Therefore her spirits must have been low. How did Jehovah use his servants to encourage this sister? Elders came and encouraged her to see that she still had the love of Jehovah and of course the congregation, and this sister, so to speak, tested Jehovah by telling her that she wanted to see his support and that same day she received a very affectionate letter where no not just one brother or sister, but several brothers in the congregation, and when she read it she felt that Jehovah had heard her.

And in this representation that we have, this image indicates that Jehovah shows us in many ways that we have his approval, brothers who visit us from one moment to the next, or send us a text message, a biblical text, a card, a note or a simple word, but it shows us that Jehovah is concerned about our situation.

And seeing that this is a way that Jehovah uses to encourage us and the brothers, then he also encourages us to be a source of encouragement ourselves, to be observers, to try to be encouragers, and when we see perhaps a brother or sister who needs our help, support we are at your side because then we will be a tool in Jehovah's hands to help others.

At any moment any of us can find ourselves in a situation where we can even think that bad things are happening to us because we have lost the favor of Jehovah. Our mind can tell us this and it is curious because, as Joseph has done very well, both the elders Like the rest of the congregation, Jehovah used them to encourage us at the right time, therefore the fact that we pass a test does not mean that we have lost Jehovah's approval because Jehovah assures us that he will give us the strength to endure those situations that sometimes we cannot. we understand them.

How beautiful when he says that many times the kind words of others reflect Jehovah's approval of how valuable we are to Jehovah, as they say in Psalms 10:17, which says that he who hears the noise of the meek will make our hearts firm and will be attentive to us, How good to have a father, such a loving God.


We see in the photograph that Jehovah is now using the elders to encourage the sister to regain her joy so that she can be assured that she has Jehovah's approval.

Two elderly people visit a sister at her house. They have her Bibles open while they talk to her. Jehovah shows us in many ways that we have her approval. (See paragraph 13). 

14. How else does Jehovah use the brothers to express his approval of us?

Jehovah uses them to advise us when we need it, for example he used the apostle Paul to write 14 letters to the Christians of the first century by inspiration, he used him because he was good, loving and disciplined like a father does with a son he loved. This is what Jehovah does, today he uses a brother or even a sister when he advises us with the Bible and that is a sign that Jehovah continues to love us, and that of course he is using this servant to correct us, because he loves us, because he does not want that we get into trouble.


Yes Hebrews 12:6 says that Jehovah disciplines those he loves So precisely Jehovah wants to polish us, he wants to refine us, he wants to make us better people because he loves us and that is why sometimes they use our brothers in the congregation to polish us to discipline us, give us advice, correct us and thus be better.

That is why it is good that when someone gives us advice we do not think that perhaps the person is giving us advice, if it is good advice we have to think that it comes from Jehovah.

Also sometimes when we receive advice and it is based on the Bible, sometimes we may not like it or we may think that we have lost Jehovah's approval but it is not at all a sign of his great love.

And here he mentions the paragraph that Jehovah used the apostle Paul to write 14 letters to the Christians who were Anointed Christians. But these letters included firm advice to rectify the course of the Christians so that they could please Jehovah more and be of more encouragement to the congregation.


15. To whom does Jehovah give his holy spirit, and of what can we be sure?

Jehovah gives his holy spirit to those who have his approval and how do we know that we have his holy spirit? because we reflect the qualities of the fruit of the spirit and that is a demonstration that Jehovah is happy with us.


Well, as Matthew 12:18 says, Jehovah gives his holy spirit to those who have his approval, so we can be fully convinced that Jehovah is very happy with us if we observe that we are demonstrating the qualities of the fruit of the spirit.

If we demonstrate in our daily life the qualities of that fruit of the spirit, if Jehovah is giving us the spirit and we have to demonstrate it, then by being loving, having patience, having self-control, then let those qualities of the fruit be reflected in us in our daily life in how we treat others.

We have here this representation of the proofs that Jehovah has approval of us. As this brother is demonstrating his love and kindness to this elderly person who has had an accident that the fruits will fall, and he is lovingly helping, this is a faithful reflection that we possess the Holy Spirit of Jehovah.

And we have here this box where it is indicated about the spirit or the fruit of the spirit, and some characteristics are mentioned there according to certain magazines of the Watchtowers, that if we want to delve into the subject, we can analyze these nine qualities of the fruit of the spirit, Let us remember there are not nine fruits of the spirit, they are qualities or characteristics and it is a single fruit.

