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“Serve the Lord with joy” (PSA. 100:2).
1. What feelings do some have when going out to preach? (See also the image).
When going out to preach, some servants of Jehovah experience different feelings. Although many enjoy preaching, others find it more difficult.
The difference lies in factors such as shyness, lack of confidence, discomfort with visiting uninvited people, fear of rejection, and the desire to avoid confrontations. Despite these challenges, these brothers love Jehovah deeply and participate in the preaching work. Due to his understanding of his importance, Jehovah is very happy with them for his effort and dedication.
Two sisters preaching from house to house. One of them looks happy, but the other looks uncomfortable and nervous. Do you enjoy preaching? (See paragraph 1).
2. Why shouldn't you get discouraged if you have trouble feeling comfortable in ministry?
The feeling of insecurity can be a sign of humility, since we do not seek attention or get involved in discussions. It is natural that we do not like to experience rejection especially when our only desire is to help. However, we must keep in mind that Jehovah understands our challenges and is willing to help us.
Let us remember the words of Jesus in Matthew chapter 10 verses 29 to 31, where he assures us that there is no reason to fear, since our heavenly father takes care of us and knows every detail of our life.
3. Where did Jeremiah get the strength to preach?
Jeremiah drew the strength to preach from the word of God, upon receiving Jehovah's command to go preach Jeremiah felt intimidated and expressed his insecurities saying: "I don't know how to speak, I'm just a boy."
However, he managed to overcome his fears thanks to the power of the Divine message as he himself said, his words became like a burning fire locked in my bones and I got tired of containing them. Although Jeremiah's territory was very difficult, the message he had to proclaim provided the strength necessary to fulfill his mission.
4. What do we achieve when we read the Word of God and meditate on it? (Colossians 1:9, 10).
When we read the word of God and meditate on it, we strengthen our faith in Jehovah and better understand the importance of carrying the message of the Kingdom. In the text we have just read, the apostle Paul, writing to the Christians of Colosse, emphasized that accurate knowledge of the word could motivate them to live in a manner worthy of Jehovah and to bear fruit in every good work. One of those good works is the preaching of the good news of the Kingdom.
By immersing ourselves in the scriptures we strengthen our understanding of God's purposes and equip ourselves with the confidence to share his message with others.
5. What will help us get the most out of the Bible?
To get the most out of the Bible we must understand what we read, it is important to read, study and meditate calmly.
As we see in 1 Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 21, spending time studying will help us grow in confidence in the word of God. The more we trust the Bible, the more we will enjoy sharing what we have learned with others. Therefore, if we encounter a Bible text that we do not understand, rather than ignore it, let us look for an explanation of the verse in the index of Watchtower publications or the Study Guide for Jehovah's Witnesses.
6. Why should we prepare well for the ministry?
Properly preparing for Ministry is crucial to feeling comfortable talking to people and to making a significant impact on the people we preach to.
In Luke chapter 10 verses 1 to 11, it is recounted how Jesus sent 70 of his disciples to preach, instructing them on how they should behave and what they should say. This preparation not only provided them with the tools necessary to communicate the Kingdom message, but also instilled in them confidence and determination to face the challenges they would encounter along the way. Therefore, proper preparation for Ministry not only helps us feel more comfortable, but also contributes to our success and satisfaction in preaching.
7. How could we prepare for preaching? (See also the image).
Preparing for preaching involves several practical and mental steps that allow us to communicate the message of truth effectively. It is useful to reflect on how to express this message in our own words, which will allow us to communicate more naturally and authentically if we focus on this relaxed. By smiling and being friendly we can establish more receptive connections with the people we are preaching to.
Showing empathy, listening and showing interest in the concerns and questions of others also contributes to creating an environment of trust.
It is also beneficial to anticipate and consider two or three common reactions that we could encounter in our territory and think about how we would respond to each of them.
The sister who was uncomfortable and nervous in the previous image is now at home reading the booklet “Making Disciples: A Labor of Love.” Prepare well for the preaching. (See paragraph 7).
8. How are Christians like clay pots?
In 2 Corinthians chapter 4 verse 7, the apostle Paul compares Christians to clay pots. In this way the role they play in preaching the message of the Kingdom is illustrated.
The treasure contained in these clay vessels is the preaching of the message of the Kingdom that has the power to save lives, just as in Paul's time, merchants transported valuable items in clay vessels, today the servants of God carry the Good News message inside.
9. How can we overcome the fear of men and the fear of rejection? (See also the image).
When faced with the fear of man, we can also follow the example of the Apostles who, instead of allowing fear to dominate them, turned to prayer and asked Jehovah to help them speak his word with great courage when faced with the fear of man. rejection.
We can also follow this example and ask Jehovah for help; trust in his power and love can help us overcome our fears and strengthen us to move forward boldly in preaching the message of the Kingdom.
The same sister is in a market praying silently. Ask God for courage. (See paragraph 9).
10. What help do we have to fulfill our commission as Jehovah's Witnesses? (Isaiah 43:10-12).
In the texts that we have just read, Jehovah declares us his witnesses and promises us his unconditional support, but to fulfill our commission as Jehovah's Witnesses we have various aids that strengthen us and allow us to be brave in our work.
