Monday, June 17, 2024

Study of the Book of the congregation, Week 17 to June 23, 2024, Chapter 11, paragraphs 5-10 and box on page. 89, Answers.

Study of the Congregation Book, June 17-23, 2024, Chapter 11 paragraphs 5-10 and box on page. 89, Answers.

Congregation Bible study (30 mins.) bt chap. 11 paras. 5-10 and box on p. 89.

5. How did Barnabas and Saul preach in Cyprus?

Barnabas and Saul undertook an important journey from Antioch to Seleucia, a considerable distance that involved great preparation, from there they sailed to the island of Cyprus located about 200 kilometers or 120 miles away, demonstrating their commitment to carrying the good news beyond the borders. immediate areas of Judea and Samaria.


When Barnabas and Saul arrived in Cyprus, they began to announce the good news in that place, and one fact that stands out is that Barnabas was from Cyprus and that he really wanted to preach in his land, for example when they arrived in the city of Salamis began to preach the word of God in the Jewish synagogues and crossed the island from end to end with great enthusiasm. 

Upon reaching Salamis, his first action was to preach the word of God in the Synagogues of the Jews. This focus on the synagogues demonstrates his strategy of first addressing the Jews who were already familiar with the Hebrew scriptures and were awaiting the arrival of the Messiah. This practice was in keeping with the ministry pattern of Jesus and his Apostles, who often began their teachings in local synagogues.

Barnabas and Saul's journey through the island of Cyprus covered about 160 kilometers or 100 miles from end to end. This demonstrates his dedication to spreading the message of the Kingdom of God in all possible areas, probably focusing his efforts on the major cities. This journey not only allowed them to reach the Jewish communities, but also the Gentiles interested in the Christian message. This trip is an example of perseverance in the work of preaching, highlighting the importance of bringing the message of the Kingdom to various regions and cultures. even when this meant facing long and challenging journeys.

As we can see from the information, these synagogues were places of Meeting and Worship for the Jews, and these arose during the exile in Babylon or shortly after, and they were used to worship Jehovah, learn from him, read the scriptures and listen to speeches. In the synagogue the law was read and explained and all faithful men had the opportunity to participate in the reading, explanations and discourses. These meeting places were essential.


The synagogues, whose name literally means “Meeting or assembly,” arose as places where Jews gathered to worship Jehovah, appearing during or shortly after the 70-year Babylonian exile. By the first century the Synagogues were present in all the cities of Palestine, after the exile many Jews did not return to Palestine, but settled abroad for Hebrew commercial reasons in the 127 provinces of the Persian empire. These communities known as the diaspora founded synagogues in various places.

In the synagogues every Saturday the law was read and explained from a platform surrounded by seats on three sides. All faithful men could participate in the reading, explanations and speeches. In this way we understand why Barnabas and Saul began their preaching in the synagogue of Salamis in Cyprus. 

The synagogues were strategic places for their mission, since they brought together Jews and Proselytes interested in the scriptures. Furthermore, the structure of the synagogues allowed the active participation of various speakers, which made it easier for Barnabas and Saul to present the message of the Kingdom of God to an audience familiar with Messianic prophecies.

6, 7. a) Who was Sergio Paulo? Why did his counselor oppose the good news? 

Sergius Paulus was the proconsul of Cyprus, a high-ranking Roman authority and an intelligent man. At that time it was common for people of high social status to consult witches and astrologers before making important decisions. 


Sergio Paulo had as an advisor a Jew named Bar-Jesús, also known by his professional title Elymas, which means sorcerer. Bar-Jesus was a false prophet and a sorcerer who used his abilities to maintain his influence over the proconsul.

Bar-Jesus stood against the Good News of the Kingdom of God, because the acceptance of the message by Sergio Paulo threatened his position and power, so motivated by his own interest and evil, he tried to divert Sergio Paulo from the straight path of Jehovah.

6, 7. b) What did Saul do to prevent Bar-Jesus from extinguishing Sergio Paulo's interest?