ANSWERS BASED ON THE BOX: “The fruit of the spirit is…”

Good project, of course, all of them, I really liked it in terms of the goodness precisely related to photography. The article from March 19 said that this quality, resembling what a painter does, a painter when he is drawing a painting he not only does it With two brush strokes but with many tiny brush strokes he can create a spectacular work, with small good acts that we do to others we can create a complete picture of goodness.


I really liked the article that talks about self-control, which is a quality that costs a lot to cultivate and that can be lost very easily, but since Jehovah is always helping us and that is why he says that it is good that we ask Jehovah in prayer and Avoid anything that weakens our ability to show that self-control.

I really liked the one about great patience, he said that being patient means more than resigning yourself to a difficult situation, it means holding on without losing hope and he mentioned that one of the best examples was Jehovah because he has always been very patient and he mentioned when Abraham questioned his decision. to destroy his taming that first he did not interrupt him but listened patiently as Abraham expressed his doubts and then showed him that he had heard him by repeating his concerns and assured him that he was not going to destroy Sodom, how can we imitate this example in different areas of life, the Watchtower mentioned situations that can make us lose patience and how to cope with them.

For example, that of love is very beautiful because who dares to define what love is is complicated, however through the manifestations or traits of love one identifies this precious trait of the fruit of the spirit.

Yes, as far as faith strengthens us, I was talking about how our attitude is when studying the Bible, when studying all the things that in some way can help us see that our circumstances or things in the near future are going to be a reality, a positive attitude is a key that opens us to Jehovah.

I also discuss the idea of ​​faith because I liked it because sometimes when we think about faith I have faith, but it is not only a word said and that's it I believe, to have faith is to believe because it is very good what it says that even in Santiago that even the demons also believe, so the question I should ask myself is if I believe and the demons believe, there must be something more in faith that I must show that the demons do not.

Analyzing precisely this image, I looked for what quality the brother could be developing and then it is benignity, which also means kindness and kindness is not only being polite and courteous but goes further, it is kindness motivated by love and empathy, doing things. for others.


Well, you see a brother who perhaps comes from an assembly, is well dressed and groomed and now he has seen that a grandmother has dropped things and has done an act of kindness moved by the Holy Spirit to help her.

Yes, the photograph shows an act of kindness from this brother towards the elderly lady. So when one demonstrates these qualities, the qualities of the fruit of the spirit, he is demonstrating that he is receiving it, therefore it is an assurance for us that Jehovah is giving us precisely that spirit.

A brother helps an elderly woman who has dropped some of the things she bought. What evidence do you have that you have Jehovah's approval? (See paragraph 15).

16. According to 1 Thessalonians 2:4, who does Jehovah use to preach the good news? And how does that make you feel?

Well, Jehovah uses those he approves and trusts to announce the good news. And here we have the case of this sister named Jocelyn, when she woke up that morning she says she felt, without strength, unable to do anything. So he prayed to Jehovah and went out that morning, and found a woman in the preaching who was willing to study named Mary. Months later, when, without a doubt, there was more confidence, this woman told him that the morning Joceyn called At her door she had been praying to God to ask for help and Jocelyn arrived, although she did not feel like going out that day to the activity, she did, so she says I felt that Jehovah was telling me you have my approval.


So Jehovah is happy when he sees us making every effort to share the good news with others. And here we have a scenario where our sisters are in the activity of the ministry and it is a way in which Jehovah is demonstrating his approval, allowing them, using them, to bring this good news.

Well, this sister who was pioneering but had to preach but was not in much spirit but decided to go out and met a woman who agreed to study the Bible and then told her that she had been praying to God to help her, So what the sister remembers is that it showed her that Jehovah was helping her.

I know that Jehovah attracts people just as he attracted each of us to the truth and he continues to do so and is using us to reach those people.

Being able to show the love we feel for Jehovah by preaching his kingdom gives us happiness and we see that when we go to preach, we see how giving everything for Jehovah is worth it, he does not forget what we do for him and that gives us happiness.

I imagine when Jesus was with Jehovah and as he mentions in Genesis he says let us make man in our image, how Jesus would feel that his father included him in something as great as the creation for which he later poured out his life, in the same way We are collaborators of Jehovah, we must understand it so that Jehovah is allowing us to be used for a work where lives are involved. 


He has entrusted us with the good news of the good news of those of whom he approves, so it is a privilege that we have in any facet of preaching such as public preaching.

Two sisters preach with the cart and talk to a young woman. What evidence do you have that you have Jehovah's approval? (See paragraph 16). 