First we have the presence of Jesus with us when we preach the good news as promised in Matthew chapter 28 verses 18 to 20.
Second, Jehovah has commissioned the Angels to help us as mentioned in Revelation chapter 14 verse 6. The Angels play an active role in the preaching work by guiding us in our service.
Third, Jehovah gives us his Holy Spirit, a helper who reminds us of what we have learned. The Holy Spirit enables us and gives us the wisdom to share the message of the Kingdom.
Fourth, Jehovah has provided us with a brotherhood of brothers and sisters who accompany us and support us. The company and encouragement of our fellow believers are invaluable in our ministry.
11. What can you do to reach more people with the message? (See also the image).
To reach more people with the message it is important to be flexible and adapt to the circumstances. When you find few people in the houses, it may be useful to ask yourself where they are at the moment, are they working or shopping when considering. These factors can find new opportunities to preach. A good strategy is to preach on the streets like a brother named Joshua does.
Looking for opportunities to preach while walking through markets, shopping centers, and public parking lots will allow us to interact with more people than we would just visit from house to house.
Joshua and his wife have discovered that by visiting homes in the evening and on Sundays after noon they find more people at home, this shows the importance of being observant and taking advantage of opportunities.
The same sister is at the market giving a jw.org contact card to a vendor. Be adaptable. (See paragraph 11).
12. How can we find out what people believe and the topics they are interested in?
An effective strategy is to employ questions based on the cover of the treatises. For example, Joshua and his wife use the tract question What does The Bible mean to you? When presenting this treatise, they usually say that some people believe that the Bible comes from God and others do not, and what do you think? This technique is useful because it shows a genuine interest in the opinions and beliefs of others, which can open the door to meaningful dialogues.
Instead of imposing our own ideas, we invite people to share their views, creating an environment of respect and mutual understanding.
13. How is it possible to be successful in preaching even if no one listens to us? (Proverbs 27:11).
The text we have just read reminds us of the importance of gladdening the heart of our Heavenly Father through our faithful conduct and actions. Although sometimes we cannot talk to anyone or they reject us, we must remember that success in preaching is not measured by the visible results or the number of people who accept our message.
As we see in Acts chapter 10 verse 42, what really matters is fulfilling what Jehovah and his son have asked us to witness. This task is a sample of our obedience and love for God and is not always reflected in people's immediate response.
14. How do we feel when a publisher finds someone interested in the truth, and why?
When a publisher finds someone interested in the truth, we feel great joy and satisfaction. This joy is not only experienced by the person who manages to find someone receptive to the message, but extends to the entire congregation.
The comparison made in the paragraph of the missing child highlights that the work of making disciples is a team effort; each publisher plays a crucial role in covering the assigned territory and their collective effort contributes to the success of the mission. Therefore, when someone begins to attend meetings and shows interest in learning more about the truth, the entire congregation feels rewarded for their work and dedication.
15. What will help our enthusiasm grow? (Matthew 22:37-39; see also image).
When a publisher finds someone interested in the truth, we feel great joy and satisfaction. This joy is not only experienced by the person who manages to find someone receptive to the message, but extends to the entire congregation.
The comparison made in the paragraph of the missing child highlights that the work of making disciples is a team effort; each publisher plays a crucial role in covering the assigned territory and their collective effort contributes to the success of the mission. Therefore, when someone begins to attend meetings and shows interest in learning more about the truth, the entire congregation feels rewarded for their work and dedication.
Two sisters preaching from house to house. One of them is the same as in the previous images. He has a magazine in her hands and is confidently talking about her to a woman. Love for Jehovah and your neighbor will help you enjoy preaching more. (See paragraph 15).
16. How will we enjoy the ministry even if we cannot leave the house? Include some example.
To enjoy ministry even when we cannot leave home, we must focus on the opportunities we have to demonstrate love for Jehovah and our neighbors.
During the Covid 19 pandemic Samuel and Dania were confined to their home, but they found creative ways to preach and serve others from home through phone calls, letters and Bible courses by zoom, they continued to share the message of the Kingdom with those who were willing. to listen, although they were limited by circumstances, Samuel and Dania demonstrated a positive attitude and unwavering dedication to their service to God, their example shows that even in difficult situations we can find ways to contribute to the ministry.
17. When will the suggestions in this article work best?
The suggestions in this article will work best when each of them are applied together. It is like a vital ingredient in a culinary recipe when combined correctly, the result is satisfying and delicious. By implementing all these suggestions comprehensively we will be able to effectively deal with negative feelings and enjoy preaching more.
Prepare well.
They help us enjoy preaching more by ensuring we are well prepared for Ministry which increases our confidence and effectiveness.
Ask God for courage.
These suggestions help us remember the importance of asking God for courage when we face fears or difficulties in preaching, strengthening our faith and determination.
Focus on love for Jehovah and neighbor.
Focusing on love for Jehovah and neighbor helps us find true joy and purpose in preaching by motivating us to share the kingdom message with enthusiasm and dedication.
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