Thursday, June 20, 2024

The Watchtower Study, "Article 15", Week 17 to June 23, 2024, Let's strengthen our trust in the organization, Answers.

The Study Watchtower, "Article 15", June 17-23, 2024, Let's strengthen our trust in the organization, Answers.

“Remember those who guide you, who have spoken to you about the word of God” (HEB. 13:7).

1. How were Jehovah's servants organized in the first century?

In the first century, Jehovah's servants were organized in a structured way to carry out the work that he had entrusted to them. In Matthew chapter 24 verse 14, we see how Jehovah desires that the Good News be preached throughout the inhabited Earth and has assigned Jesus the responsibility of directing this work. 

In Jerusalem the Apostles and elders made decisions and gave instructions to the congregations. In addition, elders were appointed in each congregation to lead and transmit instructions. Thanks to the obedience of the brothers, the congregations were strengthened in faith and grew. 

2. How has Jehovah guided and nourished his people since 1919?

Since 1919, Jehovah has spiritually guided and nourished his people in an organized manner. In that year Jesus began using a small group of anointed men to supervise the preaching and provide spiritual food for the disciples.

It is evident that Jehovah has blessed the work of this group, and we can see this when we observe the growth and prosperity of the organization.

3, 4. a) Explain with an example how it benefits us to be well organized. 

Being well organized allows us to efficiently fulfill the mission that Jesus gave us to make disciples of all nations and that we read in Matthew chapter 28 verses 19 and 20. For example, if the territory of the congregation was not organized, each person could preach where would like, this could result in ineffective coverage by repeating visits to the same places, while others would be left unserved. 

An organized system guarantees that all territories are covered equitably, and that the message reaches more people in a systematic and effective way. 

3, 4. b) What will we see in this article?

This article will analyze how Jesus organized his disciples when he was on earth, and how he similarly organizes his people today. The example that Jesus left in terms of organization and how our organization follows in his footsteps will be explored.

Additionally, we will discuss what each of us can do to demonstrate our trust in Jehovah's organization.


5. How does the organization imitate the example of Jesus? (John 8:28).

Jehovah's organization imitates the example of Jesus, by basing all its advice and teachings on the word of God. Jesus himself said that he learned from his father what he should say and do. Likewise, the organization is based on the scriptures to guide its members.

Furthermore, we are continually reminded to read the Bible and apply its teachings in our daily lives. Following this advice benefits us by strengthening us spiritually and guiding us in our decisions and helping us live in accordance with Jehovah's will.

6. What is an important benefit of us studying the Bible?

An important benefit of studying the Bible is that it allows us to compare its teachings with the instructions given to us by the organization. Seeing that these instructions are based on the scriptures, our trust in the organization is strengthened. 

This verification and confirmation process helps consolidate our faith and assures us that we are following divine guidance correctly.

7. What message did Jesus preach, and how does Jehovah's organization follow his example?

Jesus preached the Good News of the Kingdom of God and commanded his disciples to do the same. 

Following the example of Jesus, Jehovah's organization is dedicated to preaching the message of the Kingdom throughout the world, all members of the organization, regardless of where they live or the responsibilities they have, actively participate in this preaching work.

8. What privilege do we have?

Bringing the truth of the Kingdom of God to people is an immense privilege, not everyone has this opportunity as we see in Luke chapter 4 verse 41, Jesus did not allow demons to testify about him.

Currently, to preach with Jehovah's Witnesses, certain requirements must be met. As Jehovah's Witnesses, we greatly value this privilege and take advantage of every opportunity to bear witness by following Jesus' example in planting and watering the seeds of truth in people's hearts.

9. What has the organization done to make God's name known?

Jehovah's organization has followed the example of Jesus in making the name of God known. The organization follows this example through various initiatives, among which the New World translation stands out. This translation has restored the name of God in the places where it originally Biblical manuscripts appeared. 

Appendices A 4 and A 5 provide detailed information on this process of restitution of God's name - while Appendix C in the Study Bible offers abundant evidence of the presence of the divine name in the original texts of the Christian Greek scriptures demonstrating thus, the Organization's commitment to making God's name known accurately and completely.

10. What does the experience of a Myanmar woman teach us?

Just as Jesus wanted God's name to be known, Jehovah's Witnesses share this desire and strive to spread his name. In the experience we see how a sister taught a 67-year-old woman that the name of God is Jehovah. The woman's reaction, moved to the point of tears, reflects the importance and meaning that this knowledge has for her.

The person expressing that it was the first time he had heard the name of God and that this was the most important teaching of his life shows how the simple act of learning the Divine name can profoundly transform the perspective and spiritual experience of sincere people. . 