17. What does what Vicky says teach you about rescue? (Psalm 5:12).

She had a hard time believing that Jehovah loved her, but then she came to the following conclusion: Jehovah had been very patient with her, for a long time with everything, it was as if he had been telling her, your love cannot reach me, the sacrifice of Your son is not enough to forgive my sins, but Vicky thought of the rescue.


And as Psalm 5:12 says, she felt that Jehovah was showering her with his approval, using her to the rescue. For this occasion and here we have this scenario with the following question: What proof do you have that it has Jehovah's approval? Here we see how a brother can be remembering the sacrifice of Jesus that he made for each of his servants who obey him and serve him loyally.

The feelings she would have were very sad and anguished because she did not feel that Jehovah loved her. She has even said that it is as if she were affirming that the sacrifice of Jehovah and his son was not enough to forgive her mistakes because they were greater than love. that Jehovah had for it, so it helped her to meditate on the fact that it really wasn't like that and on the great love that Jehovah gave for her.

Yes, if we find it difficult to believe that Jehovah loves us or that we have approval, it is as if we doubt the significance of the sacrifice of his son, it is as if we were telling Jehovah that it is not enough that he gave up his son and that gone through all this to forgive our sins which is out of place, so let us always not trust our heart or what it tells us because it is treacherous but rather trust in Jehovah who is the one who tells us that in his eyes we are fair thanks to this rescue.

Psalm 5:12 | The idea that he covers us with his approval is like he protects us with this arrangement, our point of view is very limited as we have seen in the case of the sister but Jehovah's thoughts are far above our reasoning and our thoughts. , so meditating on the rescue helps us see things as Jehovah sees them.


Yes, even though he is imprisoned, he does not feel like he has been abandoned by Jehovah who does not give him his approval but rather he is thinking and we can see his face, a face that is not sad or worried too much but rather he is thinking that he loves him so much. that even the rescue of Jesus is what is really going to free him from these things and he keeps going because he has faith in that rescue, so for us it is exactly the same if the brother is holding on there he is preaching by his example and he is not setting the example to others.

So the photograph shows that despite the difficulties this brother does not have a very pleasant situation but he is meditating on the sacrifice of Jesus and that is convincing him that Jehovah is helping him to be able to endure this trial.

A brother who is imprisoned thinks of Jesus on the torture stake. What evidence do you have that you have Jehovah's approval? (See paragraph 17).

18. What can we be sure of if we continue to love our heavenly Father?

Although we may become a little discouraged and continue thinking, if we have Jehovah's approval. We must remember that he approves of those who continue to love him. So we must continue to draw closer to Jehovah and try to see all the ways he is showing us that he is happy with us, and with the faithful service we give him according to our circumstances.


We may sometimes be discouraged from doing things well and continually making an effort, but we must always remember that Jehovah is very close to us more than we think, as he says in Acts 17:27.

So we always have to be close to Jehovah and see all the ways in which he shows us that he is happy with us as we have seen now in this article.

We must strive to get closer to Jehovah, read his word and meditate on how he shows us his love every day and that he is happy with us.


Why might some think that God does not approve of them?

There are several reasons, it may be due to self-esteem problems, some have been affected by the environment in which they have been raised and have not received love, others may feel guilty for the things they did before knowing the truth and believe that they are still accounted for by God, and some others believe that what they do is not enough to earn Jehovah's approval.

Well, perhaps they feel guilty for the things they did in the past although they know that they have repented that Jehovah has forgiven them but that continues in the mind and heart of the person or also that perhaps they do not do enough to have the approval of God.

In what ways does Jehovah show us that he approves of us?

One way is through his word the Bible, what we read when we read those words that Jesus addressed in a loving way to his disciples, it is as if Jehovah said them to us and that is beautiful. Another way is when we feel the support and love to endure trials and also use our brothers to remind us that we have Jehovah's approval. Sometimes also to advise us because they do not want us to deviate from this path that leads to eternal life.

He also uses the brothers to discipline us if necessary through the Bible, therefore we should not see that if they discipline us it is a disapproval that we have before Jehovah but as a help.

Why can we be sure that we have God's approval?

Because we have his Holy Spirit and it is reflected in our behavior, in its qualities. We are also allowed to participate in the work of announcing the good news, and Jehovah does not allow that to just anyone. And the value of the ransom is on those who have approval of Jehovah.

For Jehovah shows us that he approves of us by giving us his holy spirit, entrusting us with the work of preaching the news and applying the ransom value to those who have his approval. 

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