Saul, filled with the Holy Spirit, confronted Bar-Jesus to prevent his opposition from extinguishing Sergio Paulo's interest in the message of the Kingdom of God and publicly told him that the hand of Jehovah was on him and that he would remain blind and would not see the sunlight for a while, instantly a thick fog and darkness fell on Bar-Jesus' eyes and he began to look for someone to guide him by the hand.


This miracle had a profound effect on Sergio Paulo. When he saw what happened and was a Witness of the Power of Jehovah, the Proconsul became a believer and was very impressed with Jehovah's teachings.

To prevent Bar-Jesus from extinguishing Sergio Paulo's interest in the Kingdom message, Saul, known as Paul, took decisive and supernatural measures. Filled with the Holy Spirit he stared at Bar-Jesus and accused him of being an impostor and an agent of evil. He then declared that the hand of Jehovah was on Bar-Jesus and that he would be blind for a time.

8. How can we imitate Paul's courage?

Like Paul, we can demonstrate courage by not allowing fear to paralyze us in proclaiming the truth. It is important that our words are always respectful and kind. But this does not mean that we should remain silent in the face of those who try to mislead or confuse others spiritually. We must be decisive and denounce false religious practices that pervert the way of Jehovah just as Paul did with Bar-Jesus.


To imitate Paul's courage we must take an example of his courage and firmness when facing opposition, in fact we have several ways to do it:

Not to be intimidated by opposition just as Paul was not intimidated by Jesus, we must not allow those who try to dampen interest in the message of the Kingdom to dissuade us.

Speak with wisdom and kindness, although it is important to be firm our words must be pleasant seasoned with salt, which means that we must speak with wisdom and kindness.

Not to be excessively cautious, we must not err on the side of caution when someone puts the spiritual well-being of another person at risk, we must be brave when confronting and correcting false teachings.

Denounce false religion, just as Paul denounced Bar-Jesus, we must be willing to point out and correct teachings and practices that distort God's truth.

Trusting the support of the Holy Spirit, although we do not have the power to perform miracles like Paul, we can trust that Jehovah will use his Holy Spirit to guide and support our work.

A “word of encouragement” (Acts 13:13-43)

9. What example did Paul and Barnabas set for those who lead congregations today?

The example of Paul and Barnabas is a valuable lesson for those who lead congregations today. Even though Paul began to be seen as the main leader of the group, Barnabas showed no signs of envy. The two continued to collaborate closely to accomplish Jehovah's work. This teaches that leaders must avoid the desire for prominence and, instead, must remember that we are all brothers.


Paul and Barnabas set a great and outstanding example for those who lead congregations today, especially in crucial aspects such as humility, cooperation, and focus on the Divine mission.

Some examples are the change of Leadership, without envy from acts chapter 13 verse 13 the expression Paul and his companions indicates that Paul rose to a more prominent Leadership role than Barnabas. However, Barnabas, far from showing envy, continued to work harmoniously with Paul, in other words he worked as a team for the will of God.

Paul and Barnabas continued to work closely together to fulfill God's will. Barnabas' humility, service, and right attitude helped him accept Paul's leadership without seeking prominence. 

10. What was the journey like between Perga and Antioch of Pisidia?

The journey between Perga and Pisidian Antioch was especially challenging for several reasons. The city of Pisidia Antioch was about 1,100 meters or 3,600 feet above sea level, which meant that Paul and Barnabas had to traverse mountainous terrain. Furthermore, the mountainous region through which they had to pass was known for the presence of assailants. 


Traveling through these areas represented a constant risk of being attacked and robbed, it is likely that Paul already suffered health problems during this journey, later in Galatians chapter 4 verses 13 and 14 Paul mentions various physical afflictions that he suffered, even so Paul and Barnabas continued their journey. journey.

The route between Perga and Antioch of Pisidia was not easy and was full of obstacles. Upon arriving in Perga, John Mark decided to abandon Paul and Barnabas and return to Jerusalem, leaving the two apostles to continue on their way alone. They headed on foot towards Antioch Pisidia, located in the province of Galatia, a mountainous and dangerous region due to the presence of bandits. The city was located at a considerable altitude of 1,100 meters above sea level, which involved an arduous climb.

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