11. How can elders demonstrate their trust in God's organization? (See also photos).

Elders can show their trust in God's organization by carefully reading the instructions they receive and following them to the best of their ability. For example, they receive guidelines on how to carry out assignments and prayers in meetings, as well as on the pastoral care of Christ's sheep. By following all these instructions, the elders reflect their trust in the organization and assure the brothers that Jehovah loves and cares for them.


Series of images: 1. Three elders gather in a Kingdom Hall to discuss the congregation's territory. 2. Later, one of the elders is on the street with two sisters explaining to them where to put the strollers so that it is safe. The elders help us to trust the instructions given to us by Jehovah's organization. (See paragraph 11). 

12. a) Why should we follow the instructions of those who direct us? (Hebrews 13:7, 17). 

According to the texts we have just read, we must follow the instructions of those who lead us, because the Bible urges us to be obedient and submissive to those who take the lead in the congregation. By doing so we facilitate their work and contribute to the harmony and well-being of the congregation.

12. b) Why should we focus on the good things of those who lead us?

We should focus on the good things about those who lead us instead of obsessing over their flaws. In this way we will avoid falling into the trap of our spiritual enemies, focusing on the positive aspects, helps us maintain confidence in God's organization and prevents negativity and distrust from eroding our faith and unity.


13. How do our enemies present God's organization?

Our enemies try to distort the image of God's Organization by making its good deeds appear bad. The Bible teaches that Jehovah wants his servants to remain clean physically, morally, and spiritually.

Likewise, in 1 Corinthians chapter 5 verses 11 to 13, it is stipulated that anyone who leads an unclean life and does not repent must be expelled from the congregation. However, because of our acceptance of these biblical commands, enemies accuse us of being cruel intolerant and believing ourselves to be superior to others.

14. What is the origin of the false stories told about our organization?

The origin of the false stories told about our organization comes from Satan, since the beginning of human history Satan has used lies to deceive and lead people astray as he did with Eve in the Garden of Eden. For this reason, it is not surprising then that he continues to use certain people to spread lies about Jehovah's organization today just as he did in the first century.

15. What did the religious leaders do to Jesus and his disciples?

The religious leaders of Jesus' time launched various false accusations against him and his disciples despite the miracles he performed and his perfect life. For example, they said that Jesus cast out demons through the ruler of demons. 

During Jesus' trial they accused him of blasphemy and persuaded the crowd to call for his execution. After his death, when Christ's disciples began to preach, his enemies stirred up the people and turned them against the disciples, inciting them to persecute them.

16. What should we remember if we receive false stories?

We must remember that Satan who deceives the entire inhabited earth has been a liar from the beginning. 

As we hear these negative stories, we should reflect on how God's enemies lied about Jesus and his disciples in the first century. Just as the Bible predicted, Jehovah's Witnesses are being persecuted, recognizing the origin of these lies and acting immediately to protect ourselves will help us not be deceived. 

17. What should we do if we receive false stories? (2 Timothy 1:13; see also the sidebar “Has a False Story Reached You? What Should You Do?”)

When we receive false stories about the organization or the brothers who lead it, we must reject them immediately. 

The apostle Paul in 1 Timothy chapter 4 verse 7, exhorts us not to pay attention to false stories and to reject them, we must imitate the mature attitude of a person who, upon seeing a suspicious object on the ground, does not pick it up and takes it to the mouth knowing it could hurt him. Instead we should only listen to and accept the sound words of truth as mentioned in 2 Timothy chapter 1 verse 13.


Series of images: Various ways in which false stories can reach us. 1. A man recording a podcast. 2. A woman whispering. 3. Unsolicited emails. 4. Advertising pamphlets in the physical mailbox. A sister who receives these pamphlets in her mailbox tears them up.

18. How can we demonstrate our trust in Jehovah's organization?

To demonstrate our trust in Jehovah’s organization, we can continue to strengthen our faith and that of our brothers in the organization that Jehovah uses. 

We have seen that God's organization imitates Jesus in several ways, such as basing its teachings on the Bible, preaching the message of the Kingdom, and maintaining moral and spiritual cleanliness. However, these are not the only ways in which it imitates Jesus, as we study the Bible we will find many other ways in which the organization follows the example of Christ. If we do so, we will be demonstrating that it is an honor and a privilege to serve Jehovah in an organization where love and loyalty reign.


In what ways do God's people imitate Jesus?

God's people imitate Jesus by preaching the message of the kingdom, basing their teachings on the word of God and maintaining moral and spiritual cleanliness. 

How can we always demonstrate our trust in Jehovah's organization?

We can demonstrate our trust in the organization by following its instructions by helping our brothers strengthen their faith and by serving Jehovah loyally without letting anything separate us from the organization he uses.

What should we do if we receive false stories?

We must reject false stories, pay no attention to them and only listen to healthy words of truth, thus avoiding being deceived by Satan who is the father of lies.

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