Monday, June 17, 2024

TREASURES FROM GOD'S WORD: , Week June 17 to 23, 2024, What can I do to avoid committing a serious sin?, Prepared Speech.

TREASURES FROM GOD'S WORD: , June 17-23, 2024, What can I do to avoid committing a serious sin? 

What can I do to avoid committing a serious sin? (10 min.)

On some occasion you have tried to throw darts with the aim of hitting the target. Isn't it very difficult? And, have you tried to do what is right? Isn't it difficult too? Well this comparison can help us understand that due to our imperfection, we also cannot hit the mark, so to speak, at all the things we want to do, since as we very well know we all have the tendency to do bad things.

Dear brothers and sisters, on this occasion we meet to reflect on this crucial topic that can be of great interest to young people, but also of interest to all Christians, because it has to do with our life and spiritual health: What can we do to not commit a serious sin? This is a topic that touches us all deeply.

To address this question we are going to explore several Biblical texts that provide us with spiritual guidance and guidance so as not to fall into serious sin, and one of the points that we must keep in mind is not to trust ourselves too much, and it is the first lesson that we must consider not trusting ourselves too much in Psalm 5:15 David reminds us of our human condition and says the following.


Look, when I was born I was already guilty of error, and my mother conceived me in sin.

As we noted, King David knew this, because he said that when he was born he was already guilty of errors, saying that sin was transmitted to him, as well as an inherited defect that we cannot avoid. Making mistakes shows that sinning goes beyond doing bad things, we all inherit sin, so it is important to stay active doing things that bring us closer to Jehovah. 

One way is through prayer, God invites us people of all kinds to enjoy the privilege of approaching him in prayer. Another way is by attending Christian Meetings. We need to meet with other Christians and receive encouragement and they also need us to encourage them, by meeting with people who love God we will feel closer to him.

This verse teaches us that we are all born with an inclination to sin, no matter how strong our faith is or how dedicated we are, there will always be the possibility of falling. The Psalmist recognizes our condition and demonstrates humility, demonstrates humility that is essential to keep us vigilant and dependent. of Jehovah at all times, the apostle Paul also expresses a similar concern in Second Corinthians 11:3 which says.


But I am afraid that somehow, just as the serpent seduced Eve with his cunning, your minds will be corrupted and distanced from the sincerity and chastity* that are due to Christ.

So Satan's cunning is a constant threat, just as Eve was deceived, we too can be diverted from the sincerity and purity we should have towards Christ. Recognizing our vulnerability helps us stay alert and continually seek Jehovah's help. Staying active by doing things that bring us closer to Jehovah to avoid committing serious sins is crucial. It is important to meditate on what you have learned about him in the Bible, think about his actions, his advice, and his promises. Meditation and prayer will help us value more the love and wisdom of God. Please read Psalm chapter 51 verse 6.


You love to find truth in a person's heart; teach true wisdom to the depths of my being.

The word heart is used to refer to the inner or secret self, in other words, the heart represents our thoughts, feelings, motives and desires, it is not what we seem to be on the outside, but what we really are on the inside, taking care of what who we are inside is similar to taking care of our physical health. For example, if we want to be healthy we have to nourish ourselves well and exercise regularly, similarly if we want to be healthy in a spiritual sense, we have to nourish our faith well and exercise it regularly by putting into practice what we learn and talking about our beliefs.

Proverbs 4:23 reminds us that we must take care of our heart, since life flows from it, this means taking care of our thoughts, feelings and our desires, it is not just about our external appearance of how we look, but about what we really are on the inside. , just as we take care of our physical health through good nutrition and regular exercise.

We must nurture our faith and exercise it constantly, this is achieved by putting into practice what we learn and talking about our beliefs Romans 10:8 and 10 and James 2:26 emphasize the importance of an active and living faith, there is also the point of fighting against evil desires and immoral thoughts. 

On the other hand, our appearance can make us believe that we are healthy even though we are actually sick. In a similar way, our spiritual activity can make us believe that our faith is strong, even though bad desires are growing inside. Let us remember that Satan wants to infect us with his ideas. As true Christians we have a constant fight against evil desires and immoral thoughts, please read Psalm chapter 51 verses 10 to 12, it says the following:

LET'S READ PSALM 51:10-12.

