Friday, June 7, 2024

The Watchtower Study, “Article 13”, June 3-9, 2024, Trust that You Have Jehovah's Approval, Answers.

You have my approval” (LUK. 3:22).

1. What might some servants of Jehovah think?

As we see in Psalm chapter 149 verse 4, Jehovah is delighted with his people as a whole, but some of Jehovah's servants may feel discouraged and wonder: Is Jehovah pleased with them individually? This feeling of insecurity is not new; biblical figures such as Anna, Job, and King David also faced similar doubts about whether they had Jehovah's approval at certain times in their lives.

And it is comforting to remember that these faithful servants of Jehovah also struggled with feelings of discouragement, and yet Jehovah continued to love and support them.

2. Who has Jehovah's approval?

According to John chapter 3 verse 16, those who have Jehovah's approval are those who, although imperfect, demonstrate faith in Jesus Christ and are baptized. Faith in Jesus Christ is essential to receive eternal life and approval from God.

Baptism is a public manifestation of repentance and a promise to God to do his will.

As mentioned in Psalm chapter 25 verse 14, by striving to fulfill our vow of dedication we receive the friendship and approval of Jehovah.

3. What questions will we answer in this article?

In this article we will answer three key questions that can help Jehovah’s servants better understand their relationship with him. These questions are: Why might some sometimes think that Jehovah does not approve of them? How does he show us that he is happy with us? What will help us be sure that we have his approval? 


4, 5. What can we be sure of even if we have self-esteem problems?

We can be sure that Jehovah values ​​us and loves us unconditionally, even when we feel insecure or less precious. It is important to remember what we read in John chapter 6 verse 44, where we are told that Jehovah chose us to be part of his people.

Jehovah knows our true qualities and potentialities, even when we ourselves do not recognize them. To strengthen our self-esteem it is essential to internalize the truth of the value we have in the eyes of Jehovah.

In Genesis Chapter 1 verse 27, we are reminded that we were created in his image and likeness and that we are precious in the eyes of Jehovah.

6. How did Paul feel when he thought about his sins?

When Paul reflected on his sins he experienced a deep sense of misery and self-condemnation. Despite his repentance and baptism she continued to feel dejected by his imperfections. Paul referred to himself as the least of the Apostles and the worst of sinners. 

Today, this feeling of guilt is something that many faithful servants of Jehovah can relate to. Even as they acknowledge their repentance and seek to follow God's path, they may continue to struggle with evil tendencies and feel that they are not living up to God's expectations. However, it is important to remember that Jehovah sees beyond our imperfections and loves us unconditionally. 

7. What can we be sure of if we repent?

If we sincerely repent, we can be sure that Jehovah forgives us. In Psalm chapter 86 verse 5 we read: And you, O Jehovah, are good and willing to forgive. Your loyal love for all who call you is immense. This promise assures us that if we repent from the heart, there is no reason to doubt that God will fulfill his word of forgiveness. This security in Divine forgiveness is fundamental to our spiritual growth. It frees us from the weight of sin and allows us to move forward with confidence in our relationship with God. 

8, 9. What will help us stop thinking that nothing we do is enough for Jehovah?

To stop thinking that nothing we do is sufficient for Jehovah, we must remember that Jehovah is not demanding but reasonable. He never asks more of us than we can give. The important thing is that we give the best of ourselves, whether big or small, because Jehovah values ​​it very much.

It is essential to understand that our limitations do not diminish Jehovah's appreciation of our sincere efforts. An example is the apostle Paul, although he worked for many years and founded numerous congregations, there came a time when his circumstances changed and he could not preach as much as before. However, Jehovah continued to be pleased with him and blessed him, because Paul continued to do what he could. 


10. How does Jehovah “tell” us that he is happy with us? (John 16:27).

Jehovah tells us that he is happy with us. Primarily through the Bible through the scriptures, Jehovah shows his love and approval to his servants.

According to the text we have just read, we can feel that Jehovah is addressing those words to us as well. Jesus demonstrated Jehovah's love through his life and teachings, and these words assure us that despite our failures, Jehovah loves us and approves of our sincere efforts to serve him.

Furthermore, in John chapter 15 verses 9 and 15, we can read how Jesus treated his faithful disciples, with this treatment we see a reflection of Jehovah's love and understanding towards us.


A sister at home reading the Bible. Jehovah shows us in many ways that we have his approval. (See paragraph 10).

11. Why should we not see trials as a sign that we have lost God's approval? (James 1:12).

Jehovah through his actions shows that he wants to help us and provide for our physical needs. However, he allows us to face difficulties, as in the case of Job.

Trials are not indicative of divine disapproval but rather opportunities to demonstrate our deep love and trust in Jehovah. The text we have read reminds us that trials can strengthen our faith and bring us closer to Divine reward.

Instead of seeing difficulties as a sign of disapproval, we should see them as occasions to confirm our devotion and loyalty to Jehovah. 