Create in me a pure heart, O God, and put within me a new spirit, a steadfast spirit. 11 Do not cast me out of your presence; do not take away your holy spirit from me. 12 Give me back the joy of your salvation; awaken in me the desire to obey you.

This passage is a beautiful plea for spiritual renewal, it reminds us that although we may have bad desires, Jehovah can help us overcome them and give us a pure heart and a firm spirit. Prayer is a powerful tool in this fight when we approach Jehovah in prayer, he draws near to us and gives us his spirit in abundance thus facilitating resistance to immoral thoughts and keeping us clean.

David also shows us the importance of humility and self-examination, we can ask Jehovah to examine our hearts and help us discover any painful paths or harmful thoughts. This introspection is vital to identify and correct our mistakes before they become serious sins. Jehovah’s help in times of temptation is comforting, and it is comforting to know that Jehovah is ready to help us in times of temptation. 

The text of Matthew 6:13 teaches us to ask God not to lead us into temptation, but to deliver us from evil. Sometimes our upbringing or past experiences can influence our desire, but Jehovah can help us make changes. necessary to live a life that pleases him, and if we make a mistake in the case of David after committing adultery, he pleaded with Jehovah what he expressed in Psalm 51:10 to 12 asking him to create for him a pure heart and a steadfast spirit, This demonstrates and is a sign that despite our failures, Jehovah is willing to help us renew our hearts and minds.

And in James 1:15 he warns about evil desires or how evil desires can lead us to sin and eventually death. But with Jehovah's help, we can overcome these desires and live according to his will. Jehovah requires that his servants have a pure heart, that is, pure intentions or motives, as he knew that he had not shown that purity, David asked God to cleanse his heart and bring it into conformity with Divine standards. The psalmist also wanted a spirit or a mental inclination; he needed a spirit that would help him resist temptation and adhere firmly to Jehovah's laws and principles.

So, brothers, in order not to commit a serious sin, we must recognize our tendency to sin and not trust ourselves too much, stay active in activities that bring us closer to Jehovah, fight against bad desires and immoral thoughts and seek Jehovah's help through prayer these are fundamental steps, by doing this we can remain firm in our faith and live a life that pleases our heavenly father.

In order not to fall or commit a serious sin, it is important to put into practice what we see in the images that we see in Our Activities Guide for this week, there you can see in this case this young man reads the Bible, meditates on it, prays to Jehovah and then in the images below we can see how he stays busy in spiritual activities, stays busy in preaching, busy preparing for the meeting and then expressing a comment. So if we include these activities in our daily routine, they will surely be of great help so that we do not end up committing a serious sin.

Although we are imperfect and sin even with our thoughts, we can learn from our mistakes and continue to serve Jehovah with confidence. Jehovah knows that we have limitations. In fact, he knows well how we are formed and remembers that we are dust, so he keeps in mind that we are made of dust and that we make mistakes due to imperfection.

On the other hand, the idea that he knows well how we are formed reminds us that Jehovah is like a craftsman and human beings are like vessels that the great potter molds. He takes into account that we are fragile because of sin and treats us in a certain way. or another depending on how we respond to his guidance, Jehovah knows that sin is very powerful, the Bible describes it as a very powerful force that controls us and leads us to death.

Now, to what degree does it control us? When talking about sin, the apostle Paul gave several details in the biblical book of Romans, explaining that we are under sin just as soldiers are under a commander, that sin reigns over humanity that lives within oneself, and that its law acts. always in us and tries to tell us what strength sin has.

Jehovah knows that no matter how hard we try, we cannot obey perfectly, that is why he lovingly offers us his forgiveness, if we ask for it and we are truly repentant, Jehovah feels very proud of his servants, because even though he Satan's world is going from bad to worse, we are fighting with all our might to reject evil thoughts and obey the high standards of the Bible. That is why we resolve to stay close to God and accept the guidance that he gives us through his word. If we remain faithful, we will feel great peace and satisfaction and when he disappears we will have the honor of living forever in a world free of his immoral influence.

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