12. What does Dimitri's experience teach us?

Dimitri's experience teaches us valuable lessons about trust in Jehovah Dimitri lost his job and despite his efforts to find another, the months passed without success. He decided to dedicate more time to preaching, to demonstrate his trust in Jehovah, but his problems continued, as his health worsened, having to stay in bed.

This series of challenges led him to question his worth as a father, husband, and servant of God, believing that Jehovah was disappointed in him. However, one night, His little daughter printed the text of Isaiah 30:15 on a piece of paper and gave it to Him. This gesture made Dimitri reflect and realize that thanks to Jehovah, his family still had clothes, food, and a roof over their heads.

Therefore, Dimitri's experience teaches us that even in times of extreme difficulty, Jehovah does not abandon us. 


A sick brother who is in bed holds a paper in one hand, and his little daughter holds his other hand. Jehovah shows us in many ways that we have his approval. (See paragraph 12). to

13. How else can Jehovah express his approval to us?

Another way in which Jehovah can express his approval of us is through the words and actions of our fellow believers. Jehovah can motivate other servants to speak words of encouragement to us at critical times, providing comfort and reaffirming his love for us. The experience in the paragraph highlights the importance of the congregation and how Jehovah can use our brothers to strengthen our faith and spirit. 


Two elderly people visit a sister at her house. They have her Bibles open while they talk to her. Jehovah shows us in many ways that we have her approval. (See paragraph 13). 

14. How else does Jehovah use the brothers to express his approval of us?

Another way that Jehovah uses brothers to express his approval to us is through loving and firm advice when we need it. In the first century, Jehovah used the apostle Paul to write 14 letters to Christians, which contained advice that was both firm and loving. When we receive Bible-based advice from our brothers, we should not interpret it as a sign that we have lost Jehovah's approval. On the contrary, this advice is a clear indication that Jehovah still loves us and cares about our spiritual well-being. .


15. To whom does Jehovah give his holy spirit, and of what can we be sure?

Jehovah gives his holy spirit to those who have his approval as mentioned in Matthew chapter 12 verse 18. To evaluate whether we have Jehovah's approval, we can ask ourselves if we are demonstrating in our lives the qualities produced by the Holy Spirit. For example, we are now more patient than before knowing Jehovah. By observing that we are developing the qualities of the fruit of the spirit, we can be more sure that Jehovah is happy with us. The manifestation of these qualities is a clear indication that the Holy Spirit is working in us.


A brother helps an elderly woman who has dropped some of the things she bought. What evidence do you have that you have Jehovah's approval? (See paragraph 15).

16. According to 1 Thessalonians 2:4, who does Jehovah use to preach the good news? And how does that make you feel?

In this text we see that Jehovah uses those he approves to preach the good news. In the paragraph, the experience is related to how a sister, despite feeling discouraged and without strength, one day decided to go out to preach as a pioneer. She found Mary, a receptive woman who agreed to study the Bible. She later revealed that Mary had been praying for help. that same morning.

This experience confirmed to our sister that Jehovah was using her as an instrument to bring good news to those seeking the truth. Although not everyone will respond positively, the effort in preaching demonstrates our commitment to Jehovah and his message. This experience reinforces the conviction that by participating in the preaching work we are receiving Jehovah's approval and endorsement.


Two sisters preach with the cart and talk to a young woman. What evidence do you have that you have Jehovah's approval? (See paragraph 16). 

16. According to 1 Thessalonians 2:4, who does Jehovah use to preach the good news? And how does that make you feel?

A sister named Vicky found comfort and security as she reflected on the rescue. Although she initially found it difficult to believe that Jehovah loved her, reflecting on Jesus' sacrifice led her to a deep understanding. She recognized Jehovah's patience over time and came to understand that despite her doubts, Christ's sacrifice was enough. to forgive their sins. This reminds us that even though we sometimes doubt ourselves, we can fully trust in Jehovah and his promise to bless those who have faith in the rescue.


A brother who is imprisoned thinks of Jesus on the torture stake. What evidence do you have that you have Jehovah's approval? (See paragraph 17).

18. What can we be sure of if we continue to love our heavenly Father?

If we continue to love our Heavenly Father, we can be sure that we have his approval. Although we may sometimes become discouraged and doubt our status with Jehovah, let us remember that He approves of those who continue to love Him. Therefore, we must continue to draw closer to Jehovah and observe the many ways in which he demonstrates his satisfaction and love, remembering also that God is always near us. 


Why might some think that God does not approve of them?

Some may think that God does not approve of them because of their own insecurities and feelings of inferiority.

Why might some think that God does not approve of them?

Jehovah shows us that he approves of us by giving us his Holy Spirit, entrusting us with the work of preaching the good news, and applying the value of the ransom to those who have his approval.

Why can we be sure that we have God's approval

We can be sure that we have God's approval because we continue to love Him and strive to demonstrate it in our daily lives. 

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